예제 #1
파일: btQuaternion.cs 프로젝트: himapo/ccm
 public static void Multiply(ref btQuaternion q1, ref btQuaternion q2, out btQuaternion qout)
     qout.X = q1.W * q2.X + q1.X * q2.W + q1.Y * q2.Z - q1.Z * q2.Y;
     qout.Y = q1.W * q2.Y + q1.Y * q2.W + q1.Z * q2.X - q1.X * q2.Z;
     qout.Z = q1.W * q2.Z + q1.Z * q2.W + q1.X * q2.Y - q1.Y * q2.X;
     qout.W = q1.W * q2.W - q1.X * q2.X - q1.Y * q2.Y - q1.Z * q2.Z;
예제 #2
파일: btMatrix3x3.cs 프로젝트: himapo/ccm
 public btMatrix3x3(btQuaternion q)
     float d = q.Length2;
     Debug.Assert(d != 0.0f);
     float s = 2.0f / d;
     float xs = q.X * s, ys = q.Y * s, zs = q.Z * s;
     float wx = q.W * xs, wy = q.W * ys, wz = q.W * zs;
     float xx = q.X * xs, xy = q.X * ys, xz = q.X * zs;
     float yy = q.Y * ys, yz = q.Y * zs, zz = q.Z * zs;
     el0 = new btVector3(1.0f - (yy + zz), xy - wz, xz + wy);
     el1 = new btVector3(xy + wz, 1.0f - (xx + zz), yz - wx);
     el2 = new btVector3(xz - wy, yz + wx, 1.0f - (xx + yy));
예제 #3
        public override void processCollision(CollisionObject body0, CollisionObject body1, DispatcherInfo dispatchInfo, ref ManifoldResult resultOut)
            if (m_manifoldPtr == null)

            CollisionObject convexObj = m_isSwapped ? body1 : body0;
            CollisionObject planeObj = m_isSwapped ? body0 : body1;

            ConvexShape convexShape = (ConvexShape)convexObj.CollisionShape;
            StaticPlaneShape planeShape = (StaticPlaneShape)planeObj.CollisionShape;

            btVector3 planeNormal = planeShape.PlaneNormal;
            //const btScalar& planeConstant = planeShape->getPlaneConstant();

            //first perform a collision query with the non-perturbated collision objects
                btQuaternion rotq = new btQuaternion(0, 0, 0, 1);
                collideSingleContact(rotq, body0, body1, dispatchInfo, ref resultOut);

            if (resultOut.PersistentManifold.NumContacts < m_minimumPointsPerturbationThreshold)
                btVector3 v0, v1;
                btVector3.PlaneSpace1(ref planeNormal, out v0, out v1);
                //now perform 'm_numPerturbationIterations' collision queries with the perturbated collision objects

                float angleLimit = 0.125f * BulletGlobal.SIMD_PI;
                float perturbeAngle;
                float radius = convexShape.getAngularMotionDisc();
                perturbeAngle = PersistentManifold.gContactBreakingThreshold / radius;
                if (perturbeAngle > angleLimit)
                    perturbeAngle = angleLimit;

                btQuaternion perturbeRot = new btQuaternion(v0, perturbeAngle);
                for (int i = 0; i < m_numPerturbationIterations; i++)
                    float iterationAngle = (float)i * (BulletGlobal.SIMD_2_PI / (float)m_numPerturbationIterations);
                    btQuaternion rotq = new btQuaternion(planeNormal, iterationAngle);
                    collideSingleContact(rotq.inverse() * perturbeRot * rotq, body0, body1, dispatchInfo, ref resultOut);

            if (m_ownManifold)
                if (m_manifoldPtr.NumContacts != 0)
예제 #4
파일: TransformUtil.cs 프로젝트: himapo/ccm
        public static void integrateTransform(btTransform curTrans,btVector3 linvel, btVector3 angvel,   float timeStep,out btTransform predictedTransform)
            predictedTransform = btTransform.Identity;
            #region predictedTransform.Origin=curTrans.Origin + linvel * timeStep;
                btVector3 temp;
                btVector3.Multiply(ref linvel, timeStep, out temp);
                btVector3.Add(ref curTrans.Origin, ref temp, out predictedTransform.Origin);
            //Exponential map
            //google for "Practical Parameterization of Rotations Using the Exponential Map", F. Sebastian Grassia

            btVector3 axis;
            float fAngle = angvel.Length;
            //limit the angular motion
            if (fAngle * timeStep > ANGULAR_MOTION_THRESHOLD)
                fAngle = ANGULAR_MOTION_THRESHOLD / timeStep;

            if (fAngle < 0.001f)
                // use Taylor's expansions of sync function
                #region axis = angvel * (0.5f * timeStep - (timeStep * timeStep * timeStep) * (0.020833333333f) * fAngle * fAngle);
                    btVector3.Multiply(ref angvel, (0.5f * timeStep - (timeStep * timeStep * timeStep) * (0.020833333333f) * fAngle * fAngle), out axis);
                // sync(fAngle) = sin(c*fAngle)/t
                #region axis = angvel * ((float)Math.Sin(0.5f * fAngle * timeStep) / fAngle);
                btVector3.Multiply(ref angvel, ((float)Math.Sin(0.5f * fAngle * timeStep) / fAngle), out axis);
            btQuaternion dorn = new btQuaternion(axis.X, axis.Y, axis.Z, (float)Math.Cos(fAngle * timeStep * 0.5f));
            btQuaternion orn0 = curTrans.Rotation;

            btQuaternion predictedOrn;
            btQuaternion.Multiply(ref dorn, ref orn0, out predictedOrn);
            predictedTransform.Rotation = predictedOrn;
예제 #5
        public override void processCollision(CollisionObject body0, CollisionObject body1, DispatcherInfo dispatchInfo, ref ManifoldResult resultOut)
            if (m_manifoldPtr == null)
                m_manifoldPtr = m_dispatcher.getNewManifold(body0, body1);
                m_ownManifold = true;
            resultOut.PersistentManifold = m_manifoldPtr;

            //comment-out next line to test multi-contact generation

            ConvexShape min0 = (ConvexShape)(body0.CollisionShape);
            ConvexShape min1 = (ConvexShape)(body1.CollisionShape);

            btVector3 normalOnB;
            btVector3 pointOnBWorld;
            if ((min0.ShapeType == BroadphaseNativeTypes.CAPSULE_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE) && (min1.ShapeType == BroadphaseNativeTypes.CAPSULE_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE))
                CapsuleShape capsuleA = (CapsuleShape)min0;
                CapsuleShape capsuleB = (CapsuleShape)min1;
                btVector3 localScalingA = capsuleA.LocalScaling;
                btVector3 localScalingB = capsuleB.LocalScaling;

                float threshold = m_manifoldPtr.ContactBreakingThreshold;

                float dist = capsuleCapsuleDistance(out normalOnB, out	pointOnBWorld, capsuleA.HalfHeight, capsuleA.Radius,
                    capsuleB.HalfHeight, capsuleB.Radius, capsuleA.UpAxis, capsuleB.UpAxis,
                    body0.WorldTransform, body1.WorldTransform, threshold);

                if (dist < threshold)
                    Debug.Assert(normalOnB.Length2 >= (BulletGlobal.SIMD_EPSILON * BulletGlobal.SIMD_EPSILON));
                    resultOut.addContactPoint(ref normalOnB, ref pointOnBWorld, dist);

	        if (dispatchInfo.m_useConvexConservativeDistanceUtil)

        	if (!dispatchInfo.m_useConvexConservativeDistanceUtil || m_sepDistance.getConservativeSeparatingDistance()<=0.f)

                ClosestPointInput input;

                GjkPairDetector gjkPairDetector = new GjkPairDetector(min0, min1, m_simplexSolver, m_pdSolver);
                //TODO: if (dispatchInfo.m_useContinuous)
                gjkPairDetector.MinkowskiA = min0;
                gjkPairDetector.MinkowskiB = min1;

	            if (dispatchInfo.m_useConvexConservativeDistanceUtil)
		            input.m_maximumDistanceSquared = BT_LARGE_FLOAT;
	            } else
                    input.m_maximumDistanceSquared = min0.Margin + min1.Margin + m_manifoldPtr.ContactBreakingThreshold;
                    input.m_maximumDistanceSquared *= input.m_maximumDistanceSquared;

                //input.m_stackAlloc = dispatchInfo.m_stackAllocator;
                input.m_transformA = body0.WorldTransform;
                input.m_transformB = body1.WorldTransform;

                gjkPairDetector.getClosestPoints(ref input, ref resultOut, dispatchInfo.m_debugDraw);

	            btScalar sepDist = 0.f;
	            if (dispatchInfo.m_useConvexConservativeDistanceUtil)
		            sepDist = gjkPairDetector.getCachedSeparatingDistance();
		            if (sepDist>SIMD_EPSILON)
			            sepDist += dispatchInfo.m_convexConservativeDistanceThreshold;
			            //now perturbe directions to get multiple contact points

                //now perform 'm_numPerturbationIterations' collision queries with the perturbated collision objects

                //perform perturbation when more then 'm_minimumPointsPerturbationThreshold' points
                if (m_numPerturbationIterations != 0 && resultOut.PersistentManifold.NumContacts < m_minimumPointsPerturbationThreshold)

                    int i;
                    btVector3 v0, v1;
                    btVector3 sepNormalWorldSpace;

                    //sepNormalWorldSpace = gjkPairDetector.getCachedSeparatingAxis().normalized();
                    gjkPairDetector.getCachedSeparatingAxis().normalized(out sepNormalWorldSpace);
                    btVector3.PlaneSpace1(ref sepNormalWorldSpace, out v0, out v1);

                    bool perturbeA = true;
                    float angleLimit = 0.125f * BulletGlobal.SIMD_PI;
                    float perturbeAngle;
                    float radiusA = min0.getAngularMotionDisc();
                    float radiusB = min1.getAngularMotionDisc();
                    if (radiusA < radiusB)
                        perturbeAngle = PersistentManifold.gContactBreakingThreshold / radiusA;
                        perturbeA = true;
                        perturbeAngle = PersistentManifold.gContactBreakingThreshold / radiusB;
                        perturbeA = false;
                    if (perturbeAngle > angleLimit)
                        perturbeAngle = angleLimit;

                    btTransform unPerturbedTransform;
                    if (perturbeA)
                        unPerturbedTransform = input.m_transformA;
                        unPerturbedTransform = input.m_transformB;

                    for (i = 0; i < m_numPerturbationIterations; i++)
                        if (v0.Length2 > BulletGlobal.SIMD_EPSILON)
                            btQuaternion perturbeRot = new btQuaternion(v0, perturbeAngle);
                            float iterationAngle = i * (BulletGlobal.SIMD_2_PI / m_numPerturbationIterations);
                            btQuaternion rotq = new btQuaternion(sepNormalWorldSpace, iterationAngle);

                            if (perturbeA)
                                #region input.m_transformA.Basis = new btMatrix3x3(rotq.inverse() * perturbeRot * rotq) * body0.WorldTransform.Basis;
                                    btMatrix3x3 temp = new btMatrix3x3(rotq.inverse() * perturbeRot * rotq);
                                    btMatrix3x3.Multiply(ref temp, ref body0.WorldTransform.Basis, out input.m_transformA.Basis);
                                input.m_transformB = body1.WorldTransform;
                                dispatchInfo.m_debugDraw.drawTransform(ref input.m_transformA, 10.0f);
                                input.m_transformA = body0.WorldTransform;
                                #region input.m_transformB.Basis = new btMatrix3x3(rotq.inverse() * perturbeRot * rotq) * body1.WorldTransform.Basis;
                                    btMatrix3x3 temp = new btMatrix3x3(rotq.inverse() * perturbeRot * rotq);
                                    btMatrix3x3.Multiply(ref temp, ref body1.WorldTransform.Basis, out input.m_transformB.Basis);
                                dispatchInfo.m_debugDraw.drawTransform(ref input.m_transformB, 10.0f);
                            PerturbedContactResult perturbedResultOut = new PerturbedContactResult(input.m_transformA, input.m_transformB, unPerturbedTransform, perturbeA, dispatchInfo.m_debugDraw);
                            gjkPairDetector.getClosestPoints(ref input, ref perturbedResultOut, ref resultOut, dispatchInfo.m_debugDraw);



	            if (dispatchInfo.m_useConvexConservativeDistanceUtil && (sepDist>SIMD_EPSILON))


            if (m_ownManifold)
예제 #6
파일: btQuaternion.cs 프로젝트: himapo/ccm
        /**@brief Return the dot product between this quaternion and another
       * @param q The other quaternion */
        public float dot(btQuaternion q)
	        return X * q.X + Y * q.Y + Z * q.Z + W * q.W;
예제 #7
파일: btMatrix3x3.cs 프로젝트: himapo/ccm
        /** @brief Set the matrix from a quaternion
	    *  @param q The Quaternion to match */
        public void setRotation(ref btQuaternion q)
            float d = q.Length2;
            Debug.Assert(d != 0.0f);
            float s = 2.0f / d;
            float xs = q.X * s, ys = q.Y * s, zs = q.Z * s;
            float wx = q.W * xs, wy = q.W * ys, wz = q.W * zs;
            float xx = q.X * xs, xy = q.X * ys, xz = q.X * zs;
            float yy = q.Y * ys, yz = q.Y * zs, zz = q.Z * zs;
            setValue(1.0f - (yy + zz), xy - wz, xz + wy,
                xy + wz, 1.0f - (xx + zz), yz - wx,
                xz - wy, yz + wx, 1.0f - (xx + yy));
예제 #8
파일: btMatrix3x3.cs 프로젝트: himapo/ccm
        /**@brief Get the matrix represented as a quaternion 
	    * @param q The quaternion which will be set */
        public void getRotation(out btQuaternion q)
            StackPtr<float> temp = StackPtr<float>.Allocate(4);
                float trace = el0.X + el1.Y + el2.Z;
                //float[] temp = new float[4];

                if (trace > 0.0f)
                    float s = (float)Math.Sqrt(trace + 1.0);
                    temp[3] = (s * 0.5f);
                    s = 0.5f / s;

                    temp[0] = ((el2.Y - el1.Z) * s);
                    temp[1] = ((el0.Z - el2.X) * s);
                    temp[2] = ((el1.X - el0.Y) * s);
                    int i = el0.X < el1.Y ?
                        (el1.Y < el2.Z ? 2 : 1) :
                        (el0.X < el2.Z ? 2 : 0);
                    int j = (i + 1) % 3;
                    int k = (i + 2) % 3;

                    float s = (float)Math.Sqrt(this[i][i] - this[j][j] - this[k][k] + 1.0f);
                    temp[i] = s * 0.5f;
                    s = 0.5f / s;

                    temp[3] = (this[k][j] - this[j][k]) * s;
                    temp[j] = (this[j][i] + this[i][j]) * s;
                    temp[k] = (this[k][i] + this[i][k]) * s;
                q = new btQuaternion(temp[0], temp[1], temp[2], temp[3]);
예제 #9
        public void collideSingleContact(btQuaternion perturbeRot, CollisionObject body0, CollisionObject body1, DispatcherInfo dispatchInfo, ref ManifoldResult resultOut)
            CollisionObject convexObj = m_isSwapped ? body1 : body0;
            CollisionObject planeObj = m_isSwapped ? body0 : body1;

            ConvexShape convexShape = (ConvexShape)convexObj.CollisionShape;
            StaticPlaneShape planeShape = (StaticPlaneShape)planeObj.CollisionShape;

            bool hasCollision = false;
            btVector3 planeNormal = planeShape.PlaneNormal;
            float planeConstant = planeShape.PlaneConstant;

            btTransform convexWorldTransform = convexObj.WorldTransform;
            btTransform convexInPlaneTrans;
            convexInPlaneTrans = planeObj.WorldTransform.inverse() * convexWorldTransform;
            //now perturbe the convex-world transform
            #region convexWorldTransform.Basis *= new btMatrix3x3(perturbeRot);
                btMatrix3x3 temp1 = convexWorldTransform.Basis, temp2 = new btMatrix3x3(perturbeRot);
                btMatrix3x3.Multiply(ref temp1, ref temp2, out convexWorldTransform.Basis);
            btTransform planeInConvex;
            planeInConvex = convexWorldTransform.inverse() * planeObj.WorldTransform;

            #region btVector3 vtx = convexShape.localGetSupportingVertex(planeInConvex.Basis * -planeNormal);
            btVector3 vtx;
                btVector3 temp, temp2;
                temp2 = -planeNormal;
                btMatrix3x3.Multiply(ref planeInConvex.Basis, ref temp2, out temp);
                //vtx = convexShape.localGetSupportingVertex(temp);
                convexShape.localGetSupportingVertex(ref temp, out vtx);
            btVector3 vtxInPlane = convexInPlaneTrans * vtx;
            float distance = (planeNormal.dot(vtxInPlane) - planeConstant);

            btVector3 vtxInPlaneProjected = vtxInPlane - distance * planeNormal;
            btVector3 vtxInPlaneWorld = planeObj.WorldTransform * vtxInPlaneProjected;

            hasCollision = distance < m_manifoldPtr.ContactBreakingThreshold;
            resultOut.PersistentManifold = m_manifoldPtr;
            if (hasCollision)
                /// report a contact. internally this will be kept persistent, and contact reduction is done
                btVector3 normalOnSurfaceB;// = planeObj.WorldTransform.Basis * planeNormal;
                btMatrix3x3.Multiply(ref planeObj.WorldTransform.Basis, ref planeNormal, out normalOnSurfaceB);
                btVector3 pOnB = vtxInPlaneWorld;
                resultOut.addContactPoint(ref normalOnSurfaceB, ref pOnB, distance);