public void Teardown() { if( _mouseIndicatorWindow != null ) { _mouseIndicatorWindow.Close(); _editorWindow.Close(); } if( _wpfStandardClickTypeWindow != null ) { if( _wpfStandardClickTypeWindow.IsVisible ) _wpfStandardClickTypeWindow.Close(); } _selector = null; _editorWindow = null; _mouseIndicatorWindow = null; _wpfStandardClickTypeWindow = null; }
public void Start() { if( HelpService.Status == InternalRunningStatus.Started ) HelpService.Service.RegisterHelpContent( PluginId, typeof( AutoClick ).Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream( "" ) ); _isPaused = true; _selector = new StdClickTypeSelector( this ); _wpfStandardClickTypeWindow = new WPFStdClickTypeWindow() { DataContext = this }; int defaultHeight = (int)( System.Windows.SystemParameters.WorkArea.Width ) / 4; int defaultWidth = defaultHeight / 4; if( !Config.User.Contains( "AutoClickWindowPlacement" ) ) { SetDefaultWindowPosition( defaultWidth, defaultHeight ); } else { _wpfStandardClickTypeWindow.Width = _wpfStandardClickTypeWindow.Height = 0; } _mouseIndicatorWindow = new MouseProgressPieWindow { DataContext = this }; _editorWindow = new AutoClickEditorWindow { DataContext = this }; Config.ConfigChanged += new EventHandler<ConfigChangedEventArgs>( OnConfigChanged ); ConfigureMouseWatcher(); RegisterEvents(); Config.User.GetOrSet<bool>( "ShowMouseIndicatorOption", true ); _mouseIndicatorWindow.Show(); _wpfStandardClickTypeWindow.Show(); //Executed only at first launch, has to be done once the window is shown, otherwise, it will save a "hidden" state for the window if( !Config.User.Contains( "AutoClickWindowPlacement" ) ) Config.User.Set( "AutoClickWindowPlacement", CKWindowTools.GetPlacement( _wpfStandardClickTypeWindow.Hwnd ) ); CKWindowTools.SetPlacement( _wpfStandardClickTypeWindow.Hwnd, (WINDOWPLACEMENT)Config.User["AutoClickWindowPlacement"] ); //Re-positions the window in the screen if it is not in it. Which may happen if the autoclick is saved as being on a secondary screen. if( !ScreenHelper.IsInScreen( new System.Drawing.Point( (int)_wpfStandardClickTypeWindow.Left, (int)_wpfStandardClickTypeWindow.Top ) ) && !ScreenHelper.IsInScreen( new System.Drawing.Point( (int)( _wpfStandardClickTypeWindow.Left + _wpfStandardClickTypeWindow.ActualWidth ), (int)_wpfStandardClickTypeWindow.Top ) ) ) { SetDefaultWindowPosition( defaultWidth, defaultHeight ); } Pause( this ); }