예제 #1
		// given a twist rotation in constraint space, (pre: cone must already be removed)
		// this method computes its corresponding angle and axis.
		void computeTwistLimitInfo( ref btQuaternion qTwist,
														  out double twistAngle, // out
														  out btVector3 vTwistAxis ) // out
			btQuaternion qMinTwist = qTwist;
			twistAngle = qTwist.getAngle();

			if( twistAngle > btScalar.SIMD_PI ) // long way around. flip quat and recalculate.
				qTwist.inverse( out qMinTwist );
				twistAngle = qMinTwist.getAngle();
			if( twistAngle < 0 )
				// this should never happen
#if false

			vTwistAxis = new btVector3( qMinTwist.x, qMinTwist.y, qMinTwist.z );
			if( twistAngle > btScalar.SIMD_EPSILON )
예제 #2
		// given a cone rotation in constraint space, (pre: twist must already be removed)
		// this method computes its corresponding swing angle and axis.
		// more interestingly, it computes the cone/swing limit (angle) for this cone "pose".
		void computeConeLimitInfo( ref btQuaternion qCone,
														 out double swingAngle, // out
														 out btVector3 vSwingAxis, // out
														 out double swingLimit ) // out
			swingAngle = qCone.getAngle();
			if( swingAngle > btScalar.SIMD_EPSILON )
				vSwingAxis = new btVector3( qCone.x, qCone.y, qCone.z );
#if false
        // non-zero twist?! this should never happen.
       Debug.Assert(Math.Abs(vSwingAxis.x) <= btScalar.SIMD_EPSILON));

				// Compute limit for given swing. tricky:
				// Given a swing axis, we're looking for the intersection with the bounding cone ellipse.
				// (Since we're dealing with angles, this ellipse is embedded on the surface of a sphere.)

				// For starters, compute the direction from center to surface of ellipse.
				// This is just the perpendicular (ie. rotate 2D vector by PI/2) of the swing axis.
				// (vSwingAxis is the cone rotation (in z,y); change vars and rotate to (x,y) coords.)
				double xEllipse = vSwingAxis.y;
				double yEllipse = -vSwingAxis.z;

				// Now, we use the slope of the vector (using x/yEllipse) and find the length
				// of the line that intersects the ellipse:
				//  x^2   y^2
				//  --- + --- = 1, where a and b are semi-major axes 2 and 1 respectively (ie. the limits)
				//  a^2   b^2
				// Do the math and it should be clear.

				swingLimit = m_swingSpan1; // if xEllipse == 0, we have a pure vSwingAxis.z rotation: just use swingspan1
				if( Math.Abs( xEllipse ) > btScalar.SIMD_EPSILON )
					double surfaceSlope2 = ( yEllipse * yEllipse ) / ( xEllipse * xEllipse );
					double norm = 1 / ( m_swingSpan2 * m_swingSpan2 );
					norm += surfaceSlope2 / ( m_swingSpan1 * m_swingSpan1 );
					double swingLimit2 = ( 1 + surfaceSlope2 ) / norm;
					swingLimit = btScalar.btSqrt( swingLimit2 );
				// test!
				/*swingLimit = m_swingSpan2;
				if (Math.Abs(vSwingAxis.z) > btScalar.SIMD_EPSILON)
				double mag_2 = m_swingSpan1*m_swingSpan1 + m_swingSpan2*m_swingSpan2;
				double sinphi = m_swingSpan2 / sqrt(mag_2);
				double phi = asin(sinphi);
				double theta = atan2(Math.Abs(vSwingAxis.y),Math.Abs(vSwingAxis.z));
				double alpha = 3.14159f - theta - phi;
				double sinalpha = sin(alpha);
				swingLimit = m_swingSpan1 * sinphi/sinalpha;
			else //if( swingAngle < 0 )
				vSwingAxis = btVector3.xAxis;
				swingLimit = 0;
				// this should never happen!
#if false