예제 #1
        public void CreateTileGrid(Gtk.Container window, Gtk.Image image)
            Gdk.Pixbuf tileSet = image.Pixbuf, scaled = image.Pixbuf;             // gets the pixbuf of the tileset image, scaled is a temporary solution
            scaled = scaled.ScaleSimple(32, 32, Gdk.InterpType.Bilinear);         // scaled should have the dimension of each tile

            myListStore myListstore = new myListStore(window);

            //adds columns to the Liststore
            myListstore.addTVColumn("id", "text", 0);
            myListstore.addTVColumn("number", "text", 1);              //should be something more logic
            myListstore.addTVColumn("stuff", "text", 2);               //should be something more logic than stuff
            myListstore.addTVColumn("tile", "pixbuf", 3);

            new JsonClass(window, image, myListstore);

예제 #2
        // window is the scrolled window; should be named apropriately eventually
        public JsonClass(Gtk.Container window, Gtk.Image image, myListStore myListstore)
            Gdk.Pixbuf tileSet = image.Pixbuf, scaled = image.Pixbuf;

            int height = tileSet.Height, width = tileSet.Width;

            // a treestore so the tiles with subtiles can be expanded, eventually also categories that are expandable
            Gtk.TreeStore myListStore = new Gtk.TreeStore(typeof(string), typeof(int), typeof(string), typeof(Gdk.Pixbuf));

            tile_info_nested tile_info = new tile_info_nested();              // should have a better name eventually

            // should either be chosen by user or maybe the folder where the tileset resides
            StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(@"/home/gervinius/Pragramming/Mono/jsonTest/jsonTest/tile_config.json");

            tile_info_nested deserializedJsonFile = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <tile_info_nested> (streamReader.ReadToEnd());


            int value, tileWidthHeight = 16;

            if (deserializedJsonFile.tile_info [0].TryGetValue("height", out value))
                tileWidthHeight = value;

            scaled = scaled.ScaleSimple(tileWidthHeight, tileWidthHeight, Gdk.InterpType.Bilinear);              // temp solution; should look for a more elegant solution
            //this copies the list from the json object list to another list. Could be a better solution someday
            tile_info.tiles = new List <Json_tile_class> (deserializedJsonFile.tiles);

            //checks if tile has subtiles and adds them to a list
            for (int i = 0; i < tile_info.tiles.Count; i++)
                if (tile_info.tiles [i].multitile == true)
                    //just copy the list with subtiles
                    tile_info.tiles [i].additional_tiles = new List <Json_tile_class> (deserializedJsonFile.tiles[i].additional_tiles);

            //reads the tileset image and copies each individual tile to a pixbuf; should be a seperate method eventually
            for (int i = 0; i < height / tileWidthHeight; i++)
                for (int h = 0; h < width / tileWidthHeight; h++)
                    tile_info.lstPixbuf.Add(scaled.Copy());                      //hack to initialize a empty pixbuf at the correct index in the list, there may be a more performant solution
                    tileSet.CopyArea(h * tileWidthHeight, i * tileWidthHeight, tileWidthHeight, tileWidthHeight,
                                     tile_info.lstPixbuf[i * 16 + h], 0, 0);     //copy the pixels that reperesent one tile to the pixbuf at the lists index

            //checks whether the tile has a bg or fg image (or both)
            for (int i = 0; i < tile_info.tiles.Count; i++)
                Gdk.Pixbuf myListstoreImage = scaled.Copy();                       // initialize a pixbuf with 32x32 pixels;; could be in the class eventually

                if (tile_info.tiles [i].fg != null && tile_info.tiles [i].fg >= 0) // some persons have used the value -1 to mark a nonexisting fg- or bg-image
                    tile_info.tiles[i].fg_image = tile_info.lstPixbuf[tile_info.tiles [i].fg.Value];
                    myListstoreImage            = tile_info.tiles [i].fg_image;

                else if (tile_info.tiles [i].bg != null && tile_info.tiles [i].bg >= 0)
                    tile_info.tiles[i].bg_image = tile_info.lstPixbuf[tile_info.tiles [i].bg.Value];
                    myListstoreImage            = tile_info.tiles [i].bg_image;

                else if (tile_info.tiles [i].fg != null && tile_info.tiles [i].fg >= 0 && tile_info.tiles [i].bg != null && tile_info.tiles [i].bg >= 0)
                    tile_info.tiles[i].fg_image = tile_info.lstPixbuf[tile_info.tiles [i].fg.Value];
                    tile_info.tiles[i].bg_image = tile_info.lstPixbuf[tile_info.tiles [i].bg.Value];

                    // this merges background and foreground
                    tile_info.tiles [i].bg_image.Composite(myListstoreImage, 0, 0, tileWidthHeight, tileWidthHeight, 0, 0, 1, 1, Gdk.InterpType.Bilinear, 1);
                    tile_info.tiles [i].fg_image.Composite(myListstoreImage, 0, 0, tileWidthHeight, tileWidthHeight, 0, 0, 1, 1, Gdk.InterpType.Bilinear, 1);

                // if the tile object has additional tiles ...
                if (tile_info.tiles [i].multitile == true)
                    // create an expandable treeiter
                    Gtk.TreeIter iter = myListStore.AppendValues(tile_info.tiles[i].id);                      // category name is the maintiles name, could be changed later
                    //append the PARENT TILE to the treestore
                    myListStore.AppendValues(iter, tile_info.tiles [i].id, 1,
                                             "test1", myListstoreImage);

                    // look through each subtile and add the foreground or background image to the liststore
                    for (int x = 0; x < tile_info.tiles[i].additional_tiles.Count; x++)
                        if (tile_info.tiles [i].additional_tiles [x].fg != null && tile_info.tiles [i].additional_tiles [x].fg >= 0)
                            tile_info.tiles [i].additional_tiles [x].fg_image = tile_info.lstPixbuf [tile_info.tiles [i].additional_tiles [x].fg.Value];
                            myListStore.AppendValues(iter, tile_info.tiles [i].additional_tiles [x].id, "test",
                                                     "test1", tile_info.tiles [i].additional_tiles [x].fg_image);
                        else if (tile_info.tiles [i].additional_tiles [x].bg != null && tile_info.tiles [i].additional_tiles [x].bg >= 0)
                            tile_info.tiles [i].additional_tiles [x].bg_image = tile_info.lstPixbuf [tile_info.tiles [i].additional_tiles [x].bg.Value];
                            myListStore.AppendValues(iter, tile_info.tiles [i].additional_tiles [x].id, "test",
                                                     "test1", tile_info.tiles [i].additional_tiles [x].bg_image);
                            // ToDo:: merge fg and bg
                        else if (tile_info.tiles [i].additional_tiles [x].fg != null && tile_info.tiles [i].additional_tiles [x].fg >= 0 && tile_info.tiles [i].additional_tiles [x].bg != null && tile_info.tiles [i].additional_tiles [x].bg >= 0)
                            tile_info.tiles [i].additional_tiles [x].fg_image = tile_info.lstPixbuf [tile_info.tiles [i].additional_tiles [x].fg.Value];
                            tile_info.tiles [i].additional_tiles [x].bg_image = tile_info.lstPixbuf [tile_info.tiles [i].additional_tiles [x].bg.Value];
                            myListStore.AppendValues(tile_info.tiles [i].additional_tiles [x].id, "test",
                                                     "test1", tile_info.tiles [i].additional_tiles [x].fg_image);
                    // append the tile at index i to the liststore
                    myListStore.AppendValues(tile_info.tiles [i].id, "test",
                                             "test1", myListstoreImage);
            myListstore.returnTV().Model = myListStore;