GetTypeSource() 공개 메소드

All packets that come to this are demultiplexed according to t. To subscribe or unsubscribe, get the ISource for the type you want and subscribe to it,
public GetTypeSource ( Object t ) : ISource
t Object The key for the MultiSource.
리턴 ISource
예제 #1
    public ChotaConnectionOverlord(Node n)
      _node = n;
      _cmp = new NodeRankComparer();
      _sync = new object();
      _rand = new Random();
      _node_rank_list = new ArrayList();
      _dest_to_node_rank = new Hashtable();

      lock( _sync ) {
      	// we assess trimming/growing situation on every heart beat
        _node.HeartBeatEvent += this.CheckState;
	      //subscribe the ip_handler to IP packets
        _node.GetTypeSource(PType.Protocol.IP).Subscribe(this, null);
        // this is for security
        _node.GetTypeSource(new PType(29)).Subscribe(this, null);