public BasePageList<CarRewardViewModel> CarRewardPageList(CarRewardQueryModel query) { return _carervice.CarRewardPageList(query); }
public BasePageList<CarInfoListViewModel> GetCarRewardPageList(CarRewardQueryModel query) { return _carervice.GetCarRewardPageList(query); }
/// <summary> /// 车辆悬赏列表 /// </summary> /// <param name="query"></param> /// <returns></returns> public BasePageList<CarRewardViewModel> CarRewardPageList(CarRewardQueryModel query) { const string spName = "sp_common_pager"; const string tableName = @"car_reward as a left join base_carbrand as b on b.innerid = a.brand_id left join base_carseries as c on c.innerid = a.series_id left join base_carmodel as d on d.innerid = a.model_id left join base_province as e on e.innerid = a.provid left join base_city as f on f.innerid = a.cityid left join base_code as bc on a.colorid=bc.codevalue and bc.typekey='car_color'"; const string fields = "a.*,b.brandname,b.logurl,c.seriesname,d.modelname,e.provname,f.cityname,bc.codename as color "; var orderField = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(query.Order) ? "a.createdtime desc" : query.Order; var sqlWhere = new StringBuilder(" 1=1 "); //品牌 if (query.brand_id.HasValue) { sqlWhere.Append($" and a.brand_id={query.brand_id}"); } //车系 if (query.series_id.HasValue) { sqlWhere.Append($" and a.series_id={query.series_id}"); } //车型 if (query.model_id.HasValue) { sqlWhere.Append($" and a.model_id={query.model_id}"); } //省份 if (query.provid.HasValue) { sqlWhere.Append($" or a.provid={query.provid}"); } //城市 if (query.cityid.HasValue) { sqlWhere.Append($" or a.cityid={query.cityid}"); } //价格 if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(query.price)) { sqlWhere.Append($" and a.price='{query.price}' "); } //里程 if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(query.mileage)) { sqlWhere.Append($" and a.mileage ='{query.mileage}' )"); } //车龄 if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(query.coty)) { sqlWhere.Append($" or ( a.coty<='{query.coty}'"); } var model = new PagingModel(spName, tableName, fields, orderField, sqlWhere.ToString(), query.PageSize, query.PageIndex); var list = Helper.ExecutePaging<CarRewardViewModel>(model, query.Echo); return list; }