상속: System.Exception
예제 #1
 // Provides a method for local apps to add certificates to Brunet without
 // being loaded with Brunet.
 public void HandleRpc(ISender caller, string method, IList args, object rs)
   object result = null;
   try {
     if(method.Equals("AddCertificate")) {
       ReqrepManager.ReplyState rqrs = caller as ReqrepManager.ReplyState;
       if(rqrs == null || !(rqrs.ReturnPath is Node)) {
         throw new Exception("Call must be made locally for security reasons!");
       string path = (string) args[0];
       result = _ch.AddCertificate(path);
     } else {
       throw new Exception("Invalid method");
   } catch (Exception e) {
     result = new AdrException(-32602, e);
   _node.Rpc.SendResult(rs, result);
예제 #2
   * When requests come in this handles it
  public void HandleData(MemBlock payload, ISender ret_path, object state)
    Exception exception = null; 
    Console.Error.WriteLine("[RpcServer: {0}] Getting method invocation request at: {1}.",
                     _rrman.Info, DateTime.Now);
    try {
      object data = AdrConverter.Deserialize(payload);
      IList l = data as IList;

      if( l == null ) {
        //We could not cast the request into a list... so sad:
	throw new AdrException(-32600,"method call not a list");
      string methname = (string)l[0];
      Console.Error.WriteLine("[RpcServer: {0}] Getting invocation request,  method: {1}",
                     _rrman.Info, methname);
       * Lookup this method name in our table.
       * This uses a cache, so it should be fast
       * after the first time
      IRpcHandler handler = null;
      string mname = null;
      lock( _sync ) {
        object[] info = (object[]) _method_cache[methname];
        if( info == null ) {
          int dot_idx = methname.IndexOf('.');
          if( dot_idx == -1 ) {
            throw new AdrException(-32601, "No Handler for method: " + methname);
          string hname = methname.Substring(0, dot_idx);
          //Skip the '.':
          mname = methname.Substring(dot_idx + 1);

          handler = (IRpcHandler)_method_handlers[ hname ];
          if( handler == null ) {
            //No handler for this.
            throw new AdrException(-32601, "No Handler for method: " + methname);
          info = new object[2];
          info[0] = handler;
          info[1] = mname;
          _method_cache[ methname ] = info;
        else {
          handler = (IRpcHandler)info[0];
          mname = (string)info[1];

      ArrayList pa = (ArrayList)l[1];
      handler.HandleRpc(ret_path, mname, pa, ret_path);
    catch(ArgumentException argx) {
      exception = new AdrException(-32602, argx);
    catch(TargetParameterCountException argx) {
      exception = new AdrException(-32602, argx);
    catch(Exception x) {
      exception = x;
    if (exception != null) {
      //something failed even before invocation began
      Console.Error.WriteLine("[RpcServer: {0}] Something failed even before invocation began: {1}",
                     _rrman.Info, exception);
      using( MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream() ) { 
        AdrConverter.Serialize(exception, ms);
        ret_path.Send( new CopyList( PType.Protocol.Rpc, MemBlock.Reference( ms.ToArray() ) ) );
예제 #3
  * When an error comes in, this handles it
 public void HandleError(ReqrepManager man, int message_number,
                  ReqrepManager.ReqrepError err, ISender ret_path, object state)
   Exception x = null;
   RpcRequestState rs = (RpcRequestState) state;
   Channel bq = rs.Results;
   switch(err) {
       case ReqrepManager.ReqrepError.NoHandler:
         x = new AdrException(-32601, "No RPC Handler on remote host");
       case ReqrepManager.ReqrepError.HandlerFailure:
         x = new AdrException(-32603, "The remote RPC System had a problem");
       case ReqrepManager.ReqrepError.Timeout:
         //In this case we close the Channel:
         if( bq != null ) { bq.Close(); }
       case ReqrepManager.ReqrepError.Send:
         if( rs.RpcTarget is Edge ) { 
           Edge e = (Edge)rs.RpcTarget;
           //This definitely won't get any more responses:
           if( e.IsClosed && bq != null ) { bq.Close(); } 
         //We had some problem sending, but ignore it for now
   if( x != null && (bq != null) ) {
     RpcResult res = new RpcResult(ret_path, x);
예제 #4
   * @return the number of bytes written into the stream
  public static int Serialize(object o, Stream s) {
    if( o == null ) {
      //Not much work to do:
      return 1; //1 byte for null
    //Else, o is some kind of object:
     * We put the most commonly used types first so we don't have to go
     * through a huge list everytime we serialize
    System.Type t = o.GetType();
    if ( t.Equals(typeof(string)) ) {
      string val = (string)o;
      int bytes = NumberSerializer.WriteString(val, s);
      return 1 + bytes; //the typecode + the serialized string
    if ( t.IsArray ) {
      Type elt = t.GetElementType();
      ///@todo add more array serialization types here:
      if( elt.Equals(typeof(byte)) ||
          elt.Equals(typeof(int)) ) {
        return SerializeArray((Array)o, t, elt, s);
      else {
        //All arrays are ILists, but this may take more space than the above
        return SerializeList( (IList)o, s );
    else if ( o is IList ) {
      return SerializeList( (IList)o, s);
    else if ( o is IDictionary ) {
     IDictionary dict = o as IDictionary;
     //Here is a map...
     int total_bytes = 2; //For the '{' and '}' bytes
     s.WriteByte(MAP_S); //Start of map:
     IDictionaryEnumerator my_en = dict.GetEnumerator();
     while( my_en.MoveNext() ) {
	//Time for recursion:
       total_bytes += Serialize(my_en.Key, s);
       total_bytes += Serialize(my_en.Value, s);
     s.WriteByte(MAP_E); //End of map:
     return total_bytes;
    if( t.Equals( typeof(bool) ) ) {
      //boolean value:
      bool b = (bool)o;
      if( b ) { s.WriteByte(TRUE); }
      else { s.WriteByte(FALSE); }
      return 1;
    if ( t.Equals(typeof(byte)) ) {
      //Unsigned byte
      return 2;
    else if ( t.Equals(typeof(sbyte)) ) {
      long v = UnboxToLong(o);
      return 2;
    else if ( t.Equals(typeof(short)) ) {
      return 3; //1 typecode + 2 bytes for short
    else if ( t.Equals(typeof(ushort)) ) {
      return 3; //1 typecode + 2 bytes for short
    else if ( t.Equals(typeof(int)) ) {
      return 5; //1 typecode + 4 bytes for int 
    else if ( t.Equals(typeof(uint)) ) {
      return 5; //1 typecode + 4 bytes for uint
    else if ( t.Equals(typeof(long)) ) {
      return 9; //1 typecode + 8 bytes for long 
    else if ( t.Equals(typeof(ulong)) ) {
      return 9; //1 typecode + 8 bytes for ulong
    else if ( t.Equals(typeof(float)) ) {
      NumberSerializer.WriteFloat((float)o, s);
      return 5; //1 typecode + 4 bytes for float
    else if ( t.Equals(typeof(double)) ) {
      NumberSerializer.WriteDouble((double)o, s);
      return 9; // 1 typecode + 8 bytes for double 
    else if ( o is Exception ) {
      AdrException ax = o as AdrException;
      if( ax == null ) {
        ax = new AdrException((Exception)o);
      Hashtable xht = ax.ToHashtable();
      //Here is a map...
      int total_bytes = 2; //For the 'X' and 'x' bytes
      IDictionaryEnumerator my_en = xht.GetEnumerator();
      while( my_en.MoveNext() ) {
	//Time for recursion:
        total_bytes += Serialize(my_en.Key, s);
        total_bytes += Serialize(my_en.Value, s);
      return total_bytes;
    else if ( o is MemBlock ) {
      //Just serialize this as a byte array
      MemBlock d = (MemBlock)o;
      int total_bytes = 1;
      total_bytes += SerializePosNum( (ulong)d.Length, s );
      //This is a byte array:
      //Now write each byte:
      total_bytes += d.Length;
      return total_bytes;
     //This is not a supported type of object
     throw new Exception("Unsupported type: " + t.ToString());
예제 #5
   public void HandleRpc(ISender caller, string methname, IList arguments, object request_state) {
     MethodInfo mi = null;
      * Lookup this method name in our table.
      * This uses a cache, so it should be fast
      * after the first time
     lock( _sync ) {
       mi = (MethodInfo) _method_cache[methname];
       if( mi == null ) {
         mi = _type.GetMethod(methname);
         _method_cache[ methname ] = mi;
     if( _use_sender ) {
       arguments = new ArrayList(arguments);
       arguments.Add( caller );
     object[] arg_array = new object[ arguments.Count ];
     arguments.CopyTo(arg_array, 0);
     //Console.Error.WriteLine("About to call: {0}.{1} with args",handler, mname);
     //foreach(object arg in pa) { Console.Error.WriteLine("arg: {0}",arg); }
     //make the following happen asynchronously in a separate thread
     //build an invocation record for the call
     Object result = null;
     try {
       Console.Error.WriteLine("[RpcServer: {0}] Invoking method: {1}", _rrman.Info, mi);
       result = mi.Invoke(_handler, arg_array);
     } catch(ArgumentException argx) {
       Console.Error.WriteLine("[RpcServer: {0}] Argument exception. {1}", _rrman.Info, mi);
       result = new AdrException(-32602, argx);
     catch(TargetParameterCountException argx) {
       Console.Error.WriteLine("[RpcServer: {0}] Parameter count exception. {1}", _rrman.Info, mi);
       result = new AdrException(-32602, argx);
     catch(TargetInvocationException x) {
       Console.Error.WriteLine("[RpcServer: {0}] Exception thrown by method: {1}, {2}", _rrman.Info, mi, x.InnerException.Message);
       if( x.InnerException is AdrException ) {
         result = x.InnerException;
       else {
         result = new AdrException(-32608, x.InnerException);
     catch(Exception x) {
       Console.Error.WriteLine("[RpcServer: {0}] General exception. {1}", _rrman.Info, mi);
       result = x;
     finally {
       _rpc.SendResult(request_state, result);
예제 #6
   * This is how the above is implemented to support recursion
  private static object Deserialize(Stream s, byte terminator, out bool finished ) {
    int type = s.ReadByte();
    object result = null;
    finished = false; //Set the default value
    if( type < 0 ) {
      //This is an error
      throw new Exception("End of stream");
    else {
      byte typecode = (byte)type;
      switch( typecode ) {
	case STRING_S:
	  //UTF-8 String:
          int bytelength = 0;
	  result = NumberSerializer.ReadString(s, out bytelength);
	case LIST_S:
	  //Start of a list:
 	  IList listresult = new ArrayList();
	  bool lfinished = false;
          do {
	    //The magic of recursion.
            object tmp = AdrConverter.Deserialize(s, LIST_E, out lfinished);
	    if( !lfinished ) {
	      //If we are finished, tmp holds a meaningless null
	  } while( false == lfinished );
          result = listresult;
	case LIST_E:
          //End of the list:
	  if (terminator == LIST_E) {
            //We were reading a list and now we are done:
	    finished = true;
	  else {
            throw new Exception("Unexpected terminator: ) != " + terminator);
	  result = null;
	case MAP_S:
	  //Start of a map:
	  IDictionary dresult = new Hashtable();
	  bool mfinished = false;
	  do {
	    //Magical recursion strikes again
            object key = Deserialize(s, MAP_E, out mfinished);
	    if( !mfinished ) {
              object valu = Deserialize(s);
	      dresult.Add(key, valu);
	  } while (false == mfinished);
          result = dresult;
	case MAP_E:
	  //End of a map:
	  if (terminator == MAP_E) {
            //We were reading a list and now we are done:
	    finished = true;
	  else {
            throw new Exception("Unexpected terminator: } != " + terminator);
	  result = null;
        case TRUE:
          result = true;
        case FALSE:
          result = false;
	case NULL:
	  result = null;
	case SBYTE:
	  //Signed byte
	  int valy = s.ReadByte();
	  if( valy < 0 ) { throw new Exception("End of stream"); }
	  result = (sbyte)valy;
	case BYTE:
	  //Unsigned byte
	  int valY = s.ReadByte();
	  if( valY < 0 ) { throw new Exception("End of stream"); }
	  result = (byte)valY;
        case SHORT:
	  //signed short:
	  result = NumberSerializer.ReadShort(s);
        case USHORT:
	  //unsigned short:
	  result = unchecked( (ushort)NumberSerializer.ReadShort(s) );
        case INT:
	  //signed int:
	  result = NumberSerializer.ReadInt(s);
        case UINT:
	  //unsigned int:
	  result = unchecked( (uint)NumberSerializer.ReadInt(s) );
        case LONG:
          //signed long:
          result = NumberSerializer.ReadLong(s);
        case ULONG:
          //signed long:
          result = unchecked((ulong)NumberSerializer.ReadLong(s));
        case FLOAT:
	  //floating-point number
	  result = NumberSerializer.ReadFloat(s);
        case DOUBLE:
	  result = NumberSerializer.ReadDouble(s);
	  //Start of an exception:
	  Hashtable xht = new Hashtable();
	  bool xfinished = false;
	  do {
	    //Magical recursion strikes again
            object key = Deserialize(s, EXCEPTION_E, out xfinished);
	    if( !xfinished ) {
              object valu = Deserialize(s);
	      xht.Add(key, valu);
	  } while (false == xfinished);
          result = new AdrException(xht);
	  //End of an exception:
	  if (terminator == EXCEPTION_E) {
            //We were reading a list and now we are done:
	    finished = true;
	  else {
            throw new Exception("Unexpected terminator: x != " + terminator);
	  result = null;
	case ARRAY:
	  //Read the length:
	  object olength = Deserialize(s);
          //Due to boxing here, we have to be careful about unboxing,
          //this will get easier with generics:
          long length = UnboxToLong(olength); 
	  int typec = s.ReadByte();
	  if ( typec < 0 ) { throw new Exception("Could not read array type"); }
	  byte atype = (byte)typec;
	  switch (atype) {
              case BYTE:
	        //unsigned byte:
                byte[] aBresult = new byte[length];
                int read_b = s.Read(aBresult, 0, (int)length);
                if( read_b != length ) {
                  throw new Exception("Could not read byte for array"); 
                result = aBresult;
              case INT:
	        //signed int:
                int[] airesult = new int[length];
                for(int i = 0; i < airesult.Length; i++) {
                  airesult[i] = NumberSerializer.ReadInt(s);
                result = airesult;
                ///@todo add more array types
                throw new Exception("Unsupported array type code: " + atype);
          throw new Exception("Unexcepted typecode: " + typecode);
      return result;

예제 #7
  /** Serialize directly into the given byte array
   * @param o the object to serialize
   * @param dest the array to write into
   * @param offset the position to start at
   * Note, if this fails (throws an exception), it will still
   * modify the destination array
  public static int Serialize(object o, byte[] dest, int offset) {
      string key;
      if( o == null ) {
        key = "<NULL>";
      else {
        key = o.GetType().ToString();
    lock(ADR_COUNT) {
      if( ADR_COUNT.ContainsKey(key) ) {
        ADR_COUNT[key] = ADR_COUNT[key] + 1;
      else {
        ADR_COUNT[key] = 1;
    if( o == null ) {
      //Not much work to do:
      dest[offset] = NULL;
      return 1; //1 byte for null
    if(o is string) {
      dest[offset] = STRING_S;
      string val = (string)o;
      int bytes = NumberSerializer.WriteString(val, dest, offset + 1);
      return 1 + bytes; //the typecode + the serialized string
    //Else, o is some kind of object:
     * We put the most commonly used types first so we don't have to go
     * through a huge list everytime we serialize
    System.Type t = o.GetType();
    byte this_type;
    //The hashtable allows us to be faster on the several types
    //of lists and dictionaries that will be handled by the same code:
    if( _type_map.TryGetValue(t, out this_type) ) {
      if( this_type == LIST_S ) {
        return SerializeList( (IList)o, dest, offset );
      if( this_type == MAP_S ) {
        return SerializeDict( (IDictionary)o, dest, offset);
    //Else, we are dealing with a less common type:

    if ( t.IsArray ) {
      Type elt = t.GetElementType();
      ///@todo add more array serialization types here:
      if( elt.Equals(typeof(byte)) ||
          elt.Equals(typeof(int)) ) {
        return SerializeArray((Array)o, t, elt, dest, offset);
      else {
        //All arrays are ILists, but this may take more space than the above
        return SerializeList( (IList)o, dest, offset );
    else if ( o is IList ) {
      return SerializeList( (IList)o, dest, offset );
    else if ( o is IDictionary ) {
      return SerializeDict( (IDictionary)o, dest, offset);
    if( t.Equals( typeof(bool) ) ) {
      //boolean value:
      bool b = (bool)o;
      if( b ) { dest[offset] = TRUE; }
      else { dest[offset] = FALSE; }
      return 1;
    if ( t.Equals(typeof(byte)) ) {
      //Unsigned byte
      dest[offset] = BYTE;
      dest[offset + 1] = (byte)o;
      return 2;
    else if ( t.Equals(typeof(sbyte)) ) {
      dest[offset] = SBYTE;
      sbyte v = (sbyte)o;
      dest[offset + 1] = (byte)v;
      return 2;
    else if ( t.Equals(typeof(short)) ) {
      dest[offset] = SHORT;
      NumberSerializer.WriteShort((short)o,dest, offset + 1);
      return 3; //1 typecode + 2 bytes for short
    else if ( t.Equals(typeof(ushort)) ) {
      dest[offset] = USHORT;
      NumberSerializer.WriteUShort((ushort)o, dest, offset + 1);
      return 3; //1 typecode + 2 bytes for short
    else if ( t.Equals(typeof(int)) ) {
      return 5; //1 typecode + 4 bytes for int 
    else if ( t.Equals(typeof(uint)) ) {
      NumberSerializer.WriteUInt((uint)o,dest, offset + 1);
      return 5; //1 typecode + 4 bytes for uint
    else if ( t.Equals(typeof(long)) ) {
      NumberSerializer.WriteLong((long)o,dest, offset + 1);
      return 9; //1 typecode + 8 bytes for long 
    else if ( t.Equals(typeof(ulong)) ) {
      ulong ulv = (ulong)o;
      long lv = (long)ulv;
      NumberSerializer.WriteLong(lv, dest, offset + 1);
      return 9; //1 typecode + 8 bytes for ulong
    else if ( t.Equals(typeof(float)) ) {
      NumberSerializer.WriteFloat((float)o, dest, offset + 1);
      return 5; //1 typecode + 4 bytes for float
    else if ( t.Equals(typeof(double)) ) {
      NumberSerializer.WriteDouble((double)o, dest, offset + 1);
      return 9; // 1 typecode + 8 bytes for double 
    else if ( o is Exception ) {
      int orig = offset;
      AdrException ax = o as AdrException;
      if( ax == null ) {
        ax = new AdrException((Exception)o);
      Hashtable xht = ax.ToHashtable();
      //Here is a map...
      offset += 1;
      IDictionaryEnumerator my_en = xht.GetEnumerator();
      while( my_en.MoveNext() ) {
	//Time for recursion:
        offset += Serialize(my_en.Key, dest, offset);
        offset += Serialize(my_en.Value, dest, offset);
      offset += 1;
      return offset - orig;
    else if ( o is MemBlock ) {
      //Just serialize this as a byte array
      int orig = offset;
      MemBlock d = (MemBlock)o;
      dest[offset] = ARRAY;
      offset += 1;
      int length = d.Length;
      offset += SerializePosNum((ulong)length, dest, offset);
      dest[offset] = BYTE;
      offset += 1;
      offset += d.CopyTo(dest, offset);
      return offset - orig;
     //This is not a supported type of object
     throw new Exception("Unsupported type: " + t.ToString());
예제 #8
 public void TestWithAdrException() {
   AdrException ex = new AdrException(11111, new Exception());
   this._mrm.CurrentInvokeState.RetValues = new object[] { ex };
예제 #9
 public override bool Equals(object o) {
   if( o is AdrException ) {
     AdrException x = (AdrException)o;
     return (x.Code == this.Code) && (x.Message == this.Message)
            && (x.StackTrace == this.StackTrace);
   else if (o is Exception ) {
     AdrException x = new AdrException((Exception)o);
     return this.Equals(x);
   else {
     return false;
예제 #10
  * Fires XML-RPC call and gets the job done, then returns Brunet Rpc result.
  * Calls to this method come from Brunet, go to XML-RPC and return
  * to Brunet Overlay. So conversion needed from Adr->XmlRpc.Net->Adr
 public void BrunetRpc2XmlRpc(object xmlrpcCallState) {
   XmlRpcCallState state = (XmlRpcCallState)xmlrpcCallState;
   object ret = null;
   try {
     ret = state.XmlRpcCall(state.MethodArgs);
     ret = AdrXmlRpcConverter.XmlRpc2Adr(ret);
   } catch (Exception e) {
     ret = new AdrException(-32602, e);
   } finally {
     _node.EnqueueAction(new RpcSendResultAction(_rpc, state.RequestState, ret));
예제 #11
  * Handles RPC calls.
  * Note that AddXRHandler and RemoveXRHandler calls are only accepted when
  * they are made by local Brunet node.
 public void HandleRpc(ISender caller, string method, IList args, object rs) {
   if (method.Equals("AddXRHandler") || method.Equals("RemoveXRHandler")) {
     ReqrepManager.ReplyState s = (ReqrepManager.ReplyState)caller;
     ISender sender = s.ReturnPath;
     if (Object.ReferenceEquals(_node, sender)) {
       if (args.Count == 2) {
         if (method.Equals("AddXRHandler"))
           this.AddXRHandler(args[0] as string, args[1] as string);
           this.RemoveXRHandler(args[0] as string, args[1] as string);
         _rpc.SendResult(rs, null);
       } else {
         throw new ArgumentException("2 arguments expected");
     } else {
       throw new AdrException(-32602, "This operation is only accessible for local calls");
   } else {
     object result = null;
     try {
       Type type = this.GetType();
       MethodInfo mi = type.GetMethod(method);
       object[] arg_array = new object[args.Count];
       args.CopyTo(arg_array, 0);
       result = mi.Invoke(this, arg_array);
     } catch (Exception e) {
       result = new AdrException(-32602, e);
     _rpc.SendResult(rs, result);
예제 #12
    public void HandleRpc(ISender caller, string methname, IList arguments, object request_state) {
      MethodInfo mi = null;
       * Lookup this method name in our table.
       * This uses a cache, so it should be fast
       * after the first time
      lock( _sync ) {
        mi = (MethodInfo) _method_cache[methname];
        if( mi == null ) {
          mi = _type.GetMethod(methname);
          _method_cache[ methname ] = mi;
      if( _use_sender ) {
        arguments = new ArrayList(arguments);
        arguments.Add( caller );
      object[] arg_array = new object[ arguments.Count ];
      arguments.CopyTo(arg_array, 0);
      //Console.Error.WriteLine("About to call: {0}.{1} with args",handler, mname);
      //foreach(object arg in pa) { Console.Error.WriteLine("arg: {0}",arg); }
      //make the following happen asynchronously in a separate thread
      //build an invocation record for the call
      WaitCallback wb = delegate(object o) {
        Object result = null;
        try {
    #if RPC_DEBUG
          Console.Error.WriteLine("[RpcServer: {0}] Invoking method: {1}", _rrman.Info, mi);
          result = mi.Invoke(_handler, arg_array);
        } catch(ArgumentException argx) {
    #if RPC_DEBUG
          Console.Error.WriteLine("[RpcServer: {0}] Argument exception. {1}", _rrman.Info, mi);
          result = new AdrException(-32602, argx);
        catch(TargetParameterCountException argx) {
    #if RPC_DEBUG
          Console.Error.WriteLine("[RpcServer: {0}] Parameter count exception. {1}", _rrman.Info, mi);
          result = new AdrException(-32602, argx);
        catch(TargetInvocationException x) {
    #if RPC_DEBUG
          Console.Error.WriteLine("[RpcServer: {0}] Exception thrown by method: {1}, {2}", _rrman.Info, mi, x.InnerException.Message);
          if( x.InnerException is AdrException ) {
            result = x.InnerException;
          else {
            result = new AdrException(-32608, x.InnerException);
        catch(Exception x) {
    #if RPC_DEBUG
          Console.Error.WriteLine("[RpcServer: {0}] General exception. {1}", _rrman.Info, mi);
          result = x;
        finally {
          _rpc.SendResult(request_state, result);
      //Make sure we don't block while invoking the method:
      //Don't use extra threads in the simulator case:
      try {
         * According to MSDN, the only way this fails is if the CLR is "Hosted"
         * which appears to mean that it is running inside SQL server.  I can't imagine
         * us running into that case, but let's handle it just in case.
        if( !ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(wb) ) {
      catch(Exception) {
예제 #13
 protected void MapHandler(object chan, EventArgs args) {
   //Get the Map result:
   if (LogEnabled) {
                       String.Format("MapReduce: {0}, in MapHandler", _node.Address));
   object map_res;
   Channel map_chan = (Channel)chan;
   if( map_chan.Count == 0 ) {
     //We must have timed out trying to get the Map result
     map_res = new AdrException(-32000, "no map result");
   else {
     map_res = map_chan.Dequeue();
   if (LogEnabled) {
                       String.Format("MapReduce: {0}, got map result: {1}.", _node.Address, map_res));
   //The usual transactional bit:
   State state = _state;
   State old_state;
   State new_state;
   do {
     old_state = state;
     new_state = old_state.UpdateMap(map_res);
     state = Interlocked.CompareExchange<State>(ref _state, new_state, old_state);
   while( state != old_state);
   //Do the first reduction:
   TryNextReduce(new_state, old_state, new RpcResult(null, map_res), false);
예제 #14
 public void HandleRpc(ISender caller, string method, IList args, object rs) {
   object result = null;
   try {
     if(method.Equals("GetInformation")) {
       result = GetInformation();
     else {
       throw new Exception("Invalid method");
   catch (Exception e) {
     result = new AdrException(-32602, e);
   _rpc.SendResult(rs, result);