/// <summary>
        /// Writes The Summary Page by copying the original data
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="from">The sheet to copy from</param>
        /// <param name="to">The sheet to write to</param>
        private void CopyOriginalSheet(Excel.Worksheet from, Excel.Worksheet to)
            //Copy header row
            Excel.Range header_f = from.get_Range(Utility.GetRowRange(header_row, column_start, column_end));

            Excel.Range header_t = to.get_Range(Utility.GetRowRange(1, 1, num_columns));

            header_t.Value2 = header_f.Value2;

            // List of design review types
            List <string> design_review_types = ConfigLoader.list_drt;
            // List of extra headers for the summary page
            List <string> extra_summary_headers = ConfigLoader.summary_headers;
            // List of extra headers for each design review type
            List <string> summary_foreach_headers = ConfigLoader.summary_foreach_headers;

            // Calculate size of array of data
            int NUM_EXTRA_SUMMARY_HEADERS = design_review_types.Count * summary_foreach_headers.Count + extra_summary_headers.Count;

            //Add extra headers
            object[,] oaeheader = new object[1, NUM_EXTRA_SUMMARY_HEADERS];

            // Fill header with extra summary headers
            for (int i = 0; i < extra_summary_headers.Count; i++)
                oaeheader[0, i] = extra_summary_headers[i];

            // Fill header with extra headers for each design review type
            for (int i = 0; i < design_review_types.Count * summary_foreach_headers.Count; i++)
                oaeheader[0, i + extra_summary_headers.Count] = design_review_types[i / summary_foreach_headers.Count] + " " + summary_foreach_headers[i % summary_foreach_headers.Count];

            // set header data in sheet
            Excel.Range eheader = to.get_Range(Utility.GetRowRange(1, num_columns + 1, num_columns + NUM_EXTRA_SUMMARY_HEADERS));
            eheader.Value2   = oaeheader;
            eheader.WrapText = false;

            //Copy Data
            Excel.Range data_f;
            Excel.Range data_t;
            string      old_project_num = "";

            // go through every row in the original sheet that has data
            for (int i = 0, current_row_read = header_row + 1, current_row_write = 2; i < num_rows_of_data; i++, current_row_read++)
                //get the current row on 1st page
                data_f = from.get_Range(Utility.GetRowRange(current_row_read, column_start, column_end));
                object[,] oa_data_f = data_f.Value2;
                //get the project number
                string current_project_num = oa_data_f[1, ConfigLoader.headerinfo[HeaderConstants.ProjectNumber] - column_start + 1] as string;

                //if the project number is different than the previous, create a new entry.
                // this only lets one project number show up
                if (!current_project_num.Equals(old_project_num))
                    // copy original data over
                    data_t          = to.get_Range(Utility.GetRowRange(current_row_write, 1, num_columns));
                    data_t.Value    = data_f.Value;
                    data_t.WrapText = false;

                    //get business segment
                    string business_segment = Utility.AvoidNull(oa_data_f[1, ConfigLoader.headerinfo[HeaderConstants.BusinessSegment] - column_start + 1] as string);
                    //get product line
                    string product_line = Utility.AvoidNull(oa_data_f[1, ConfigLoader.headerinfo[HeaderConstants.ProductLine] - column_start + 1] as string);

                    // Add Extra data for decisions and dates
                    object[,] oaedata = new object[1, NUM_EXTRA_SUMMARY_HEADERS];

                    //get business segment from map
                    BusinessSegment bs = dictionary_business_segments[business_segment];
                    //get product line from business line
                    ProductLine pl = bs[product_line];
                    //get project from product line by project number
                    Project proj = pl[current_project_num];

                    // fill in extra data for general project
                    for (int k = 0; k < extra_summary_headers.Count; k++)
                        ProjectData pd = proj[design_review_types[0]];
                        // data will get first design review type
                        if (pd != null)
                            oaedata[0, k] = pd[extra_summary_headers[k]];
                            oaedata[0, k] = "-";

                    //for each design review type, add the extra specified headers
                    for (int k = 0; k < design_review_types.Count * summary_foreach_headers.Count; k++)
                        ProjectData pd = proj[design_review_types[k / summary_foreach_headers.Count]];
                        if (pd != null)
                            oaedata[0, k + extra_summary_headers.Count] = pd[summary_foreach_headers[k % summary_foreach_headers.Count]];
                            oaedata[0, k + extra_summary_headers.Count] = "-";

                    //write data to sheet
                    string      write_range = Utility.GetRowRange(current_row_write, num_columns + 1, num_columns + NUM_EXTRA_SUMMARY_HEADERS);
                    Excel.Range edata       = to.get_Range(write_range);
                    edata.Value    = oaedata;
                    edata.WrapText = false;

                    old_project_num = current_project_num;

            //Auto fit columns to appropiate width
            //Shrink Large Columns
            for (int i = 1; i < header_t.Count; i++)
                if (header_t.Item[i].ColumnWidth > MAX_COLUMN_WIDTH)
                    header_t.Item[i].ColumnWidth = MAX_COLUMN_WIDTH;
            //Shrink Large Columns
            for (int i = 1; i < eheader.Count; i++)
                if (eheader.Item[i].ColumnWidth > MAX_COLUMN_WIDTH)
                    eheader.Item[i].ColumnWidth = MAX_COLUMN_WIDTH;
            to.Rows.UseStandardHeight = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes Individual design review type summary pages
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sheet">the sheet to write to</param>
        /// <param name="design_review_type">the design review type (CDR,DDR,...)</param>
        private void WriteDesRevPage(Excel.Worksheet sheet, string design_review_type)
            // get headers from config
            List <string> headers_to_write            = ConfigLoader.drtheaders[design_review_type];
            int           NUM_INDIVIDUAL_PAGE_HEADERS = headers_to_write.Count;

            object[,] headers = new object[1, NUM_INDIVIDUAL_PAGE_HEADERS];
            // fill headers
            for (int i = 0; i < NUM_INDIVIDUAL_PAGE_HEADERS; i++)
                headers[0, i] = headers_to_write[i];

            // Write headers
            Excel.Range header_row = sheet.get_Range(Utility.GetRowRange(1, 1, NUM_INDIVIDUAL_PAGE_HEADERS));
            header_row.Value2   = headers;
            header_row.WrapText = false;

            long write_row = 2;

            //Write data
            // foreach business segment
            foreach (BusinessSegment bs in dictionary_business_segments.Values)
                //for each product line in that business segment
                foreach (ProductLine pl in bs.ProductLines)
                    // for each project in that product line
                    foreach (Project proj in pl.Projects)
                        // create array to hold data
                        object[,] data = new object[1, NUM_INDIVIDUAL_PAGE_HEADERS];
                        // get the range for the row of data
                        Excel.Range data_write = sheet.get_Range(Utility.GetRowRange(write_row, 1, NUM_INDIVIDUAL_PAGE_HEADERS));
                        // get the project data for the specific design review type
                        ProjectData pd = proj[design_review_type];
                        // if that design review type exists
                        if (pd != null)
                            // for each header entry
                            for (int i = 0; i < headers_to_write.Count; i++)
                                // get the data associated with that header
                                string key = headers_to_write[i];
                                object val = pd[key];

                                data[0, i] = val;
                            // set range to have data
                            data_write.Value    = data;
                            data_write.WrapText = false;
                            // increment row count

            //Shrink Large Columns
            for (int i = 1; i < header_row.Count; i++)
                if (header_row.Item[i].ColumnWidth > MAX_COLUMN_WIDTH)
                    header_row.Item[i].ColumnWidth = MAX_COLUMN_WIDTH;
            sheet.Rows.UseStandardHeight = true;