private void ShowTrcFiles() { LV_TrcFiles.Items.Clear(); CANStreamTools.ResetTrcFileInfoEventSession(); if (Directory.Exists(RecordsFolder)) { DirectoryInfo RecDirInfo = new DirectoryInfo(RecordsFolder); TrcFilesInfos = CANStreamTools.GetTrcFileInfoList(RecDirInfo.FullName); if (!(TrcFilesInfos == null)) { for (int iTrc = 0; iTrc < TrcFilesInfos.Length; iTrc++) { PcanTrcFileInfo TrcInfo = TrcFilesInfos[iTrc]; ListViewItem TrcIt = LV_TrcFiles.Items.Add(TrcInfo.TrcFileInfo.Name); TrcIt.Tag = iTrc; if (!(TrcInfo.TrcFileEvent == null || TrcInfo.TrcFileSession == null)) { ListViewGroup oEventSessionGroup = Get_EventSessionGroup(TrcInfo.TrcFileEvent.Name, TrcInfo.TrcFileSession.Name); if (oEventSessionGroup == null) { oEventSessionGroup = LV_TrcFiles.Groups.Add(LV_TrcFiles.Groups.Count.ToString(), TrcInfo.TrcFileEvent.Name + " :: " + TrcInfo.TrcFileSession.Name); } TrcIt.Group = oEventSessionGroup; } TrcIt.SubItems.Add(TrcInfo.TrcFileInfo.LastWriteTime.ToShortDateString() + " " + TrcInfo.TrcFileInfo.LastWriteTime.ToShortTimeString()); TrcIt.SubItems.Add(CANStreamTools.GetScaledFileSize(TrcInfo.TrcFileInfo.Length)); } LV_TrcFiles.Sort(); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Records folder doesn't exist or is not available !", Application.ProductName, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); } }
private void UpDate_FileList(string fPath, CS_RecordSession oSession, CS_RecordEvent oEvent) { ListViewGroup oSessionGrp = null; if (!(fPath.Equals(""))) { DirectoryInfo oDirInfo = new DirectoryInfo(fPath); if (!(oSession == null)) { oSessionGrp = new ListViewGroup("Session: " + oSession.Name); LV_Files.Groups.Add(oSessionGrp); } if (!(oDirInfo == null)) { FileInfo[] oDirFiles = oDirInfo.GetFiles(); LV_Files.Tag = fPath; if (!(oDirFiles == null)) { foreach (FileInfo oFile in oDirFiles) { int iIcone = 0; if (oFile.Extension.Equals(".csv")) //Converted record file { iIcone = 2; } else if (oFile.Extension.Equals(".xrdf")) //XML Converted record file { iIcone = 4; } else if (oFile.Extension.Equals(".trc")) //Raw record file { iIcone = 3; } if (!(iIcone == 0)) { ListViewItem ItFile = LV_Files.Items.Add(oFile.Name, iIcone); ItFile.SubItems.Add(oFile.LastWriteTime.ToShortDateString() + " " + oFile.LastWriteTime.ToShortTimeString()); ItFile.SubItems.Add(CANStreamTools.GetScaledFileSize(oFile.Length)); object[] FileTag = new object[3]; FileTag[0] = oFile.FullName; FileTag[1] = oSession; FileTag[2] = oEvent; ItFile.Tag = FileTag; if (!(oSessionGrp == null)) { ItFile.Group = oSessionGrp; } } } Color_FileItems(); LV_Files.AutoResizeColumns(ColumnHeaderAutoResizeStyle.ColumnContent); } } } }
private GW_DataFile Concat_XmlDataFiles(GW_DataFile[] oDataFiles) { if (oDataFiles == null) { return(null); } //Concatened data file creation oConcatData = new GW_DataFile(); oConcatData.DataSamplingMode = SamplingMode.MultipleRates; //Complete channel list creation foreach (GW_DataFile oFile in oDataFiles) { foreach (GW_DataChannel oChan in oFile.Channels) { //Create the data channel into the concatenated data file if it does not exist already if (!(oConcatData.DataChannelExists(oChan.Name))) { GW_DataChannel oConcatChan = new GW_DataChannel(oChan.Name, SamplingMode.MultipleRates); //Copy XML data channel properties oConcatChan.Description = oChan.Description; oConcatChan.Unit = oChan.Unit; oConcatChan.GraphicFormat = oChan.GraphicFormat.Get_Clone(); foreach (GraphReferenceLine oRefLine in oChan.ChannelReferenceLines) { oConcatChan.ChannelReferenceLines.Add(oRefLine.Get_Clone()); } oConcatData.Channels.Add(oConcatChan); } } } //Append current file channel samples to the concatenated data file channel foreach (GW_DataChannel oConcatChan in oConcatData.Channels) { double Concat_T = 0; foreach (GW_DataFile oFile in oDataFiles) { GW_DataChannel oDataChan = oFile.Get_DataChannel(oConcatChan.Name); if (!(oDataChan == null)) { if (oDataChan.Samples.Count > 1) { for (int iSample = 0; iSample < oDataChan.Samples.Count; iSample++) { if (oConcatChan.Samples.Count > 0) { if (iSample > 0) { Concat_T += (oDataChan.Samples[iSample].SampleTime - oDataChan.Samples[iSample - 1].SampleTime); } else { Concat_T += (oDataChan.Samples[1].SampleTime - oDataChan.Samples[0].SampleTime); } } SerieSample sNewSample = new SerieSample(); sNewSample.SampleTime = Concat_T; sNewSample.SampleValue = oDataChan.Samples[iSample].SampleValue; oConcatChan.Samples.Add(sNewSample); if (oConcatChan.Samples.Count == 1) { oConcatChan.Min = oDataChan.Samples[iSample].SampleValue; oConcatChan.Max = oDataChan.Samples[iSample].SampleValue; } else { if (oDataChan.Samples[iSample].SampleValue < oConcatChan.Min) { oConcatChan.Min = oDataChan.Samples[iSample].SampleValue; } if (oDataChan.Samples[iSample].SampleValue > oConcatChan.Max) { oConcatChan.Max = oDataChan.Samples[iSample].SampleValue; } } } } } } } //Virtual channels computations if (!(VCLibraries == null)) { VCLibraries.InitLibrariesComputation(); //Virtual channels libraries initialization foreach (CS_VirtualChannel oVirtChan in VCLibraries.ChannelsComputationList) { bool bComputeVirtual = true; GW_DataChannel oCarrierChannel = null; foreach (string ChanVar in oVirtChan.ChannelVariables) { GW_DataChannel oDataChan = oConcatData.Get_DataChannel(ChanVar); if (!(oDataChan == null)) { if (oCarrierChannel == null) { oCarrierChannel = oDataChan; } else { if (oDataChan.Samples.Count > oCarrierChannel.Samples.Count) { oCarrierChannel = oDataChan; } } } else { bComputeVirtual = false; break; } } if (oCarrierChannel != null && bComputeVirtual) { GW_DataChannel oVirtualData = new GW_DataChannel(oVirtChan.Name, SamplingMode.MultipleRates); oVirtualData.Unit = oVirtChan.Unit; oVirtualData.Description = oVirtChan.Comment; oVirtualData.GraphicFormat = CANStreamTools.Convert_CSSignalFormatToSerieValueFormat(oVirtChan.ValueFormat); oVirtualData.ChannelReferenceLines = CANStreamTools.Convert_CSAlarmsToSerieReferenceLines(oVirtChan.Alarms); foreach (SerieSample sCarrierSample in oCarrierChannel.Samples) { SerieSample sVirtSample = new SerieSample(); sVirtSample.SampleTime = sCarrierSample.SampleTime; foreach (string ChanVar in oVirtChan.ChannelVariables) { VCLibraries.UpDateVariableElement(ChanVar, oConcatData.Get_ChannelValueAtTime(ChanVar, sVirtSample.SampleTime)); } oVirtChan.ComputeChannelValue(); if (oVirtChan.bComputed && oVirtChan.bNewValue) { sVirtSample.SampleValue = oVirtChan.Value; oVirtualData.Samples.Add(sVirtSample); if (oVirtualData.Samples.Count == 1) { oVirtualData.Min = sVirtSample.SampleValue; oVirtualData.Max = sVirtSample.SampleValue; } else { if (sVirtSample.SampleValue < oVirtualData.Min) { oVirtualData.Min = sVirtSample.SampleValue; } if (sVirtSample.SampleValue > oVirtualData.Max) { oVirtualData.Max = sVirtSample.SampleValue; } } } } if (oVirtualData.Samples.Count > 1) { oConcatData.Channels.Add(oVirtualData); } } } } oDataFiles = null; //Free up memory return(oConcatData); }
/// <summary> /// Converts the decoded PCAN trace file into a XML data file /// </summary> /// <param name="OutputFolder">Output file folder</param> /// <returns>Converion result (True: OK / False: Error)</returns> private bool WriteXmlRecordData(string OutputFolder) { if (Channels.Count == 0) { return(false); } GW_DataFile oDataFile = new GW_DataFile(); oDataFile.DataSamplingMode = SamplingMode.MultipleRates; //Set data file properties oDataFile.DataStartTime = this.AbsDTStartTime; oDataFile.UserComment = "Data file created " + DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString() + " " + DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString(); //Data file custom properties GW_XmlDataFileCustomProperty oCustProp; oCustProp = new GW_XmlDataFileCustomProperty(); oCustProp.Name = "Base PCAN Trc file"; oCustProp.PropertyValue = Path.GetFileName(this.BaseTrcFilePath); oDataFile.XmlDataFileCustomProperties.Add(oCustProp); oCustProp = new GW_XmlDataFileCustomProperty(); oCustProp.Name = "Data decode CAN Configuration"; oCustProp.PropertyValue = Path.GetFileName(this.oCanConfig.ConfigFilePath); oDataFile.XmlDataFileCustomProperties.Add(oCustProp); for (int i = 0; i < this.VCLibraries.Libraries.Count; i++) { oCustProp = new GW_XmlDataFileCustomProperty(); oCustProp.Name = "Data decode virtual channels library #" + (i + 1).ToString(); oCustProp.PropertyValue = Path.GetFileName(VCLibraries.Libraries[i].Name); oDataFile.XmlDataFileCustomProperties.Add(oCustProp); } //Set data channels foreach (RecordDataChannel oRecChan in Channels) { GW_DataChannel oDataChan = new GW_DataChannel(oRecChan.Name, SamplingMode.MultipleRates); //Channel properties CANParameter oCANSig = this.oCanConfig.GetCANParameter(oRecChan.Name); if (!(oCANSig == null)) //A CAN parameter has been found, GW_DataChannel properties will be filled using properties of the CAN Parameter { oDataChan.Description = oCANSig.Comment; oDataChan.Unit = oCANSig.Unit; oDataChan.GraphicFormat = CANStreamTools.Convert_CSSignalFormatToSerieValueFormat(oCANSig.ValueFormat); oDataChan.ChannelReferenceLines = CANStreamTools.Convert_CSAlarmsToSerieReferenceLines(oCANSig.Alarms); } else //No CAN parameter found, search among virtual channels { CS_VirtualChannel oVirtual = null; foreach (CS_VirtualChannelsLibrary oVirtLib in this.VCLibraries.Libraries) { oVirtual = oVirtLib.GetVirtualChannel(oRecChan.Name); if (!(oVirtual == null)) { break; } } if (!(oVirtual == null)) //A virtual channel has been found, GW_DataChannel properties will be filled using properties of the virtual channel { oDataChan.Description = oVirtual.Comment; oDataChan.Unit = oVirtual.Unit; oDataChan.GraphicFormat = CANStreamTools.Convert_CSSignalFormatToSerieValueFormat(oVirtual.ValueFormat); oDataChan.ChannelReferenceLines = CANStreamTools.Convert_CSAlarmsToSerieReferenceLines(oVirtual.Alarms); } else //No virtual channel found, GW_DataChannel will keeps its default properties values { //Nothing to do } } //Channel samples value foreach (RecordDataSample oRecSample in oRecChan.Samples) { SerieSample sDataSample = new SerieSample(); sDataSample.SampleTime = oRecSample.TimeStamp / 1000; sDataSample.SampleValue = oRecSample.SampleValue; oDataChan.Samples.Add(sDataSample); } oDataFile.Channels.Add(oDataChan); } string OutFilePath = BuildOutputFilePtah(OutputFolder, RecordConversionFormat.Xml); oDataFile.Write_XmlDataFile(OutFilePath); return(true); }