예제 #1
        public ReceiptGenerator(ReceiptModel receiptModel)
            _student = receiptModel.Student;
            _classTermFee = receiptModel.ClassTermFee;
            _school = receiptModel.School;
            _feePayment = _student.FeePayments.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ClassArmTermFeeId == _classTermFee.Id);

예제 #2
        private void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var session = cboSession.SelectedValue;
            var term = cboTerm.SelectedValue;
            var amount = tboAmount.Text.Replace(",", "");
            var paidBy = tboPaidBy.Text;

            if (session != "" && term != "" && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(paidBy) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(amount))
                decimal result;

                if (decimal.TryParse(amount, out result))
                    var id = _row.Cells["Id"].Value.ToString();
                    var classEnum = (ClassEnum)_row.Cells["PresentClassEnum"].Value;

                    // session, class,
                    var classTermFee = _classTermFeeRepository.GetFees(session.ToString(), (TermEnum)term, classEnum);

                    var student = _studentRepository.GetStudentById(id);

                    // Update student fees
                    var feePayment = new FeePayment()
                        Amount = Convert.ToDecimal(amount),
                        PaidDate = DateTime.Now,
                        ClassArmTermFeeId = classTermFee.Id,
                        HasCollectedReceipt = chkPrintReceipt.Checked,
                        Bank = tboBank.Text == "" ? null : tboBank.Text,
                        ReceiptNumber = tboReceiptNo.Text == "" ? null : tboReceiptNo.Text,
                        ChequeNumber = tboChequeNo.Text == "" ? null : tboChequeNo.Text,
                        Comment = rtboComment.Text == "" ? null : rtboComment.Text,
                        PaidBy = tboPaidBy.Text

                    student.OutstandingFee -= Convert.ToDecimal(amount);
                    student.PaidFee += Convert.ToDecimal(amount);

                    var updateSuccess = _studentRepository.Update(student);

                    if (updateSuccess)
                        MessageBox.Show(@"Fees paid", @"Pay Fees");

                        var receiptModel = new ReceiptModel()
                            ClassTermFee = classTermFee,
                            Student = student,
                            School = _school

                        // Generate receipt
                        var receipt = new ReceiptGenerator(receiptModel);
                        var path = receipt.Generate();


                        // If print receipt check box is checked, open pdf file(recipt)
                        if (chkPrintReceipt.Checked)
                           // _printDocument.DocumentName = path;
                            //_printPreviewDialog.Document = _printDocument;
                           // _printPreviewDialog.ShowDialog();

                            //PrintDialog pDialog = new PrintDialog();
                            //pDialog.Document = _printDocument;
                            //if (pDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                              //  _printDocument.DocumentName = path;
                               // _printDocument.Print();
                          //  }


                    MessageBox.Show(@"Please, enter correct amount in the amount field.", @"School Accountant");
                MessageBox.Show(@"Please, ensure that the session, paidby, term and the amount is filled", @"School Accountant");