protected void btn_login_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string luname = txt_lusername.Text; string lpassword = CLASS.PasswordEncryption.EncryptIt(txt_lpassword.Text); try { IUser checkuser = new UserItems(); //returns datatable if username and password are matched dt = checkuser.checklogin(luname, lpassword); if (dt != null) { this.Session["currentuser"] = dt; //lbl_login.Text = "Log In Successfull"; Response.Redirect("~/homepage.aspx"); //txt_lusername.Enabled = txt_lpassword.Enabled = false; } else { lbl_login.Text = HardCodedValues.BuddaResource.LoginFail; } } catch (Exception ex) { lbl_login.Text = HardCodedValues.BuddaResource.CatchBlockError + ex.Message; } }
protected void btn_submit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string uname = txt_emailid.Text; string oldpassword = CLASS.PasswordEncryption.EncryptIt(txt_oldpwd.Text); string newpassword = CLASS.PasswordEncryption.EncryptIt(txt_newpwd.Text); try { IUser checkuser = new UserItems(); //returns a table if given email id and password are matched dt = checkuser.checklogin(uname, oldpassword); if (dt != null) { string userid = dt.Rows[0]["Uid"].ToString(); bool ispwdupdated = checkuser.UpdatePassword(userid, newpassword); if (ispwdupdated) { lbl_submit.Text = HardCodedValues.BuddaResource.PwdChangeSuccess; } else { lbl_submit.Text = HardCodedValues.BuddaResource.Error; } } else { lbl_submit.Text = HardCodedValues.BuddaResource.LoginFail; } } catch (Exception ex) { lbl_submit.Text = HardCodedValues.BuddaResource.CatchBlockError + ex.Message; } }
public string LoginUser(string emailid, string password) { //string flag = string.Empty; string encryptedpwd = CLASS.PasswordEncryption.EncryptIt(password); try { IUser checkuser = new UserItems(); //returns datatable if username and password are matched dt = checkuser.checklogin(emailid, encryptedpwd); if (dt != null) { //flag = "Existing User"; this.Session["currentuser"] = dt; return emailid; } else { //flag = "Invalid User"; return "nouser"; } } catch (Exception ex) { //flag = "Error: " + ex; return "nouser"; } //return flag; }
private void getOrders() { DataTable dt = (DataTable)this.Session["currentuser"]; string userid = dt.Rows[0]["Uid"].ToString(); try { BusinessLogicBS.UserClasses.UserItems getOrders = new BusinessLogicBS.UserClasses.UserItems(); DataTable orderDT = getOrders.getUserOrders(userid); if (orderDT != null) { orderGrid.DataSource = orderDT; orderGrid.DataBind(); } else { //grpMsgLbl.Text = "No Data for items! change the catagory"; orderGrid.DataSource = null; orderGrid.DataBind(); } } catch (Exception iExp) { throw iExp; } }
protected void btn_fsubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //check whether the entered captcha text is matched or not if (this.txt_captcha.Text == this.Session["CaptchaImageText"].ToString()) { string emailid = txt_femailid.Text; try { IUser checkuser = new UserItems(); //returns table if given email id exists dt = checkuser.checkavailability(emailid); if (dt == null) { lbl_femailid.Text = HardCodedValues.BuddaResource.EmailIdNull; // Create a random Captcha and store it in the Session object. this.Session["CaptchaImageText"] = Captcha.CaptchaImage.GenerateRandomCode(HardCodedValues.BudhaConstants.RandomPasswordLength); lbl_captcha.Text = string.Empty; } else { //if email id exists, then generate a new random password string newpwd = GenerateRandomPassword(HardCodedValues.BudhaConstants.RandomPasswordLength); //encrypt the given password to store in database string encryptedpwd = CLASS.PasswordEncryption.EncryptIt(newpwd); //update the new password in database bool ispwdupdated = checkuser.UpdatePassword(emailid, encryptedpwd); if (ispwdupdated) { //send the new password to the user email id sendEmail(emailid, newpwd); lbl_fsubmit.Text = HardCodedValues.BuddaResource.PwdForgotSuccess; lbl_fsubmit.Font.Bold = true; } else { lbl_fsubmit.Text = HardCodedValues.BuddaResource.Error; } } } catch (Exception ex) { lbl_fsubmit.Text = HardCodedValues.BuddaResource.CatchBlockError + ex.Message; } } else { txt_captcha.Text = ""; lbl_captcha.Text = HardCodedValues.BuddaResource.CaptchaError; // Create a random Captcha and store it in the Session object. this.Session["CaptchaImageText"] = Captcha.CaptchaImage.GenerateRandomCode(7); txt_captcha.Focus(); } }
public static AddressDetails[] showAdress() { List<AddressDetails> adrdetails = new List<AddressDetails>(); //budhashop.USER.OrderPage pge = new budhashop.USER.OrderPage(); if (HttpContext.Current.Session["currentuser"] != null) { DataTable dtt = (DataTable)HttpContext.Current.Session["currentuser"]; string emailid = dtt.Rows[0]["Email"].ToString(); try { IUser retrieveuser = new UserItems(); //returns the table if given emailid exists DataTable dt2 = retrieveuser.checkavailability(emailid); if (dt2 != null) { AddressDetails adr = new AddressDetails(); //pge.txt_emailid.Text adr.EmailId = dt2.Rows[0]["Email"].ToString(); //txt_uname.Text adr.UserName = dt2.Rows[0]["UserName"].ToString(); //pge.txt_phno.Text adr.Phone = dt2.Rows[0]["Phone"].ToString(); //pge.txt_address.Text adr.Address = dt2.Rows[0]["Address"].ToString(); adrdetails.Add(adr); } } catch (Exception ex) { //pge.lbl_status.Text = "Error Occured : " + ex.Message; throw ex; } } //ClientScript.RegisterHiddenField("isPostBack", "1"); return adrdetails.ToArray(); //pge.CartDiv.Visible = false; //pge.adressDiv.Visible = true; //return true; }
public bool insertFeedback(string emailid, string msg) { try { IUser feedbackInsert = new UserItems(); //insert feedback details in database with given values int count = feedbackInsert.insertFeedback(emailid, msg); if (count > 0) { return true; } else { return false; } } catch { return false; } }
protected void retrieveUser(string emailid) { try { IUser retrieveuser = new UserItems(); //returns the table if given emailid exists dt = retrieveuser.checkavailability(emailid); if (dt != null) { txt_emailid.Text = dt.Rows[0]["Email"].ToString(); txt_uname.Text = dt.Rows[0]["UserName"].ToString(); txt_phno.Text = dt.Rows[0]["Phone"].ToString(); txt_address.Text = dt.Rows[0]["Address"].ToString(); } } catch (Exception ex) { lbl_status.Text = "Error Occured : " + ex.Message; } }
public bool UpdateProfile(string newvalue, string fieldname) { dt = (DataTable)this.Session["currentuser"]; string userid = dt.Rows[0]["Uid"].ToString(); try { IUser updateprofile = new UserItems(); bool isupdated = updateprofile.UpdateProfile(userid, newvalue, fieldname); return isupdated; } catch { return false; } }
public bool UpdatePassword(string oldpwd, string newpwd) { dt = (DataTable)this.Session["currentuser"]; string emailid = dt.Rows[0]["Email"].ToString(); string userid = dt.Rows[0]["Uid"].ToString(); string validuser = LoginUser(emailid, oldpwd); if (validuser != "nouser") { string newpassword = CLASS.PasswordEncryption.EncryptIt(newpwd); try { IUser updatepassword = new UserItems(); bool ispwdupdated = updatepassword.UpdatePassword(userid, newpassword); return ispwdupdated; } catch { return false; } } else { return false; } }
public bool RegisterUser(string emailid, string password) { try { IUser checkuser = new UserItems(); //returns the table if given emailid exists dt = checkuser.checkavailability(emailid); if (dt == null) { string encryptedpwd = CLASS.PasswordEncryption.EncryptIt(password); BusinessEntitiesBS.UserEntities.userobj userObj = new BusinessEntitiesBS.UserEntities.userobj(); userObj.uname = ""; userObj.emailid = emailid; userObj.pwd = encryptedpwd; try { IUser userInsert = new UserItems(); //insert new user details in database with given values userInsert.insertUser(userObj); DataTable dt2 = userInsert.checklogin(emailid, encryptedpwd); this.Session["currentuser"] = dt2; return true; } catch (Exception exp) { return false; } } else { return false; } } catch (Exception ex) { return false; } }
protected void btn_reg_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (lbl_checkemail.Text == HardCodedValues.BuddaResource.EmailIdAvailable) { //Check whether the Captcha text is correct or not if (this.txt_captcha.Text == this.Session["CaptchaImageText"].ToString()) { string uname = txt_username.Text; string emailid = txt_emailid.Text; string encryptedpwd = CLASS.PasswordEncryption.EncryptIt(txt_password.Text); bool verfyDomain = verifyDomain(emailid); bool chkEmail = sendEmail(emailid); if (verfyDomain && chkEmail) { BusinessEntitiesBS.UserEntities.userobj userObj = new BusinessEntitiesBS.UserEntities.userobj(); userObj.uname = uname; userObj.emailid = emailid; userObj.pwd = encryptedpwd; try { IUser userInsert = new UserItems(); //insert new user details in database with given values userInsert.insertUser(userObj); dt = userInsert.checklogin(emailid, encryptedpwd); this.Session["currentuser"] = dt; //lbl_register.Text = "Registration Successfull"; Response.Redirect("~/USER/ProfilePage.aspx"); } catch (Exception exp) { lbl_register.Text = HardCodedValues.BuddaResource.CatchBlockError + exp.Message; } } else { lbl_register.Text = "Registration Incomplete! Invalid email id or domain. Please provide valid email for regitration."; } } else { txt_captcha.Text = ""; lbl_captcha.Text = HardCodedValues.BuddaResource.CaptchaError; // Create a random Captcha and store it in the Session object. this.Session["CaptchaImageText"] = Captcha.CaptchaImage.GenerateRandomCode(7); txt_captcha.Focus(); } } else { txt_emailid.Focus(); } }
protected void ConfirmBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //code for adding cart data in db and show back result to user DataTable dtt = (DataTable)this.Session["currentuser"]; string userid = dtt.Rows[0]["Uid"].ToString(); bool isupdated=true; if (cb_profilechange.Checked) { string newuname = txt_uname.Text.ToString(); string newphno = txt_phno.Text.ToString(); string newaddress = txt_address.Text.ToString(); try { IUser updateuser = new UserItems(); bool nameupdated = updateuser.UpdateProfile(userid, newuname, "name"); if (nameupdated) { bool phnoupdated = updateuser.UpdateProfile(userid, newphno, "phno"); if (phnoupdated) { bool addressupdated = updateuser.UpdateProfile(userid, newaddress, "address"); if (!addressupdated) { isupdated = false; } } else { isupdated = false; } } else { isupdated = false; } } catch { isupdated = false; } } if (isupdated) { //string emailid = txt_emailid.Text.ToString(); string shippingAdr = txt_uname.Text.ToString() + ";" + txt_phno.Text.ToString() + ";" + txt_address.Text.ToString() + ";"; string purchaseDate = System.DateTime.Now.ToString(); CartDetails = new List<CartItems>(); CartDetails = (List<CartItems>)Session["CartPicks"]; String cartItems = ""; float Total = 0; int count = 0; foreach (object cartObj in CartDetails) { CartItems item = cartObj as CartItems; count += 1; int cid = item.ItemId; int qty = item.Qty; float tot = item.TotalBill; Total += tot; cartItems += cid + "," + qty + ";"; } float TotalBill = Total; int ItemsCount = count; OrderItems insertOrder = new OrderItems(); insertOrder.userid = int.Parse(userid); insertOrder.purchaseDate = purchaseDate; insertOrder.ShippingAdr = shippingAdr; insertOrder.cartItems = cartItems; insertOrder.totalBill = TotalBill; insertOrder.totalItems = ItemsCount; UserItems ordr = new UserItems(); int purchaseId = ordr.insertOrders(insertOrder); if (purchaseId != -1) { adressDiv.Visible = false; cartDataGV.Visible = true; Session["CartPicks"] = null; } else { //show error } } else { lbl_status.Text = "Error Occured, Try Again"; } }
protected void txt_emailid_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { string emailid = txt_emailid.Text; bool ismatched = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch(emailid, @"\w+([-+.']\w+)*@\w+([-.]\w+)*\.\w+([-.]\w+)*"); if (ismatched) { try { IUser checkuser = new UserItems(); //returns the table if given emailid exists dt = checkuser.checkavailability(emailid); if (dt != null) { imgEmail.ImageUrl = "~/images/unavailable.png"; imgEmail.Visible = true; lbl_checkemail.Text = HardCodedValues.BuddaResource.EmailIdExist; lbl_checkemail.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red; txt_emailid.Focus(); } else { imgEmail.ImageUrl = "~/images/tick.png"; imgEmail.Visible = true; lbl_checkemail.Text = HardCodedValues.BuddaResource.EmailIdAvailable; lbl_checkemail.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Green; } } catch (Exception ex) { lbl_checkemail.Text = HardCodedValues.BuddaResource.CatchBlockError + ex.Message; } } else { imgEmail.ImageUrl = "~/images/unavailable.png"; imgEmail.Visible = true; lbl_checkemail.Text = HardCodedValues.BuddaResource.EmailFormatError; lbl_checkemail.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red; txt_emailid.Focus(); } }
private void retrieveUser(string emailid) { try { IUser retrieveuser = new UserItems(); //returns the table if given emailid exists DataTable dt = retrieveuser.checkavailability(emailid); if (dt != null) { txt_emailid.Text = dt.Rows[0]["Email"].ToString(); txt_uname.Text = dt.Rows[0]["UserName"].ToString(); txt_phno.Text = dt.Rows[0]["Phone"].ToString(); txt_address.Text = dt.Rows[0]["Address"].ToString(); } } catch (Exception ex) { lbl_status.Text = HardCodedValues.BuddaResource.CatchBlockError + ex.Message; } }
protected void ConfirmBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.Session["currentuser"] != null) { //code for adding cart data in db and show back result to user DataTable dtt = (DataTable)this.Session["currentuser"]; string userid = dtt.Rows[0]["Uid"].ToString(); bool isupdated = true; if (cb_profilechange.Checked) { string newuname = txt_uname.Text.ToString(); string newphno = txt_phno.Text.ToString(); string newaddress = txt_address.Text.ToString(); try { IUser updateuser = new UserItems(); bool nameupdated = updateuser.UpdateProfile(userid, newuname, "name"); if (nameupdated) { bool phnoupdated = updateuser.UpdateProfile(userid, newphno, "phno"); if (phnoupdated) { bool addressupdated = updateuser.UpdateProfile(userid, newaddress, "address"); if (!addressupdated) { isupdated = false; } } else { isupdated = false; } } else { isupdated = false; } } catch { isupdated = false; } } if (isupdated) { //string emailid = txt_emailid.Text.ToString(); string shippingAdr = txt_uname.Text.ToString() + ";" + txt_phno.Text.ToString() + ";" + txt_address.Text.ToString() + ";"; string purchaseDate = System.DateTime.Now.ToString(); CartDetails = new List<CartItems>(); CartDetails = (List<CartItems>)Session["CartPicks"]; String cartItems = ""; string sizeString = ""; float Total = 0; int count = 0; if (CartDetails != null) { foreach (object cartObj in CartDetails) { CartItems item = cartObj as CartItems; count += 1; int cid = item.ItemId; int qty = item.Qty; float tot = item.TotalBill; Total += tot; cartItems += cid + "," + qty + ";"; sizeString += item.TypeCheck + ";"; } } else { Response.Redirect("../homepage.aspx"); } float TotalBill = Total; int ItemsCount = count; OrderItems insertOrder = new OrderItems(); insertOrder.userid = int.Parse(userid); insertOrder.purchaseDate = purchaseDate; insertOrder.ShippingAdr = shippingAdr; insertOrder.cartItems = cartItems; insertOrder.totalBill = TotalBill; insertOrder.totalItems = ItemsCount; insertOrder.TypeItem = sizeString; insertOrder.areaId = Int32.Parse(areaAc.AreaId); UserItems ordr = new UserItems(); int purchaseId = ordr.insertOrders(insertOrder); if (purchaseId != -1) { LoadItemsFinal(); //CartDiv.Visible = false; //adressDiv.Visible = false; //cartData.Visible = true; //cartDataGV.Visible = true; Session["CartPicks"] = null; //lbl_status.Text = "Order placed successfully"; purchaseIdLbl.Text = purchaseId.ToString(); totalpLbl.Text = TotalBill.ToString(); itemspNoLbl.Text = ItemsCount.ToString(); purchaseDateLbl.Text = purchaseDate; userpNameLbl.Text = txt_uname.Text.ToString(); phnpLbl.Text = txt_phno.Text.ToString(); addrpLbl.Text = txt_address.Text.ToString(); adrFlag = true; ClientScript.RegisterHiddenField("isPostBack", "1"); int status = sendEmail(); ClientScriptManager cs = Page.ClientScript; if (status == 1) { //emailsentlbl.Text = "Order information has been sent to your email"; //emailsentlbl.Visible = true; //Response.Redirect("../USER/ProfilePage.aspx"); cs.RegisterStartupScript(typeof(Page), "PrintScript_" + UniqueID, "showOrderMailedDiv();", true); } else { cs.RegisterStartupScript(typeof(Page), "PrintScript_" + UniqueID, "showOrderMailedDivError();", true); } } else { //show error lbl_status.Text = HardCodedValues.BuddaResource.Error; } } else { lbl_status.Text = HardCodedValues.BuddaResource.Error; } } else { Response.Write(@"<script language='javascript'>alert('Your Session has Expired...');window.location.replace('../homepage.aspx');</script>"); } }
public static int checkPid(int Pid) { IUser checkPid = new UserItems(); int count = checkPid.checkPurchaseId(Pid); return count; }