예제 #1
        public void Setup()
            mockedInputSource = new Mock<CTLInputSource>();
            mockedDomain = new Mock<CTLDomain>();
            ctlModel = new CTLModel(mockedInputSource.Object, mockedDomain.Object);

            // Setup event-related data
            startedEvent = new InputElement("1", "TEST", InputElement.Type.Event, InputElement.Action.Started);
            generatedEvent = new CTLEvent("1", "TEST", 0, 0);
            mockedDomain.Setup(domain => domain.generateEvent(startedEvent)).Returns(generatedEvent);
            stoppedEvent = new InputElement("1", "TEST", InputElement.Type.Event, InputElement.Action.Stopped);

            // Setup task-related data
            startedTask = new InputElement("2", "TEST", InputElement.Type.Task, InputElement.Action.Started);
            startedTask.secondaryIndentifier = "1";
            generatedTask = new CTLTask("2", "TEST");
            mockedDomain.Setup(domain => domain.generateTask(startedTask)).Returns(generatedTask);
            stoppedTask = new InputElement("2", "TEST", InputElement.Type.Task, InputElement.Action.Stopped);

            // Setup validTasks with which to calculate multitask elements
            validTask1 = new CTLTask("2", "ARI_IN");
            validTask2 = new CTLTask("3", "COMMUNICATIE");

            usedDomains = new List<int>(new int[] { (int)InformationDomain.InformationDomainUnknown });
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates a CTLTask instance from a InputElement instance
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inputElement">The InputElement to generate from</param>
        /// <returns>The generated CTLTask</returns>
        public override CTLTask generateTask(InputElement inputElement)
            CTLTask ctlTask = null;

            List<Tuple<string, string, List<int>>> availableTaskData = PRLDomain.availableTaskData();

            foreach (Tuple<string, string, List<int>> taskData in availableTaskData)
                if (taskData.Item1.Equals(inputElement.name))
                    ctlTask = new CTLTask(inputElement.identifier, inputElement.name);
                    ctlTask.description = taskData.Item2;
                    ctlTask.informationDomains = taskData.Item3;

            return ctlTask;
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the MO-value of a multitaks to be the sum of the MO-values of the original tasks when this sum is greater than 1.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="task1">The first task that overlaps</param>
        /// <param name="task2">The task that overlaps with task1</param>
        /// <returns>A double representing the MO value of the new multitask</returns>
        public static double multitaskMO(CTLTask task1, CTLTask task2)
            double returnMO = 0.0;

            if (task1 != null && task2 != null)
                returnMO = Math.Min(task1.moValue + task2.moValue, 1);

            return returnMO;
예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the Lip-value of a multitask: the largest of the two lip-values of the original tasks
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="task1">The first task that overlaps</param>
        /// <param name="task2">The task that overlaps with task1</param>
        /// <returns>The Lip value for a new task</returns>
        public static int multitaskLip(CTLTask task1, CTLTask task2)
            int returnLip = 0;

            if (task1 != null && task2 != null)
                returnLip = Math.Max(task1.lipValue, task2.lipValue);

            return returnLip;
예제 #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Sets the array of domains of the new tasks to be the combined domains of both task1 and task2
 /// Domains that occur in both tasks are only added once.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="task1">The first task that overlaps</param>
 /// <param name="task2">The task that overlaps with task1</param>
 /// <returns>An array of informationDomains</returns>
 public static List<int> multitaskDomain(CTLTask task1, CTLTask task2)
     List<int> newDomain = null;
     if (task1 != null && task2 != null)
         if (task1.informationDomains != null && task2.informationDomains != null)
             newDomain = task1.informationDomains;
             List<int> tempDomain = task2.informationDomains;
             for (int i = 0; i <= tempDomain.Count - 1; i++)
                 if (!newDomain.Contains(tempDomain[i]))
     return newDomain;
예제 #6
        public void Setup()
            // Setup validTasks with which to calculate multitask elements
            validTask1 = new CTLTask("2", "ARI_IN");
            validTask2 = new CTLTask("3", "COMMUNICATIE");

            usedDomains = new List<int>(new int[] { (int)InformationDomain.InformationDomainUnknown });
예제 #7
        public void multitaskMO_Null()
            validTask1 = null;

            Assert.AreEqual(0.0, CTLMath.multitaskMO(validTask1, validTask2));
            Assert.AreEqual(0.0, CTLMath.multitaskMO(validTask1, null));
예제 #8
        public void multitaskDomain_DifferentDomains()
            // The tasks have no domains in common, both domains are in usedDomains
            validTask1.informationDomains = new List<int>(new int[] { (int)InformationDomain.InformationDomainUnknown });
            validTask2.informationDomains = new List<int>(new int[] { (int)InformationDomain.InformationDomainExternalContact });

            Assert.AreEqual(CTLMath.multitaskDomain(validTask1, validTask2), usedDomains);

            // The tasks have 1 domain in common, all 3 domains are in usedDomains
            CTLTask validTask3 = new CTLTask("4", "ARI_UIT");
            validTask3.informationDomains = new List<int>(new int[] { (int)InformationDomain.InformationDomainUsingInterface, (int)InformationDomain.InformationDomainExternalContact });

            Assert.AreEqual(usedDomains, CTLMath.multitaskDomain(validTask1, validTask3));
예제 #9
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a multitask from two tasks. The CTL-values for the multitask will be
 /// calculated and set, however the start- and endtime will not.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="task1">the first task</param>
 /// <param name="task2">the second task</param>
 /// <returns>the multitask</returns>
 private static CTLTask createMultitask(CTLTask task1, CTLTask task2)
     // Create a new CTLTask
     CTLTask multiTask = new CTLTask("m"+multiTaskCounter+"("+task1.identifier+"+"+task2.identifier+")", task1.name + task2.name);
     // Set its values
     if (task1 != null && task2 != null)
         multiTask.moValue = CTLMath.multitaskMO(task1, task2);
         multiTask.lipValue = CTLMath.multitaskLip(task1, task2);
         multiTask.informationDomains = CTLMath.multitaskDomain(task1, task2);
     return multiTask;
예제 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a clone of the task.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The clone object</returns>
        public Object Clone()
            // NOTE: Structs are always copied on assignment

            CTLTask clone = new CTLTask(identifier, name);

            clone.description = this.description;
            clone.ctlEvent = this.ctlEvent;

            clone.startTime = this.startTime;
            clone.inProgress = this.inProgress;
            clone.endTime = this.endTime;

            clone.moValue = this.moValue;
            clone.lipValue = this.lipValue;
            clone.informationDomains = this.informationDomains;

            return clone;