public void AddAccount(Account newAccount) { if (accounts.Select(x => x).Any(x => x.Username == newAccount.Username)) throw new Exception(); newAccount.TableID = tableID++; accounts.Add(newAccount); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="username"></param> /// <param name="password"></param> /// <param name="email"></param> /// <returns>Succeded boolean</returns> public bool TryCreateAccount(string name, string username, string password, string email) { //Is input parameters valid inputs? "" and null not allowed if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(name) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(username) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(password) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(email)) return false; //Validate that we are online and that the username and email doesn't exist amoung allready existing accounts. if (!season.OnlineContext.isOnline()) return false; if (season.OnlineContext.GetAccount(username) != null) return false; if (season.OnlineContext.GetAccount(email, true) != null) return false; //Is the value of email a valid e-mail format? //Regex validation snippet from if (!Regex.IsMatch(email, @"^(?("")("".+?(?<!\\)""@)|(([0-9a-z]((\.(?!\.))|[-!#\$%&'\*\+/=\?\^`\{\}\|~\w])*)(?<=[0-9a-z])@))" + @"(?(\[)(\[(\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}\])|(([0-9a-z][-\w]*[0-9a-z]*\.)+[a-z0-9][\-a-z0-9]{0,22}[a-z0-9]))$")) return false; //Try creating the account, hitting the catch here could mean a connection issue or that //the synchronizing server rejected the AddAccount action. Only methods inside AccountLogic except //for TryLogin enforces for the OnlineContext to be in isOnline state. IAccount account = new Account(name, username, email, false); try { season.OnlineContext.AddAccount(account); } catch { return false; } return true; }
public EventComposite(string title, string description, Account ownedByAccount,IAccount[] sharedWithAccount) { SharedWithAccounts = sharedWithAccount; eventComponents = new EventComponent[0]; OwnedByAccount = ownedByAccount; Description = description; Title = title; }
public EventLeaf(INotification[] notifications, Account[] sharedWithAccounts, Account ownedByAccount, string description, DateTime dateTo, DateTime dateFrom) { DateFrom = dateFrom; DateTo = dateTo; Description = description; OwnedByAccount = ownedByAccount; SharedWithAccounts = sharedWithAccounts; Notifications = notifications; }
public EventLeaf(string title, string description, DateTime dateFrom, DateTime dateTo, Account ownedByAccount, Account[] sharedWithAccounts, INotification[] notifications) { Title = title; DateFrom = dateFrom; DateTo = dateTo; Description = description; OwnedByAccount = ownedByAccount; SharedWithAccounts = sharedWithAccounts; Notifications = notifications; }
public void SetUp() { seasonStub = new SeasonStub(); accountLogic = new AccountLogic(seasonStub); Maccount = new Account("Maccount", "u", "*****@*****.**", true); seasonStub.CurrentAccount = Maccount; accountLogic.TryCreateAccount("Maccount", "Mpassword", "*****@*****.**"); accountLogic = new AccountLogic(seasonStub); }
public void RemoveAccount(Account account) { accounts.Remove(accounts.Select(x => x).First(x => x.TableID == account.TableID)); }
public void UpdateAccount(Account account) { }
/// <summary> /// Removes a specified account. /// </summary> /// <param name="account"></param> /// <returns>return true if success</returns> public bool TryRemoveAccount(Account account) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
/// <summary> /// Joins multiple components together to a composite. /// </summary> /// <returns>EventsComposite</returns> public EventComposite JoinComponentsToNewComposite(string title, string description, Account ownedByAccount, params EventComponent[] components) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public EventComposite(string title, string description, Account ownedByAccount) { OwnedByAccount = ownedByAccount; Description = description; Title = title; }
public void SetUp() { seasonStub = new SeasonStub(); accountLogic = new AccountLogic(seasonStub); Maccount = new Account("SeaasonStub person", "u", "p", true); seasonStub.CurrentAccount = Maccount; }
public void SetUp() { seasonStub = new SeasonStub(); accountLogic = new AccountLogic(seasonStub); //This user is precreated by default in SeasonStub. Maccount = new Account("SeaasonStub person", "u", "p", true); //Setting CurrentAccount to Maccount enforces that we are logged in as Maccount. seasonStub.CurrentAccount = Maccount; }
public void AddAccount(Account newAccount) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public void SetUp() { kim = new Account("Kim", "Kim", "[email protected]", false); ole = new Account("Ole", "Ole", "[email protected]", false); pia = new Account("Pia", "Pia", "[email protected]", false); EventComponent[] events = new EventComponent[5]; events[0] = new EventLeaf("Event1", "A description", DateTime.Parse("11-11-11"), DateTime.Parse("11-11-12"), kim, new Account[] { }, new INotification[] { }); events[1] = new EventLeaf("", "", DateTime.Parse("11-11-10"), DateTime.Parse("11-11-11"), ole, new[] { kim}, new INotification[] { new Notification(DateTime.Parse("11-11-9"), false)}); events[2] = new EventLeaf("Event3", "A description", DateTime.Parse("11-11-11"), DateTime.Parse("11-11-12"), kim, new[] { kim, ole}, new INotification[] { }); events[3] = new EventLeaf("Event4", "A description", DateTime.Parse("11-11-11"), DateTime.Parse("11-11-12"), ole, new[] { kim, ole, pia }, new INotification[] { }); events[4] = new EventLeaf("Event5", "A description", DateTime.Parse("11-11-9"), DateTime.Parse("11-11-13"), pia, new Account[] { }, new INotification[] { new Notification(DateTime.Parse("11-11-9"), false)}); Event1 = events[0]; Event2 = events[1]; EventComposite e1 = new EventComposite("Compo1", "A grup description",kim, new IAccount[0]); e1.eventComponents = new EventComponent[] {events[0], events[1]}; Event3 = e1; EventComposite e2 = new EventComposite("Compo2", "A grup description", ole, new IAccount[0]); e2.eventComponents = new EventComponent[] {}; Event4 = e2; EventComposite e3 = new EventComposite("Compo3", "A grup description", kim, new IAccount[0]); e3.eventComponents = new EventComponent[] { events[0], events[1], events[2], events[3], events[4] }; Event5 = e3; EventComposite e4 = new EventComposite("Compo4", "A grup description2", pia, new IAccount[0]); e4.eventComponents = new EventComponent[] { e1, e3 }; Event6 = e4; }
public void UpdateAccount(Account account) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
/// <summary> /// Removes a specified account. /// </summary> /// <param name="account"></param> public static void RemoveAccount(Season season, Account account) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }