/** <summary>Creates an Information object for the node and type of service provider.</summary> <param name="node">The node where the service is to be provided</param> <param name="type">The name of the application providing service (example: BasicNode)</param> */ public Information(StructuredNode node, String type) { UserData = new Hashtable(); _type = type; _node = node; _rpc = RpcManager.GetInstance(node); _rpc.AddHandler("Information", this); }
public SocialRpcHandler(StructuredNode node, SocialUser localUser, Dictionary<string, SocialUser> friends) { _node = node; _rpc = node.Rpc; _rpc.AddHandler("SocialVPN", this); _local_user = localUser; _friends = friends; }
public LocalHT() { AHAddress addr = new AHAddress(new RNGCryptoServiceProvider()); Node brunetNode = new StructuredNode(addr); RpcManager rpc = RpcManager.GetInstance(brunetNode); this._ts = new TableServer(brunetNode); this._node = brunetNode; #if FUSE_DEBUG //Having some init data isn't bad string key = FuseDhtUtil.GenDhtKey("testbasedir", "testkey1", "ipop_ns"); this.Put(key, "testvalue1", 5000); this.Put(key, "testvalue2", 3000); #endif }
public void Test() { RandomNumberGenerator rng = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider(); AHAddress tmp_add = new AHAddress(rng); Node n = new StructuredNode(tmp_add, "unittest"); AHSender ah = new AHSender(n, AddressParser.Parse("brunet:node:JOJZG7VO6RFOEZJ6CJJ2WOIJWTXRVRP4")); ForwardingSender fs = new ForwardingSender(n, AddressParser.Parse("brunet:node:JOJZG7VO6RFOEZJ6CJJ2WOIJWTXRVRP4"), AddressParser.Parse("brunet:node:5FMQW3KKJWOOGVDO6QAQP65AWVZQ4VUQ")); string uri = "sender:ah?dest=brunet:node:JOJZG7VO6RFOEZJ6CJJ2WOIJWTXRVRP4&mode=exact"; ISender s = SenderFactory.CreateInstance(n, uri); Assert.IsTrue(s is AHSender); Assert.AreEqual(uri, s.ToUri()); uri = "sender:ah?dest=brunet:node:JOJZG7VO6RFOEZJ6CJJ2WOIJWTXRVRP4&mode=greedy"; s = SenderFactory.CreateInstance(n, uri); Assert.IsTrue(s is AHSender); Assert.AreEqual(uri, s.ToUri()); uri = "sender:fw?relay=brunet:node:JOJZG7VO6RFOEZJ6CJJ2WOIJWTXRVRP4&init_mode=greedy&dest=brunet:node:5FMQW3KKJWOOGVDO6QAQP65AWVZQ4VUQ&ttl=3&mode=path"; s = SenderFactory.CreateInstance(n, uri); Assert.IsTrue(s is ForwardingSender); Assert.AreEqual(uri, s.ToUri()); }
private static void add_node() { int local_port = 0; // while(taken_ports.Contains(local_port = rand.Next(0, max_range) + base_port)); AHAddress address = new AHAddress(new RNGCryptoServiceProvider()); Node node = new StructuredNode(address, brunet_namespace); /* ArrayList arr_tas = new ArrayList(); for(int j = 0; j < max_range / 10; j++) { int remote_port = 0; do { remote_port = rand.Next(0, max_range) + base_port; } while(remote_port == local_port); PortTAAuthorizer port_auth = new PortTAAuthorizer(remote_port); arr_tas.Add(port_auth); } arr_tas.Add(new ConstantAuthorizer(TAAuthorizer.Decision.Allow)); TAAuthorizer ta_auth = new SeriesTAAuthorizer(arr_tas);*/ node.AddEdgeListener(new FunctionEdgeListener((new Random()).Next(1024, 65535))); //local_port, null));//, ta_auth)); // node.AddEdgeListener(new TunnelEdgeListener(node)); // node.RemoteTAs = RemoteTA; (new Thread(node.Connect)).Start(); // taken_ports[local_port] = node; nodes.Add((Address) address, node); dhts.Add(node, new Dht(node, DEGREE)); network_size++; }
static void Main(string[] args) { //first, remove the log file if(File.Exists("time_stamp.log")){ File.Delete("time_stamp.log"); } String config_file = args[0]; NetworkConfiguration network_configuration = NetworkConfiguration.Deserialize(config_file); int port_selection = Convert.ToInt32(args[1]); //There will be 10 different ports available for use: 0, 1, 2.. //for example, node 0 on a machine will use port_selection # 0, node 1 on a machine will use port_selection # 1 ///There will be multiple BruNet nodes on the same machine. The following is a list of possible ports used int list_size = 10; int [] port_list = new int[list_size]; for(int i = 0; i < list_size; i++){ port_list[i] = 25010 + i*10; } ///The line below is used when there is only one node per machine //int local_host_index = network_configuration.GetLocalHostIndex(); int desired_port = port_list[port_selection]; int local_host_index = network_configuration.GetLocalHostIndex(desired_port); NodeConfiguration this_node_configuration = (NodeConfiguration)network_configuration.Nodes[local_host_index]; TransportAddressConfiguration local_ta_configuration = (TransportAddressConfiguration)this_node_configuration.TransportAddresses[0]; short port = local_ta_configuration.Port; SHA1 sha = new SHA1CryptoServiceProvider(); String local_ta = local_ta_configuration.GetTransportAddressURI(); //We take the local transport address plus the port number to be hashed to obtain a random AHAddress byte[] hashedbytes = sha.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(local_ta + port)); //inforce type 0 hashedbytes[Address.MemSize - 1] &= 0xFE; AHAddress _local_ahaddress = new AHAddress(hashedbytes); Node this_node = new StructuredNode( _local_ahaddress ); ///Node this_node = new HybridNode( new AHAddress( new BigInteger( 2*(local_host_index+1) ) ) ); String file_string = "brunetadd" + Convert.ToString(desired_port) + ".log"; StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(file_string, false); sw.WriteLine( "local_address " + this_node.Address.ToBigInteger().ToString() + " " + Dns.GetHostName()); sw.Close(); if ( local_ta_configuration.Protocol == "tcp" ) { this_node.AddEdgeListener( new TcpEdgeListener(port) ); } else if( local_ta_configuration.Protocol == "udp" ) { this_node.AddEdgeListener( new UdpEdgeListener(port) ); } int remote_node_index = local_host_index-1; int num_remote_ta = 20; //20 nodes on the list to try to bootstrap to if (local_host_index!=0) { NodeConfiguration remote_node_configuration = (NodeConfiguration)network_configuration.Nodes[0]; TransportAddressConfiguration remote_ta_configuration = (TransportAddressConfiguration)remote_node_configuration.TransportAddresses[0]; String remote_ta = remote_ta_configuration.GetTransportAddressURI(); this_node.RemoteTAs.Add( TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance( remote_ta ) ); } while ( (remote_node_index>=0) && (num_remote_ta>=0) ) { NodeConfiguration remote_node_configuration = (NodeConfiguration)network_configuration.Nodes[remote_node_index]; TransportAddressConfiguration remote_ta_configuration = (TransportAddressConfiguration)remote_node_configuration.TransportAddresses[0]; String remote_ta = remote_ta_configuration.GetTransportAddressURI(); this_node.RemoteTAs.Add( TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance( remote_ta ) ); System.Console.WriteLine("Adding {0}", remote_ta); remote_node_index--; num_remote_ta--; } //EchoTester echo_printer = new EchoTester(); //this_node.Subscribe(AHPacket.Protocol.Echo, echo_printer); StreamWriter stamp_sw = new StreamWriter("time_stamp.log", true); stamp_sw.WriteLine("Local_node: {0} start_time_GMT: {1}:{2}", Dns.GetHostName(), DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime().ToString(), DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime().Millisecond ); stamp_sw.Close(); this_node.Connect(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { BootStrapTester bst = new BootStrapTester(); //NodeList ArrayList node_list = new ArrayList(); bst.NodeList = node_list; ArrayList all_ta_list = new ArrayList(); Random my_rand = new Random( unchecked((int)DateTime.Now.Ticks) ); //Initialize hosts //Console.WriteLine("\n\n---------------------------------------\n\n"); int port = 20287; int net_size = Int32.Parse( args[0] ); for (int loop=0;loop<net_size;loop++) { //create and initialize new host //create one new node for each host //Set the last bit to be zero so it will be class 0 //byte[] address = new byte[Address.MemSize]; //my_rand.NextBytes(address); //address[Address.MemSize - 1] &= 0xFE; //Node tmp_node = new StructuredNode(new AHAddress(address)); long small_add = 2*(loop+1); Node tmp_node = new StructuredNode(new AHAddress( new BigInteger(small_add)) ); //tmp_node.AddEdgeListener(new TcpEdgeListener(port+loop)); tmp_node.AddEdgeListener(new FunctionEdgeListener(port+loop)); for (int loop2=0;loop2<loop;loop2++) { if (loop != loop2) { int other_port = port+loop2; tmp_node.RemoteTAs.Add( //new TransportAddress("brunet.tcp://" + other_port ) TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance("brunet.function://localhost:" + other_port ) ); } } node_list.Add(tmp_node); } //testAddressComparer(node_list); //Start the dot thread: System.Threading.Thread t = new System.Threading.Thread( new System.Threading.ThreadStart(bst.DotThread)); t.Start(); //Get Connected: int i=0; foreach( Node item in node_list) { System.Console.WriteLine("{0}: CONNECTING NODE: {1}", ++i, item.Address); System.Console.WriteLine("--------------------------"); item.Connect(); /*Console.WriteLine(item.Address.ToString() + " RemoteTAs count: " + item.RemoteTAs.Count);*/ //Console.ReadLine(); //foreach (TransportAddress item2 in item.RemoteTAs) // Console.WriteLine(item2); } Console.WriteLine("BeforeDisconnect"); Console.ReadLine(); Node anode = (Node)node_list[5]; anode.Disconnect(); //We are connected now, stop the threads: //t.Abort(); }
/** <summary>Creates a Brunet.Node, the resulting node will be available in the class as _node.</summary> <remarks>The steps to creating a node are first constructing it with a namespace, optionally adding local ip addresses to bind to, specifying local end points, specifying remote end points, and finally registering the dht.</remarks> */ public virtual void CreateNode() { AHAddress address = (AHAddress) AddressParser.Parse(_node_config.NodeAddress); _node = new StructuredNode(address, _node_config.BrunetNamespace); IEnumerable addresses = IPAddresses.GetIPAddresses(_node_config.DevicesToBind); Brunet.EdgeListener el = null; foreach(NodeConfig.EdgeListener item in _node_config.EdgeListeners) { int port = item.port; if (item.type =="tcp") { try { el = new TcpEdgeListener(port, addresses); } catch { el = new TcpEdgeListener(0, addresses); } } else if (item.type == "udp") { try { el = new UdpEdgeListener(port, addresses); } catch { el = new UdpEdgeListener(0, addresses); } } else { throw new Exception("Unrecognized transport: " + item.type); } _node.AddEdgeListener(el); } el = new TunnelEdgeListener(_node); _node.AddEdgeListener(el); ArrayList RemoteTAs = null; if(_node_config.RemoteTAs != null) { RemoteTAs = new ArrayList(); foreach(String ta in _node_config.RemoteTAs) { RemoteTAs.Add(TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance(ta)); } _node.RemoteTAs = RemoteTAs; } try { if (_node_config.NCService.Enabled) { _ncservice = new NCService(_node, _node_config.NCService.Checkpoint); if (_node_config.NCService.OptimizeShortcuts) { _node.Sco.TargetSelector = new VivaldiTargetSelector(_node, _ncservice); } } } catch {} _dht = new Dht(_node, 3, 20); }
public void Test() { RandomNumberGenerator rng = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider(); AHAddress tmp_add = new AHAddress(rng); Node n = new StructuredNode(tmp_add, "unittest"); AHSender ah = new AHSender(n, AddressParser.Parse("brunet:node:JOJZG7VO6RFOEZJ6CJJ2WOIJWTXRVRP4")); ForwardingSender fs = new ForwardingSender(n, AddressParser.Parse("brunet:node:JOJZG7VO6RFOEZJ6CJJ2WOIJWTXRVRP4"), AddressParser.Parse("brunet:node:5FMQW3KKJWOOGVDO6QAQP65AWVZQ4VUQ")); string uri = "sender:ah?dest=JOJZG7VO6RFOEZJ6CJJ2WOIJWTXRVRP4&mode=exact"; ISender s = SenderFactory.CreateInstance(n, uri); Assert.IsTrue(s is AHSender); Assert.AreEqual(uri, s.ToUri()); uri = "sender:ah?dest=JOJZG7VO6RFOEZJ6CJJ2WOIJWTXRVRP4&mode=greedy"; //Create the above programatically IDictionary<string, string> param_args = new Dictionary<string,string>(); param_args["dest"] = "JOJZG7VO6RFOEZJ6CJJ2WOIJWTXRVRP4"; param_args["mode"] = "greedy"; string uri0 = SenderFactory.EncodeUri("ah", param_args); Assert.AreEqual(uri, uri0, "EncodeUri works"); //Check decode: string scheme; param_args = SenderFactory.DecodeUri(uri, out scheme); Assert.AreEqual(scheme, "ah", "Scheme decoded"); Assert.AreEqual(param_args.Count, 2, "2 parameters in uri"); Assert.AreEqual(param_args["dest"], "JOJZG7VO6RFOEZJ6CJJ2WOIJWTXRVRP4", "Extracted address"); Assert.AreEqual(param_args["mode"], "greedy", "got mode"); s = SenderFactory.CreateInstance(n, uri); Assert.IsTrue(s is AHSender); Assert.AreEqual(uri, s.ToUri()); string furi = "sender:fw?relay=JOJZG7VO6RFOEZJ6CJJ2WOIJWTXRVRP4&init_mode=greedy&dest=5FMQW3KKJWOOGVDO6QAQP65AWVZQ4VUQ&ttl=3&mode=path"; s = SenderFactory.CreateInstance(n, furi); Assert.IsTrue(s is ForwardingSender); Assert.AreEqual(furi, s.ToUri()); }
static void Main(string[] args) { //log.Debug( "Starting the Brunet Echo Tester" ); String config_file = args[0]; NetworkConfiguration network_configuration = NetworkConfiguration.Deserialize(config_file); int port_selection = Convert.ToInt32(args[1]); //There will be 10 different ports available for use: 0, 1, 2.. //for example, node 0 on a machine will use port_selection # 0, node 1 on a machine will use port_selection # 1 ///There will be multiple BruNet nodes on the same machine. The following is a list of possible ports used int list_size = 150; int [] port_list = new int[list_size]; for(int i = 0; i < list_size; i++){ port_list[i] = 25000 + i; } ///The line below is used when there is only one node per machine //int local_host_index = network_configuration.GetLocalHostIndex(); int desired_port = port_list[port_selection]; int local_host_index = network_configuration.GetLocalHostIndex(desired_port); NodeConfiguration this_node_configuration = (NodeConfiguration)network_configuration.Nodes[local_host_index]; TransportAddressConfiguration local_ta_configuration = (TransportAddressConfiguration)this_node_configuration.TransportAddresses[0]; short port = local_ta_configuration.Port; SHA1 sha = new SHA1CryptoServiceProvider(); String local_ta = local_ta_configuration.GetTransportAddressURI(); //We take the local transport address plus the port number to be hashed to obtain a random AHAddress byte[] hashedbytes = sha.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(local_ta + port)); //inforce type 0 hashedbytes[Address.MemSize - 1] &= 0xFE; AHAddress _local_ahaddress = new AHAddress(hashedbytes); Node this_node = new StructuredNode( _local_ahaddress ); ///Node this_node = new HybridNode( new AHAddress( new BigInteger( 2*(local_host_index+1) ) ) ); String file_string = "./data/brunetadd" + Convert.ToString(desired_port) + ".log"; StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(file_string, false); sw.WriteLine( "local_address " + this_node.Address.ToBigInteger().ToString() + " " + Dns.GetHostName() + ":" + port); sw.Close(); if ( local_ta_configuration.Protocol == "tcp" ) { this_node.AddEdgeListener( new TcpEdgeListener(port) ); } else if( local_ta_configuration.Protocol == "udp" ) { this_node.AddEdgeListener( new UdpEdgeListener(port) ); } int remote_node_index = local_host_index-1; int num_remote_ta = 20; //20 nodes on the list to try to bootstrap to if (local_host_index!=0) { NodeConfiguration remote_node_configuration = (NodeConfiguration)network_configuration.Nodes[0]; TransportAddressConfiguration remote_ta_configuration = (TransportAddressConfiguration)remote_node_configuration.TransportAddresses[0]; String remote_ta = remote_ta_configuration.GetTransportAddressURI(); this_node.RemoteTAs.Add( TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance( remote_ta ) ); } while ( (remote_node_index>=0) && (num_remote_ta>=0) ) { NodeConfiguration remote_node_configuration = (NodeConfiguration)network_configuration.Nodes[remote_node_index]; TransportAddressConfiguration remote_ta_configuration = (TransportAddressConfiguration)remote_node_configuration.TransportAddresses[0]; String remote_ta = remote_ta_configuration.GetTransportAddressURI(); this_node.RemoteTAs.Add( TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance( remote_ta ) ); System.Console.WriteLine("Adding {0}", remote_ta); remote_node_index--; num_remote_ta--; } /* NodeConfiguration remote_node_configuration = (NodeConfiguration)network_configuration.Nodes[remote_node_index]; TransportAddressConfiguration remote_ta_configuration = (TransportAddressConfiguration)remote_node_configuration.TransportAddresses[0]; String remote_ta = remote_ta_configuration.GetTransportAddressURI(); this_node.RemoteTAs.Add( TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance( remote_ta ) );*/ EchoTester echo_printer = new EchoTester(); this_node.GetTypeSource(PType.Protocol.Echo).Subscribe(echo_printer, this_node); this_node.Connect(); //Send a "hello message" to a random neighbor ASCIIEncoding ascii = new ASCIIEncoding(); //Make the target addresses AHAddress target = new AHAddress( new BigInteger( 2*(remote_node_index+1) ) ); string hello_msg = "hello, brunet"; int byteCount = ascii.GetByteCount(hello_msg); byte[] bytes = new byte[byteCount + 1]; ascii.GetBytes(hello_msg, 0, hello_msg.Length, bytes, 1); // update the payload // This is a request, so the first byte is greater than zero bytes[0] = (byte) 1; ICopyable p = new CopyList(PType.Protocol.AH, new AHHeader(0, 30, this_node.Address, target, AHHeader.Options.Greedy), PType.Protocol.Echo, MemBlock.Reference(bytes)); ///RDP Experiment: sending the echo packet periodically /* int seq = 0; while(true){ int start_time = System.DateTime.Now.Millisecond; this_node.Send(p); Console.WriteLine("Seq = {0}, Start Time = {1}", seq, start_time); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(10000); seq++; }*/ ///The following is a while-loop for the local node to Brunet-ping all other nodes in the network System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(60000); ///IMPORTANT: change this parameter so we wait longer for larger network Random uid_generator = new Random( DateTime.Now.Millisecond + local_ta.GetHashCode() + port); bytes = new byte[5]; int target_index = 0, num_pings = 10, wait_time = 10000; //the wait_time is in ms double ping_time; PingWrapper pw = new PingWrapper(); while( target_index < network_configuration.Nodes.Count ){ if(target_index != local_host_index){///we do not ping the local machine NodeConfiguration target_node_configuration = (NodeConfiguration)network_configuration.Nodes[target_index]; TransportAddressConfiguration target_ta_configuration = (TransportAddressConfiguration)target_node_configuration.TransportAddresses[0]; short target_port = target_ta_configuration.Port; double ping1 = pw.Ping(target_ta_configuration.Address, 10000); double ping2 = pw.Ping(target_ta_configuration.Address, 10000); if(ping1 >= 0 || ping2 >= 0){ //we gather the data only when the node is ping-able sha = new SHA1CryptoServiceProvider(); String target_ta = target_ta_configuration.GetTransportAddressURI(); //We take the transport address plus the port number to be hashed to obtain a random AHAddress hashedbytes = sha.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(target_ta + target_port)); //inforce type 0 hashedbytes[Address.MemSize - 1] &= 0xFE; AHAddress _target_ahaddress = new AHAddress(hashedbytes); for(int i = 0; i < num_pings; i++){ //ping and Brunet-ping the target node for a number of times int uid = uid_generator.Next(); //this is the unique id of the packet // update the payload // This is a request, so the first byte is greater than zero bytes[0] = (byte) 1; NumberSerializer.WriteInt(uid, bytes, 1); p = new CopyList(PType.Protocol.AH, new AHHeader(0, 30, this_node.Address, _target_ahaddress, AHHeader.Options.Greedy), PType.Protocol.Echo, MemBlock.Reference(bytes)); this_node.Send(p); ping_time = pw.Ping(target_ta_configuration.Address, wait_time); //wait wait_time number of ms System.Console.WriteLine("Ping time: {0}",ping_time); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(wait_time); }//end of for-loop } }//end of if-loop target_index++; }//end of while-loop }
// adds a node to the pool protected static void add_node(bool output) { AHAddress address = new AHAddress(new RNGCryptoServiceProvider()); Node node = new StructuredNode(address, brunet_namespace); NodeMapping nm = new NodeMapping(); nm.Node = node; nodes.Add((Address) address, nm); nm.Port = TakenPorts.Count; while(TakenPorts.Contains(nm.Port)) { nm.Port = rand.Next(0, 65535); } TAAuthorizer auth = null; if(broken != 0) { auth = new BrokenTAAuth(broken); } EdgeListener el = new SimulationEdgeListener(nm.Port, 0, auth, true); if(secure_edges || secure_senders) { byte[] blob = SEKey.ExportCspBlob(true); RSACryptoServiceProvider rsa_copy = new RSACryptoServiceProvider(); rsa_copy.ImportCspBlob(blob); CertificateMaker cm = new CertificateMaker("United States", "UFL", "ACIS", "David Wolinsky", "*****@*****.**", rsa_copy, address.ToString()); Certificate cert = cm.Sign(CACert, SEKey); CertificateHandler ch = new CertificateHandler(); ch.AddCACertificate(CACert.X509); ch.AddSignedCertificate(cert.X509); BrunetSecurityOverlord so = new BrunetSecurityOverlord(node, rsa_copy, node.Rrm, ch); so.Subscribe(node, null); node.GetTypeSource(SecurityOverlord.Security).Subscribe(so, null); nm.BSO = so; node.HeartBeatEvent += so.Heartbeat; } if(secure_edges) { el = new SecureEdgeListener(el, nm.BSO); } node.AddEdgeListener(el); if(broken != 0) { el = new TunnelEdgeListener(node); node.AddEdgeListener(el); } ArrayList RemoteTAs = new ArrayList(); for(int i = 0; i < 5 && i < TakenPorts.Count; i++) { int rport = (int) TakenPorts.GetByIndex(rand.Next(0, TakenPorts.Count)); RemoteTAs.Add(TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance("brunet.function://" + rport)); } node.RemoteTAs = RemoteTAs; TakenPorts[nm.Port] = nm.Port; if(output) { Console.WriteLine("Adding: " + nm.Node.Address); } node.Connect(); network_size++; }
/// <summary>Creates a Brunet.Node, the resulting node will be available in /// the class as _node.</summary> /// <remarks>The steps to creating a node are first constructing it with a /// namespace, optionally adding local ip addresses to bind to, specifying /// local end points, specifying remote end points, and finally registering /// the dht.</remarks> public virtual void CreateNode() { AHAddress address = null; try { address = (AHAddress) AddressParser.Parse(_node_config.NodeAddress); } catch { address = Utils.GenerateAHAddress(); } _node = new StructuredNode(address, _node_config.BrunetNamespace); IEnumerable addresses = IPAddresses.GetIPAddresses(_node_config.DevicesToBind); if(_node_config.Security.Enabled) { if(_node_config.Security.SelfSignedCertificates) { SecurityPolicy.SetDefaultSecurityPolicy(SecurityPolicy.DefaultEncryptor, SecurityPolicy.DefaultAuthenticator, true); } byte[] blob = null; using(FileStream fs = File.Open(_node_config.Security.KeyPath, FileMode.Open)) { blob = new byte[fs.Length]; fs.Read(blob, 0, blob.Length); } RSACryptoServiceProvider rsa_private = new RSACryptoServiceProvider(); rsa_private.ImportCspBlob(blob); CertificateHandler ch = new CertificateHandler(_node_config.Security.CertificatePath); _bso = new ProtocolSecurityOverlord(_node, rsa_private, _node.Rrm, ch); _bso.Subscribe(_node, null); _node.GetTypeSource(SecurityOverlord.Security).Subscribe(_bso, null); _node.HeartBeatEvent += _bso.Heartbeat; if(_node_config.Security.TestEnable) { blob = rsa_private.ExportCspBlob(false); RSACryptoServiceProvider rsa_pub = new RSACryptoServiceProvider(); rsa_pub.ImportCspBlob(blob); CertificateMaker cm = new CertificateMaker("United States", "UFL", "ACIS", "David Wolinsky", "*****@*****.**", rsa_pub, "brunet:node:abcdefghijklmnopqrs"); Certificate cacert = cm.Sign(cm, rsa_private); cm = new CertificateMaker("United States", "UFL", "ACIS", "David Wolinsky", "*****@*****.**", rsa_pub, address.ToString()); Certificate cert = cm.Sign(cacert, rsa_private); ch.AddCACertificate(cacert.X509); ch.AddSignedCertificate(cert.X509); } } Brunet.EdgeListener el = null; foreach(NodeConfig.EdgeListener item in _node_config.EdgeListeners) { int port = item.port; if(item.type == "tcp") { try { el = new TcpEdgeListener(port, addresses); } catch { el = new TcpEdgeListener(0, addresses); } } else if(item.type == "udp") { try { el = new UdpEdgeListener(port, addresses); } catch { el = new UdpEdgeListener(0, addresses); } } else if(item.type == "function") { port = port == 0 ? (new Random()).Next(1024, 65535) : port; el = new FunctionEdgeListener(port, 0, null); } else { throw new Exception("Unrecognized transport: " + item.type); } if(_node_config.Security.SecureEdgesEnabled) { el = new SecureEdgeListener(el, _bso); } _node.AddEdgeListener(el); } ArrayList RemoteTAs = null; if(_node_config.RemoteTAs != null) { RemoteTAs = new ArrayList(); foreach(String ta in _node_config.RemoteTAs) { RemoteTAs.Add(TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance(ta)); } _node.RemoteTAs = RemoteTAs; } ITunnelOverlap ito = null; if(_node_config.NCService.Enabled) { _ncservice = new NCService(_node, _node_config.NCService.Checkpoint); if (_node_config.NCService.OptimizeShortcuts) { _node.Ssco.TargetSelector = new VivaldiTargetSelector(_node, _ncservice); } ito = new NCTunnelOverlap(_ncservice); } else { ito = new SimpleTunnelOverlap(); } el = new Tunnel.TunnelEdgeListener(_node, ito); if(_node_config.Security.SecureEdgesEnabled) { _node.EdgeVerifyMethod = EdgeVerify.AddressInSubjectAltName; el = new SecureEdgeListener(el, _bso); } _node.AddEdgeListener(el); new TableServer(_node); _dht = new Dht(_node, 3, 20); _dht_proxy = new RpcDhtProxy(_dht, _node); }
/// <summary> /// Constructor for the class, it initializes various objects /// </summary> /// <param name="node">Takes in a structured node</param> public RpcAddressResolverAndDNS(StructuredNode node, DHCPServer dhcp, MemBlock local_ip) : base(MemBlock.Reference(dhcp.BaseIP), MemBlock.Reference(dhcp.Netmask)) { _node = node; _rpc = _node.Rpc; _dns_a = new Hashtable(); _dns_ptr = new Hashtable(); _ip_addr = new Hashtable(); _addr_ip = new Hashtable(); _blocked_addrs = new Hashtable(); mcast_addr = new ArrayList(); _dhcp = dhcp; _local_ip = local_ip; _rpc.AddHandler("RpcIpopNode", this); }
public static int Main(string[] args) { /** * Get the arguments */ if( args.Length < 2 ) { Console.Error.WriteLine("usage: SNodeExample.exe [tcp|udp] port remota_ta0 remote_ta1 ..."); return 0; } /** * Make the edge listener: */ Brunet.EdgeListener el = null; int port = Int32.Parse( args[1] ); if( args[0].ToLower() == "tcp" ) { el = new Brunet.TcpEdgeListener(port); } else if( args[0].ToLower() == "udp" ) { el = new Brunet.UdpEdgeListener(port); } /** * Create a random address for our node. * Some other application might want to select the address * a particular way, or reuse a previously selected random * address. If the addresses are not random (or the output * of secure hashes) the network might not behave correctly. */ RandomNumberGenerator rng = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider(); Brunet.AHAddress tmp_add = new Brunet.AHAddress(rng); /** * Make the node that lives in a particular * namespace (or realm) called "testspace" */ Brunet.Node tmp_node = new Brunet.StructuredNode(tmp_add, "testspace"); /** * Add the EdgeListener */ tmp_node.AddEdgeListener( el ); /** * Tell the node who it can connect to: */ for(int i = 2; i < args.Length; i++) { tmp_node.RemoteTAs.Add( Brunet.TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance( args[i] ) ); } /** * Now we connect, this blocks until Disconnect is called (in some * other thread or by some IDataHandler subscribed (see below). * * If you want to start Connect in its own thread do: * System.Threading.Thread t = new System.Threading.Thread( * delegate() { tmp_node.Connect(); } ); * t.Start(); */ tmp_node.Connect(); /** * In a real application, we would create some IDataHandler * objects and do: * tmp_node.GetTypeSource(PType...).Subscribe(my_handler, my_state) * * Then we can send some packets using AHSender, AHExactSender, etc... */ return 1; }
public static int Main(string[] args) { /** * Get the arguments */ if( args.Length < 2 ) { Console.Error.WriteLine("usage: SNodeExample.exe [tcp|udp] port remota_ta0 remote_ta1 ..."); return 0; } /** * Make the edge listener: */ Brunet.EdgeListener el = null; int port = Int32.Parse( args[1] ); if( args[0].ToLower() == "tcp" ) { el = new Brunet.TcpEdgeListener(port); } else if( args[0].ToLower() == "udp" ) { el = new Brunet.UdpEdgeListener(port); } /** * Create a random address for our node. * Some other application might want to select the address * a particular way, or reuse a previously selected random * address. If the addresses are not random (or the output * of secure hashes) the network might not behave correctly. */ RandomNumberGenerator rng = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider(); Brunet.AHAddress tmp_add = new Brunet.AHAddress(rng); Console.WriteLine("Address: {0}", tmp_add); /** * Make the node that lives in a particular * namespace (or realm) called "testspace" */ Brunet.Node tmp_node = new Brunet.StructuredNode(tmp_add, "testspace"); Brunet.ReqrepManager rrman = Brunet.ReqrepManager.GetInstance(tmp_node); ReqrepExample irh = new ReqrepExample(); tmp_node.GetTypeSource(PType.Protocol.Chat).Subscribe(irh, tmp_node); /** * Add the EdgeListener */ tmp_node.AddEdgeListener( el ); /** * Tell the node who it can connect to: */ for(int i = 2; i < args.Length; i++) { tmp_node.RemoteTAs.Add( TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance( args[i] ) ); } /** * Now we connect */ tmp_node.Connect(); Console.WriteLine("Connected"); /** * In a real application, we would create some IAHPacketHandler * objects and do: * tmp_node.Subscribe( ) * finally, we could send packets using tmp_node.Send( ) or * tmp_node.SendTo( ) */ string msg = ""; System.Text.Encoding coder = new System.Text.ASCIIEncoding(); while( true ) { Console.Write("To: "); msg = Console.ReadLine(); if ( msg == "q" ) { break; } Address dest = AddressParser.Parse(msg); while( msg != "." ) { msg = Console.ReadLine(); int length = coder.GetByteCount(msg); byte[] payload = new byte[length]; coder.GetBytes(msg, 0, msg.Length, payload, 0); ISender sender = new AHSender(tmp_node, dest); rrman.SendRequest(sender, ReqrepManager.ReqrepType.Request, new CopyList(PType.Protocol.Chat, MemBlock.Reference(payload)), irh , null); } } return 1; }
public Information(StructuredNode node, String type, SecurityOverlord so) : this(node, type) { _so = so; }
/// <summary>Creates an IpopNode given a NodeConfig and an IpopConfig. /// Also sets up the Information, Ethernet device, and subscribes /// to Brunet for IP Packets</summary> /// <param name="node_config">The path to a NodeConfig xml file</param> /// <param name="ipop_config">The path to a IpopConfig xml file</param> public IpopNode(NodeConfig node_config, IpopConfig ipop_config, DHCPConfig dhcp_config) : base(node_config) { CreateNode(); this.Brunet = _node; _ipop_config = ipop_config; Ethernet = new Ethernet(_ipop_config.VirtualNetworkDevice); Ethernet.Subscribe(this, null); _info = new Information(Brunet, "IpopNode"); _info.UserData["IpopNamespace"] = _ipop_config.IpopNamespace; if(_ipop_config.EndToEndSecurity && _bso != null) { _secure_senders = true; } else { _secure_senders = false; } Brunet.GetTypeSource(PType.Protocol.IP).Subscribe(this, null); _sync = new object(); _lock = 0; _ether_to_ip = new Dictionary<MemBlock, MemBlock>(); _ip_to_ether = new Dictionary<MemBlock, MemBlock>(); _dhcp_server_port = _ipop_config.DHCPPort != 0 ? _ipop_config.DHCPPort : 67; _dhcp_client_port = _dhcp_server_port + 1; ProtocolLog.WriteIf(IpopLog.DHCPLog, String.Format( "Setting DHCP Ports to: {0},{1}", _dhcp_server_port, _dhcp_client_port)); _ether_to_dhcp_server = new Dictionary<MemBlock, DHCPServer>(); _static_mapping = new Dictionary<MemBlock, SimpleTimer>(); _dhcp_config = dhcp_config; if(_dhcp_config != null) { SetDNS(); _dhcp_server = GetDHCPServer(); } _checked_out = new Hashtable(); Brunet.HeartBeatEvent += CheckNode; _last_check_node = DateTime.UtcNow; }
static void Main(string[] args) { RandomNumberGenerator rng = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider(); //Initialize hosts Console.WriteLine("\n\n---------------------------------------\n\n"); int port = 20287; int net_size = 3; string net_type = "function"; if( args.Length > 0 ) { net_size = Int32.Parse(args[0]); } if( args.Length > 1 ) { net_type = args[1]; } int ms_sleep = 0; if( args.Length > 2 ) { ms_sleep = Int32.Parse(args[2]); } bool wait_after_connect = true; if( args.Length > 3 ) { ///@todo we really need better option parsing here wait_after_connect = false; } ArrayList node_list = new ArrayList(); Hashtable add_to_node = new Hashtable(); for (int loop=0;loop<net_size;loop++) { //create and initialize new host //create one new node for each host AHAddress tmp_add = new AHAddress(rng); Node tmp_node = new StructuredNode(tmp_add, "bstland"); //Node tmp_node = new HybridNode(tmp_add, "bstland"); node_list.Add(tmp_node); add_to_node[tmp_add] = tmp_node; //long small_add = 2*(loop+1); //Node tmp_node = new StructuredNode(new AHAddress( new BigInteger(small_add)) ); switch(net_type) { case "tcp": tmp_node.AddEdgeListener(new TcpEdgeListener(port+loop)); break; case "udp": tmp_node.AddEdgeListener(new UdpEdgeListener(port+loop)); break; case "function": tmp_node.AddEdgeListener(new FunctionEdgeListener(port+loop)); break; default: throw new Exception("Unknown net type: " + net_type); } //tmp_node.AddEdgeListener(new FunctionEdgeListener(port+loop)); for (int loop2=0;loop2<net_size;loop2++) { if (loop != loop2) { int other_port = port+loop2; string ta_str = null; switch(net_type) { case "tcp": ta_str = "brunet.tcp://"; break; case "udp": ta_str = "brunet.udp://"; break; case "udp-as": ta_str = "brunet.udp://"; break; case "function": ta_str = "brunet.function://localhost:"; break; default: throw new Exception("Unknown net type: " + net_type); } ta_str = ta_str + other_port.ToString(); TransportAddress this_ta = TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance(ta_str); tmp_node.RemoteTAs.Add(this_ta); } } } //This logs the changes in connection table BootStrapTester bst = new BootStrapTester(node_list); if( bst != null ) { //This is just here to prevent a warning for //not using bst, which is just an observer } //Get Connected: int total_started = 0; ArrayList rnd_list = (ArrayList)node_list.Clone(); Random rnd = new Random(); for(int j = 0; j < rnd_list.Count; j++) { //Swap the j^th position with this position: int i = rnd.Next(j, rnd_list.Count); if( i != j ) { object o = rnd_list[i]; rnd_list[i] = rnd_list[j]; rnd_list[j] = o; } } ArrayList c_threads = new ArrayList(); foreach( Node item in rnd_list) { Thread t = new Thread( item.Connect ); c_threads.Add(t); t.Start(); Console.WriteLine(item.Address.ToString() + " RemoteTAs count: " + item.RemoteTAs.Count); total_started++; Console.WriteLine("Started: " + total_started.ToString()); //Thread.Sleep(10000); Thread.Sleep(ms_sleep); //Console.ReadLine(); //foreach (TransportAddress item2 in item.RemoteTAs) // Console.WriteLine(item2); } System.Console.Out.WriteLine("Finished with BootStrapTester.Main"); string[] this_command = new string[] { "Q" }; if( wait_after_connect) { Console.WriteLine("Enter Q to stop"); this_command = Console.ReadLine().Split(' '); } while( this_command[0] != "Q" ) { if( this_command[0] == "D" ) { //Disconnect a node: int node = -1; try { node = Int32.Parse(this_command[1]); Node to_disconnect = (Node)node_list[node]; Console.WriteLine("About to Disconnect: {0}", to_disconnect.Address); to_disconnect.Disconnect(); bst.Remove(to_disconnect); } catch(Exception) { } } if( this_command[0] == "abort" ) { //Disconnect a node: int node = -1; try { node = Int32.Parse(this_command[1]); Node to_abort = (Node)node_list[node]; Console.WriteLine("About to Abort: {0}", to_abort.Address); to_abort.Abort(); bst.Remove(to_abort); } catch(Exception) { } } if( this_command[0] == "P" ) { //Pick a random pair of nodes to ping: Ping(node_list); } if( this_command[0] == "T" ) { //Pick a random pair of nodes to ping: TraceRoute(node_list); } if( wait_after_connect ) { this_command = Console.ReadLine().Split(' '); } } foreach(Node n in node_list) { n.Disconnect(); } //Block until all Connect threads finish. //foreach(Thread t in c_threads) { // t.Join(); //} }
public BrunetTester(int p, NetworkConfiguration nc, StreamWriter fs) { int desired_port = p; _port = (short)p; _sw = fs; int local_host_index = nc.GetLocalHostIndex(desired_port); NodeConfiguration this_node_configuration = (NodeConfiguration)nc.Nodes[local_host_index]; TransportAddressConfiguration local_ta_configuration = (TransportAddressConfiguration)this_node_configuration.TransportAddresses[0]; short this_port = local_ta_configuration.Port; SHA1 sha = new SHA1CryptoServiceProvider(); String local_ta = local_ta_configuration.GetTransportAddressURI(); //We take the local transport address plus the port number to be hashed to obtain a random AHAddress byte[] hashedbytes = sha.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(local_ta + desired_port)); //inforce type 0 hashedbytes[Address.MemSize - 1] &= 0xFE; AHAddress _local_ahaddress = new AHAddress(hashedbytes); //Node this_node = new HybridNode( _local_ahaddress ); Node this_node = new StructuredNode( _local_ahaddress ); node = this_node; if ( local_ta_configuration.Protocol == "tcp" ) { node.AddEdgeListener( new TcpEdgeListener(this_port) ); } else if( local_ta_configuration.Protocol == "udp" ) { node.AddEdgeListener( new UdpEdgeListener(this_port) ); } int remote_node_index = local_host_index-1; int num_remote_ta = 150; //20 nodes on the list to try to bootstrap to if (local_host_index!=0) { NodeConfiguration remote_node_configuration = (NodeConfiguration)nc.Nodes[0]; TransportAddressConfiguration remote_ta_configuration = (TransportAddressConfiguration)remote_node_configuration.TransportAddresses[0]; String remote_ta = remote_ta_configuration.GetTransportAddressURI(); node.RemoteTAs.Add( TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance( remote_ta ) ); } while ( (remote_node_index>=0) && (num_remote_ta>=0) ) { NodeConfiguration remote_node_configuration = (NodeConfiguration)nc.Nodes[remote_node_index]; TransportAddressConfiguration remote_ta_configuration = (TransportAddressConfiguration)remote_node_configuration.TransportAddresses[0]; String remote_ta = remote_ta_configuration.GetTransportAddressURI(); node.RemoteTAs.Add( TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance( remote_ta ) ); //System.Console.WriteLine("Adding {0}", remote_ta); remote_node_index--; num_remote_ta--; } //String file_string = "./data/brunetadd" + Convert.ToString(desired_port) + ".log"; fs.WriteLine( "local_address " + node.Address.ToBigInteger().ToString() + " " + Dns.GetHostName() + ":" + desired_port); fs.Write( DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime().ToString("MM'/'dd'/'yyyy' 'HH':'mm':'ss") + ":" + DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime().Millisecond + " Start Start " + node.Address.ToBigInteger().ToString() + '\n'); fs.Flush(); //bool log_rdp = false; #if PACKET_LOG String file_packet = "./data/packet" + Convert.ToString(desired_port) + ".log"; StreamWriter packet_sw = new StreamWriter(file_packet, false); packet_sw.WriteLine("Local_node: {0}:{1} start_time_GMT: {2}:{3} local_address {4}", Dns.GetHostName(), desired_port, DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime().ToString("MM'/'dd'/'yyyy' 'HH':'mm':'ss"), DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime().Millisecond, node.Address.ToBigInteger().ToString() ); packet_sw.Close(); #endif }
/** * Constructor. * @param node the p2p node. * @param localUser the local user object. * @param friends the list of friends. */ public SocialRpcHandler(StructuredNode node, SocialUser localUser, Dictionary<string, SocialUser> friends, BlockingQueue queue, SocialDnsManager sdm) { _node = node; _rpc = node.Rpc; _rpc.AddHandler("SocialVPN", this); _local_user = localUser; _friends = friends; _queue = queue; _sdm = sdm; }
public static void Main(string []args) { if (args.Length < 1) { Console.WriteLine("please specify the number of p2p nodes."); Environment.Exit(0); } else if (args.Length < 2) { Console.WriteLine("please specify the number of missing edges."); Environment.Exit(0); } int base_port = 54111; int network_size = Int32.Parse(args[0]); int missing_edges_count = Int32.Parse(args[1]); string brunet_namespace = "testing"; SortedList nodes = new SortedList(); Console.WriteLine("Initializing..."); ArrayList RemoteTA = new ArrayList(); for(int i = 0; i < network_size; i++) { RemoteTA.Add(TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance("brunet.udp://" + (base_port + i))); } Random rand = new Random(); for(int i = 0; i < network_size; i++) { Console.WriteLine("Starting node: {0}", i); AHAddress address = new AHAddress(new RNGCryptoServiceProvider()); Node node = new StructuredNode(address, brunet_namespace); ArrayList arr_tas = new ArrayList(); for(int j = 0; j < missing_edges_count; j++) { int remote_port = 0; do { remote_port = rand.Next(0, network_size - 1) + base_port; } while(remote_port == base_port + i); PortTAAuthorizer port_auth = new PortTAAuthorizer(remote_port); arr_tas.Add(port_auth); } arr_tas.Add(new ConstantAuthorizer(TAAuthorizer.Decision.Allow)); TAAuthorizer ta_auth = new SeriesTAAuthorizer(arr_tas); node.AddEdgeListener(new UdpEdgeListener(base_port + i, null, ta_auth)); node.AddEdgeListener(new Tunnel.TunnelEdgeListener(node)); node.RemoteTAs = RemoteTA; Thread t = new Thread(new ThreadStart(node.Connect)); t.Start(); nodes.Add((Address) address, node); Console.WriteLine("Sleeping for 2 seconds"); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(2000); } //wait for 60 more seconds int count = 0; while(true) { Console.WriteLine("Going to sleep for 5 seconds."); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(5000); Console.WriteLine("Checking ring..."); Address start_addr = (Address) nodes.GetKeyList()[0]; Address curr_addr = start_addr; for (int i = 0; i < network_size; i++) { Node node = (Node) nodes[curr_addr]; ConnectionTable con_table = node.ConnectionTable; Connection con = con_table.GetLeftStructuredNeighborOf((AHAddress) curr_addr); Console.WriteLine("Hop {2}\t Address {0}\n\t Connection to left {1}\n", curr_addr, con, i); Address next_addr = con.Address; if (next_addr == null) { Console.WriteLine("Found disconnection."); break; } Connection lc = ((Node)nodes[next_addr]).ConnectionTable.GetRightStructuredNeighborOf((AHAddress) next_addr); if( (lc == null) || !curr_addr.Equals(lc.Address)) { Address left_addr = lc.Address; Console.WriteLine(curr_addr + " != " + left_addr); Console.WriteLine("Right had edge, but left has no record of it!\n{0} != {1}", con, lc); break; } else if(next_addr.Equals(start_addr) && i != network_size -1) { Console.WriteLine("Completed circle too early. Only {0} nodes in the ring.", (i + 1)); break; } curr_addr = next_addr; } count++; if(start_addr.Equals(curr_addr)) { Console.WriteLine("Ring properly formed!"); Console.WriteLine("This only took .... {0} seconds", (count * 5)); break; } } count = 0; while(true) { Console.WriteLine("Going to sleep for 5 seconds."); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(5000); Console.WriteLine("Checking ring..."); Address start_addr = (Address) nodes.GetKeyList()[0]; Address curr_addr = start_addr; for (int i = 0; i < network_size; i++) { Node node = (Node) nodes[curr_addr]; ConnectionTable con_table = node.ConnectionTable; Connection con = con_table.GetRightStructuredNeighborOf((AHAddress) curr_addr); Console.WriteLine("Hop {2}\t Address {0}\n\t Connection to right {1}\n", curr_addr, con, i); Address next_addr = con.Address; if (next_addr == null) { Console.WriteLine("Found disconnection."); } Connection left_con = ((Node)nodes[next_addr]).ConnectionTable.GetLeftStructuredNeighborOf((AHAddress) next_addr); if(left_con == null) { Console.WriteLine("Found disconnection."); } else if(!curr_addr.Equals(left_con.Address)) { Address left_addr = left_con.Address; Console.WriteLine(curr_addr + " != " + left_addr); Console.WriteLine("Left had edge, but right has no record of it! {0}", left_con); break; } else if(next_addr.Equals(start_addr) && i != network_size -1) { Console.WriteLine("Completed circle too early. Only " + count + " nodes in the ring."); break; } curr_addr = next_addr; } count++; if(start_addr.Equals(curr_addr)) { Console.WriteLine("Ring properly formed!"); Console.WriteLine("This only took .... {0} seconds", (count * 5)); break; } } foreach(DictionaryEntry de in nodes) { Node node = (Node)de.Value; node.Disconnect(); } }
/** <summary>Creates a Brunet.Node, the resulting node will be available in the class as _node.</summary> <remarks>The steps to creating a node are first constructing it with a namespace, optionally adding local ip addresses to bind to, specifying local end points, specifying remote end points, and finally registering the dht.</remarks> */ public virtual void CreateNode(string type) { NodeConfig node_config = null; StructuredNode current_node = null; AHAddress address = null; if (type == "cache") { node_config = _c_node_config; address = (AHAddress) AddressParser.Parse(node_config.NodeAddress); current_node = new StructuredNode(address, node_config.BrunetNamespace); } else if ( type == "query" ) { node_config = _q_node_config; address = (AHAddress) AddressParser.Parse(node_config.NodeAddress); current_node = new StructuredNode(address, node_config.BrunetNamespace); } else { throw new Exception("Unrecognized node type: " + type); } IEnumerable addresses = IPAddresses.GetIPAddresses(node_config.DevicesToBind); Brunet.EdgeListener el = null; foreach(NodeConfig.EdgeListener item in node_config.EdgeListeners) { int port = item.port; if (item.type =="tcp") { try { el = new TcpEdgeListener(port, addresses); } catch { el = new TcpEdgeListener(0, addresses); } } else if (item.type == "udp") { try { el = new UdpEdgeListener(port, addresses); } catch { el = new UdpEdgeListener(0, addresses); } } else { throw new Exception("Unrecognized transport: " + item.type); } current_node.AddEdgeListener(el); } el = new TunnelEdgeListener(current_node); current_node.AddEdgeListener(el); ArrayList RemoteTAs = null; if(node_config.RemoteTAs != null) { RemoteTAs = new ArrayList(); foreach(String ta in node_config.RemoteTAs) { RemoteTAs.Add(TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance(ta)); } current_node.RemoteTAs = RemoteTAs; } try { if (node_config.NCService.Enabled) { if (type == "cache") { _c_ncservice = new NCService(current_node, node_config.NCService.Checkpoint); if (node_config.NCService.OptimizeShortcuts) { current_node.Sco.TargetSelector = new VivaldiTargetSelector(current_node, _c_ncservice); } } else { _q_ncservice = new NCService(current_node, node_config.NCService.Checkpoint); if (node_config.NCService.OptimizeShortcuts) { current_node.Sco.TargetSelector = new VivaldiTargetSelector(current_node, _q_ncservice); } } } } catch {} if (type == "cache") { _c_dht = new Dht(current_node, 3, 20); _cs = new CacheList(current_node); current_node.MapReduce.SubscribeTask(new MapReduceCache(current_node,_cs)); current_node.MapReduce.SubscribeTask(new MapReduceCrawl(current_node)); _c_node = current_node; } else { _q_dht = new Dht(current_node, 3, 20); CacheList q_cs = new CacheList(current_node); current_node.MapReduce.SubscribeTask(new MapReduceQuery(current_node,_cs)); current_node.MapReduce.SubscribeTask(new MapReduceCrawl(current_node)); _q_node = current_node; } }
// adds a node to the pool protected static void add_node(bool output) { AHAddress address = new AHAddress(new RNGCryptoServiceProvider()); Node node = new StructuredNode(address, brunet_namespace); NodeMapping nm = new NodeMapping(); nm.Node = node; nodes.Add((Address) address, nm); nm.Port = TakenPorts.Count; while(TakenPorts.Contains(nm.Port)) { nm.Port = rand.Next(0, 65535); } TAAuthorizer auth = null; if(broken != 0) { auth = new BrokenTAAuth(broken); } EdgeListener el = new FunctionEdgeListener(nm.Port, 0, auth, true); node.AddEdgeListener(el); if(broken != 0) { el = new TunnelEdgeListener(node); node.AddEdgeListener(el); } ArrayList RemoteTAs = new ArrayList(); for(int i = 0; i < 5 && i < TakenPorts.Count; i++) { int rport = (int) TakenPorts.GetByIndex(rand.Next(0, TakenPorts.Count)); RemoteTAs.Add(TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance("brunet.function://" + rport)); } node.RemoteTAs = RemoteTAs; TakenPorts[nm.Port] = nm.Port; if(output) { Console.WriteLine("Adding: " + nm.Node.Address); } node.Connect(); network_size++; }
/// <summary> /// Constructor for the class, it initializes various objects /// </summary> /// <param name="node">Takes in a structured node</param> public ManagedAddressResolverAndDNS(StructuredNode node, DHCPServer dhcp, MemBlock local_ip, string dns_server, bool RA) : base(MemBlock.Reference(dhcp.BaseIP), MemBlock.Reference(dhcp.Netmask), dns_server, RA) { _node = node; _dns_a = new Hashtable(); _dns_ptr = new Hashtable(); _ip_addr = new Hashtable(); _addr_ip = new Hashtable(); _blocked_addrs = new Hashtable(); mcast_addr = new ArrayList(); _dhcp = dhcp; _local_ip = local_ip; }
public void Init() { Console.WriteLine("Initializing..."); ArrayList RemoteTA = new ArrayList(); for(int i = 0; i < network_size; i++) { RemoteTA.Add(TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance("brunet.udp://" + (base_port + i))); } for(int i = 0; i < network_size; i++) { Address addr = (Address) new AHAddress(new RNGCryptoServiceProvider()); Node node = new StructuredNode((AHAddress) addr, brunet_namespace); nodes.Add(addr, node); node.AddEdgeListener(new UdpEdgeListener(base_port + i)); node.RemoteTAs = RemoteTA; tables[addr] = new TableServer(node); (new Thread(node.Connect)).Start(); // if(i < network_size / ((Dht)dhts.GetByIndex(i)).DEGREE) { // ((Dht)dhts.GetByIndex(i)).debug = true; // } } default_dht = new Dht((Node) nodes.GetByIndex(0), degree); }
public static void Main(string []args) { if (args.Length < 1) { Console.WriteLine("please specify the number edge protocol."); Environment.Exit(0); } if (args.Length < 2) { Console.WriteLine("please specify the number of p2p nodes."); Environment.Exit(0); } if (args.Length < 3) { Console.WriteLine("please specify the number of missing edges."); Environment.Exit(0); } string proto = "function"; try { proto = args[0].Trim(); } catch(Exception) {} bool tunnel = false; int base_port = 54000; int network_size = Int32.Parse(args[1]); int missing_count = Int32.Parse(args[2]); try { tunnel = args[3].Trim().Equals("tunnel"); } catch (Exception) {} Console.WriteLine("use tunnel edges: {0}", tunnel); Random rand = new Random(); ArrayList missing_edges = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < missing_count; i++) { int idx = -1; int left, right; do { idx = rand.Next(0, network_size); left = (idx + 1)%network_size; if (idx == 0) { right = network_size - 1; } else { right = idx - 1; } } while (missing_edges.Contains(idx));// || //missing_edges.Contains(left) || //missing_edges.Contains(right)); Console.WriteLine("Will drop a left edge on idx {0}: ", idx); missing_edges.Add(idx); } // // Sort missing edges. // missing_edges.Sort(); SortedList dist = new SortedList(); // // Compute the average distance between missing edges. // if (missing_count > 1) { for (int i = 0; i < missing_count; i++) { int idx = (int) missing_edges[i]; int idx_next; int d; if (i == missing_count - 1) { idx_next = (int) missing_edges[0]; d = (network_size - 1) - idx + idx_next; } else { idx_next = (int) missing_edges[i+1]; d = idx_next - idx - 1; } if (!dist.Contains(d)) { dist[d] = 0; } else { int c = (int) dist[d]; dist[d] = c + 1; } } } double sum = 0.0; int num = 0; Console.WriteLine("distribution of missing edges separation"); foreach(DictionaryEntry de in dist) { int k = (int) de.Key; int c = (int) de.Value; Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}", k, c); sum = sum + k*c; num = num + c; } Console.WriteLine("average separation: {0}", (double) sum/num); string brunet_namespace = "testing"; Console.WriteLine("Initializing..."); ArrayList RemoteTA = new ArrayList(); for(int i = 0; i < network_size; i++) { if (proto.Equals("udp")) { RemoteTA.Add(TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance("brunet.udp://localhost:" + (base_port + i))); } else if (proto.Equals("function")) { RemoteTA.Add(TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance("brunet.function://localhost:" + (base_port + i))); } } for(int i = 0; i < network_size; i++) { AHAddress address = new AHAddress(new RNGCryptoServiceProvider()); Node node = new StructuredNode(address, brunet_namespace); _sorted_node_list.Add((Address) address, node); _node_list.Add(node); RouteTestHandler test_handler = new RouteTestHandler(); node.GetTypeSource(new PType(routing_test)).Subscribe(test_handler, address.ToMemBlock()); RpcManager rpc_man = RpcManager.GetInstance(node); rpc_man.AddHandler("rpc_routing_test", new RpcRoutingTestHandler(node)); } for (int i = 0; i < network_size; i++) { Node node = (Node) _sorted_node_list.GetByIndex(i); Console.WriteLine("Configuring node: {0} ", node.Address); TAAuthorizer ta_auth = null; if (missing_edges.Contains(i)) { int remote_port; if (i == network_size - 1) { remote_port = base_port; } else { remote_port = base_port + i + 1; } PortTAAuthorizer port_auth = new PortTAAuthorizer(remote_port); Console.WriteLine("Adding a port TA authorizer at: {0} for remote port: {1}", base_port + i, remote_port); ArrayList arr_tas = new ArrayList(); arr_tas.Add(port_auth); arr_tas.Add(new ConstantAuthorizer(TAAuthorizer.Decision.Allow)); ta_auth = new SeriesTAAuthorizer(arr_tas); } if (proto.Equals("udp")) { node.AddEdgeListener(new UdpEdgeListener(base_port + i, null, ta_auth)); } else if(proto.Equals("function")) { node.AddEdgeListener(new FunctionEdgeListener(base_port + i, -1.00, ta_auth)); } if (tunnel) { Console.WriteLine("Adding a tunnel edge listener"); node.AddEdgeListener(new Tunnel.TunnelEdgeListener(node)); } _node_to_port[node] = base_port + i; node.RemoteTAs = RemoteTA; } //start nodes one by one. for (int i = 0; i < network_size; i++) { Node node = (Node) _node_list[i]; Console.WriteLine("Starting node: {0}, {1}", i, node.Address); node.Connect(); Console.WriteLine("Going to sleep for 2 seconds."); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(2000); } //wait for 300000 more seconds Console.WriteLine("Going to sleep for 300000 seconds."); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(300000); bool complete = CheckStatus(); int count = 0; // // Send a large number of packets as exact packets to random destinations // and make sure exact routing is perfect. // for (int i = 0; i < network_size; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < network_size; j++) { int src_idx = i; int dest_idx = j; Node src_node = (Node) _sorted_node_list.GetByIndex(src_idx); Node dest_node = (Node) _sorted_node_list.GetByIndex(dest_idx); //Console.WriteLine("{0} -> {1}", src_idx, dest_idx); Address dest_address = (Address) dest_node.Address; ISender s = new AHExactSender(src_node, dest_address); MemBlock p = dest_address.ToMemBlock(); s.Send(new CopyList(new PType(routing_test), p)); _sent++; //System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(10); s.Send(new CopyList(new PType(routing_test), p)); _sent++; //System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(10); } } //wait for 10 more seconds Console.WriteLine("Going to sleep for 10 seconds."); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(10000); Console.WriteLine("Final statistics"); lock(_class_lock) { Console.WriteLine("Sent: {0}, Received: {1}, Wrongly routed: {2}", _sent, _received, _wrongly_routed); } int missing_rpcs = 0; int correct_rpcs = 0; int incorrect_rpcs = 0; Hashtable queue_to_address = new Hashtable(); for (int i = 0; i < network_size; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < network_size; j++) { int src_idx = i; int dest_idx = j; Node src_node = (Node) _sorted_node_list.GetByIndex(src_idx); Node dest_node = (Node) _sorted_node_list.GetByIndex(dest_idx); //Console.WriteLine("{0} -> {1}", src_idx, dest_idx); Address dest_address = (Address) dest_node.Address; ISender s = new AHExactSender(src_node, dest_address); RpcManager rpc_man = RpcManager.GetInstance(src_node); Channel q = new Channel(); lock (_class_lock) { queue_to_address[q] = dest_address; } q.CloseAfterEnqueue(); q.CloseEvent += delegate(object o, EventArgs cargs) { lock(_class_lock) { Channel qu = (Channel) o; if (qu.Count == 0) { missing_rpcs++; } queue_to_address.Remove(qu); } }; q.EnqueueEvent += delegate(object o, EventArgs cargs) { lock(_class_lock) { Channel qu = (Channel) o; RpcResult rpc_reply = (RpcResult) qu.Peek(); byte []result = (byte[]) rpc_reply.Result; Address target = new AHAddress(result); if (target.Equals(queue_to_address[qu])) { correct_rpcs++; } else { incorrect_rpcs++; } } }; rpc_man.Invoke(s, q, "rpc_routing_test.GetIdentification", new object[]{}); } } //wait for 10 more seconds while (true) { int c = -1; lock(_class_lock) { c = incorrect_rpcs + missing_rpcs + correct_rpcs; } if (c < network_size*network_size) { Console.WriteLine("Going to sleep for 10 seconds."); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(10000); } else { break; } } Console.WriteLine("Final statistics"); Console.WriteLine("correct rpcs: {0}, incorrect rpcs: {1}, missing rpcs: {2}", correct_rpcs, incorrect_rpcs, missing_rpcs); System.Environment.Exit(1); }
// adds a node to the pool private static void add_node(bool output) { AHAddress address = new AHAddress(new RNGCryptoServiceProvider()); Node node = new StructuredNode(address, brunet_namespace); NodeMapping nm = new NodeMapping(); nm.Node = node; nodes.Add((Address) address, nm); nm.Port = rand.Next(1024, 65535); while(TakenPorts.Contains(nm.Port)) { nm.Port = rand.Next(1024, 65535); } EdgeListener el = null; if(edge_type.Equals("function")) { el = new FunctionEdgeListener(nm.Port, 0, null); } else if(edge_type.Equals("tcp")) { el = new TcpEdgeListener(nm.Port); } else if(edge_type.Equals("udp")) { el = new UdpEdgeListener(nm.Port); } node.AddEdgeListener(el); if(!discovery) { ArrayList RemoteTAs = new ArrayList(); for(int i = 0; i < 5 && i < TakenPorts.Count; i++) { int rport = (int) TakenPorts.GetByIndex(rand.Next(0, TakenPorts.Count)); RemoteTAs.Add(TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance("brunet." + edge_type + "://" + rport)); } node.RemoteTAs = RemoteTAs; } TakenPorts[nm.Port] = nm.Port; if(dht_enabled) { nm.Dht = new Dht(node, 3); } if(output) { Console.WriteLine("Adding: " + nm.Node.Address); } (new Thread(node.Connect)).Start(); network_size++; }
/** Constructor. * @param a_user The local user who will being chatting * @param chat_config Serializable meta-data */ public BrunetChatMain(User a_user, ChatConfigSerialization chat_config) { string fname = "BrunetChat.glade"; string root = "windowBrunetChatMain"; Glade.XML gxml = new Glade.XML (fname, root, null); //Glade.XML gxml = new Glade.XML (null,fname, root, null); gxml.Autoconnect(this); _current_user = a_user; //We make the node in the "chatrealm" so it won't interfere with //testing of any other Brunet nodes. _brunet_node = new StructuredNode(a_user.Address, "chatrealm"); _chat_config = chat_config; _chat_config.BuddyListFilename = "Buddylist.xml"; _chat_config.RemoteTAsFilename = "RemoteTransportAddresses.xml"; _chat_config.LocalTcpPortFilename = "LocalTcpPort.xml"; _chat_config.DeserializeLocalTcpPort(); _brunet_node.AddEdgeListener( new TcpEdgeListener(_chat_config.LocalTcpPort.TcpPort) ); treeviewBuddies = (TreeView)gxml["treeviewBuddies"]; _store = new ListStore(typeof(string),typeof(string),typeof(string)); treeviewBuddies.Model = _store; //Here is the first column _buddy_col = new TreeViewColumn (); CellRenderer buddyrenderer = new CellRendererText (); _buddy_col.Title = "Buddy"; _buddy_col.PackStart (buddyrenderer, true); _buddy_col.AddAttribute (buddyrenderer, "text", 0); treeviewBuddies.AppendColumn (_buddy_col); //Here is the second column _email_col = new TreeViewColumn (); CellRenderer emailrenderer = new CellRendererText (); _email_col.Title = "Email"; _email_col.PackStart (emailrenderer, true); _email_col.AddAttribute (emailrenderer, "text", 1); treeviewBuddies.AppendColumn (_email_col); //Here is the third column _status_col = new TreeViewColumn (); CellRenderer statusrenderer = new CellRendererText (); _status_col.Title = "Status"; _status_col.PackStart (statusrenderer, true); _status_col.AddAttribute (statusrenderer, "text", 2); treeviewBuddies.AppendColumn (_status_col); _message_sinks = new Hashtable(); _chat_config.DeserializeBuddyList(); this.Buddies.Node = _brunet_node; this.Buddies.User = CurrentUser; //Handle the chat events locally this.Buddies.ChatEvent += this.IncomingChatHandler; foreach (Buddy bud in Buddies){ if( bud.Sender != null ) { bud.Node = _brunet_node; bud.User = CurrentUser; bud.StatusChanged += this.BuddyChangeHandler; _store.AppendValues(bud.Alias, bud.Email, bud.Status); } } _chat_config.DeserializeRemoteTAs(); string[] tas = _chat_config.RemoteTAs.TAs; foreach (string ta in tas) { _brunet_node.RemoteTAs.Add(TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance(ta) ); //Console.WriteLine(ta); } _brunet_node.ConnectionTable.ConnectionEvent += this.OnConnectionChange; _brunet_node.ConnectionTable.DisconnectionEvent += this.OnConnectionChange; _brunet_node.Connect(); }