public static void FetchLeafs( btDbvt pdbvt, btDbvtNode root, btList<btDbvtNode> leafs, int depth ) { if( root.IsInternal() && depth != 0 ) { FetchLeafs( pdbvt, root._children0, leafs, depth - 1 ); FetchLeafs( pdbvt, root._children1, leafs, depth - 1 ); DeleteNode( pdbvt, root ); } else { leafs.Add( root ); } }
// public static void BottomUp( btDbvt pdbvt, btList<btDbvtNode> leaves ) { while( leaves.Count > 1 ) { double minsize = double.MaxValue; int minidx0 = -1; int minidx1 = -1; for( int i = 0; i < leaves.Count; ++i ) { for( int j = i + 1; j < leaves.Count; ++j ) { btDbvtVolume mergeResults = btDbvtVolume.Merge( ref leaves[i].volume, ref leaves[j].volume ); double sz = Size( ref mergeResults ); if( sz < minsize ) { minsize = sz; minidx0 = i; minidx1 = j; } } } btDbvtNode n0 = leaves[minidx0]; btDbvtNode n1 = leaves[minidx1]; btDbvtNode p = CreateNode( pdbvt, null, ref n0.volume, ref n1.volume, null ); p._children0 = n0; p._children1 = n1; n0.parent = p; n1.parent = p; leaves[minidx0] = p; leaves.Swap( minidx1, leaves.Count - 1 ); leaves.Count--;// PopBack(); } }
public static void InsertLeaf( btDbvt pdbvt, btDbvtNode root, btDbvtNode leaf ) { if( pdbvt.Root == null ) { pdbvt.Root = leaf; leaf.parent = null; } else { if( !root.IsLeaf() ) { do { if( btDbvtVolume.Select( ref leaf.volume, ref root._children0.volume, ref root._children1.volume ) == 0 ) root = root._children0; else root = root._children1; } while( !root.IsLeaf() ); } btDbvtNode prev = root.parent; btDbvtVolume mergeResults = btDbvtVolume.Merge( ref leaf.volume, ref root.volume ); btDbvtNode node = CreateNode2( pdbvt, prev, ref mergeResults, null ); if( prev != null ) { if( IndexOf( root ) == 0 ) prev._children0 = node; else prev._children1 = node; node._children0 = root; root.parent = node; node._children1 = leaf; leaf.parent = node; do { if( !prev.volume.Contain( ref node.volume ) ) { btDbvtVolume.Merge( ref prev._children0.volume, ref prev._children1.volume, out prev.volume ); } else { break; } node = prev; } while( null != ( prev = node.parent ) ); } else { node._children0 = root; root.parent = node; node._children1 = leaf; leaf.parent = node; pdbvt.Root = node; } } }
public void Process( btDbvt.btDbvtNode n, btDbvt.btDbvtNode n2 ) { }
// public static btDbvtNode CreateNode( btDbvt pdbvt, btDbvtNode parent, ref btDbvtVolume volume, Object data ) { btDbvtNode node = CreateNode( pdbvt, parent, data ); node.volume = volume; return ( node ); }
public static void DeleteNode( btDbvt pdbvt, btDbvtNode node ) { //btAlignedFree(pdbvt.m_free); //pdbvt.m_free = node; node.Reset(); BulletGlobals.DbvtNodePool.Free( node ); }
static void MycollideTT( btDbvt.btDbvtNode root0, btDbvt.btDbvtNode root1, ref btTransform xform, btCompoundCompoundLeafCallback callback ) { if( root0 != null && root1 != null ) { int depth = 1; int treshold = btDbvt.DOUBLE_STACKSIZE - 4; btList<btDbvt.sStkNN> stkStack = new btList<btDbvt.sStkNN>( btDbvt.DOUBLE_STACKSIZE ); stkStack[0].Initialize( root0, root1 ); do { btDbvt.sStkNN p = stkStack[--depth]; if( MyIntersect( p.a.volume, p.b.volume, ref xform ) ) { if( depth > treshold ) { stkStack.Capacity = ( stkStack.Count * 2 ); treshold = stkStack.Count - 4; } if( p.a.IsInternal() ) { if( p.b.IsInternal() ) { stkStack[depth++].Initialize( p.a._children0, p.b._children0 ); stkStack[depth++].Initialize( p.a._children1, p.b._children0 ); stkStack[depth++].Initialize( p.a._children0, p.b._children1 ); stkStack[depth++].Initialize( p.a._children1, p.b._children1 ); } else { stkStack[depth++].Initialize( p.a._children0, p.b ); stkStack[depth++].Initialize( p.a._children1, p.b ); } } else { if( p.b.IsInternal() ) { stkStack[depth++].Initialize( p.a, p.b._children0 ); stkStack[depth++].Initialize( p.a, p.b._children1 ); } else { callback.Process( p.a, p.b ); } } } } while( depth != 0 ); } }
public static btDbvtNode CreateNode( btDbvt pdbvt, btDbvtNode parent, Object data ) { btDbvtNode node = BulletGlobals.DbvtNodePool.Get(); node.parent = parent; = data; if( is int ) { //Debug.Assert(false); node.dataAsInt = (int); } node._children0 = null; node._children1 = null; return ( node ); }
public override void Process( btDbvt.btDbvtNode leaf0, btDbvt.btDbvtNode leaf1 ) { m_numOverlapPairs++; int childIndex0 = leaf0.dataAsInt; int childIndex1 = leaf1.dataAsInt; Debug.Assert( childIndex0 >= 0 ); Debug.Assert( childIndex1 >= 0 ); btCompoundShape compoundShape0 = (btCompoundShape)( m_compound0ColObjWrap.getCollisionShape() ); Debug.Assert( childIndex0 < compoundShape0.getNumChildShapes() ); btCompoundShape compoundShape1 = (btCompoundShape)( m_compound1ColObjWrap.getCollisionShape() ); Debug.Assert( childIndex1 < compoundShape1.getNumChildShapes() ); btCollisionShape childShape0 = compoundShape0.getChildShape( childIndex0 ); btCollisionShape childShape1 = compoundShape1.getChildShape( childIndex1 ); //backup btTransform orgTrans0 = m_compound0ColObjWrap.m_collisionObject.m_worldTransform; btTransform childTrans0 = compoundShape0.getChildTransform( childIndex0 ); btTransform newChildWorldTrans0; orgTrans0.Apply( ref childTrans0, out newChildWorldTrans0 ); btTransform orgTrans1 = m_compound1ColObjWrap.m_collisionObject.m_worldTransform; btTransform childTrans1 = compoundShape1.getChildTransform( childIndex1 ); btTransform newChildWorldTrans1; orgTrans1.Apply( ref childTrans1, out newChildWorldTrans1 ); //perform an AABB check first btVector3 aabbMin0, aabbMax0, aabbMin1, aabbMax1; childShape0.getAabb( ref newChildWorldTrans0, out aabbMin0, out aabbMax0 ); childShape1.getAabb( ref newChildWorldTrans1, out aabbMin1, out aabbMax1 ); if( gCompoundCompoundChildShapePairCallback != null ) { if( !gCompoundCompoundChildShapePairCallback( childShape0, childShape1 ) ) return; } if( btAabbUtil.TestAabbAgainstAabb2( ref aabbMin0, ref aabbMax0, ref aabbMin1, ref aabbMax1 ) ) { using( btCollisionObjectWrapper compoundWrap0 = BulletGlobals.CollisionObjectWrapperPool.Get() , compoundWrap1 = BulletGlobals.CollisionObjectWrapperPool.Get() ) { compoundWrap0.Initialize( this.m_compound0ColObjWrap, childShape0, m_compound0ColObjWrap.m_collisionObject, -1, childIndex0 ); compoundWrap1.Initialize( this.m_compound1ColObjWrap, childShape1, m_compound1ColObjWrap.m_collisionObject, -1, childIndex1 ); btSimplePair pair = m_childCollisionAlgorithmCache.findPair( childIndex0, childIndex1 ); btCollisionAlgorithm colAlgo = null; if( pair != null ) { colAlgo = (btCollisionAlgorithm)pair.m_userPointer; } else { colAlgo = m_dispatcher.findAlgorithm( compoundWrap0, compoundWrap1, m_sharedManifold ); pair = m_childCollisionAlgorithmCache.addOverlappingPair( childIndex0, childIndex1 ); Debug.Assert( pair != null ); pair.m_userPointer = colAlgo; } Debug.Assert( colAlgo != null ); btCollisionObjectWrapper tmpWrap0; btCollisionObjectWrapper tmpWrap1; tmpWrap0 = m_resultOut.m_body0Wrap; tmpWrap1 = m_resultOut.m_body1Wrap; m_resultOut.m_body0Wrap=( compoundWrap0 ); m_resultOut.m_body1Wrap=( compoundWrap1 ); m_resultOut.setShapeIdentifiersA( -1, childIndex0 ); m_resultOut.setShapeIdentifiersB( -1, childIndex1 ); colAlgo.processCollision( compoundWrap0, ref newChildWorldTrans0, compoundWrap1, ref newChildWorldTrans1, m_dispatchInfo, m_resultOut ); m_resultOut.m_body0Wrap=( tmpWrap0 ); m_resultOut.m_body1Wrap=( tmpWrap1 ); } } }
static bool MyIntersect( btDbvt.btDbvtVolume a, btDbvt.btDbvtVolume b, ref btTransform xform ) { btVector3 newmin, newmax; btAabbUtil.btTransformAabb( ref b._min, ref b._max, 0, ref xform, out newmin, out newmax ); btDbvt.btDbvtVolume newb = btDbvt.btDbvtVolume.FromMM( ref newmin, ref newmax ); return btDbvt.btDbvtVolume.Intersect( ref a, ref newb ); }
public bool AllLeaves( btDbvt.btDbvtNode n ) { return true; }
public bool Descent( btDbvt.btDbvtNode n ) { return true; }
public void Process( btDbvt.btDbvtNode n, double f ) { Process( n ); }
public static btDbvtNode TopDown( btDbvt pdbvt, btList<btDbvtNode> leaves, int bu_treshold ) { if( leaves.Count > 1 ) { if( leaves.Count > bu_treshold ) { btDbvtVolume vol; Bounds( leaves, out vol ); btVector3 org = vol.Center(); btList<btDbvtNode> sets0 = new btList<btDbvtNode>(); btList<btDbvtNode> sets1 = new btList<btDbvtNode>(); int bestaxis = -1; int bestmidp = leaves.Count; int[] a1 = new int[] { 0, 0 }; int[] a2 = new int[] { 0, 0 }; int[] a3 = new int[] { 0, 0 }; int[][] splitcount = new int[][] { a1, a2, a3 }; int i; for( i = 0; i < leaves.Count; ++i ) { btVector3 x = leaves[i].volume.Center() - org; for( int j = 0; j < 3; ++j ) { ++splitcount[j][ ref x, ref axis[j] ) > 0 ? 1 : 0]; } } for( i = 0; i < 3; ++i ) { if( ( splitcount[i][0] > 0 ) && ( splitcount[i][1] > 0 ) ) { int midp = (int)Math.Abs( ( splitcount[i][0] - splitcount[i][1] ) ); if( midp < bestmidp ) { bestaxis = i; bestmidp = midp; } } } if( bestaxis >= 0 ) { sets0.Capacity = ( splitcount[bestaxis][0] ); sets1.Capacity = ( splitcount[bestaxis][1] ); Split( leaves, sets0, sets1, ref org, ref axis[bestaxis] ); } else { sets0.Capacity = ( leaves.Count / 2 + 1 ); sets1.Capacity = ( leaves.Count / 2 ); for( int i2 = 0, ni = leaves.Count; i2 < ni; ++i2 ) { if( (i2 & 1)== 0 ) sets0.Add( leaves[i2] ); else sets1.Add( leaves[i2] ); } } btDbvtNode node = CreateNode( pdbvt, null, ref vol, null ); node._children0 = TopDown( pdbvt, sets0, bu_treshold ); node._children1 = TopDown( pdbvt, sets1, bu_treshold ); node._children0.parent = node; node._children1.parent = node; return ( node ); } else { BottomUp( pdbvt, leaves ); return ( leaves[0] ); } } return ( leaves[0] ); }
public btCompoundShape( bool enableDynamicAabbTree = true, int initialChildCapacity = 0 ) { m_localAabbMin = btVector3.Max; m_localAabbMax = btVector3.Min; m_dynamicAabbTree = ( null ); m_updateRevision = ( 1 ); m_collisionMargin = ( btScalar.BT_ZERO ); m_localScaling = btVector3.One; m_shapeType = BroadphaseNativeTypes.COMPOUND_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE; if( enableDynamicAabbTree ) { m_dynamicAabbTree = new btDbvt(); } m_children.Capacity = ( initialChildCapacity ); }
public static btDbvtNode CreateNode( btDbvt pdbvt, btDbvtNode parent, int data ) { btDbvtNode node = BulletGlobals.DbvtNodePool.Get(); node.parent = parent; = null; node.dataAsInt = data; node._children0 = null; node._children1 = null; return ( node ); }
void createAabbTreeFromChildren() { if( m_dynamicAabbTree == null ) { m_dynamicAabbTree = new btDbvt(); for( int index = 0; index < m_children.Count; index++ ) { btCompoundShapeChild child = m_children[index]; //extend the local aabbMin/aabbMax btVector3 localAabbMin, localAabbMax; child.m_childShape.getAabb( ref child.m_transform, out localAabbMin, out localAabbMax ); btDbvt.btDbvtVolume bounds = btDbvt.btDbvtVolume.FromMM( ref localAabbMin, ref localAabbMax ); int index2 = index; child.m_node = m_dynamicAabbTree.insert( ref bounds, index2 ); } } }
public static btDbvtNode CreateNode2( btDbvt tree, btDbvtNode aparent, ref btDbvtVolume avolume, Object adata ) { btDbvtNode node = BulletGlobals.DbvtNodePool.Get(); node.volume = avolume; node.parent = aparent; = adata; node._children0 = null; node._children1 = null; if( is int ) { Debug.Assert( false ); node.dataAsInt = (int); } return node; }
public static btDbvtNode RemoveLeaf( btDbvt pdbvt, btDbvtNode leaf ) { if( leaf == pdbvt.Root ) { pdbvt.Root = null; return null; } else { btDbvtNode parent = leaf.parent; btDbvtNode prev = parent.parent; btDbvtNode sibling = ((1-IndexOf(leaf))==0?parent._children0:parent._children1); if( prev != null ) { if( IndexOf( parent ) == 0 ) prev._children0 = sibling; else prev._children1 = sibling; sibling.parent = prev; DeleteNode( pdbvt, parent ); while( prev != null ) { btDbvtVolume pb = prev.volume; btDbvtVolume.Merge( ref prev._children0.volume, ref prev._children1.volume, out prev.volume ); if( btDbvtVolume.NotEqual( ref pb, ref prev.volume ) ) { sibling = prev; prev = prev.parent; } else { break; } } return ( prev != null ? prev : pdbvt.Root ); } else { pdbvt.Root = sibling; sibling.parent = null; DeleteNode( pdbvt, parent ); return ( pdbvt.Root ); } } }
// public static btDbvtNode CreateNode( btDbvt pdbvt, btDbvtNode parent, ref btDbvtVolume volume0, ref btDbvtVolume volume1, Object data ) { btDbvtNode node = CreateNode( pdbvt, parent, data ); btDbvtVolume.Merge( ref volume0, ref volume1, out node.volume ); return ( node ); }
public btDbvtNode( btDbvt tree, btDbvtNode aparent, ref btDbvtVolume avolume, Object adata ) : this() { volume = avolume; parent = aparent; data = adata; if( data is int ) { dataAsInt = (int)data; } }
public static void RecurseDeleteNode( btDbvt pdbvt, btDbvtNode node ) { if( !node.IsLeaf() ) { RecurseDeleteNode( pdbvt, node._children0 ); RecurseDeleteNode( pdbvt, node._children1 ); } if( node == pdbvt.m_root ) { pdbvt.m_root = null; } DeleteNode( pdbvt, node ); }
// // depth is defaulted to -1 public static void FetchLeafs( btDbvt pdbvt, btDbvtNode root, btList<btDbvtNode> leafs ) { FetchLeafs( pdbvt, root, leafs, -1 ); }
public override void Process( btDbvt.btDbvtNode leaf ) { int index = leaf.dataAsInt; btCompoundShape compoundShape = (btCompoundShape)( m_compoundColObjWrap.getCollisionShape() ); btCollisionShape childShape = compoundShape.getChildShape( index ); #if false if (m_dispatchInfo.m_debugDraw && (m_dispatchInfo.m_debugDraw.getDebugMode() & btIDebugDraw::DBG_DrawAabb)) { btVector3 worldAabbMin,worldAabbMax; btTransform orgTrans = m_compoundColObjWrap.getWorldTransform(); btTransformAabb(leaf.volume.Mins(),leaf.volume.Maxs(),0.,orgTrans,worldAabbMin,worldAabbMax); m_dispatchInfo.m_debugDraw.drawAabb(worldAabbMin,worldAabbMax,btVector3(1,0,0)); } #endif ProcessChildShape( childShape, index ); }
public void Process( btDbvt.btDbvtNode leaf ) { Process( leaf.dataAsInt ); }