public void xmethod_1631(StreamingContext arg_0) { if (this.prop_3 != null && !this.field_1.Any(new Func <Class_277, bool>(this.gmethod_1633))) { this.field_1.Add(new Class_277(base.prop_3, this.prop_3)); } this.prop_4 = this.prop_11.ToDateTime(); if (base.prop_2 == Class_235.File || base.prop_2 == Class_235.Directory) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.prop_13)) { this.prop_10 = true; return; } string text = this.prop_13.Split(new char[] { '/' })[0]; int num = text.IndexOf(":", StringComparison.Ordinal); byte[] byteDizi_ = text.Substring(num + 1).FromBase64(); if (this.field_1 != null) { Class_241.NClass_0 nclass_ = new Class_241.NClass_0(); nclass_.field_4 = text.Substring(0, num); Class_277 class_ = this.field_1.FirstOrDefault(new Func <Class_277, bool>(nclass_.nmethod_1)); if (class_ != null) { this.field_0 = Class_223.pmethod_1469(class_.prop_1.FromBase64(), this.field_0); if (base.prop_2 == Class_235.Directory) { this.prop_7 = this.field_0; } else { this.prop_7 = Class_223.pmethod_1469(byteDizi_, this.field_0); } } } this.prop_6 = Class_223.pmethod_1469(byteDizi_, this.field_0); if (base.prop_2 == Class_235.File) { byte[] byteDizi_2; byte[] byteDizi_3; byte[] byteDizi_4; Class_223.xmethod_1471(this.prop_6, out byteDizi_2, out byteDizi_3, out byteDizi_4); this.prop_8 = byteDizi_2; this.prop_9 = byteDizi_3; this.prop_5 = byteDizi_4; } else { this.prop_5 = this.prop_6; } base.prop_6 = Class_223.lmethod_1478(this.prop_12.FromBase64(), this.prop_5); } }
// Token: 0x060008FA RID: 2298 RVA: 0x0003B2D8 File Offset: 0x000394D8 private void vmethod_1585(Uri arg_0, out string arg_1, out byte[] arg_2, out byte[] arg_3, out byte[] arg_4) { byte[] array; bool flag; if (!this.dmethod_1586(arg_0, out arg_1, out array, out flag) && !this.kmethod_1587(arg_0, out arg_1, out array, out flag)) { throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Invalid uri. Unable to extract Id and Key from the uri {0}", arg_0)); } if (flag) { arg_2 = null; arg_3 = null; arg_4 = array; return; } Class_223.xmethod_1471(array, out arg_2, out arg_3, out arg_4); }