예제 #1
        //saving specific CA To file
        public void SaveCAToFile(object messageIn)
            if (mySelectedCAGrid2DViewModel != null)
                bool?aDialogResult = null;

                string aDefaultExtension = ".xml";
                string aFileExtensions   = "Xml files (.xml)|*.xml";

                string aFileName = null;
                aDialogResult = DialogMediator.ShowSaveFileDialog(this, aFileExtensions, aDefaultExtension, out aFileName);

                if (aDialogResult == true)
                        //writing specific CA to file.
                        CAGrid2DRW.WriteCA(aFileName, mySelectedCAGrid2DViewModel);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        if (ex is InvalidOperationException || ex is EncoderFallbackException || ex is ArgumentException || ex is UnauthorizedAccessException ||
                            ex is System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException || ex is System.IO.IOException || ex is System.Security.SecurityException || ex is System.IO.PathTooLongException)
                            DialogMediator.ShowMessageBox(null, "Exception during writing of CA", "Problem with writing following CA file : \n" + aFileName
                                                          + "\n" + "Following exception occured : \n" + ex.Message, System.Windows.MessageBoxButton.OK, System.Windows.MessageBoxImage.Error);
예제 #2
        //all available CAs are written here.
        public static void WriteAllAvailableCAs(CAMainWindowVM caMainWindowVMIn)
            string aCAsWithProblem = null;
            string aCAExceptions   = null;

            foreach (CAGrid2DVM aCAGrid2DVMItem in caMainWindowVMIn.Grid2DViewModelList)
                if (aCAGrid2DVMItem != null)
                    string aFilename = null;
                        aFilename = @".\SavedCA\" + aCAGrid2DVMItem.CAName + ".xml";
                        CAGrid2DRW.WriteCA(aFilename, aCAGrid2DVMItem);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        if (ex is InvalidOperationException || ex is EncoderFallbackException || ex is ArgumentException || ex is UnauthorizedAccessException ||
                            ex is DirectoryNotFoundException || ex is IOException || ex is System.Security.SecurityException || ex is PathTooLongException)
                            aCAsWithProblem += aFilename + "\n";
                            aCAExceptions   += ex.Message + "\n";

            if (aCAsWithProblem != null)
                DialogMediator.ShowMessageBox(null, "Exception during writing CA", "Problem with writing following CA files : \n" + aCAsWithProblem
                                              + "\n" + "Following exceptions occured : \n" + aCAExceptions, System.Windows.MessageBoxButton.OK, System.Windows.MessageBoxImage.Warning);