예제 #1
        public void ReloadPreviousContext()
            INamedVersionedUniqueId pluginId = new SimpleNamedVersionedUniqueId( Guid.NewGuid(), Util.EmptyVersion, "JustForTest" );

            // Creates typical user configuration.
                var host = new TestContextHost( "ReloadPreviousContext" );
                File.Delete( host.SystemConfigAddress.LocalPath );
                File.Delete( host.DefaultUserConfigAddress.LocalPath );
                var ctx = host.CreateContext();

                Assert.That( ctx.ConfigManager.SystemConfiguration != null );
                Assert.That( ctx.ConfigManager.UserConfiguration != null, "Accessing it, creates it." );
                Assert.That( ctx.ConfigManager.SystemConfiguration.UserProfiles.Current, Is.Not.Null, "It becomes the current one." );

                Assert.That( !ctx.ConfigManager.Extended.Container.Contains( pluginId ), "The plugin is not known yet." );
                ctx.ConfigManager.Extended.Container[ctx, pluginId, "testKey"] = "testValue";
                Assert.That( ctx.ConfigManager.Extended.Container.Contains( pluginId ), "Setting a value ensures that the plugin is registered." );

                host.SaveContext( GetTestFileUri( "Context" ) );

                TestBase.DumpFileToConsole( GetTestFileUri( "Context" ).LocalPath );

            // Loads existing configuration.
                var host = new TestContextHost( "ReloadPreviousContext" );
                var ctx = host.CreateContext();
                ctx.ConfigManager.Extended.Container.Ensure( pluginId );

                Assert.That( ctx.ConfigManager.Extended.Container[ctx, pluginId, "testKey"], Is.EqualTo( "testValue" ) );
예제 #2
 private static void CheckAllDataLoaded( object rootObject, ITestObject complexObject, SimpleNamedVersionedUniqueId p1, SimpleNamedVersionedUniqueId p2, SharedDictionaryImpl dic )
     ITestObject obj = (ITestObject)dic[rootObject, p1, "complexObject"];
     Assert.That( obj != null );
     Assert.That( obj.Value == complexObject.Value );
     string value = (string)dic[obj, p2, "subKey"];
     Assert.That( value == "subValue" );
예제 #3
        void TryReloadNestedSkippedFragments( ITestObject complexObject )
            object rootObject = new object();

            SimpleNamedVersionedUniqueId p1 = new SimpleNamedVersionedUniqueId( Guid.NewGuid(), new Version( 1, 0, 0 ), "plugin1" );
            SimpleNamedVersionedUniqueId p2 = new SimpleNamedVersionedUniqueId( Guid.NewGuid(), new Version( 1, 0, 0 ), "plugin2" );

            string path = TestBase.GetTestFilePath( "SharedDic", "NestedSkippedFragments" );

            // Write !
                SharedDictionaryImpl dic = new SharedDictionaryImpl( SharedDicTestContext.ServiceProvider );
                dic[rootObject, p1, "complexObject"] = complexObject;
                dic[complexObject, p2, "subKey"] = "subValue";

                SharedDicTestContext.Write( "Test", path, dic, rootObject );

                TestBase.DumpFileToConsole( path );
            // Read nothing then p1 and p2
                IList<ReadElementObjectInfo> errors = new List<ReadElementObjectInfo>();
                SharedDictionaryImpl dic = (SharedDictionaryImpl)SharedDicTestContext.Read( "Test", path, rootObject, out errors );

                dic.Ensure( p1 );
                dic.Ensure( p2 );

                CheckAllDataLoaded( rootObject, complexObject, p1, p2, dic );
            // Read nothing then p2 and p1
                IList<ReadElementObjectInfo> errors = new List<ReadElementObjectInfo>();
                SharedDictionaryImpl dic = (SharedDictionaryImpl)SharedDicTestContext.Read( "Test", path, rootObject, out errors );

                dic.Ensure( p2 );
                dic.Ensure( p1 );

                CheckAllDataLoaded( rootObject, complexObject, p1, p2, dic );
            // Ensure p1 then read p2
                IList<ReadElementObjectInfo> errors = new List<ReadElementObjectInfo>();
                SharedDictionaryImpl dic = (SharedDictionaryImpl)SharedDicTestContext.Read( "Test", path, rootObject, d => d.Ensure( p1 ), out errors );

                dic.Ensure( p2 );

                CheckAllDataLoaded( rootObject, complexObject, p1, p2, dic );
            // Ensure p2 then read p1
                IList<ReadElementObjectInfo> errors = new List<ReadElementObjectInfo>();
                SharedDictionaryImpl dic = (SharedDictionaryImpl)SharedDicTestContext.Read( "Test", path, rootObject, d => d.Ensure( p2 ), out errors );

                dic.Ensure( p1 );

                CheckAllDataLoaded( rootObject, complexObject, p1, p2, dic );
            // Ensure p1 and p2 then read nothing
                IList<ReadElementObjectInfo> errors = new List<ReadElementObjectInfo>();
                SharedDictionaryImpl dic = (SharedDictionaryImpl)SharedDicTestContext.Read( "Test", path, rootObject, d => { d.Ensure( p1 ); d.Ensure( p2 ); }, out errors );

                CheckAllDataLoaded( rootObject, complexObject, p1, p2, dic );
            // Ensure p2 and p1 then read nothing
                IList<ReadElementObjectInfo> errors = new List<ReadElementObjectInfo>();
                SharedDictionaryImpl dic = (SharedDictionaryImpl)SharedDicTestContext.Read( "Test", path, rootObject, d => { d.Ensure( p2 ); d.Ensure( p1 ); }, out errors );

                CheckAllDataLoaded( rootObject, complexObject, p1, p2, dic );