예제 #1
        // Calculate the tracker slope, azimuth and incidence angle using
        public void Calculate(double SunZenith, double SunAzimuth, int Year, int DayOfYear)
            switch (itsTrackMode)
            case TrackMode.SAXT:
                // Surface stays parallel to the ground.
                if (itsTrackerSlope == 0.0)
                    // For east-west tracking, the absolute value of the sun-azimuth is checked against the tracker azimuth
                    // This is from Duffie and Beckman Page 22.
                    if (itsTrackerAzimuth == Math.PI / 2 || itsTrackerAzimuth == -Math.PI / 2)
                        // If the user inputs a minimum tilt less than 0, the tracker is able to face the non-dominant direction, so the surface azimuth will change based on the sun azimuth.
                        // However, if the minimum tilt is greater than zero, the tracker can only face the dominant direction.
                        if (itsMinTilt <= 0)
                            // Math.Abs is used so that the surface azimuth is set to 0 degrees if the sun azimuth is between -90 and 90, and set to 180 degrees if the sun azimuth is between -180 and -90 or between 90 and 180
                            if (Math.Abs(SunAzimuth) >= Math.Abs(itsTrackerAzimuth))
                                SurfAzimuth = Math.PI;
                                SurfAzimuth = 0;
                            SurfAzimuth = itsTrackerAzimuth - Math.PI / 2;
                    else if (itsTrackerAzimuth == 0)
                        // For north-south tracking, the sign of the sun-azimuth is checked against the tracker azimuth
                        // This is from Duffie and Beckman Page 22.
                        if (SunAzimuth >= itsTrackerAzimuth)
                            SurfAzimuth = Math.PI / 2;
                            SurfAzimuth = -Math.PI / 2;

                    // Surface slope calculated from eq. 31 of reference guide
                    SurfSlope = Math.Atan2(Math.Sin(SunZenith) * Math.Cos(SurfAzimuth - SunAzimuth), Math.Cos(SunZenith));

                    // If the shadow is greater than the Pitch and backtracking is selected
                    if (useBackTracking)
                        if (itsTrackerBW / (Math.Cos(SurfSlope)) > itsTrackerPitch)
                            // NB: From Lorenzo, Narvarte, and Munoz
                            AngleCorrection = Math.Acos((itsTrackerPitch * (Math.Cos(SurfSlope))) / itsTrackerBW);
                            SurfSlope       = SurfSlope - AngleCorrection;

                    // Adjusting limits for elevation tracking, so if positive min tilt, the tracker operates within limits properly
                    if (itsTrackerAzimuth == Math.PI / 2 || itsTrackerAzimuth == -Math.PI / 2)
                        if (itsMinTilt <= 0)
                            if (Math.Abs(SunAzimuth) <= itsTrackerAzimuth)
                                SurfSlope = Math.Min(itsMaxTilt, SurfSlope);
                            else if (Math.Abs(SunAzimuth) > itsTrackerAzimuth)
                                SurfSlope = Math.Min(Math.Abs(itsMinTilt), SurfSlope);

                        else if (itsMinTilt > 0)
                            SurfSlope = Math.Min(SurfSlope, itsMaxTilt);
                            SurfSlope = Math.Max(SurfSlope, itsMinTilt);

                    else if (itsTrackerAzimuth == 0)
                        SurfSlope = Math.Min(itsMaxTilt, SurfSlope);
                    // Tilt and Roll
                    double aux = Tilt.GetCosIncidenceAngle(SunZenith, SunAzimuth, itsTrackerSlope, itsTrackerAzimuth);
                    // Equation (7) from Marion and Dobos
                    RotAngle = Math.Atan2((Math.Sin(SunZenith) * Math.Sin(SunAzimuth - itsTrackerAzimuth)), aux);

                    //NB: enforcing rotation limits on tracker
                    RotAngle = Math.Min(itsMaxRotationAngle, RotAngle);
                    RotAngle = Math.Max(itsMinRotationAngle, RotAngle);

                    // Slope from equation (1) in Marion and Dobos
                    SurfSlope = Math.Acos(Math.Cos(RotAngle) * Math.Cos(itsTrackerSlope));

                    // Surface Azimuth from NREL paper
                    if (SurfSlope != 0)
                        // Equation (3) in Marion and Dobos
                        if ((-Math.PI <= RotAngle) && (RotAngle < -Math.PI / 2))
                            SurfAzimuth = itsTrackerAzimuth - Math.Asin(Math.Sin(RotAngle) / Math.Sin(SurfSlope)) - Math.PI;
                        // Equation (4) in Marion and Dobos
                        else if ((Math.PI / 2 < RotAngle) && (RotAngle <= Math.PI))
                            SurfAzimuth = itsTrackerAzimuth - Math.Asin(Math.Sin(RotAngle) / Math.Sin(SurfSlope)) + Math.PI;
                        // Equation (2) in Marion and Dobos
                            SurfAzimuth = itsTrackerAzimuth + Math.Asin(Math.Sin(RotAngle) / Math.Sin(SurfSlope));
                    //NB: 360 degree correction to put Surface Azimuth into the correct quadrant, see Note 1
                    if (SurfAzimuth > Math.PI)
                        SurfAzimuth -= (Math.PI) * 2;
                    else if (SurfAzimuth < -Math.PI)
                        SurfAzimuth += (Math.PI) * 2;

            // Two Axis Tracking
            case TrackMode.TAXT:
                // Defining the surface slope
                SurfSlope = SunZenith;
                SurfSlope = Math.Max(itsMinTilt, SurfSlope);
                SurfSlope = Math.Min(itsMaxTilt, SurfSlope);

                // Defining the surface azimuth
                SurfAzimuth = SunAzimuth;

                // Changes the reference frame to be with respect to the reference azimuth
                if (SurfAzimuth >= 0)
                    SurfAzimuth -= itsAzimuthRef;
                    SurfAzimuth += itsAzimuthRef;

                // Enforcing the rotation limits with respect to the reference azimuth
                SurfAzimuth = Math.Max(itsMinAzimuth, SurfAzimuth);
                SurfAzimuth = Math.Min(itsMaxAzimuth, SurfAzimuth);

                // Moving the surface azimuth back into the azimuth variable convention
                if (SurfAzimuth >= 0)
                    SurfAzimuth -= itsAzimuthRef;

                    SurfAzimuth += itsAzimuthRef;

            // Azimuth Vertical Axis Tracking
            case TrackMode.AVAT:
                // Slope is constant.
                // Defining the surface azimuth
                SurfAzimuth = SunAzimuth;

                // Changes the reference frame to be with respect to the reference azimuth
                if (SurfAzimuth >= 0)
                    SurfAzimuth -= itsAzimuthRef;
                    SurfAzimuth += itsAzimuthRef;

                // Enforcing the rotation limits with respect to the reference azimuth
                SurfAzimuth = Math.Max(itsMinAzimuth, SurfAzimuth);
                SurfAzimuth = Math.Min(itsMaxAzimuth, SurfAzimuth);

                // Moving the surface azimuth back into the azimuth variable convention
                if (SurfAzimuth >= 0)
                    SurfAzimuth -= itsAzimuthRef;

                    SurfAzimuth += itsAzimuthRef;


            // Fixed Tilt with Seasonal Adjustment
            // determining if the current timestamp is in the summer or winter season and setting SurfSlope accordingly
            case TrackMode.FTSA:
                // SummerDate and WinterDate must be recalculated if year changes due to possible leap year
                if (previousYear != Year)
                    SummerDate = new DateTime(Year, itsSummerMonth, itsSummerDay);
                    WinterDate = new DateTime(Year, itsWinterMonth, itsWinterDay);
                previousYear = Year;

                // Winter date is before summer date in calender year
                if (SummerDate.DayOfYear - WinterDate.DayOfYear > 0)
                    if (DayOfYear >= WinterDate.DayOfYear && DayOfYear < SummerDate.DayOfYear)
                        SurfSlope = itsPlaneTiltWinter;
                        SurfSlope = itsPlaneTiltSummer;
                // Summer date is before winter date in calender year
                    if (DayOfYear >= SummerDate.DayOfYear && DayOfYear < WinterDate.DayOfYear)
                        SurfSlope = itsPlaneTiltSummer;
                        SurfSlope = itsPlaneTiltWinter;

            case TrackMode.NOAT:

            // Throw error to user if there is an issue with the tracker.
                ErrorLogger.Log("Tracking Parameters were incorrectly defined. Please check your input file.", ErrLevel.FATAL);

            IncidenceAngle = Tilt.GetIncidenceAngle(SunZenith, SunAzimuth, SurfSlope, SurfAzimuth);
예제 #2
        // Gathering the tracker mode, and relevant operational limits, and tracking axis characteristics.
        public void Config()
            switch (ReadFarmSettings.GetAttribute("O&S", "ArrayType", ErrLevel.FATAL))
            case "Fixed Tilted Plane":
                itsTrackMode = TrackMode.NOAT;
                if (String.Compare(ReadFarmSettings.CASSYSCSYXVersion, "0.9.3") >= 0)
                    SurfSlope   = Util.DTOR * Convert.ToDouble(ReadFarmSettings.GetInnerText("O&S", "PlaneTiltFix", ErrLevel.FATAL));
                    SurfAzimuth = Util.DTOR * Convert.ToDouble(ReadFarmSettings.GetInnerText("O&S", "AzimuthFix", ErrLevel.FATAL));
                    SurfSlope   = Util.DTOR * Convert.ToDouble(ReadFarmSettings.GetInnerText("O&S", "PlaneTilt", ErrLevel.FATAL));
                    SurfAzimuth = Util.DTOR * Convert.ToDouble(ReadFarmSettings.GetInnerText("O&S", "Azimuth", ErrLevel.FATAL));

            case "Fixed Tilted Plane Seasonal Adjustment":
                itsTrackMode       = TrackMode.FTSA;
                SurfAzimuth        = Util.DTOR * Convert.ToDouble(ReadFarmSettings.GetInnerText("O&S", "AzimuthSeasonal", ErrLevel.FATAL));
                itsSummerMonth     = DateTime.ParseExact(ReadFarmSettings.GetInnerText("O&S", "SummerMonth", _Error: ErrLevel.FATAL), "MMM", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture).Month;
                itsWinterMonth     = DateTime.ParseExact(ReadFarmSettings.GetInnerText("O&S", "WinterMonth", _Error: ErrLevel.FATAL), "MMM", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture).Month;
                itsSummerDay       = int.Parse(ReadFarmSettings.GetInnerText("O&S", "SummerDay", _Error: ErrLevel.FATAL));
                itsWinterDay       = int.Parse(ReadFarmSettings.GetInnerText("O&S", "WinterDay", _Error: ErrLevel.FATAL));
                itsPlaneTiltSummer = Util.DTOR * double.Parse(ReadFarmSettings.GetInnerText("O&S", "PlaneTiltSummer", _Error: ErrLevel.FATAL));
                itsPlaneTiltWinter = Util.DTOR * double.Parse(ReadFarmSettings.GetInnerText("O&S", "PlaneTiltWinter", _Error: ErrLevel.FATAL));

                // Assume the simualtion will begin when the array is in the summer tilt
                SurfSlope = itsPlaneTiltSummer;


            case "Unlimited Rows":
                itsTrackMode = TrackMode.NOAT;
                // Defining all the parameters for the shading of a unlimited row array configuration
                SurfSlope   = Util.DTOR * Convert.ToDouble(ReadFarmSettings.GetInnerText("O&S", "PlaneTilt", ErrLevel.FATAL));
                SurfAzimuth = Util.DTOR * Convert.ToDouble(ReadFarmSettings.GetInnerText("O&S", "Azimuth", ErrLevel.FATAL));

            case "Single Axis Elevation Tracking (E-W)":
                // Tracker Parameters
                itsTrackMode      = TrackMode.SAXT;
                itsTrackerAzimuth = Util.DTOR * Convert.ToDouble(ReadFarmSettings.GetInnerText("O&S", "AxisAzimuthSAET", ErrLevel.FATAL));
                itsTrackerSlope   = Util.DTOR * Convert.ToDouble(ReadFarmSettings.GetInnerText("O&S", "AxisTiltSAET", ErrLevel.FATAL));

                // Operational Limits
                itsMinTilt = Util.DTOR * Convert.ToDouble(ReadFarmSettings.GetInnerText("O&S", "MinTiltSAET", ErrLevel.FATAL));
                itsMaxTilt = Util.DTOR * Convert.ToDouble(ReadFarmSettings.GetInnerText("O&S", "MaxTiltSAET", ErrLevel.FATAL));

                // Backtracking Options
                useBackTracking = Convert.ToBoolean(ReadFarmSettings.GetInnerText("O&S", "BacktrackOptSAET", ErrLevel.WARNING, _default: "false"));
                if (useBackTracking)
                    itsTrackerPitch = Convert.ToDouble(ReadFarmSettings.GetInnerText("O&S", "PitchSAET", ErrLevel.FATAL));
                    itsTrackerBW    = Convert.ToDouble(ReadFarmSettings.GetInnerText("O&S", "WActiveSAET", ErrLevel.FATAL));

            case "Single Axis Horizontal Tracking (N-S)":
                // Tracker Parameters
                itsTrackMode      = TrackMode.SAXT;
                itsTrackerSlope   = Util.DTOR * Convert.ToDouble(ReadFarmSettings.GetInnerText("O&S", "AxisTiltSAST", ErrLevel.FATAL));
                itsTrackerAzimuth = Util.DTOR * Convert.ToDouble(ReadFarmSettings.GetInnerText("O&S", "AxisAzimuthSAST", ErrLevel.FATAL));

                // Operational Limits
                itsMaxTilt = Util.DTOR * Convert.ToDouble(ReadFarmSettings.GetInnerText("O&S", "RotationMaxSAST", ErrLevel.FATAL));

                // Backtracking Options
                useBackTracking = Convert.ToBoolean(ReadFarmSettings.GetInnerText("O&S", "BacktrackOptSAST", ErrLevel.WARNING, _default: "false"));
                if (useBackTracking)
                    itsTrackerPitch = Convert.ToDouble(ReadFarmSettings.GetInnerText("O&S", "PitchSAST", ErrLevel.FATAL));
                    itsTrackerBW    = Convert.ToDouble(ReadFarmSettings.GetInnerText("O&S", "WActiveSAST", ErrLevel.FATAL));

            case "Tilt and Roll Tracking":
                // Tracker Parameters
                itsTrackMode      = TrackMode.SAXT;
                itsTrackerSlope   = Util.DTOR * Convert.ToDouble(ReadFarmSettings.GetInnerText("O&S", "AxisTiltTART", ErrLevel.FATAL));
                itsTrackerAzimuth = Util.DTOR * Convert.ToDouble(ReadFarmSettings.GetInnerText("O&S", "AxisAzimuthTART", ErrLevel.FATAL));

                // Operational Limits
                itsMinRotationAngle = Util.DTOR * Convert.ToDouble(ReadFarmSettings.GetInnerText("O&S", "RotationMinTART", ErrLevel.FATAL));
                itsMaxRotationAngle = Util.DTOR * Convert.ToDouble(ReadFarmSettings.GetInnerText("O&S", "RotationMaxTART", ErrLevel.FATAL));


            case "Two Axis Tracking":
                itsTrackMode = TrackMode.TAXT;
                // Operational Limits
                itsMinTilt    = Util.DTOR * Convert.ToDouble(ReadFarmSettings.GetInnerText("O&S", "MinTiltTAXT", ErrLevel.FATAL));
                itsMaxTilt    = Util.DTOR * Convert.ToDouble(ReadFarmSettings.GetInnerText("O&S", "MaxTiltTAXT", ErrLevel.FATAL));
                itsAzimuthRef = Util.DTOR * Convert.ToDouble(ReadFarmSettings.GetInnerText("O&S", "AzimuthRefTAXT", ErrLevel.FATAL));
                itsMinAzimuth = Util.DTOR * Convert.ToDouble(ReadFarmSettings.GetInnerText("O&S", "MinAzimuthTAXT", ErrLevel.FATAL));
                itsMaxAzimuth = Util.DTOR * Convert.ToDouble(ReadFarmSettings.GetInnerText("O&S", "MaxAzimuthTAXT", ErrLevel.FATAL));

            case "Azimuth (Vertical Axis) Tracking":
                itsTrackMode = TrackMode.AVAT;
                // Surface Parameters
                SurfSlope = Util.DTOR * Convert.ToDouble(ReadFarmSettings.GetInnerText("O&S", "PlaneTiltAVAT", ErrLevel.FATAL));
                // Operational Limits
                itsAzimuthRef = Util.DTOR * Convert.ToDouble(ReadFarmSettings.GetInnerText("O&S", "AzimuthRefAVAT", ErrLevel.FATAL));
                itsMinAzimuth = Util.DTOR * Convert.ToDouble(ReadFarmSettings.GetInnerText("O&S", "MinAzimuthAVAT", ErrLevel.FATAL));
                itsMaxAzimuth = Util.DTOR * Convert.ToDouble(ReadFarmSettings.GetInnerText("O&S", "MaxAzimuthAVAT", ErrLevel.FATAL));

                ErrorLogger.Log("No orientation and shading was specified by the user.", ErrLevel.FATAL);
예제 #3
        // Divides the ground between two PV rows into n segments and determines direct beam shading (0 = not shaded, 1 = shaded) for each segment
        void CalcGroundShading
            double SunZenith                                    // The zenith position of the sun with 0 being normal to the earth [radians]
            , double SunAzimuth                                 // The azimuth position of the sun relative to 0 being true south. Positive if west, negative if east [radians]
            // When sun is below horizon, set everything to shaded
            if (SunZenith > (Math.PI / 2))
                for (int i = 0; i < numGroundSegs; i++)
                    frontGroundSH[i] = 1;
                    rearGroundSH[i]  = 1;
                double h = Math.Sin(itsPanelTilt);                  // Vertical height of sloped PV panel [panel slope lengths]
                double b = Math.Cos(itsPanelTilt);                  // Horizontal distance from front of panel to back of panel [panel slope lengths]

                double FrontPA = Tilt.GetProfileAngle(SunZenith, SunAzimuth, itsPanelAzimuth);

                double Lh  = h / Math.Tan(FrontPA);                  // Base of triangle formed by beam of sun and height of module top from bottom
                double Lc  = itsClearance / Math.Tan(FrontPA);       // Base of triangle formed by beam of sun and height of module bottom from ground
                double Lhc = (h + itsClearance) / Math.Tan(FrontPA); // Base of triangle formed by beam of sun and height of module top from ground

                double s1Start = 0;                                  // Shading start position for first potential shading segment
                double s1End   = 0;                                  // Shading end position for first potential shading segment
                double s2Start = 0;                                  // Shading start position for second potential shading segment
                double s2End   = 0;                                  // Shading end position for second potential shading segment
                double SStart  = 0;                                  // Shading start position for placeholder segment
                double SEnd    = 0;                                  // Shading start position for placeholder segment

                // Divide the row-to-row spacing into n intervals for calculating ground shade factors
                double delta = itsPitch / numGroundSegs;
                // Initialize horizontal dimension x to provide midpoint intervals
                double x = 0;

                if (itsRowType == RowType.SINGLE)
                    // Calculate front ground shading
                    // Front side of PV module completely sunny, ground partially shaded
                    if (Lh > 0.0)
                        s1Start = Lc;
                        s1End   = Lhc + b;
                    // Front side of PV module completely shaded, ground completely shaded
                    else if (Lh < -(itsPitch + b))
                        s1Start = -itsPitch;
                        s1End   = itsPitch;
                    // Shadow to front of row - either front or back might be shaded, depending on tilt and other factors
                        // Sun hits front of module. Shadow cast by bottom of module extends further forward than shadow cast by top
                        if (Lc < Lhc + b)
                            s1Start = Lc;
                            s1End   = Lhc + b;
                        // Sun hits back of module. Shadow cast by top of module extends further forward than shadow cast by bottom
                            s1Start = Lhc + b;
                            s1End   = Lc;

                    // Determine whether shaded or sunny for each n ground segments
                    // TODO: improve accuracy (especially for n < 100) by setting 1 only if > 50% of segment is shaded
                    for (int i = 0; i < numGroundSegs; i++)
                        // Offset x coordinate by -itsPitch because row ahead is being measured
                        x = (i + 0.5) * delta - itsPitch;
                        if (x >= s1Start && x < s1End)
                            // x within a shaded interval, so set to 1 to indicate shaded
                            frontGroundSH[i] = 1;
                            // x not within a shaded interval, so set to 0 to indicate sunny
                            frontGroundSH[i] = 0;

                    // Calculate rear ground shading
                    // Back side of PV module completely shaded, ground completely shaded
                    if (Lh > itsPitch - b)
                        s1Start = 0.0;
                        s1End   = itsPitch;
                    // Shadow to front of row - either front or back might be shaded, depending on tilt and other factors
                        // Sun hits front of module. Shadow cast by bottom of module extends further forward than shadow cast by top
                        if (Lc < Lhc + b)
                            s1Start = Lc;
                            s1End   = Lhc + b;
                        // Sun hits back of module. Shadow cast by top of module extends further forward than shadow cast by bottom
                            s1Start = Lhc + b;
                            s1End   = Lc;

                    // Determine whether shaded or sunny for each n ground segments
                    // TODO: improve accuracy (especially for n < 100) by setting 1 only if > 50% of segment is shaded
                    for (int i = 0; i < numGroundSegs; i++)
                        x = (i + 0.5) * delta;
                        if (x >= s1Start && x < s1End)
                            // x within a shaded interval, so set to 1 to indicate shaded
                            rearGroundSH[i] = 1;
                            // x not within a shaded interval, so set to 0 to indicate sunny
                            rearGroundSH[i] = 0;
                    // Calculate interior ground shading
                    // Front side of PV module partially shaded, back completely shaded, ground completely shaded
                    if (Lh > itsPitch - b)
                        s1Start = 0.0;
                        s1End   = itsPitch;
                    // Front side of PV module completely shaded, back partially shaded, ground completely shaded
                    else if (Lh < -(itsPitch + b))
                        s1Start = 0.0;
                        s1End   = itsPitch;
                    // Assume ground is partially shaded
                        // Shadow to back of row - module front unshaded, back shaded
                        if (Lhc >= 0.0)
                            SStart = Lc;
                            SEnd   = Lhc + b;
                            // Put shadow in correct row-to-row space if needed
                            while (SStart > itsPitch)
                                SStart -= itsPitch;
                                SEnd   -= itsPitch;
                            s1Start = SStart;
                            s1End   = SEnd;
                            // Need to use two shade areas. Transpose the area that extends beyond itsPitch to the front of the row-to-row space
                            if (s1End > itsPitch)
                                s1End   = itsPitch;
                                s2Start = 0.0;
                                s2End   = SEnd - itsPitch;
                                if (s2End - s1Start > 0.000001)
                                    ErrorLogger.Log("Unexpected shading coordinates encountered.", ErrLevel.FATAL);
                        // Shadow to front of row - either front or back might be shaded, depending on tilt and other factors
                            // Sun hits front of module. Shadow cast by bottom of module extends further forward than shadow cast by top
                            if (Lc < Lhc + b)
                                SStart = Lc;
                                SEnd   = Lhc + b;
                            // Sun hits back of module. Shadow cast by top of module extends further forward than shadow cast by bottom
                                SStart = Lhc + b;
                                SEnd   = Lc;
                            // Put shadow in correct row-to-row space if needed
                            while (SStart < 0.0)
                                SStart += itsPitch;
                                SEnd   += itsPitch;
                            s1Start = SStart;
                            s1End   = SEnd;
                            // Need to use two shade areas. Transpose the area that extends beyond itsPitch to the front of the row-to-row space
                            if (s1End > itsPitch)
                                s1End   = itsPitch;
                                s2Start = 0.0;
                                s2End   = SEnd - itsPitch;
                                if (s2End - s1Start > 0.000001)
                                    ErrorLogger.Log("Unexpected shading coordinates encountered.", ErrLevel.FATAL);

                    // Determine whether shaded or sunny for each n ground segments
                    // TODO: improve accuracy (especially for n < 100) by setting 1 only if > 50% of segment is shaded
                    for (int i = 0; i < numGroundSegs; i++)
                        x = (i + 0.5) * delta;

                        // Assume homogeneity to the front and rear of interior rows
                        if ((x >= s1Start && x < s1End) || (x >= s2Start && x < s2End))
                            // x within a shaded interval, so set to 1 to indicate shaded
                            frontGroundSH[i] = 1;
                            rearGroundSH[i]  = 1;
                            // x not within a shaded interval, so set to 0 to indicate sunny
                            frontGroundSH[i] = 0;
                            rearGroundSH[i]  = 0;
예제 #4
        // Config manages calculations and initializations that need only to be run once
        public void Config()
            bool useBifacial = Convert.ToBoolean(ReadFarmSettings.GetInnerText("Bifacial", "UseBifacialModel", ErrLevel.FATAL));

            if (useBifacial)
                // Number of segments into which to divide up the ground [#]
                numGroundSegs = Util.NUM_GROUND_SEGS;

                switch (ReadFarmSettings.GetAttribute("O&S", "ArrayType", ErrLevel.FATAL))
                // In all cases, pitch and clearance must be normalized to panel slope lengths
                case "Fixed Tilted Plane":
                    itsTrackMode = TrackMode.NOAT;
                    if (String.Compare(ReadFarmSettings.CASSYSCSYXVersion, "0.9.3") >= 0)
                        itsPanelTilt = Util.DTOR * Convert.ToDouble(ReadFarmSettings.GetInnerText("O&S", "PlaneTiltFix", ErrLevel.FATAL));
                        itsPanelTilt = Util.DTOR * Convert.ToDouble(ReadFarmSettings.GetInnerText("O&S", "PlaneTilt", ErrLevel.FATAL));
                    // itsPitch will be assigned in the below (numRows == 1) conditional
                    itsArrayBW   = Convert.ToDouble(ReadFarmSettings.GetInnerText("O&S", "CollBandWidthFix", ErrLevel.FATAL));
                    itsClearance = Convert.ToDouble(ReadFarmSettings.GetInnerText("Bifacial", "GroundClearance", ErrLevel.FATAL)) / itsArrayBW;
                    numRows      = 1;

                case "Unlimited Rows":
                    itsTrackMode = TrackMode.NOAT;
                    itsPanelTilt = Util.DTOR * Convert.ToDouble(ReadFarmSettings.GetInnerText("O&S", "PlaneTilt", ErrLevel.FATAL));
                    itsArrayBW   = Convert.ToDouble(ReadFarmSettings.GetInnerText("O&S", "CollBandWidth", ErrLevel.FATAL));
                    itsPitch     = Convert.ToDouble(ReadFarmSettings.GetInnerText("O&S", "Pitch", ErrLevel.FATAL)) / itsArrayBW;
                    itsClearance = Convert.ToDouble(ReadFarmSettings.GetInnerText("Bifacial", "GroundClearance", ErrLevel.FATAL)) / itsArrayBW;
                    numRows      = int.Parse(ReadFarmSettings.GetInnerText("O&S", "RowsBlock", ErrLevel.FATAL));

                case "Single Axis Elevation Tracking (E-W)":
                    itsTrackMode = TrackMode.SAXT;
                    itsArrayBW   = Convert.ToDouble(ReadFarmSettings.GetInnerText("O&S", "WActiveSAET", ErrLevel.FATAL));
                    itsPitch     = Convert.ToDouble(ReadFarmSettings.GetInnerText("O&S", "PitchSAET", ErrLevel.FATAL)) / itsArrayBW;
                    numRows      = int.Parse(ReadFarmSettings.GetInnerText("O&S", "RowsBlockSAET", ErrLevel.FATAL));

                case "Single Axis Horizontal Tracking (N-S)":
                    itsTrackMode = TrackMode.SAXT;
                    itsArrayBW   = Convert.ToDouble(ReadFarmSettings.GetInnerText("O&S", "WActiveSAST", ErrLevel.FATAL));
                    itsPitch     = Convert.ToDouble(ReadFarmSettings.GetInnerText("O&S", "PitchSAST", ErrLevel.FATAL)) / itsArrayBW;
                    numRows      = int.Parse(ReadFarmSettings.GetInnerText("O&S", "RowsBlockSAST", ErrLevel.FATAL));

                    ErrorLogger.Log("Bifacial is not supported for the selected orientation and shading.", ErrLevel.FATAL);

                transFactor = Convert.ToDouble(ReadFarmSettings.GetInnerText("Bifacial", "PanelTransFactor", ErrLevel.FATAL));

                if (numRows == 1)
                    // Pitch is needed for a single row because of ground patch calculations and geometry. Take value 100x greater than array bandwidth.
                    itsPitch   = 100;
                    itsRowType = RowType.SINGLE;
                    itsRowType = RowType.INTERIOR;

                // Initialize arrays
                frontGroundSH = new int[numGroundSegs];
                rearGroundSH  = new int[numGroundSegs];

                frontSkyViewFactors = new double[numGroundSegs];
                rearSkyViewFactors  = new double[numGroundSegs];

                frontGroundGHI = new double[numGroundSegs];
                rearGroundGHI  = new double[numGroundSegs];

                // Calculate sky view factors for diffuse shading. Stays constant for non-tracking systems, so done here in Config()
                if (itsTrackMode == TrackMode.NOAT)
예제 #5
        // Returns the value of the node, if the node exists
        public static String GetInnerText(String Path, String NodeName, ErrLevel _Error = ErrLevel.WARNING, String _VersionNum = "0.9", int _ArrayNum = 0, String _default = "0")
                if (String.Compare(EngineVersion, _VersionNum) >= 0)
                    // Determine the Path of the .CSYX requested
                    switch (Path)
                    case "Site":
                        Path = "/Site/" + NodeName;

                    case "SiteDef":
                        Path = (String.Compare(CASSYSCSYXVersion, "1.5.2") < 0 ? "/Site/" : "/Site/SiteDef/") + NodeName;

                    case "ASTM":
                        Path = "/Site/ASTMRegress/" + NodeName;

                    case "ASTM/Coeffs":
                        Path = "/Site/ASTMRegress/ASTMCoeffs/" + NodeName;

                    case "ASTM/EAF":
                        Path = "/Site/ASTMRegress/EAF/" + NodeName;

                    case "Albedo":
                        Path = (String.Compare(CASSYSCSYXVersion, "1.5.2") < 0 ? "/Site/Albedo/" : "/Site/SiteDef/Albedo/") + NodeName;

                    case "O&S":
                        Path = "/Site/Orientation_and_Shading/" + NodeName;

                    case "Bifacial":
                        Path = "/Site/Bifacial/" + NodeName;

                    case "BifAlbedo":
                        Path = "/Site/Bifacial/BifAlbedo/" + NodeName;

                    case "System":
                        Path = "/Site/System/" + NodeName;

                    case "PV":
                        Path = "/Site/System/" + "SubArray" + _ArrayNum + "/PVModule/" + NodeName;

                    case "Inverter":
                        Path = "/Site/System/" + "SubArray" + _ArrayNum + "/Inverter/" + NodeName;

                    case "Transformer":
                        Path = (String.Compare(CASSYSCSYXVersion, "1.5.2") < 0 ? "/Site/System/Transformer/" : "/Site/Transformer/") + NodeName;

                    case "Losses":
                        Path = (String.Compare(CASSYSCSYXVersion, "1.5.2") < 0 ? "/Site/System/Losses/" : "/Site/Losses/") + NodeName;

                    case "SoilingLosses":
                        Path = (String.Compare(CASSYSCSYXVersion, "1.5.2") < 0 ? "/Site/System/Losses/SoilingLosses/" : "/Site/SoilingLosses/") + NodeName;

                    case "Spectral":
                        Path = "/Site/Spectral/" + NodeName;

                    case "InputFile":
                        Path = "/Site/InputFileStyle/" + NodeName;

                    case "OutputFile":
                        Path = "/Site/OutputFileStyle/" + NodeName;

                    case "Iterations":
                        Path = "/Site/Iterations/" + NodeName;
                    // Check if the .CSYX Blank, if it is, return the default value
                    if (doc.SelectSingleNode(Path).InnerText == "")
                        if (_Error == ErrLevel.FATAL)
                            ErrorLogger.Log(NodeName + " is not defined. CASSYS requires this value to run.", ErrLevel.FATAL);
                        else if (_Error == ErrLevel.WARNING)
                            ErrorLogger.Log("Warning: " + NodeName + " is not defined for this file. CASSYS assigned " + _default + " for this value.", ErrLevel.WARNING);
                    ErrorLogger.Log(NodeName + " is not supported in this version of CASSYS. Please update your CASSYS Site file using the latest version available at https://github.com/CanadianSolar/CASSYS", ErrLevel.WARNING);
            catch (NullReferenceException)
                if (_Error == ErrLevel.WARNING || _Error == ErrLevel.INTERNAL)
                    ErrorLogger.Log(NodeName + " is not defined. CASSYS requires this value to run.", ErrLevel.FATAL);
예제 #6
        // Returns the attribute of the node, if the node and an attribute exist
        public static String GetAttribute(String Path, String AttributeName, ErrLevel _Error = ErrLevel.WARNING, String _VersionNum = "0.9", String _Adder = null, int _ArrayNum = 0)
                if (String.Compare(EngineVersion, _VersionNum) >= 0)
                    switch (Path)
                    case "Site":
                        Path = (String.Compare(CASSYSCSYXVersion, "1.5.2") < 0 ? "/Site" : "/SiteDef") + _Adder;

                    case "Albedo":
                        Path = (String.Compare(CASSYSCSYXVersion, "1.5.2") < 0 ? "/Site/Albedo" : "/Site/SiteDef/Albedo") + _Adder;

                    case "O&S":
                        Path = "/Site/Orientation_and_Shading" + _Adder;

                    case "Bifacial":
                        Path = "/Site/Bifacial" + _Adder;

                    case "BifAlbedo":
                        Path = "/Site/Bifacial/BifAlbedo" + _Adder;

                    case "System":
                        Path = "/Site/System" + _Adder;

                    case "PV":
                        Path = "/Site/System/" + "SubArray" + _ArrayNum + "/PVModule" + _Adder;

                    case "Inverter":
                        Path = "/Site/System/" + "SubArray" + _ArrayNum + "/Inverter" + _Adder;

                    case "Losses":
                        Path = (String.Compare(CASSYSCSYXVersion, "1.5.2") < 0 ? "/Site/System/Losses" : "/Site/Losses") + _Adder;

                    case "SoilingLosses":
                        Path = (String.Compare(CASSYSCSYXVersion, "1.5.2") < 0 ? "/Site/System/Losses/SoilingLosses" : "/Site/SoilingLosses") + _Adder;

                    case "Spectral":
                        Path = "/Site/Spectral" + _Adder;

                    case "InputFile":
                        Path = "/Site/InputFileStyle" + _Adder;

                    case "OutputFile":
                        Path = "/Site/OutputFileStyle" + _Adder;

                    case "Iteration1":
                        Path = "/Site/Iterations/Iteration1" + _Adder;

                    ErrorLogger.Log(AttributeName + " is not available in this version of CASSYS. Please update to the latest version available at https://github.com/CanadianSolar/CASSYS", ErrLevel.WARNING);
            catch (NullReferenceException)
                if (_Error == ErrLevel.FATAL)
                    ErrorLogger.Log(AttributeName + " in " + Path + " is not defined. CASSYS requires this value to run.", ErrLevel.FATAL);
                    ErrorLogger.Log(AttributeName + " in " + Path + " is not defined. CASSYS assigned 0 for this value.", ErrLevel.WARNING);
예제 #7
        double YearsSinceStart;                                 // Number of entire years since the beginning of the simulation

        // Calculate method
        public void Calculate
            RadiationProc RadProc,                              // Radiation related data
            SimMeteo SimMet                                     // Meteological data from inputfile
            // Record number of years since start of simulation
            // This is used to calculate module ageing
            // Update StartTimeStamp if it has never been initialized
            if (StartTimeStamp == new DateTime())
                StartTimeStamp = RadProc.TimeStampAnalyzed;
            TimeSpan SimDelta = RadProc.TimeStampAnalyzed.Subtract(StartTimeStamp);

            YearsSinceStart = Math.Floor(SimDelta.Days / 365.25);

            // Reset Losses
            for (int i = 0; i < SimPVA.Length; i++)
                SimInv[i].LossPMinThreshold = 0;
                SimInv[i].LossClipping      = 0;
                SimInv[i].LossLowVoltage    = 0;
                SimInv[i].LossHighVoltage   = 0;

            // Calculating solar panel shading
            SimShading.Calculate(RadProc.SimSun.Zenith, RadProc.SimSun.Azimuth, RadProc.SimHorizonShading.TDir, RadProc.SimHorizonShading.TDif, RadProc.SimHorizonShading.TRef, RadProc.SimTracker.SurfSlope, RadProc.SimTracker.SurfAzimuth);

            if (RadProc.SimTracker.useBifacial)
                // Calculating shading of ground beneath solar panels
                SimGround.Calculate(RadProc.SimSun.Zenith, RadProc.SimSun.Azimuth, RadProc.SimTracker.SurfSlope, RadProc.SimTracker.SurfAzimuth, RadProc.SimTracker.SurfClearance, RadProc.SimSplitter.HDir,
                                    RadProc.SimSplitter.HDif, RadProc.TimeStampAnalyzed);

                // Get front reflected diffuse irradiance, since it contributes to the back
                SimPVA[0].CalcEffectiveIrradiance(SimShading.ShadTDir, SimShading.ShadTDif, SimShading.ShadTRef, SimBackTilter.BGlo, RadProc.SimTilter.IncidenceAngle, SimMet.MonthOfYear, SimSpectral.clearnessCorrection);

                // Get incidence angle modifiers for components of irradiance
                SimPVA[0].CalcIAM(out SimBackTilter.IAMDir, out SimBackTilter.IAMDif, out SimBackTilter.IAMRef, RadProc.SimTilterOpposite.IncidenceAngle);

                // Calculate back side global irradiance
                SimBackTilter.Calculate(RadProc.SimTracker.SurfSlope, RadProc.SimTracker.SurfClearance, RadProc.SimSplitter.HDif, SimPVA[0].TDifRef, SimMet.HGlo, SimGround.frontGroundGHI, SimGround.rearGroundGHI, SimGround.aveGroundGHI,
                                        SimMet.MonthOfYear, SimShading.BackBeamSF, RadProc.SimTilterOpposite.TDir, RadProc.TimeStampAnalyzed);
                SimBackTilter.BGlo = 0;

            // Calculating spectral model effects
            SimSpectral.Calculate(SimMet.HGlo, RadProc.SimSun.NExtra, RadProc.SimSun.Zenith);

                // Calculate PV Array Output for inputs read in this loop
                for (int j = 0; j < ReadFarmSettings.SubArrayCount; j++)
                    // Adjust the IV Curve based on Temperature and Irradiance.
                    SimPVA[j].CalcIVCurveParameters(SimMet.TGlo, SimShading.ShadTDir, SimShading.ShadTDif, SimShading.ShadTRef, SimBackTilter.BGlo, RadProc.SimTilter.IncidenceAngle, SimMet.TAmbient, SimMet.WindSpeed, SimMet.TModMeasured, SimMet.MonthOfYear, SimSpectral.clearnessCorrection);

                    // Check Inverter status to determine if the Inverter is ON or OFF

                    // If inverter is off set appropriate variables to 0 and recalculate array in open circuit voltage
                    if (!SimInv[j].isON)
                        SimInv[j].ACPwrOut = 0;
                        SimInv[j].IOut     = 0;
                        SimPVA[j].Calculate(false, SimPVA[j].Voc, YearsSinceStart);

                    //performing AC wiring calculations

                    // Assigning the outputs to the dictionary
                    ReadFarmSettings.Outputlist["SubArray_Current" + (j + 1).ToString()]     = SimPVA[j].IOut;
                    ReadFarmSettings.Outputlist["SubArray_Voltage" + (j + 1).ToString()]     = SimPVA[j].VOut;
                    ReadFarmSettings.Outputlist["SubArray_Power" + (j + 1).ToString()]       = SimPVA[j].POut / 1000;
                    ReadFarmSettings.Outputlist["SubArray_Current_Inv" + (j + 1).ToString()] = SimInv[j].IOut;
                    ReadFarmSettings.Outputlist["SubArray_Voltage_Inv" + (j + 1).ToString()] = SimInv[j].itsOutputVoltage;
                    ReadFarmSettings.Outputlist["SubArray_Power_Inv" + (j + 1).ToString()]   = SimInv[j].ACPwrOut / 1000;

                // Calculating total farm output and total ohmic loss
                farmACOutput    = 0;
                farmACOhmicLoss = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < SimInv.Length; i++)
                    farmACOutput    += SimInv[i].ACPwrOut;
                    farmACOhmicLoss += SimACWiring[i].ACWiringLoss;

                SimTransformer.Calculate(farmACOutput - farmACOhmicLoss);

                // Calculating outputs that will be assigned for this interval
                // Shading each component of the Tilted radiaton
                // Using horizon affected tilted radiation
                ShadGloLoss   = (RadProc.SimTilter.TGlo - SimShading.ShadTGlo) - RadProc.SimHorizonShading.LossGlo;
                ShadGloFactor = (RadProc.SimTilter.TGlo > 0 ? SimShading.ShadTGlo / RadProc.SimTilter.TGlo : 1);
                ShadBeamLoss  = RadProc.SimHorizonShading.TDir - SimShading.ShadTDir;
                ShadDiffLoss  = RadProc.SimTilter.TDif > 0 ? RadProc.SimHorizonShading.TDif - SimShading.ShadTDif : 0;
                ShadRefLoss   = RadProc.SimTilter.TRef > 0 ? RadProc.SimHorizonShading.TRef - SimShading.ShadTRef : 0;

                //Calculating total farm level variables. Cleaning them so they are non-cumulative.
                farmDC                  = 0;
                farmDCCurrent           = 0;
                farmDCMismatchLoss      = 0;
                farmDCModuleQualityLoss = 0;
                farmDCModuleLIDLoss     = 0;
                farmDCModuleAgeingLoss  = 0;
                farmDCOhmicLoss         = 0;
                farmDCSoilingLoss       = 0;
                farmDCTemp              = 0;
                farmTotalModules        = 0;
                farmPNomDC              = 0;
                farmPNomAC              = 0;
                farmACPMinThreshLoss    = 0;
                farmACClippingPower     = 0;
                farmACMaxVoltageLoss    = 0;
                farmACMinVoltageLoss    = 0;
                farmPnom                = 0;
                farmTempLoss            = 0;
                farmRadLoss             = 0;

                for (int i = 0; i < SimPVA.Length; i++)
                    farmDC                  += SimPVA[i].POut;
                    farmDCCurrent           += SimPVA[i].IOut;
                    farmDCMismatchLoss      += Math.Max(0, SimPVA[i].MismatchLoss);
                    farmDCModuleQualityLoss += SimPVA[i].ModuleQualityLoss;
                    farmDCModuleLIDLoss     += SimPVA[i].ModuleLIDLoss;
                    farmDCModuleAgeingLoss  += SimPVA[i].ModuleAgeingLoss;
                    farmDCOhmicLoss         += SimPVA[i].OhmicLosses;
                    farmDCSoilingLoss       += SimPVA[i].SoilingLoss;
                    farmDCTemp              += SimPVA[i].TModule * SimPVA[i].itsNumModules;
                    farmTotalModules        += SimPVA[i].itsNumModules;
                    farmPNomDC              += SimPVA[i].itsPNomDCArray;
                    farmPNomAC              += SimInv[i].itsPNomArrayAC;
                    farmACPMinThreshLoss    += SimInv[i].LossPMinThreshold;
                    farmACClippingPower     += SimInv[i].LossClipping;
                    farmACMaxVoltageLoss    += SimInv[i].LossHighVoltage;
                    farmACMinVoltageLoss    += SimInv[i].LossLowVoltage;
                    farmPnom                += (SimPVA[i].itsPNom * SimPVA[i].itsNumModules) * SimPVA[i].RadEff / 1000;
                    farmTempLoss            += SimPVA[i].tempLoss;
                    farmRadLoss             += SimPVA[i].radLoss;

                // Averages all PV Array temperature values
                farmDCTemp /= farmTotalModules;
                farmModuleTempAndAmbientTempDiff = farmDCTemp - SimMet.TAmbient;
                farmDCEfficiency = (RadProc.SimTilter.TGlo > 0 ? farmDC / (RadProc.SimTilter.TGlo * farmArea) : 0) * 100;
                farmPNomDC       = Utilities.ConvertWtokW(farmPNomDC);
                farmPNomAC       = Utilities.ConvertWtokW(farmPNomAC);

                farmOverAllEff = (RadProc.SimTilter.TGlo > 0 && SimTransformer.POut > 0 ? SimTransformer.POut / (RadProc.SimTilter.TGlo * farmArea) : 0) * 100;
                farmPR         = RadProc.SimTilter.TGlo > 0 && farmPNomDC > 0 && SimTransformer.POut > 0 ? SimTransformer.POut / RadProc.SimTilter.TGlo / farmPNomDC : 0;
                farmSysIER     = (SimTransformer.itsPNom - SimTransformer.POut) / (RadProc.SimTilter.TGlo * 1000);
            catch (Exception ce)
                ErrorLogger.Log(ce, ErrLevel.FATAL);

            // Assigning Outputs for this class.
예제 #8
        // Method to start the simulation software run.
        public void Simulate(XmlDocument SiteSettings, String _Input = null, String _Output = null)
            // Adding timer to calculate elapsed time for the simulation.
            Stopwatch timeTaken = new Stopwatch();


            // Delete error log just before simulation
            if (File.Exists(Application.StartupPath + "/ErrorLog.txt"))
                File.Delete(Application.StartupPath + "/ErrorLog.txt");

            // ReadFarmSettings reads the overall configuration of the farm
            ReadFarmSettings.doc = SiteSettings;

            // Obtain IO File names, either from the command prompt, or from .CSYX
            if ((_Input == null) && (_Output == null))
                ReadFarmSettings.SimInputFile  = _Input;
                ReadFarmSettings.SimOutputFile = _Output;

            // Collecting input and output file locations and Input/Output file location

            // Inform user about site configuration:
            Console.WriteLine("Status: Configuring parameters");

            // Creating the SimMeteo Object to process the input file, and streamWriter to Write to the Output File
                // Reading and assigning the input file schema before configuring the inputs

                // Instantiating the relevant simulation class based on the simulation mode
                switch (ReadFarmSettings.SystemMode)
                case "ASTME2848Regression":
                    SimASTM = new ASTME2848();

                case "GridConnected":
                    // Assign the Sub-Array Count for grid connected systems.
                    // Assign the back cell rows number for grid connected systems.
                    SimGridSys = new GridConnectedSystem();
                    goto case "Radiation";

                case "Radiation":
                    SimRadProc = new RadiationProc();

                    ErrorLogger.Log("Invalid Simulation mode found. CASSYS will exit.", ErrLevel.FATAL);

                // Reading and assigning the input file schema and the output file schema

                // Notifying user of the Configuration status
                if (ErrorLogger.numWarnings == 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("Status: Configuration OK.");
                    Console.WriteLine("Status: There were problems encountered during configuration.");
                    Console.WriteLine("        Please see the error log file for details.");
                    Console.WriteLine("        CASSYS has configured parameters with default values.");

                    // Read through the input file and perform calculations
                    Console.Write("Status: Simulation Running");

                    // Creating the input file parser
                    SimMeteo SimMeteoParser = new SimMeteo();

                    // Create StreamWriter
                    if (ReadFarmSettings.outputMode == "str")
                        // Assigning Headers to output String
                        OutputString = ReadFarmSettings.OutputHeader.TrimEnd(',') + '\n';
                    // Create StreamWriter and write output to .csv file
                    else if (ReadFarmSettings.outputMode == "csv")
                        // If in batch mode, use the appending overload of StreamWriter
                        if ((File.Exists(ReadFarmSettings.SimOutputFile)) && (ReadFarmSettings.batchMode))
                            OutputFileWriter = new StreamWriter(ReadFarmSettings.SimOutputFile, true);
                            // Writing the headers to the new output file.
                            OutputFileWriter = new StreamWriter(ReadFarmSettings.SimOutputFile);

                            // Writing the headers to the new output file.
                    // The following is executed if using iterative mode
                        // Row for output header created only during first simulation run
                        if (ReadFarmSettings.runNumber == 1)
                            ReadFarmSettings.outputTable.Rows.InsertAt(ReadFarmSettings.outputTable.NewRow(), 0);

                        // Placing output header in data table
                        ReadFarmSettings.outputTable.Rows[0][ReadFarmSettings.runNumber - 1] = ReadFarmSettings.OutputHeader.TrimEnd(',');

                    // Read through the Input File and perform the relevant simulation
                    while (!SimMeteoParser.InputFileReader.EndOfData)

                        // If input file line could not be read, go to next line
                        if (!SimMeteoParser.inputRead)

                        // running required calculations based on simulation mode
                        switch (ReadFarmSettings.SystemMode)
                        case "ASTME2848Regression":

                        case "GridConnected":
                            SimGridSys.Calculate(SimRadProc, SimMeteoParser);

                        case "Radiation":

                            ErrorLogger.Log("Invalid Simulation mode found. CASSYS will exit.", ErrLevel.FATAL);
                        // Only create output string in DLL mode, as creating string causes significant lag
                        if (ReadFarmSettings.outputMode == "str")
                            OutputString += String.Join(",", GetOutputLine()) + "\n";
                        // Write to output file
                        else if (ReadFarmSettings.outputMode == "csv")
                                // Assembling and writing the line containing all output values
                                OutputFileWriter.WriteLine(String.Join(",", GetOutputLine()));
                            catch (IOException ex)
                                ErrorLogger.Log(ex, ErrLevel.WARNING);
                        // Using Iterative Mode: Writes output to a datatable
                            // Create row if this is the first simulation run
                            if (ReadFarmSettings.runNumber == 1)
                                ReadFarmSettings.outputTable.Rows.InsertAt(ReadFarmSettings.outputTable.NewRow(), ReadFarmSettings.outputTable.Rows.Count);

                            // Write output values to data table
                            ReadFarmSettings.outputTable.Rows[ErrorLogger.iterationCount][ReadFarmSettings.runNumber - 1] = String.Join(",", GetOutputLine());

                    if (ReadFarmSettings.outputMode == "str")
                        // Trim newline character from the end of output
                        OutputString = OutputString.TrimEnd('\r', '\n');
                    // Write output to .csv file
                    else if (ReadFarmSettings.outputMode == "csv")
                            // Clean out the buffer of the writer to ensure all entries are written to the output file.
                        catch (IOException ex)
                            ErrorLogger.Log(ex, ErrLevel.WARNING);

                    // If simulation done for Grid connected mode then write the calculated loss values to temp output file
                    if (ReadFarmSettings.SystemMode == "GridConnected")


                    Console.WriteLine("Status: Complete. Simulation took " + timeTaken.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000D + " seconds.");
                catch (IOException)
                    ErrorLogger.Log("The output file name " + ReadFarmSettings.SimOutputFile + " is not accesible or is not available at the location provided.", ErrLevel.FATAL);
            catch (Exception ex)
                ErrorLogger.Log("CASSYS encountered an unexpected error: " + ex.Message, ErrLevel.FATAL);
예제 #9
        // Gets the day of the year based on a given date
        public static void TSBreak(String TimeStamp, out int dayOfYear, out double hour, out int year, out int month, out double nextTimeStampHour, out double baseTimeStampHour, SimMeteo simMeteoParser)
                CurrentTimeStamp = DateTime.ParseExact(TimeStamp, Util.timeFormat, null);

                // Checks ensure the time series is always progressing forward.
                if (ErrorLogger.iterationCount != 1)
                    if (CurrentTimeStamp != cachedTimeStamp)
                        // Check if the time stamps are going back in time
                        if (DateTime.Compare(CurrentTimeStamp, cachedTimeStamp) < 0)
                            ErrorLogger.Log("Time stamps in the Input File go backwards in time. Please check your input file. CASSYS has ended.", ErrLevel.FATAL);
                    // Get the next expected time stamp
                    cachedTimeStamp = CurrentTimeStamp;

                // Next and Base time stamps are used to check if the sun-rise and sun-set event occurs in between the time stamps under consideration
                DateTime nextTimeStamp = DateTime.ParseExact(TimeStamp, Util.timeFormat, null);
                DateTime baseTimeStamp = DateTime.ParseExact(TimeStamp, Util.timeFormat, null);

                switch (Util.AveragedAt)
                case "Beginning":
                    baseTimeStamp    = CurrentTimeStamp;
                    nextTimeStamp    = baseTimeStamp.AddMinutes(Util.timeStep);
                    CurrentTimeStamp = CurrentTimeStamp.AddMinutes(Util.timeStep / 2D);


                case "End":
                    nextTimeStamp    = CurrentTimeStamp;
                    baseTimeStamp    = CurrentTimeStamp.AddMinutes(-Util.timeStep);
                    CurrentTimeStamp = CurrentTimeStamp.AddMinutes(-Util.timeStep / 2D);

                    baseTimeStamp    = CurrentTimeStamp.AddMinutes(-Util.timeStep / 2D);
                    nextTimeStamp    = CurrentTimeStamp.AddMinutes(Util.timeStep / 2D);
                    CurrentTimeStamp = CurrentTimeStamp.AddMinutes(0);

                dayOfYear = CurrentTimeStamp.DayOfYear;

                // Allowing for Leap Years - Assumes February 29 as Feb 28 and all other days as their day number during a normal year
                if ((CurrentTimeStamp.Month > 2) && (DateTime.IsLeapYear(CurrentTimeStamp.Year)))
                    if (dayOfYear > 59)
                        dayOfYear = CurrentTimeStamp.DayOfYear - 1;
                hour  = CurrentTimeStamp.Hour + CurrentTimeStamp.Minute / 60D + CurrentTimeStamp.Second / 3600D;
                year  = CurrentTimeStamp.Year;
                month = CurrentTimeStamp.Month;

                baseTimeStampHour = baseTimeStamp.Hour + baseTimeStamp.Minute / 60D + baseTimeStamp.Second / 3600D;
                nextTimeStampHour = nextTimeStamp.Hour + nextTimeStamp.Minute / 60D + nextTimeStamp.Second / 3600D;
            catch (FormatException)
                dayOfYear         = 0;
                hour              = 0;
                year              = 0;
                month             = 0;
                baseTimeStampHour = 0;
                nextTimeStampHour = 0;
                ErrorLogger.Log(TimeStamp + " was not recognized a valid DateTime. The date-time was expected in " + Util.timeFormat + " format. Please check Site definition file. Row was skipped", ErrLevel.WARNING);
                simMeteoParser.inputRead = false;
예제 #10
파일: Sun.cs 프로젝트: eemiily/CASSYS
        // Calculation for inverter output power, using efficiency curve
        public void Calculate
            int DayOfYear                             // Day of year (1-365)
            , double Hour                             // Hour of day, in decimal format (11.75 = 11:45 a.m.)
            double itsSLatR  = Utilities.ConvertDtoR(itsSLat);
            double itsSLongR = Utilities.ConvertDtoR(itsSLong);
            double itsMLongR = Utilities.ConvertDtoR(itsMLong);

                if (DayOfYear < 1 || DayOfYear > 365 || Hour < 0 || Hour > 24)
                    throw new CASSYSException("Sun.Calculate: Invalid time stamp for sun position calculation");
            catch (CASSYSException cs)
                ErrorLogger.Log(cs, ErrLevel.FATAL);

            // Compute declination and normal extraterrestrial Irradiance if day has changed
            // Compute Sunrise and Sunset hour angles
            if (DayOfYear != itsCurrentDayOfYear)
                itsCurrentDayOfYear = DayOfYear;
                itsCurrentDecl      = Astro.GetDeclination(itsCurrentDayOfYear);
                itsCurrentNExtra    = Astro.GetNormExtra(itsCurrentDayOfYear);

                // Variables used to hold the apparent/true sunset and sunrise hour angles
                double appSunRiseHA;                        // Hour angle for Sunrise [radians]
                double appSunsetHA;                         // Hour angle for Sunset  [radians]
                double trueSunsetHA;                        // True Sunset Hour angle [radians]

                // Invoking the Tilt method to get the values
                Tilt.CalcApparentSunsetHourAngle(itsSLatR, itsCurrentDecl, itsSurfaceSlope, Azimuth, out appSunRiseHA, out appSunsetHA, out trueSunsetHA);

                // Assigning to the output values
                AppSunriseHour  = Math.Abs(appSunRiseHA) * Util.HAtoR;
                AppSunsetHour   = Util.NoonHour + appSunsetHA * Util.HAtoR;
                TrueSunSetHour  = Util.NoonHour + trueSunsetHA * Util.HAtoR;
                TrueSunRiseHour = TrueSunSetHour - Astro.GetDayLength(itsSLatR, itsCurrentDecl);

                // If using local standard time then modify the sunrise and sunset to match the local time stamp.
                if (itsLSTFlag)
                    TrueSunSetHour -= Astro.GetATmsST(DayOfYear, itsSLongR, itsMLongR) / 60; // Going from solar to local time
                    TrueSunRiseHour = TrueSunSetHour - Astro.GetDayLength(itsSLatR, itsCurrentDecl);

            // Compute hour angle
            double SolarTime = Hour;

            if (itsLSTFlag)
                SolarTime += Astro.GetATmsST(DayOfYear, itsSLongR, itsMLongR) / 60; // Going from local to solar time

            double HourAngle = Astro.GetHourAngle(SolarTime);

            // Compute azimuth and zenith angles
            Astro.CalcSunPositionHourAngle(itsCurrentDecl, HourAngle, itsSLatR, out Zenith, out Azimuth);

            // Compute normal extraterrestrial Irradiance
            NExtra = itsCurrentNExtra;

            // Compute air mass
            AirMass = Astro.GetAirMass(Zenith);
예제 #11
        // Calculation of global irradiance on a tilted surface using the Hay and
        // Davies model (Hay and Davies, 1978).
        // Conversion for direct irradiance is geometric, for diffuse
        // irradiance an empirical model is used, and for reflected the
        // isotropic assumption is employed.

        double GetTiltCompIrradHay      // (o) global irradiance on tilted surface [W/m2]
            (out double TDir            // (o) beam irradiance on tilted surface [W/m2]
            , out double TDif           // (o) diffuse irradiance on tilted surface [W/m2]
            , out double TRef           // (o) reflected irradiance on tilted surface [W/m2]
            , double HDir               // (i) direct irradiance on horizontal surface [W/m2]
            , double HDif               // (i) diffuse irradiance on horizontal surface [W/m2]
            , double NExtra             // (i) normal extraterrestrial irradiance [W/m2]
            , double SunZenith          // (i) zenith angle of sun [radians]
            , double SunAzimuth         // (i) azimuth angle of sun [radians]
            , int MonthNum              // The month of the year number [1->12]
            // Declarations
            double cosInc;              // The cosine of the incidence angle
            double cosZenith;           // The cosine of the zenith angle
            double Rb;                  // Rb is the ratio of beam radiation on the tilted surface to that on a horizontal surface eqn 1.8.1
            double AI;                  // Anisotropy Index eqn. 2.16.2 and 2.16.3
            double HGlo = HDir + HDif;  // Global on horizontal
            double TGlo;                // The global radiation in the plane of the array

            //  Initialize values
            TGlo = TDif = TDir = TRef = 0;

            //  Check arguments
            //  Allow itsSurfaceAzimuth < -Math.PI and itsSurfaceAzimuth > Math.PI for bifacial modelling
            if (NExtra < 0 || SunZenith < 0 || SunZenith > Math.PI || SunAzimuth < -Math.PI || SunAzimuth > Math.PI ||
                itsSurfaceSlope < 0 || itsSurfaceSlope > Math.PI || itsMonthlyAlbedo[MonthNum] < 0 || itsMonthlyAlbedo[MonthNum] > 1)
                ErrorLogger.Log("GetTiltCompIrradHay: out of range arguments.", ErrLevel.FATAL);

            //  Negative values: return zero
            if (HDif <= 0 && HDir <= 0)

            //  Compute cosine of incidence angle and cosine of zenith angle
            //  cos(Zenith) is bound by cos(89 degrees) to avoid large values
            //  near sunrise and sunset.
            cosInc = Math.Cos(SunZenith) * Math.Cos(itsSurfaceSlope)
                     + Math.Sin(SunZenith) * Math.Sin(itsSurfaceSlope) * Math.Cos(itsSurfaceAzimuth - SunAzimuth);
            cosZenith = Math.Max(Math.Cos(SunZenith), Math.Cos(89.0 * Util.DTOR));

            //  Compute tilted beam irradiance
            //  Rb is the ratio of beam radiation on the tilted surface to that on
            //  a horizontal surface. Duffie and Beckman (1991) eqn 1.8.1
            // note: to avoid problems at low sun angles, HDir/cosZenith is limited
            // to 90% of solar constant
            Rb = 0;
            if (SunZenith < Math.PI / 2 && cosInc > 0)
                Rb = cosInc / cosZenith;
            TDir = Math.Max(Math.Min(HDir * Rb, 0.9 * Util.SOLAR_CONST * cosInc), 0);

            // Compute anisotropy index AI and diffuse radiation
            //  Duffie and Beckman (1991) eqn. 2.16.2 and 2.16.3
            AI = Math.Min(HDir / NExtra / cosZenith, 1.0);

            // Calculate diffuse irradiance
            // There is no special treatment for sun below horizon or sun behind panel, as Rb = 0 then
            TDif = HDif * (AI * Rb + (1 - AI) * (1 + Math.Cos(itsSurfaceSlope)) / 2);

            // Compute ground-reflected irradiance
            TRef = HGlo * itsMonthlyAlbedo[MonthNum] * (1 - Math.Cos(itsSurfaceSlope)) / 2;

            // Compute titled global irradiance
            TGlo = TDir + TDif + TRef;

            // Normal end of subroutine
예제 #12
        // Calculation of global irradiance on a tilted surface using the Perez et al.
        // model (Perez et al, 1990).

        // Conversion for direct irradiance is geometric, for diffuse
        // irradiance an empirical model is used, and for reflected the
        // isotropic assumption is employed.

        double GetTiltCompIrradPerez        // (o) global irradiance on tilted surface [W/m2]
            (out double TDir                // (o) beam //   on tilted surface [W/m2]
            , out double TDif               // (o) diffuse irradiance on tilted surface [W/m2]
            , out double TRef               // (o) reflected irradiance on tilted surface [W/m2]
            , double HDir                   // (i) direct irradiance on horizontal surface [W/m2]
            , double HDif                   // (i) diffuse irradiance on horizontal surface [W/m2]
            , double NExtra                 // (i) normal extraterrestrial irradiance [W/m2]
            , double SunZenith              // (i) zenith angle of sun [radians]
            , double SunAzimuth             // (i) azimuth angle of sun [radians]
            , double AirMass                // (i) air mass []
            , int MonthNum                  // (i) The month number 1 -> 12 used to allow monthly albedo
            // Declarations
            int    ibin;
            double delta, eps;
            double a, b, fone, ftwo;

            // Define constants
            //    f = circumsolar and horizon brightening coefficients
            //    epsbin: bins for sky's clearness
            //    kappa:
            double[, ,] f = new double[2, 3, 8]
                { { -0.008, 0.130, 0.330, 0.568, 0.873, 1.132, 1.060, 0.678 }
                  , { 0.588, 0.683, 0.487, 0.187, -0.392, -1.237, -1.600, -0.327 }
                  , { -0.062, -0.151, -0.221, -0.295, -0.362, -0.412, -0.359, -0.250 } }
                , { { -0.060, -0.019, 0.055, 0.109, 0.226, 0.288, 0.264, 0.156 }
                    , { 0.072, 0.066, -0.064, -0.152, -0.462, -0.823, -1.127, -1.377 }
                    , { -0.022, -0.029, -0.026, -0.014, 0.001, 0.056, 0.131, 0.251 } }
            double[] epsbin = new double[7] {
                1.065, 1.23, 1.5, 1.95, 2.8, 4.5, 6.2
            double kappa = 1.041;

            // auxiliary quantities
            double cosZenith;                       // cos of zenith angle
            double cosInc;                          // cos incidence angle on slope
            double HGlo;                            // global irradiance on horizontal
            double rd1;                             // rd1, rd2: auxiliary quantities equal to (1+cos(slope))/2
            double rd2;                             // and (1-cos(slope))/2

            // initialize values
            TGlo = TDif = TDir = TRef = 0;

            // Check arguments
            // Allow itsSurfaceAzimuth < -Math.PI and itsSurfaceAzimuth > Math.PI for bifacial modelling
            if (NExtra < 0 || SunZenith < 0 || SunZenith > Math.PI || SunAzimuth < -Math.PI || SunAzimuth > Math.PI ||
                AirMass < 1 || itsSurfaceSlope < 0 || itsSurfaceSlope > Math.PI || itsMonthlyAlbedo[MonthNum] < 0 || itsMonthlyAlbedo[MonthNum] > 1)
                ErrorLogger.Log("GetTiltCompIrradPerez: out of range arguments.", ErrLevel.FATAL);

            //  Compute cosine of incidence angle and cosine of zenith angle
            //  cos(Zenith) is bound by cos(89 degrees) to avoid large values
            //  near sunrise and sunset.
            cosZenith = Math.Max(Math.Cos(SunZenith), Math.Cos(89.0 * Util.DTOR));
            cosInc    = Math.Cos(SunZenith) * Math.Cos(itsSurfaceSlope)
                        + Math.Sin(SunZenith) * Math.Sin(itsSurfaceSlope) * Math.Cos(itsSurfaceAzimuth - SunAzimuth);
            HGlo = HDif + HDir;
            rd1  = (1.0 + Math.Cos(itsSurfaceSlope)) / 2;
            rd2  = (1.0 - Math.Cos(itsSurfaceSlope)) / 2;

            //  Negative values: return zero
            if (HDif <= 0 && HDir <= 0)

            // If sun below horizon, treat all irradiance as diffuse isotropic
            if (SunZenith >= Math.PI / 2)
                TDif = HGlo * (1 + Math.Cos(itsSurfaceSlope)) / 2;

            // Normal case
                //  Compute delta, eps, and bin number
                //  delta = parametrization of sky's brightness
                //  eps = parametrization of sky's clearness
                //  ibin: bin number
                //  normally delta is in the range 0.08-0.48 (see Perez et al., 1990, fig. 5)
                //  but if the input data is wrong the values could be much higher, which can
                //  then cause problems in the calculation of tilted diffuse irradiance (TDif).
                //  Therefore we limit delta to 1.
                delta = Math.Min(HDif * AirMass / NExtra, 1);
                eps   = 1 + HDir / cosZenith / HGlo / (1 + kappa * Math.Pow(SunZenith, 3));
                for (ibin = 0; ibin < 7 && eps > epsbin[ibin]; ibin++)

                // calculation of empirical coefficients a and b
                a = Math.Max(0.0, cosInc);
                b = Math.Max(Math.Cos(85.0 * Util.DTOR), cosZenith);

                // calculation of empirical coefficient fone and ftwo
                fone = Math.Max(0.0, f[0, 0, ibin] + delta * f[0, 1, ibin] + SunZenith * f[0, 2, ibin]);
                ftwo = f[1, 0, ibin] + delta * f[1, 1, ibin] + SunZenith * f[1, 2, ibin];

                // calculation of diffuse irradiance on the sloping surface
                TDif = HDif * ((1 - fone) * rd1 + fone * a / b + ftwo * Math.Sin(itsSurfaceSlope));

            // calculation of direct irradiance on a sloping surface
            // this is just a trigonometric transformation
            // note: to avoid problems at low sun angles, HDir/cosZenith is limited
            // to 90% of solar constant
            TDir = Math.Max(Math.Min(HDir / cosZenith, 0.9 * Util.SOLAR_CONST) * cosInc, 0);

            // calculation of reflected irradiance onto the slope
            //  from Ineichen.  P.et al., Solar Energy, 41(4), 371-377, 1988
            //  a simple assumption of isotropic reflection is used
            TRef = (HDir + HDif) * itsMonthlyAlbedo[MonthNum] * rd2;

            // summation for global irradiance on slope
            TGlo = TDir + TDif + TRef;

            // end of subroutine
예제 #13
        // Config manages calculations and initializations that need only to be run once
        public void Config()
            useBifacial = Convert.ToBoolean(ReadFarmSettings.GetInnerText("Bifacial", "UseBifacialModel", ErrLevel.FATAL));

            if (useBifacial)
                switch (ReadFarmSettings.GetAttribute("O&S", "ArrayType", ErrLevel.FATAL))
                // In all cases, pitch must be normalized to panel slope lengths
                case "Fixed Tilted Plane":
                    if (String.Compare(ReadFarmSettings.CASSYSCSYXVersion, "0.9.3") >= 0)
                        itsPanelTilt = Util.DTOR * Convert.ToDouble(ReadFarmSettings.GetInnerText("O&S", "PlaneTiltFix", ErrLevel.FATAL));
                        itsPanelTilt = Util.DTOR * Convert.ToDouble(ReadFarmSettings.GetInnerText("O&S", "PlaneTilt", ErrLevel.FATAL));
                    // itsPitch will be assigned in the below (numRows == 1) conditional
                    itsArrayBW   = Convert.ToDouble(ReadFarmSettings.GetInnerText("O&S", "CollBandWidthFix", ErrLevel.FATAL));
                    itsClearance = Convert.ToDouble(ReadFarmSettings.GetInnerText("Bifacial", "GroundClearance", ErrLevel.FATAL)) / itsArrayBW;

                    // Find number of cell rows on back of array [#]
                    numCellRows = Util.NUM_CELLS_PANEL * int.Parse(ReadFarmSettings.GetInnerText("O&S", "StrInWid", ErrLevel.WARNING, _default: "1"));
                    numRows     = 1;

                case "Unlimited Rows":
                    itsPanelTilt = Util.DTOR * Convert.ToDouble(ReadFarmSettings.GetInnerText("O&S", "PlaneTilt", ErrLevel.FATAL));
                    itsArrayBW   = Convert.ToDouble(ReadFarmSettings.GetInnerText("O&S", "CollBandWidth", ErrLevel.FATAL));
                    itsPitch     = Convert.ToDouble(ReadFarmSettings.GetInnerText("O&S", "Pitch", ErrLevel.FATAL)) / itsArrayBW;
                    itsClearance = Convert.ToDouble(ReadFarmSettings.GetInnerText("Bifacial", "GroundClearance", ErrLevel.FATAL)) / itsArrayBW;

                    // Find number of cell rows on back of array [#]
                    numCellRows = Util.NUM_CELLS_PANEL * int.Parse(ReadFarmSettings.GetInnerText("O&S", "StrInWid", ErrLevel.WARNING, _default: "1"));
                    numRows     = int.Parse(ReadFarmSettings.GetInnerText("O&S", "RowsBlock", ErrLevel.FATAL));

                case "Single Axis Elevation Tracking (E-W)":
                    itsArrayBW = Convert.ToDouble(ReadFarmSettings.GetInnerText("O&S", "WActiveSAET", ErrLevel.FATAL));
                    itsPitch   = Convert.ToDouble(ReadFarmSettings.GetInnerText("O&S", "PitchSAET", ErrLevel.FATAL)) / itsArrayBW;

                    // Find number of cell rows on back of array [#]
                    numCellRows = Util.NUM_CELLS_PANEL * int.Parse(ReadFarmSettings.GetInnerText("O&S", "StrInWidSAET", ErrLevel.WARNING, _default: "1"));
                    numRows     = int.Parse(ReadFarmSettings.GetInnerText("O&S", "RowsBlockSAET", ErrLevel.FATAL));

                case "Single Axis Horizontal Tracking (N-S)":
                    itsArrayBW = Convert.ToDouble(ReadFarmSettings.GetInnerText("O&S", "WActiveSAST", ErrLevel.FATAL));
                    itsPitch   = Convert.ToDouble(ReadFarmSettings.GetInnerText("O&S", "PitchSAST", ErrLevel.FATAL)) / itsArrayBW;

                    // Find number of cell rows on back of array [#]
                    numCellRows = Util.NUM_CELLS_PANEL * int.Parse(ReadFarmSettings.GetInnerText("O&S", "StrInWidSAST", ErrLevel.WARNING, _default: "1"));
                    numRows     = int.Parse(ReadFarmSettings.GetInnerText("O&S", "RowsBlockSAST", ErrLevel.FATAL));

                    ErrorLogger.Log("Bifacial is not supported for the selected orientation and shading.", ErrLevel.FATAL);

                structLossFactor = Convert.ToDouble(ReadFarmSettings.GetInnerText("Bifacial", "StructBlockingFactor", ErrLevel.FATAL));

                if (numRows == 1)
                    // Pitch is needed for a single row because of ground patch calculations and geometry. Take value 100x greater than array bandwidth.
                    itsPitch   = 100;
                    itsRowType = RowType.SINGLE;
                    itsRowType = RowType.INTERIOR;

                // Initialize arrays
                backGlo    = new double[numCellRows];
                backDir    = new double[numCellRows];
                backDif    = new double[numCellRows];
                backFroRef = new double[numCellRows];
                backGroRef = new double[numCellRows];

                // Allows back irradiance profile output even when bifacial is disabled
                numCellRows = Util.NUM_CELLS_PANEL;
                backGlo     = new double[numCellRows];
예제 #14
        double farmACMinVoltageLoss = 0;                        // Loss of power when voltage of the array is too small and forces the inverters to 'shut off' and when inverter is not operating at MPP [W]

        // Calculate method
        public void Calculate(
            RadiationProc RadProc,                              // Radiation related data
            SimMeteo SimMet                                     // Meteological data from inputfile
            // Reset Losses
            for (int i = 0; i < SimPVA.Length; i++)
                SimInv[i].LossPMinThreshold = 0;
                SimInv[i].LossClipping      = 0;
                SimInv[i].LossLowVoltage    = 0;
                SimInv[i].LossHighVoltage   = 0;

            // Calculating solar panel shading
            SimShading.Calculate(RadProc.SimSun.Zenith, RadProc.SimSun.Azimuth, RadProc.SimHorizonShading.TDir, RadProc.SimHorizonShading.TDif, RadProc.SimHorizonShading.TRef, RadProc.SimTracker.SurfSlope, RadProc.SimTracker.SurfAzimuth);

            // Calculating spectral model effects
            SimSpectral.Calculate(SimMet.HGlo, RadProc.SimSun.NExtra, RadProc.SimSun.Zenith);

                // Calculate PV Array Output for inputs read in this loop
                for (int j = 0; j < ReadFarmSettings.SubArrayCount; j++)
                    // Adjust the IV Curve based on based on Temperature and Irradiance
                    SimPVA[j].CalcIVCurveParameters(SimMet.TGlo, SimShading.ShadTDir, SimShading.ShadTDif, SimShading.ShadTRef, RadProc.SimTilter.IncidenceAngle, SimMet.TAmbient, SimMet.WindSpeed, SimMet.TModMeasured, SimMet.MonthOfYear, SimSpectral.clearnessCorrection);

                    // Check Inverter status to determine if the Inverter is ON or OFF

                    // If inverter is off set appropriate variables to 0 and recalculate array in open circuit voltage
                    if (!SimInv[j].isON)
                        SimInv[j].ACPwrOut = 0;
                        SimInv[j].IOut     = 0;
                        SimPVA[j].Calculate(false, SimPVA[j].Voc);

                    //performing AC wiring calculations

                    // Assigning the outputs to the dictionary
                    ReadFarmSettings.Outputlist["SubArray_Current" + (j + 1).ToString()]     = SimPVA[j].IOut;
                    ReadFarmSettings.Outputlist["SubArray_Voltage" + (j + 1).ToString()]     = SimPVA[j].VOut;
                    ReadFarmSettings.Outputlist["SubArray_Power" + (j + 1).ToString()]       = SimPVA[j].POut / 1000;
                    ReadFarmSettings.Outputlist["SubArray_Current_Inv" + (j + 1).ToString()] = SimInv[j].IOut;
                    ReadFarmSettings.Outputlist["SubArray_Voltage_Inv" + (j + 1).ToString()] = SimInv[j].itsOutputVoltage;
                    ReadFarmSettings.Outputlist["SubArray_Power_Inv" + (j + 1).ToString()]   = SimInv[j].ACPwrOut / 1000;

                //Calculating total farm output and total ohmic loss
                farmACOutput    = 0;
                farmACOhmicLoss = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < SimInv.Length; i++)
                    farmACOutput    += SimInv[i].ACPwrOut;
                    farmACOhmicLoss += SimACWiring[i].ACWiringLoss;

                SimTransformer.Calculate(farmACOutput - farmACOhmicLoss);

                // Calculating outputs that will be assigned for this interval
                // Shading each component of the Tilted radiaton
                // Using horizon affected tilted radiation
                ShadGloLoss   = (RadProc.SimTilter.TGlo - SimShading.ShadTGlo) - RadProc.SimHorizonShading.LossGlo;
                ShadGloFactor = (RadProc.SimTilter.TGlo > 0 ? SimShading.ShadTGlo / RadProc.SimTilter.TGlo : 1);
                ShadBeamLoss  = RadProc.SimHorizonShading.TDir - SimShading.ShadTDir;
                ShadDiffLoss  = RadProc.SimTilter.TDif > 0 ? RadProc.SimHorizonShading.TDif - SimShading.ShadTDif : 0;
                ShadRefLoss   = RadProc.SimTilter.TRef > 0 ? RadProc.SimHorizonShading.TRef - SimShading.ShadTRef : 0;

                //Calculating total farm level variables. Cleaning them so they are non-cumulative.
                farmDC                  = 0;
                farmDCCurrent           = 0;
                farmDCMismatchLoss      = 0;
                farmDCModuleQualityLoss = 0;
                farmDCOhmicLoss         = 0;
                farmDCSoilingLoss       = 0;
                farmDCTemp              = 0;
                farmTotalModules        = 0;
                farmPNomDC              = 0;
                farmPNomAC              = 0;
                farmACPMinThreshLoss    = 0;
                farmACClippingPower     = 0;
                farmACMaxVoltageLoss    = 0;
                farmACMinVoltageLoss    = 0;
                farmPnom                = 0;
                farmTempLoss            = 0;
                farmRadLoss             = 0;

                for (int i = 0; i < SimPVA.Length; i++)
                    farmDC                  += SimPVA[i].POut;
                    farmDCCurrent           += SimPVA[i].IOut;
                    farmDCMismatchLoss      += Math.Max(0, SimPVA[i].MismatchLoss);
                    farmDCModuleQualityLoss += SimPVA[i].ModuleQualityLoss;
                    farmDCOhmicLoss         += SimPVA[i].OhmicLosses;
                    farmDCSoilingLoss       += SimPVA[i].SoilingLoss;
                    farmDCTemp              += SimPVA[i].TModule * SimPVA[i].itsNumModules;
                    farmTotalModules        += SimPVA[i].itsNumModules;
                    farmPNomDC              += SimPVA[i].itsPNomDCArray;
                    farmPNomAC              += SimInv[i].itsPNomArrayAC;
                    farmACPMinThreshLoss    += SimInv[i].LossPMinThreshold;
                    farmACClippingPower     += SimInv[i].LossClipping;
                    farmACMaxVoltageLoss    += SimInv[i].LossHighVoltage;
                    farmACMinVoltageLoss    += SimInv[i].LossLowVoltage;
                    farmPnom                += (SimPVA[i].itsPNom * SimPVA[i].itsNumModules) * SimPVA[i].TGloEff / 1000;
                    farmTempLoss            += SimPVA[i].tempLoss;
                    farmRadLoss             += SimPVA[i].radLoss;

                // Averages all PV Array temperature values
                farmDCTemp /= farmTotalModules;
                farmModuleTempAndAmbientTempDiff = farmDCTemp - SimMet.TAmbient;
                farmDCEfficiency = (RadProc.SimTilter.TGlo > 0 ? farmDC / (RadProc.SimTilter.TGlo * farmArea) : 0) * 100;
                farmPNomDC       = Utilities.ConvertWtokW(farmPNomDC);
                farmPNomAC       = Utilities.ConvertWtokW(farmPNomAC);

                farmOverAllEff = (RadProc.SimTilter.TGlo > 0 && SimTransformer.POut > 0 ? SimTransformer.POut / (RadProc.SimTilter.TGlo * farmArea) : 0) * 100;
                farmPR         = RadProc.SimTilter.TGlo > 0 && farmPNomDC > 0 && SimTransformer.POut > 0 ? SimTransformer.POut / RadProc.SimTilter.TGlo / farmPNomDC : 0;
                farmSysIER     = (SimTransformer.itsPNom - SimTransformer.POut) / (RadProc.SimTilter.TGlo * 1000);
            catch (Exception ce)
                ErrorLogger.Log(ce, ErrLevel.FATAL);

            // Assigning Outputs for this class.
예제 #15
        // Finding and Assigning the Input file style as per the SimSettingsFile
        public static void AssignInputFileSchema()
                // Collecting file specific information.
                Delim                 = GetInnerText("InputFile", "Delimeter", _Error: ErrLevel.FATAL);
                Util.AveragedAt       = GetInnerText("InputFile", "AveragedAt", _Error: ErrLevel.FATAL);
                Util.timeFormat       = GetInnerText("InputFile", "TimeFormat", _Error: ErrLevel.FATAL);
                Util.timeStep         = double.Parse(GetInnerText("InputFile", "Interval", _Error: ErrLevel.FATAL));
                ClimateFileRowsToSkip = int.Parse(GetInnerText("InputFile", "RowsToSkip", _Error: ErrLevel.WARNING, _default: "0"));
                IncClimateRowsAllowed = int.Parse(GetInnerText("InputFile", "IncorrectClimateRowsAllowed", _Error: ErrLevel.INTERNAL, _default: "0"));
                TMYType               = int.Parse(GetInnerText("InputFile", "TMYType", _default: "-1"));

                // Initializing the array to use as a holder for column numbers.
                ClimateRefPos = new int[30];

                // Notifying the user of the year change in the dates from the TMY3 file.
                if (TMYType == 3)
                    ErrorLogger.Log("This is a TMY3 file. The year will be changed to 1990 to ensure the climate data is in chronological order.", ErrLevel.WARNING);

                if (TMYType == 1)
                    ErrorLogger.Log("This is a EPW file. The year will be changed to 2017 to ensure the climate data is in chronological order.", ErrLevel.WARNING);

                // Collecting weather variable locations in the file
                if ((TMYType != 1) && (TMYType != 2) && (TMYType != 3))
                    ClimateRefPos[0]  = int.Parse(GetInnerText("InputFile", "TimeStamp", _Error: ErrLevel.FATAL));
                    UsePOA            = Int32.TryParse(GetInnerText("InputFile", "GlobalRad", _Error: ErrLevel.WARNING, _default: "N/A"), out ClimateRefPos[2]);
                    UseGHI            = Int32.TryParse(GetInnerText("InputFile", "HorIrradiance", _Error: ErrLevel.WARNING, _default: "N/A"), out ClimateRefPos[1]);
                    tempAmbDefined    = Int32.TryParse(GetInnerText("InputFile", "TempAmbient", _Error: ErrLevel.FATAL), out ClimateRefPos[3]);
                    UseMeasuredTemp   = Int32.TryParse(GetInnerText("InputFile", "TempPanel", _default: "N/A", _Error: ErrLevel.WARNING), out ClimateRefPos[4]);
                    UseWindSpeed      = Int32.TryParse(GetInnerText("InputFile", "WindSpeed", _default: "N/A", _Error: ErrLevel.WARNING), out ClimateRefPos[5]);
                    UseMeasuredAlbedo = Int32.TryParse(GetInnerText("InputFile", "MeasAlbedo", _Error: ErrLevel.FATAL), out ClimateRefPos[7]);

                    // Check if Horizontal Irradiance is provided for use in simulation.
                    if (UseGHI)
                        // Check if Diffuse Measured is defined, if Global Horizontal is provided.
                        UseDiffMeasured = Int32.TryParse(GetInnerText("InputFile", "Hor_Diffuse", _Error: ErrLevel.WARNING), out ClimateRefPos[6]);

                    // Check if at least, and only one type of Irradiance is available to continue the simulation.
                    if (UsePOA == UseGHI)
                        // If both tilted, and horizontal are provided.
                        if (UsePOA)
                            ErrorLogger.Log("Column Numbers for both Global Tilted and Horizontal Irradiance have been provided. Please select one of these inputs to run the simulation.", ErrLevel.FATAL);
                            // If both are not provided.
                            ErrorLogger.Log("You have provided insufficient definitions for irradiance. Please check the Climate File Tab.", ErrLevel.FATAL);

                    // Check if at least one type of temperature is available to continue with the simulation.
                    if (tempAmbDefined == false && UseMeasuredTemp == false && string.Compare(SystemMode, "GridConnected") == 0)
                        ErrorLogger.Log("CASSYS did not find definitions for a temperature column in the Climate File. Please define a measured panel temperature or measured ambient temperature column.", ErrLevel.FATAL);
            catch (FormatException)
                ErrorLogger.Log("The column number for Time Stamp is incorrectly defined. Please check your Input file definition.", ErrLevel.FATAL);
예제 #16
        // Calculation method
        // There are 6 ways to call the Calculate method; for each, only some of the parameters are required to calculate global, beam and diffuse. The inputs can be
        // 1. global horizontal
        // 2. global horizontal and diffuse horizontal
        // 3. global horizontal and direct horizontal
        // 4. global horizontal and direct normal
        // 5. diffuse horizontal and direct horizontal
        // 6. diffuse horizontal and direct normal
        public void Calculate
            double Zenith                   // zenith angle of sun [radians]
            , double _HGlo  = double.NaN    // global horizontal irradiance [W/m2]
            , double _HDif  = double.NaN    // diffuse horizontal irradiance [W/m2]
            , double _NDir  = double.NaN    // direct normal irradiance [W/m2]
            , double _HDir  = double.NaN    // direct horizontal irradiance [W/m2]
            , double NExtra = double.NaN    // normal extraterrestrial irradiance [W/m2]
            // Set all values to an invalid
            // Check that at least some of the radiation inputs are properly defined
                // Either HGlo has to be defined, or HDif and one of the two direct components
                if (double.IsNaN(_HGlo) && (double.IsNaN(_HDif) || (double.IsNaN(HDir) && double.IsNaN(NDir))))
                    throw new CASSYSException("Splitter: insufficient number of inputs defined.");

                // If global is defined, cannot have both diffuse and direct defined
                if (!double.IsNaN(_HGlo) && !double.IsNaN(_HDif) && ((!double.IsNaN(_HDir)) || !double.IsNaN(_NDir)))
                    throw new CASSYSException("Splitter: cannot specify both diffuse and direct when global is used.");

                // Cannot have direct normal and direct horizontal defined
                if (!double.IsNaN(_HDir) && !double.IsNaN(_NDir))
                    throw new CASSYSException("Splitter: cannot specify both direct normal and direct horizontal.");

                // If global is defined but neither diffuse and direct are defined,
                // then additional inputs are required to calculate them
                if (!double.IsNaN(_HGlo) && !double.IsNaN(_HDif) && !double.IsNaN(_HDir) && !double.IsNaN(_NDir))
                    if (NExtra == double.NaN)
                        throw new CASSYSException("Splitter: Extraterrestrial irradiance is required when only global horizontal is specified.");
            catch (CASSYSException cs)
                ErrorLogger.Log(cs, ErrLevel.FATAL);

            // Calculate cos of zenith angle
            double cosZ = Math.Cos(Zenith);

            // First case: only global horizontal is defined
            // Calculate diffuse using the Hollands and Orgill correlation
                // If only HGlo is specified this case is used, first check the values provided in the program:
                if (!double.IsNaN(_HGlo) && double.IsNaN(_HDif) && double.IsNaN(_NDir) && double.IsNaN(_HDir))
                    // Initialize value of HGlo
                    HGlo = _HGlo;

                    // If sun below horizon, direct is zero and diffuse is global
                    // Changed this to sun below 87.5° as high zenith angles sometimes caused problems of
                    // high direct on tilted surfaces
                    if (Zenith > 87.5 * DTOR || HGlo <= 0)
                        HDif = HGlo;
                        HDir = NDir = 0;

                    // Compute diffuse fraction
                        double kt = Sun.GetClearnessIndex(HGlo, NExtra, Zenith);
                        double kd = Sun.GetDiffuseFraction(kt);
                        kd = Math.Min(kd, 1.0);
                        kd = Math.Max(kd, 0.0);

                        // Compute diffuse and direct on horizontal
                        HDif = HGlo * kd;
                        HDir = HGlo - HDif;
                        NDir = HDir / cosZ;

                    // Limit beam normal to clear sky value
                    // ASHRAE clear sky model (ASHRAE Handbook - Fundamentals, 2013, ch. 14) with tau_b = 0.245, taud = 2.611, a_b = 0.668 and a_d = 0.227
                    // (these values are from Flagstaff, AZ, for the month of June, and lead to one of the highest beam/extraterrestrial ratios worldwide)
                    double AirMass = Astro.GetAirMass(Zenith);
                    double NDir_cs = NExtra * Math.Exp(-0.245 * Math.Pow(AirMass, 0.668));
                    NDir = Math.Min(NDir, NDir_cs);
                    HDir = NDir * cosZ;
                    HDif = HGlo - HDir;

                // Second case: global horizontal and diffuse horizontal are defined then this
                else if (_HGlo != double.NaN && _HDif != double.NaN)
                    // If sun below horizon, direct is zero and diffuse is global
                    // Changed this to sun below 87.5° as high zenith angles sometimes caused problems of
                    // high direct on tilted surfaces
                    if (Zenith > 87.5 * DTOR || _HGlo <= 0)
                        HGlo = _HGlo;
                        HDif = _HGlo;
                        HDir = NDir = 0;
                        HGlo = _HGlo;
                        HDif = Math.Min(_HGlo, _HDif);
                        HDir = HGlo - HDif;
                        NDir = HDir / cosZ;

                // Third case: global horizontal and direct horizontal are defined
                else if (_HGlo != double.NaN && _HDir != double.NaN)
                    HGlo = _HGlo;
                    HDir = Math.Min(_HGlo, _HDir);
                    HDif = HGlo - HDir;
                    NDir = HDir / cosZ;

                // Fourth case: global horizontal and direct normal are defined
                else if (_HGlo != double.NaN && _NDir != double.NaN)
                    HGlo = _HGlo;
                    HDir = Math.Min(HGlo, NDir * cosZ);
                    HDif = HGlo - HDir;
                    NDir = HDir / cosZ;

                // Fifth case: diffuse horizontal and direct horizontal are defined
                else if (_HDif != double.NaN && _HDir != double.NaN)
                    HDif = _HDif;
                    HDir = _HDir;
                    HGlo = HDif + HDir;
                    NDir = HDir / cosZ;

                // Sixth case: diffuse horizontal and direct normal are defined
                else if (_HDif != double.NaN && _NDir != double.NaN)
                    HDif = _HDif;
                    NDir = _NDir;
                    HDir = NDir * cosZ;
                    HGlo = HDif + HDir;

                // Other cases: should never get there
                    throw new CASSYSException("Splitter: unexpected case encountered.");
            catch (CASSYSException ex)
                ErrorLogger.Log(ex, ErrLevel.FATAL);
예제 #17
        public void Calculate(

            SimMeteo SimMet                                             // Meteological data from inputfile

            // Calculating Sun position
            // Calculate the Solar Azimuth, and Zenith angles [radians]
            SimSun.itsSurfaceSlope = SimTracker.SurfSlope;
            SimSun.Calculate(SimMet.DayOfYear, SimMet.HourOfDay);

            HourOfDay = SimMet.HourOfDay;

            // The time stamp must be adjusted for sunset and sunrise hours such that the position of the sun is only calculated
            // for the middle of the interval where the sun is above the horizon.
            if ((SimMet.TimeStepEnd > SimSun.TrueSunSetHour) && (SimMet.TimeStepBeg < SimSun.TrueSunSetHour))
                HourOfDay = SimMet.TimeStepBeg + (SimSun.TrueSunSetHour - SimMet.TimeStepBeg) / 2;
            else if ((SimMet.TimeStepBeg < SimSun.TrueSunRiseHour) && (SimMet.TimeStepEnd > SimSun.TrueSunRiseHour))
                HourOfDay = SimSun.TrueSunRiseHour + (SimMet.TimeStepEnd - SimSun.TrueSunRiseHour) / 2;

            // Based on the definition of Input file, use Tilted irradiance or transpose the horizontal irradiance
            if (ReadFarmSettings.UsePOA == true)
                // Check if the meter tilt and surface tilt are equal, if not detranspose the pyranometer
                if (string.Compare(ReadFarmSettings.CASSYSCSYXVersion, "0.9.2") >= 0)
                    // Checking if the Meter and Panel Tilt are different:
                    if ((pyranoTilter.itsSurfaceAzimuth != SimTracker.SurfAzimuth) || (pyranoTilter.itsSurfaceSlope != SimTracker.SurfSlope))
                        if (SimMet.TGlo < 0)
                            SimMet.TGlo = 0;

                            if (negativeIrradFlag == false)
                                ErrorLogger.Log("Global Plane of Array Irradiance contains negative values. CASSYS will set the value to 0.", ErrLevel.WARNING);
                                negativeIrradFlag = true;
                        if (SimMet.TGlo < 0)
                            SimMet.TGlo = 0;

                            if (negativeIrradFlag == false)
                                ErrorLogger.Log("Global Plane of Array Irradiance contains negative values. CASSYS will set the value to 0.", ErrLevel.WARNING);
                                negativeIrradFlag = true;
                    if (SimMet.TGlo < 0)
                        SimMet.TGlo = 0;

                        if (negativeIrradFlag == false)
                            ErrorLogger.Log("Global Plane of Array Irradiance contains negative values. CASSYS will the value to 0.", ErrLevel.WARNING);
                            negativeIrradFlag = true;
                if (SimMet.HGlo < 0)
                    SimMet.HGlo = 0;

                    if (negativeIrradFlag == false)
                        ErrorLogger.Log("Global Horizontal Irradiance is negative. CASSYS set the value to 0.", ErrLevel.WARNING);
                        negativeIrradFlag = true;
                if (ReadFarmSettings.UseDiffMeasured == true)
                    if (SimMet.HDiff < 0)
                        if (negativeIrradFlag == false)
                            SimMet.HDiff = 0;
                            ErrorLogger.Log("Horizontal Diffuse Irradiance is negative. CASSYS set the value to 0.", ErrLevel.WARNING);
                            negativeIrradFlag = true;
                    SimMet.HDiff = double.NaN;

            // Calculate horizon shading effects
            SimHorizonShading.Calculate(SimSun.Zenith, SimSun.Azimuth, SimTracker.SurfSlope, SimTracker.SurfAzimuth, SimTilter.TDir, SimTilter.TDif, SimTilter.TRef, SimSplitter.HDir, SimSplitter.HDif, SimTracker.itsTrackMode);

            // Assigning outputs