private static LazyDatabaseConnection CreateConnection( ProviderConfigElement provider) { LazyDatabaseConnection conn = null; try { ConstructorInfo connCtor = Type.GetType( provider.ConnectionType).GetConstructor( new Type[] { typeof(string) }); ConstructorInfo adapCtor = Type.GetType( provider.AdapterType ).GetConstructor( new Type[] { } ); conn = new LazyDatabaseConnection( (IDbConnection)connCtor.Invoke( new object[] { provider.ConnectionString } ), (IDbDataAdapter)adapCtor.Invoke( null), provider.CloseDelay, provider.IsDistributed); } catch( Exception ex) { throw new DataAccessConnectionException( "Error attempting to create an object of type " + provider.ConnectionString, ex ); } return conn; }
public int IndexOf( ProviderConfigElement element) { return BaseIndexOf( element); }
public void Remove( ProviderConfigElement element) { if( BaseIndexOf( element) >= 0) BaseRemove( element.Name); }
public void Add( ProviderConfigElement element) { BaseAdd( element); }