public ICCBased(byte[] array) { AddItem(new PDFName("ICCBased")); PDFDictionaryStream dstream = new PDFDictionaryStream(); byte[] buf = new byte[4]; for (int i = 16; i < 20; ++i) { buf[i - 16] = array[i]; } switch (Encoding.GetString(buf)) { case "CMYK": WriteDictionary(dstream.Dictionary, 4, "DeviceCMYK"); break; case "GRAY": WriteDictionary(dstream.Dictionary, 1, "DeviceGRAY"); break; case "RGB ": WriteDictionary(dstream.Dictionary, 3, "DeviceRGB"); break; case "Lab ": //TODO break; } dstream.GetStream().Write(array, 0, array.Length); AddItem(dstream); }
private void initData(Stream fs, PDFDictionaryStream stream) { stream.Dictionary.AddItem("Type", new PDFName("3D")); stream.Dictionary.AddItem("Subtype", new PDFName("U3D")); stream.GetStream().SetLength(fs.Length); fs.Read(stream.GetStream().GetBuffer(), 0, (int)fs.Length); }
private void initialize32BMP(Bitmap bmp) { MemoryStream streamSMask = new MemoryStream(); PDFDictionaryStream dictSMask = new PDFDictionaryStream(new PDFDictionary(), streamSMask); dictSMask.Dictionary.AddItem("Type", new PDFName("XObject")); dictSMask.Dictionary.AddItem("Subtype", new PDFName("Image")); dictSMask.Dictionary.AddItem("Width", new PDFNumber(_width)); dictSMask.Dictionary.AddItem("Height", new PDFNumber(_height)); dictSMask.Dictionary.AddItem("ColorSpace", new PDFName("DeviceGray")); dictSMask.Dictionary.AddItem("BitsPerComponent", new PDFNumber(8)); Dictionary.AddItem("SMask", dictSMask); Dictionary.AddItem("ColorSpace", new PDFName("DeviceRGB")); Dictionary.AddItem("BitsPerComponent", new PDFNumber(8)); BitmapData bmpData = bmp.LockBits(new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, _width, _height), ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, PixelFormat.Format32bppRgb); IntPtr ptr = bmpData.Scan0; byte[] buf = new byte[bmpData.Stride * bmpData.Height]; System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(ptr, buf, 0, buf.Length); byte xor; for (int i = 0; i < buf.Length; i += 4) { xor = buf[i]; buf[i] = buf[i + 2]; buf[i + 2] = xor; GetStream().Write(buf, i, 3); streamSMask.WriteByte(buf[i + 3]); } bmp.UnlockBits(bmpData); }
private void initAU(Stream streamSound, PDFDictionaryStream streamOut) { byte[] word = new byte[4]; streamSound.Position = 12; streamSound.Read(word, 0, word.Length); int compression = BitConverter.ToInt32(word, 0); if (compression == 0) { streamOut.Dictionary.AddItem("E", new PDFName("Signed")); } else if (compression == 1) { streamOut.Dictionary.AddItem("E", new PDFName("muLaw")); } else if (compression == 27) { streamOut.Dictionary.AddItem("E", new PDFName("ALaw")); } streamSound.Read(word, 0, word.Length); streamOut.Dictionary.AddItem("R", new PDFNumber(BitConverter.ToInt32(word, 0))); streamSound.Read(word, 0, word.Length); int channel = BitConverter.ToInt32(word, 0); streamOut.Dictionary.AddItem("B", new PDFNumber(channel)); streamOut.GetStream().SetLength(streamSound.Length); streamSound.Read(streamOut.GetStream().GetBuffer(), 0, streamOut.GetStream().GetBuffer().Length); }
private void init(float[] matrix) { _dict = new PDFDictionaryStream(new PDFDictionary(), Stream); _dict.Dictionary.AddItem("Type", new PDFName("XObject")); _dict.Dictionary.AddItem("Subtype", new PDFName("Form")); PDFArray array = new PDFArray(); array.AddItem(new PDFNumber(0)); array.AddItem(new PDFNumber(0)); array.AddItem(new PDFNumber(Width)); array.AddItem(new PDFNumber(Height)); _dict.Dictionary.AddItem("BBox", array); _dict.Dictionary.AddItem("Resources", Resources.Dictionary); array = new PDFArray(); if (matrix != null) { array.AddItem(new PDFNumber(matrix[0])); array.AddItem(new PDFNumber(matrix[1])); array.AddItem(new PDFNumber(matrix[2])); array.AddItem(new PDFNumber(matrix[3])); array.AddItem(new PDFNumber(matrix[4])); array.AddItem(new PDFNumber(matrix[5])); _dict.Dictionary.AddItem("Matrix", array); } }
public ICCBased(string filename) { FileStream fstream = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Open); AddItem(new PDFName("ICCBased")); PDFDictionaryStream dstream = new PDFDictionaryStream(); byte[] buf = new byte[4]; fstream.Position = 16; fstream.Read(buf, 0, buf.Length); switch (Encoding.GetString(buf)) { case "CMYK": WriteDictionary(dstream.Dictionary, 4, "DeviceCMYK"); break; case "GRAY": WriteDictionary(dstream.Dictionary, 1, "DeviceGRAY"); break; case "RGB ": WriteDictionary(dstream.Dictionary, 3, "DeviceRGB"); break; case "Lab ": //TODO break; } buf = new byte[fstream.Length]; fstream.Read(buf, 0, buf.Length); dstream.GetStream().Write(buf, 0, buf.Length); AddItem(dstream); }
private void initFormat32bppArgb(Bitmap bmp) { int f = bmp.Flags; BitmapData bmpData = bmp.LockBits(new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, bmp.Width, bmp.Height), ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, bmp.PixelFormat); byte[] buf = new byte[bmpData.Stride * bmpData.Height]; System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(bmpData.Scan0, buf, 0, buf.Length); _dict.Dictionary.AddItem("BitsPerComponent", new PDFNumber(8)); _dict.Dictionary.AddItem("ColorSpace", new PDFName("DeviceRGB")); PDFDictionaryStream dictSMask = new PDFDictionaryStream(new PDFDictionary(), new MemoryStream()); initSMask(dictSMask); _dict.Dictionary.AddItem("SMask", dictSMask); _isSMask = true; MemoryStream stream = _dict.GetStream(); stream.SetLength(buf.Length); MemoryStream maskStream = dictSMask.GetStream(); for (int i = 0; i < buf.Length; i += 4) { stream.WriteByte(buf[i + 2]); stream.WriteByte(buf[i + 1]); stream.WriteByte(buf[i]); maskStream.WriteByte(buf[i + 3]); } bmp.UnlockBits(bmpData); }
private void initAlphaIDAT(FileStream fs, string colorspace, int n) { if (Dictionary["ColorSpace"] == null) { Dictionary.AddItem("ColorSpace", new PDFName(colorspace)); } MemoryStream streamSMask = new MemoryStream(); PDFDictionaryStream dictSMask = new PDFDictionaryStream(new PDFDictionary(), streamSMask); initSMask(dictSMask); Dictionary.AddItem("SMask", dictSMask); MemoryStream compressionStream = new MemoryStream(); compressionStream.Position = 0; writeIDAT(compressionStream, fs); MemoryStream decodeStream = FlateDecoder.Decode(compressionStream, null); byte[] pdfData = toPDFData(decodeStream, (n + 1) * (_bitdepth / 8)); for (int i = 0; i < pdfData.Length; i += (n + 1) * (_bitdepth / 8)) { GetStream().Write(pdfData, i, n * (_bitdepth / 8)); byte b = pdfData[i + n * (_bitdepth / 8)]; if (_bitdepth == 16) { b = (byte)((((int)b << 8) | (int)pdfData[i + n * (_bitdepth / 8) + 1]) / 256); } streamSMask.WriteByte(b); } }
private void loadCanvas() { IPDFObject contents = _dictionary["Contents"]; if (contents is PDFArray) { addFirstq(contents as PDFArray); addLast(contents as PDFArray); } else if (contents is PDFDictionaryStream) { PDFArray arr = new PDFArray(); addFirstq(arr); arr.AddItem(contents); addLast(arr); _dictionary.AddItem("Contents", arr); } else { PDFArray arr = new PDFArray(); PDFDictionaryStream ds = new PDFDictionaryStream(); MemoryStream s = ds.GetStream(); s.WriteByte((byte)'q'); s.WriteByte((byte)'\r'); s.WriteByte((byte)'Q'); arr.AddItem(ds); _dictionary.AddItem("Contents", arr); _canvas = new Canvas(s, Resources, PageRect); _canvas.ChangeGroup += new ChangeGroupEventHandler(m_canvas_ChangeGroup); } }
public string AddResources(ResourceType type, IPDFObject obj) { string key = resourceTypeToString(type); addDictionaryType(key); PDFDictionary res = _dictionary[key] as PDFDictionary; string name; if (res.Contains(obj, out name)) { return(name); } name = getVacantResourseName(res, type); res.AddItem(name, obj); if (type == ResourceType.XObject) { PDFDictionaryStream stream = obj as PDFDictionaryStream; if (stream != null) { PDFName imagename = stream.Dictionary["Subtype"] as PDFName; if (imagename != null) { if (imagename.GetValue() == "Image") { _images.AddItem(new Image(stream)); } } } } return(name); }
private void initImages() { _images = new ReadOnlyCollection <Image>(); PDFDictionary dictionary = _dictionary["XObject"] as PDFDictionary; if (dictionary != null) { string[] keys = dictionary.GetKeys(); for (int i = 0; i < keys.Length; ++i) { PDFDictionaryStream dict = dictionary[keys[i]] as PDFDictionaryStream; if (dict != null) { PDFName name = dict.Dictionary["Subtype"] as PDFName; if (name != null) { if (name.GetValue() == "Image") { _images.AddItem(new Image(dict)); } } } } } }
//TODO: //private PDF3DViews m_views; /// <summary> /// Creates a new 3D data initialized from the specified existing file. /// </summary> /// <param name="filename" href="">The path to the data.</param> public ThreeDData(string filename) { FileStream fs = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); _stream = new PDFDictionaryStream(); initData(fs, _stream); fs.Close(); }
internal static PDFDictionaryStream Copy(PDFDictionaryStream dictStream) { Stream stream = dictStream.GetStream(); byte[] buf = new byte[stream.Length]; stream.Position = 0; stream.Read(buf, 0, buf.Length); MemoryStream newStream = new MemoryStream(); newStream.Write(buf, 0, buf.Length); PDFDictionary dict = dictStream.Dictionary; PDFDictionary newDict = new PDFDictionary(); string[] keys = { "Type", "Subtype", "FormType", "BBox", "Matrix", "Ref", "Metadata", "LastModified", "Name" }; for (int i = 0; i < keys.Length; ++i) { IPDFObject obj = dict[keys[i]]; if (obj != null) { newDict.AddItem(keys[i], obj.Clone()); } } PDFDictionary resources = dict["Resources"] as PDFDictionary; if (resources != null) { newDict.AddItem("Resources", ResourcesBase.Copy(resources)); } PDFDictionary group = dict["Group"] as PDFDictionary; if (group != null) { newDict.AddItem("Group", GroupBase.Copy(group)); } // PieceInfo, OPI, OC - still unknown // StructParent, StructParents - do not IPDFObject filter = dict["Filter"]; if (filter != null) { newDict.AddItem("Filter", filter.Clone()); } IPDFObject decodeParms = dict["DecodeParms"]; if (decodeParms != null) { newDict.AddItem("DecodeParms", decodeParms.Clone()); } return(new PDFDictionaryStream(newDict, newStream)); }
private void init(Stream stream) { _stream = new MemoryStream(); _dict = new PDFDictionaryStream(new PDFDictionary(), _stream); _alternate = new string[1]; byte[] buf = new byte[4]; stream.Position = 12; stream.Read(buf, 0, 4); GetDeviceClass(Encoding.GetString(buf)); stream.Position = 16; stream.Read(buf, 0, 4); _n = 0; switch (GetColorSpaceICC(Encoding.GetString(buf))) { case ColorSpaceICC.icSigRgbData: _alternate[0] = "DeviceRGB"; _n = 3; break; case ColorSpaceICC.icSigCmykData: _alternate[0] = "DeviceCMYK"; _n = 4; break; case ColorSpaceICC.icSigGrayData: _alternate[0] = "DeviceGray"; _n = 1; break; } _range = new float[_n * 2]; for (int i = 0; i < _n; ++i) { _range[i * 2] = 0.0f; _range[i * 2 + 1] = 1.0f; } _dict.Dictionary.AddItem("N", new PDFNumber(_n)); PDFArray array = new PDFArray(); array.AddItem(new PDFName(_alternate[0])); _dict.Dictionary.AddItem("Alternate", array); array = new PDFArray(); for (int i = 0; i < _n; ++i) { array.AddItem(new PDFNumber(_range[i * 2])); array.AddItem(new PDFNumber(_range[i * 2 + 1])); } _dict.Dictionary.AddItem("Range", array); buf = new byte[stream.Length]; stream.Position = 0; stream.Read(buf, 0, (int)stream.Length); _stream.Write(buf, 0, buf.Length); _name = ""; }
private void loadSound() { PDFDictionaryStream sound = _dictionary["Sound"] as PDFDictionaryStream; if (sound != null) { _sound = new Sound(sound); } }
private void initSMask(PDFDictionaryStream dictSMask) { dictSMask.Dictionary.AddItem("Type", new PDFName("XObject")); dictSMask.Dictionary.AddItem("Subtype", new PDFName("Image")); dictSMask.Dictionary.AddItem("Width", new PDFNumber(_width)); dictSMask.Dictionary.AddItem("Height", new PDFNumber(_height)); dictSMask.Dictionary.AddItem("BitsPerComponent", new PDFNumber(8)); dictSMask.Dictionary.AddItem("ColorSpace", new PDFName("DeviceGray")); }
private void loadThumbnail() { PDFDictionaryStream ds = _dictionary["Thumb"] as PDFDictionaryStream; if (ds != null) { _thumbnail = new Image(ds); } }
private void readCrossReferencesEntries(PDFDictionaryStream xrefStream) { int[] W = getW(xrefStream.Dictionary); int[] Index = getIndex(xrefStream.Dictionary); xrefStream.Decode(); Stream stream = xrefStream.GetStream(); stream.Position = 0; byte[] bType = new byte[W[0]]; byte[] bOffset = new byte[W[1]]; byte[] bGeneration = new byte[W[2]]; int prevCount, count, type, offset, generation; for (int i = 0; i < Index.Length / 2; ++i) { prevCount = Index[2 * i]; count = Index[2 * i + 1]; addEntries(prevCount + count); for (int j = 0; j < count; ++j) { if (stream.Read(bType, 0, bType.Length) < 0) { return; } type = bytesToInt(bType); if (stream.Read(bOffset, 0, bOffset.Length) < 0) { return; } offset = bytesToInt(bOffset); if (stream.Read(bGeneration, 0, bGeneration.Length) < 0) { return; } if (W[2] == 0) { generation = 0; } else { generation = bytesToInt(bGeneration); } if (_xref.Entries[prevCount + j] == null) { _xref.Entries[prevCount + j] = new Entry((byte)type, offset, generation); } } } }
private void addFirstq(PDFArray contents) { MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(2); ms.WriteByte((byte)'q'); ms.WriteByte((byte)'\r'); PDFDictionaryStream q = new PDFDictionaryStream(new PDFDictionary(), ms); contents.Insert(0, q); }
private void init(Bitmap bmp) { _width = bmp.Width; _height = bmp.Height; _dict = new PDFDictionaryStream(new PDFDictionary(), new MemoryStream()); _dict.Dictionary.AddItem("Type", new PDFName("XObject")); _dict.Dictionary.AddItem("Subtype", new PDFName("Image")); _dict.Dictionary.AddItem("Width", new PDFNumber(bmp.Width)); _dict.Dictionary.AddItem("Height", new PDFNumber(bmp.Height)); switchFormat(bmp); }
public FullFileSpecification(Stream stream, string name) { FileName = UF = name; PDFDictionary embeddedFS = new PDFDictionary(); PDFDictionaryStream dictF = new PDFDictionaryStream(); byte[] data = new byte[stream.Length]; stream.Read(data, 0, data.Length); dictF.GetStream().Write(data, 0, data.Length); embeddedFS.AddItem("F", dictF); EF = embeddedFS; }
internal ToUnicode(PDFDictionaryStream toUnicode) { if (toUnicode != null) { toUnicode.Decode(); toUnicode.GetStream().Position = 0; m_chars = new List <BfChar>(); m_ranges = new List <BfRange>(); Lexer lexer = new Lexer(toUnicode.GetStream(), null, null, 256); parse(lexer); } }
private void writeContents(PDFDictionaryStream dictStream, byte[] buf, Stream output) { if (dictStream != null) { dictStream.Decode(); Stream str = dictStream.GetStream(); str.Position = 0; int numread; while ((numread = str.Read(buf, 0, buf.Length)) > 0) { output.Write(buf, 0, numread); } } }
public FullFileSpecification(string filename) { FileStream fs = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); FileName = UF = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(filename); PDFDictionary embeddedFS = new PDFDictionary(); PDFDictionaryStream dictF = new PDFDictionaryStream(); byte[] data = new byte[fs.Length]; fs.Read(data, 0, data.Length); dictF.GetStream().Write(data, 0, data.Length); embeddedFS.AddItem("F", dictF); EF = embeddedFS; fs.Close(); }
private void saveEmbedded(Stream stream) { try { FileSpecification fs = FileSpecification; PDFDictionaryStream dictStream = (PDFDictionaryStream)fs.EF["F"]; dictStream.Decode(); MemoryStream s = dictStream.GetStream(); s.Position = 0; s.WriteTo(stream); } catch { // ignored } }
private void addLast(PDFArray contents) { System.IO.MemoryStream ms = new System.IO.MemoryStream(); ms.WriteByte((byte)'Q'); ms.WriteByte((byte)'\r'); ms.WriteByte((byte)'q'); ms.WriteByte((byte)'\r'); ms.WriteByte((byte)'Q'); PDFDictionary dict = new PDFDictionary(); PDFDictionaryStream ds = new PDFDictionaryStream(dict, ms); contents.AddItem(ds); _canvas = new Canvas(ms, Resources, PageRect); _canvas.ChangeGroup += new ChangeGroupEventHandler(m_canvas_ChangeGroup); }
private void initAIFF(Stream streamSound, PDFDictionaryStream streamOut) { byte[] word = new byte[4]; streamOut.Dictionary.AddItem("E", new PDFName("Signed")); streamSound.Read(word, 0, word.Length); if (PDF.Encoding.GetString(word) == "COMM") { streamSound.Position += 4; byte[] buf = new byte[2]; streamSound.Read(buf, 0, buf.Length); invert(buf); streamOut.Dictionary.AddItem("C", new PDFNumber(BitConverter.ToInt16(buf, 0))); streamSound.Position += 4; streamSound.Read(buf, 0, buf.Length); invert(buf); int bitPerDepth = BitConverter.ToInt16(buf, 0); streamOut.Dictionary.AddItem("B", new PDFNumber(bitPerDepth)); buf = new byte[10]; streamSound.Read(buf, 0, buf.Length); streamOut.Dictionary.AddItem("R", new PDFNumber((float)BinaryUtility.ConvertFromIeeeExtended(buf))); streamSound.Read(word, 0, word.Length); if (PDF.Encoding.GetString(word) == "SSND") { streamSound.Read(word, 0, word.Length); invert(word); int size = BitConverter.ToInt32(word, 0); streamSound.Read(word, 0, word.Length); invert(word); int offset = BitConverter.ToInt32(word, 0); streamSound.Read(word, 0, word.Length); invert(word); int blockSize = BitConverter.ToInt32(word, 0); streamSound.Position += offset; byte[] data = new byte[size]; streamSound.Read(data, 0, data.Length); streamOut.GetStream().Write(data, 0, data.Length); } else { throw new PDFUnsupportedSoundFormatException(); } } else { throw new PDFUnsupportedSoundFormatException(); } }
public UncoloredTilingPatternColorspace(float width, float height) { _stream = new MemoryStream(); _resources = new Resources(); _canvas = new Canvas(_stream, _resources, width, height); _streamDict = new PDFDictionaryStream(new PDFDictionary(), _stream); _paintType = PDFTilingPaintType.UncoloredTilingPattern; _tilingType = PDF.TilingType.ConstantSpacing; _height = height; _width = width; _matrix = new float[6]; _matrix[0] = 1; _matrix[1] = 0; _matrix[2] = 0; _matrix[3] = 1; _matrix[4] = 0; _matrix[5] = 0; _xstep = width; _ystep = height; _color = new ColorRGB(0, 0, 0); PDFDictionary dict = _streamDict.Dictionary; dict.AddItem("Type", new PDFName(Name)); dict.AddItem("PatternType", new PDFNumber((float)PDFPatternType.TilingPattern)); dict.AddItem("PaintType", new PDFNumber((float)_paintType)); dict.AddItem("TilingType", new PDFNumber((float)_tilingType)); PDFArray rect = new PDFArray(); rect.AddItem(new PDFNumber(0)); rect.AddItem(new PDFNumber(0)); rect.AddItem(new PDFNumber(_width)); rect.AddItem(new PDFNumber(_height)); dict.AddItem("BBox", rect); dict.AddItem("XStep", new PDFNumber(_xstep)); dict.AddItem("YStep", new PDFNumber(_ystep)); dict.AddItem("Resources", _resources.Dictionary); PDFArray array = new PDFArray(); for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { array.AddItem(new PDFNumber((_matrix[i]))); } dict.AddItem("Matrix", array); _name = ""; }
public JBIG2Parameters(PDFDictionary dict) { m_stream = null; if (dict == null) { return; } PDFDictionaryStream dictStream = dict["JBIG2Globals"] as PDFDictionaryStream; if (dictStream == null) { return; } dictStream.Decode(); m_stream = dictStream.GetStream(); }
internal Image(PDFDictionaryStream stream) { if (stream == null) { throw new PDFUnsupportImageFormat(); } _dict = stream; _width = (int)(stream.Dictionary["Width"] as PDFNumber).GetValue(); _height = (int)(stream.Dictionary["Height"] as PDFNumber).GetValue(); if (stream.Dictionary["SMask"] != null) { _isSMask = true; } else { _isSMask = false; } }