public SubringTransportAddress(AHAddress target, string node_ns) : base(string.Format("brunet.{0}://{1}.{2}", TATypeToString(TAType.Subring), target.ToMemBlock().ToBase32String(), node_ns)) { Target = target; Namespace = node_ns; }
/// <summary>Continues a broadcast to the overlay.</summary> public BroadcastSender(StructuredNode node, AHAddress source, AHAddress from, AHAddress to, int forwarders, int hops) { Node = node; Source = source; From = from; To = to; _distance_sorter = new AbsoluteDistanceComparer(node.Address as AHAddress); _address_sorter = new LeftDistanceComparer(node.Address as AHAddress); Forwarders = forwarders; Hops = hops; byte[] hops_data = new byte[4]; NumberSerializer.WriteInt(hops, hops_data, 0); _hops = MemBlock.Reference(hops_data); if (forwarders == DEFAULT_FORWARDERS) { _forwarders = DEFAULT_FORWARDERS_MB; } else { byte[] def = new byte[4]; NumberSerializer.WriteInt(forwarders, def, 0); _forwarders = MemBlock.Reference(def); } }
public int Compare(Connection x, Connection y) { AHAddress xaddr = x.Address as AHAddress; AHAddress yaddr = y.Address as AHAddress; if (xaddr == null || y == null) { throw new Exception("Invalid comparison"); } BigInteger xdist = _local.DistanceTo(xaddr).abs(); BigInteger ydist = _local.DistanceTo(yaddr).abs(); if (xdist < ydist) { return(-1); } else if (ydist < xdist) { return(1); } else { return(0); } }
public void Test() { RandomNumberGenerator rng = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider(); TargetSelector ts = new DefaultTargetSelector(); //in this case we set the current to an address in our list for (int i = 0; i < _addr_list.Length; i++) { AHAddress tmp_addr = new AHAddress(rng); _addr_list[i] = tmp_addr; } _idx = 0; for (int i = 0; i < _addr_list.Length; i++) { ts.ComputeCandidates(new AHAddress(rng), 10, TargetSelectorCallback, _addr_list[i]); } //in this case we set the current address to null for (int i = 0; i < _addr_list.Length; i++) { AHAddress tmp_addr = new AHAddress(rng); _addr_list[i] = tmp_addr; } _idx = 0; for (int i = 0; i < _addr_list.Length; i++) { ts.ComputeCandidates(_addr_list[i], 10, TargetSelectorCallback, null); } }
/** * Compute the distance from this to add such that * the magnitude is less than or equal to Address.Half */ public virtual BigInteger DistanceTo(AHAddress a) { BigInteger n_x = this.ToBigInteger(); BigInteger n_y = a.ToBigInteger(); BigInteger dist = n_y - n_x; if (n_y > n_x) { //(n_y > n_x ) == (dist > 0), //but the former is faster for BigInteger if (dist >= Address.Half) { dist = dist - AHAddress.Full; } } else { //we know dist <= 0: //If dist < -Address.Half //if (0 > (Address.Half + dist)) { //same as below, but below doesn't require BigInteger(0), //so it saves memory and CPU: if (n_x > (Address.Half + n_y)) { // dist = dist + AHAddress.Full; } } return(dist); }
public StructuredNode(AHAddress add, string realm) : base(add, realm) { /** * Here are the ConnectionOverlords */ _leafco = new LeafConnectionOverlord(this); AddConnectionOverlord(_leafco); _snco = new StructuredNearConnectionOverlord(this); AddConnectionOverlord(_snco); _ssco = new StructuredShortcutConnectionOverlord(this); AddConnectionOverlord(_ssco); #if !BRUNET_SIMULATOR _iphandler = new IPHandler(); _iphandler.Subscribe(this, null); AddTADiscovery(new LocalDiscovery(this, Realm, _rpc, _iphandler)); #endif /** * Turn on some protocol support : */ /// Turn on Packet Forwarding Support : GetTypeSource(PType.Protocol.Forwarding).Subscribe(new PacketForwarder(this), null); //Handles AHRouting: GetTypeSource(PType.Protocol.AH).Subscribe(new AHHandler(this), this); GetTypeSource(PType.Protocol.Echo).Subscribe(new EchoHandler(), this); //Add the standard RPC handlers: _rpc.AddHandler("sys:ctm", new CtmRequestHandler(this)); sys_link = new ConnectionPacketHandler(this); _rpc.AddHandler("sys:link", sys_link); _rpc.AddHandler("trace", new TraceRpcHandler(this)); //Serve some public information about our ConnectionTable _rpc.AddHandler("ConnectionTable", new ConnectionTableRpc(ConnectionTable, _rpc)); //Add a map-reduce handlers: _mr_handler = new MapReduceHandler(this); //Subscribe it with the RPC handler: _rpc.AddHandler("mapreduce", _mr_handler); //Subscribe map-reduce tasks _mr_handler.SubscribeTask(new MapReduceTrace(this)); _mr_handler.SubscribeTask(new MapReduceRangeCounter(this)); /* * Handle Node state changes. */ StateChangeEvent += delegate(Node n, Node.ConnectionState s) { if (s == Node.ConnectionState.Leaving) { //Start our StructuredNode specific leaving: Leave(); } }; _connection_table.ConnectionEvent += new EventHandler(this.EstimateSize); _connection_table.ConnectionEvent += new EventHandler(this.UpdateNeighborStatus); _connection_table.DisconnectionEvent += new EventHandler(this.EstimateSize); _connection_table.DisconnectionEvent += new EventHandler(this.UpdateNeighborStatus); }
/** * @param zero the address to use as the zero in the space */ public ConnectionRightComparer(Address zero) { byte[] binzero = new byte[Address.MemSize]; zero.CopyTo(binzero); //Make sure the last bit is zero, so the address is class 0 Address.SetClass(binzero, 0); _zero = new AHAddress(MemBlock.Reference(binzero, 0, Address.MemSize)); }
public AnnealingRouting(AHAddress local, ConnectionList structured_cons) { //Fake connection to ourselves: _local_con = new Connection(null, local, "structured.self", null, null); int local_idx; _structs = ConnectionList.InsertInto(structured_cons, _local_con, out local_idx); }
public StructuredNode(AHAddress add, string realm):base(add,realm) { /** * Here are the ConnectionOverlords */ _leafco = new LeafConnectionOverlord(this); AddConnectionOverlord(_leafco); _snco = new StructuredNearConnectionOverlord(this); AddConnectionOverlord(_snco); _ssco = new StructuredShortcutConnectionOverlord(this); AddConnectionOverlord(_ssco); #if !BRUNET_SIMULATOR _iphandler = new IPHandler(); _iphandler.Subscribe(this, null); AddTADiscovery(new LocalDiscovery(this, Realm, _rpc, _iphandler)); #endif /** * Turn on some protocol support : */ /// Turn on Packet Forwarding Support : GetTypeSource(PType.Protocol.Forwarding).Subscribe(new PacketForwarder(this), null); AHHandler = new AHHandler(this); GetTypeSource(PType.Protocol.AH).Subscribe(AHHandler, this); GetTypeSource(PType.Protocol.Echo).Subscribe(new EchoHandler(), this); //Add the standard RPC handlers: _rpc.AddHandler("sys:ctm", new CtmRequestHandler(this)); sys_link = new ConnectionPacketHandler(this); _rpc.AddHandler("sys:link", sys_link); _rpc.AddHandler("trace", new TraceRpcHandler(this)); //Serve some public information about our ConnectionTable _rpc.AddHandler("ConnectionTable", new ConnectionTableRpc(ConnectionTable, _rpc)); //Add a map-reduce handlers: _mr_handler = new MapReduceHandler(this); //Subscribe it with the RPC handler: _rpc.AddHandler("mapreduce", _mr_handler); //Subscribe map-reduce tasks _mr_handler.SubscribeTask(new MapReduceTrace(this)); _mr_handler.SubscribeTask(new MapReduceRangeCounter(this)); /* * Handle Node state changes. */ StateChangeEvent += delegate(Node n, Node.ConnectionState s) { if( s == Node.ConnectionState.Leaving ) { //Start our StructuredNode specific leaving: Leave(); } }; _connection_table.ConnectionEvent += new EventHandler(this.EstimateSize); _connection_table.ConnectionEvent += new EventHandler(this.UpdateNeighborStatus); _connection_table.DisconnectionEvent += new EventHandler(this.EstimateSize); _connection_table.DisconnectionEvent += new EventHandler(this.UpdateNeighborStatus); }
// adds a disconnected pair to the pool public void AddDisconnectedPair(out Address address1, out Address address2, bool nctunnel) { address1 = new AHAddress(new RNGCryptoServiceProvider()); byte[] addrbuff = Address.ConvertToAddressBuffer(address1.ToBigInteger() + (Address.Full / 2)); Address.SetClass(addrbuff, AHAddress._class); address2 = new AHAddress(addrbuff); AddDisconnectedPair(address1, address2, nctunnel); }
/** * This is a recursive function over the network * It helps to build an IList of IDictionary types that give the address * of each node in the path, and the connection to the next closest node if * there is one, otherwise no next. */ protected void DoTraceRouteTo(AHAddress a, object req_state) { /* * First find the Connection pointing to the node closest to dest, if * there is one closer than us */ ConnectionTable tab = _node.ConnectionTable; ConnectionList structs = tab.GetConnections(ConnectionType.Structured); Connection next_closest = structs.GetNearestTo((AHAddress)_node.Address, a); //Okay, we have the next closest: ListDictionary my_entry = new ListDictionary(); my_entry["node"] = _node.Address.ToString(); if (next_closest != null) { my_entry["next_con"] = next_closest.ToString(); Channel result = new Channel(); //We only want one result, so close the queue after we get the first result.CloseAfterEnqueue(); result.CloseEvent += delegate(object o, EventArgs args) { Channel q = (Channel)o; if (q.Count > 0) { try { RpcResult rres = (RpcResult)q.Dequeue(); IList l = (IList)rres.Result; ArrayList results = new ArrayList(l.Count + 1); results.Add(my_entry); results.AddRange(l); _rpc.SendResult(req_state, results); } catch (Exception x) { string m = String.Format("<node>{0}</node> trying <connection>{1}</connection> got <exception>{2}</exception>", _node.Address, next_closest, x); Exception nx = new Exception(m); _rpc.SendResult(req_state, nx); } } else { //We got no results. IList l = new ArrayList(1); l.Add(my_entry); _rpc.SendResult(req_state, l); } }; _rpc.Invoke(next_closest.State.Edge, result, "trace.GetRouteTo", a.ToString()); } else { //We are the end of the line, send the result: ArrayList l = new ArrayList(); l.Add(my_entry); _rpc.SendResult(req_state, l); } }
public AHState(AHAddress local, ConnectionList structs, ConnectionList leafs) { Leafs = leafs; Structs = structs; Local = local; _directional = new DirectionalRouting(local, structs); _greedy = new GreedyRouting(local, structs); _annealing = new AnnealingRouting(local, structs); }
protected AHState(AHState old_state, ConnectionList leafs) { Leafs = leafs; Structs = old_state.Structs; Local = old_state.Local; _directional = old_state._directional; _greedy = old_state._greedy; _annealing = old_state._annealing; }
public GreedyRouting(AHAddress local, ConnectionList structured_cons) { //Fake connection to ourselves: _local_con = new Connection(null, local, "structured.self", null, null); int local_idx; _structs = ConnectionList.InsertInto(structured_cons, _local_con, out local_idx); _NO_ONE = new Pair <Connection, bool>(null, false); _LOCAL = new Pair <Connection, bool>(null, true); }
public SubringTransportAddress(string s) : base(s) { int addr_start = s.IndexOf(":") + 3; int addr_end = s.IndexOf(".", addr_start); int ns_start = addr_end + 1; int ns_end = Math.Max(s.Length, s.IndexOf("/", ns_start)); byte[] addr = Base32.Decode(s.Substring(addr_start, addr_end - addr_start)); Target = new AHAddress(MemBlock.Reference(addr)); Namespace = s.Substring(ns_start, ns_end - ns_start); }
/// <summary>Calculate the Address immediately to the right.</summary> public static AHAddress GetRightNearTarget(AHAddress address) { BigInteger local_int_add = address.ToBigInteger(); //must have even addresses so increment twice local_int_add += 2; //Make sure we don't overflow: BigInteger tbi = new BigInteger(local_int_add % Address.Full); return(new AHAddress(tbi)); }
public GraphNode(AHAddress addr) { Shortcuts = 0; Address = addr; ConnectionTable = new ConnectionTable(addr); UpdateSystem(); do { UniqueID = _rand.Next(); } while(_unique_allocations.ContainsKey(UniqueID)); _unique_allocations[UniqueID] = UniqueID; }
/// <summary>Stores data about this hop in a broadcast and provides a path /// back to the originating broadcaster.</summary> public BroadcastReceiver(BroadcastSender bs) { Node = bs.Node; From = bs.From; To = bs.To; Source = bs.Source; Hops = bs.Hops; _bs = bs; _sender = new AHSender(Node, Source, AHSender.DefaultTTLFor(Node.NetworkSize), AHHeader.Options.Exact); }
/** * This is a recursive function over the network * It helps to build an IList of IDictionary types that give the address * of each node in the path, and the connection to the next closest node if * there is one, otherwise no next. */ protected void DoTraceRouteTo(AHAddress a, object req_state) { /* * First find the Connection pointing to the node closest to dest, if * there is one closer than us */ ConnectionTable tab = _node.ConnectionTable; ConnectionList structs = tab.GetConnections(ConnectionType.Structured); Connection next_closest = structs.GetNearestTo((AHAddress) _node.Address, a); //Okay, we have the next closest: ListDictionary my_entry = new ListDictionary(); my_entry["node"] = _node.Address.ToString(); if( next_closest != null ) { my_entry["next_con"] = next_closest.ToString(); Channel result = new Channel(); //We only want one result, so close the queue after we get the first result.CloseAfterEnqueue(); result.CloseEvent += delegate(object o, EventArgs args) { Channel q = (Channel)o; if( q.Count > 0 ) { try { RpcResult rres = (RpcResult)q.Dequeue(); IList l = (IList) rres.Result; ArrayList results = new ArrayList( l.Count + 1); results.Add(my_entry); results.AddRange(l); _rpc.SendResult(req_state, results); } catch(Exception x) { string m = String.Format("<node>{0}</node> trying <connection>{1}</connection> got <exception>{2}</exception>", _node.Address, next_closest, x); Exception nx = new Exception(m); _rpc.SendResult(req_state, nx); } } else { //We got no results. IList l = new ArrayList(1); l.Add( my_entry ); _rpc.SendResult(req_state, l); } }; _rpc.Invoke(next_closest.State.Edge, result, "trace.GetRouteTo", a.ToString()); } else { //We are the end of the line, send the result: ArrayList l = new ArrayList(); l.Add(my_entry); _rpc.SendResult(req_state, l); } }
/// Determine if there are any unuseful STRUC_NEAR that we can trim protected void TrimConnections() { ConnectionTable tab = _node.ConnectionTable; ConnectionList cons = tab.GetConnections(ConnectionType.Structured); ArrayList trim_candidates = new ArrayList(); foreach (Connection c in cons) { if (!c.ConType.Equals(STRUC_NEAR)) { continue; } int left_pos = cons.LeftInclusiveCount(_node.Address, c.Address); int right_pos = cons.RightInclusiveCount(_node.Address, c.Address); if (right_pos >= 2 * DESIRED_NEIGHBORS && left_pos >= 2 * DESIRED_NEIGHBORS) { //These are near neighbors that are not so near trim_candidates.Add(c); } } if (trim_candidates.Count == 0) { return; } //Delete a farthest trim candidate: BigInteger biggest_distance = new BigInteger(0); BigInteger tmp_distance = new BigInteger(0); Connection to_trim = null; foreach (Connection tc in trim_candidates) { AHAddress t_ah_add = (AHAddress)tc.Address; tmp_distance = t_ah_add.DistanceTo((AHAddress)_node.Address).abs(); if (tmp_distance > biggest_distance) { biggest_distance = tmp_distance; //Console.Error.WriteLine("...finding far distance for trim: {0}",biggest_distance.ToString() ); to_trim = tc; } } #if POB_DEBUG Console.Error.WriteLine("Attempt to trim Near: {0}", to_trim); #endif _node.GracefullyClose(to_trim.Edge, "SCO, near connection trim"); }
/** check which address is closed to this one * @return true if we are closer to the first than second */ public bool IsCloserToFirst(AHAddress first, AHAddress sec) { uint pre0 = _prefix; uint pref = first._prefix; uint pres = sec._prefix; if (pref == pres) { //They could be the same: if (first.Equals(sec)) { return(false); } return(DistanceTo(first).abs() < DistanceTo(sec).abs()); } //See if the upper and lower bounds can avoid doing big-int stuff uint udf = pre0 > pref ? pre0 - pref : pref - pre0; uint uds = pre0 > pres ? pre0 - pres : pres - pre0; if (udf > Int32.MaxValue) { //Wrap it around: udf = UInt32.MaxValue - udf; } if (uds > Int32.MaxValue) { uds = UInt32.MaxValue - uds; } uint upperbound_f = udf + 1; uint lowerbound_s = uds > 0 ? uds - 1 : 0; if (upperbound_f <= lowerbound_s) { //There is no way the exact value could make df bigger than ds: return(true); } uint upperbound_s = uds + 1; uint lowerbound_f = udf > 0 ? udf - 1 : 0; if (upperbound_s <= lowerbound_f) { //There is no way the exact value could make ds bigger than df: return(false); } //Else just do it the simple, but costly way BigInteger df = DistanceTo(first).abs(); BigInteger ds = DistanceTo(sec).abs(); return(df < ds); }
public void Send(ICopyable data) { ConnectionList cl = Node.ConnectionTable.GetConnections(ConnectionType.Structured); // We start with the node immediately after the starting index int start = cl.IndexOf(From); if (start < 0) { start = ~start; } // We end with the node immediately before the end index int end = cl.IndexOf(To); if (end < 0) { end = ~end; } // If start >= end, because From < To or because this is a terminal // node and there are no other entities to forward it to. So the // second test ensures that the first entity is actually inside the // range to forward it to. AHAddress start_addr = cl[start].Address as AHAddress; if (start >= end && start_addr.IsBetweenFromLeft(From, To)) { end += cl.Count; } List <Connection> cons = SortByDistance(cl, start, end, Forwarders); for (int i = 0; i < cons.Count; i++) { Connection con = cons[i]; int next = i + 1; AHAddress nfrom = con.Address as AHAddress; Address nto = To; if (next < cons.Count) { nto = GetLeftNearTarget(cons[next].Address as AHAddress); } con.Edge.Send(new CopyList(PType, Source.ToMemBlock(), nfrom.ToMemBlock(), nto.ToMemBlock(), _forwarders, _hops, data)); } _sent_to = cons.Count; }
public void Test() { AHAddress a1 = new AHAddress(Address.Full - 2); AHAddress a2 = new AHAddress(Address.Half - 2); AHAddress a3 = new AHAddress(Address.Half + 2); Connection c1 = new Connection(null, a1, "struectured", null, null); Connection c2 = new Connection(null, a2, "struectured", null, null); Connection c3 = new Connection(null, a3, "struectured", null, null); ConnectionRightComparer cmp = new ConnectionRightComparer(); //The default zero is half, since a1 is half, it is zero, //the below should all be true: Assert.IsTrue(cmp.Compare(c1, c2) > 0, "Biggest is farther than half -2"); Assert.IsTrue(cmp.Compare(c3, c2) > 0, "half +2 is farther than half -2"); Assert.IsTrue(cmp.Compare(c3, c1) > 0, "half +2 is farther than Biggest"); }
public int Compare(Connection x, Connection y) { //Equals is fast to check, lets do it before we //do more intense stuff : if (x.Equals(y)) { return(0); } if ((x.Address is AHAddress) && (y.Address is AHAddress)) { AHAddress add_x = (AHAddress)x.Address; AHAddress add_y = (AHAddress)y.Address; /** * We compute the distances with the given zero * dist_x : distance from zero to x * dist_y : distance from zero to y * * The AHAddress.RightDistanceTo function gives * the distance as measured from the node in count-clockwise. * * We can use this to set the "zero" we want : */ BigInteger dist_x = _zero.RightDistanceTo(add_x); BigInteger dist_y = _zero.RightDistanceTo(add_y); //Since we know they are not equal, either n_x is bigger //that n_y or vice-versa : if (dist_x > dist_y) { //Then dist_x - dist_y > 0, and n_x is the bigger return(1); } else { return(-1); } } else { /** * If addresses are not AHAddress, throw an exception */ throw new Exception( String.Format("The addresses are not AHAddress. Only AHAddress can be compared.")); } }
public void Test() { Address a1 = new AHAddress(Address.Half); Address a2 = new AHAddress(MemBlock.Reference(new byte[Address.MemSize], 0, Address.MemSize)); Address a3 = new AHAddress(Address.Full - 2); AHAddressComparer cmp = new AHAddressComparer(); //The default zero is half, since a1 is half, it is zero, //the below should all be true: Assert.IsTrue(cmp.Compare(a1, a2) > 0, "Half is greater than 0"); Assert.IsTrue(cmp.Compare(a3, a2) > 0, "Biggest is greater than 0"); Assert.IsTrue(cmp.Compare(a3, a1) > 0, "Biggest is greater than half"); Assert.IsTrue(a1.CompareTo(a2) == cmp.Compare(a1, a2), "CompareTo and Compare 1"); Assert.IsTrue(a1.CompareTo(a3) == cmp.Compare(a1, a3), "CompareTo and Compare 2"); }
/// <summary>Where data packets prepended with a prepended subring come. /// Here we receive data as well as create new SubringEdges.</summary> public void HandleData(MemBlock data, ISender return_path, object state) { AHSender from = return_path as AHSender; if (from == null) { return; } AHAddress target = (AHAddress)from.Destination; MemBlock payload; int local_id, remote_id; _it.Parse(data, out payload, out local_id, out remote_id); IIdentifierPair ip; SubringEdge se; if (_it.TryGet(local_id, remote_id, out ip)) { se = ip as SubringEdge; } else if (local_id == 0) { if (!from.Node.Realm.Equals(_shared_node.Realm)) { // We don't have matching realms return; } var rem_sta = new SubringTransportAddress(target, from.Node.Realm); se = new SubringEdge(_local_ta, rem_sta, true, from, _ptype); _it.Add(se); se.RemoteID = remote_id; se.CloseEvent += CloseHandler; SendEdgeEvent(se); } else { // Probably an edge closed earlier... return; } se.ReceivedPacketEvent(payload); }
/** * The Left (increasing, clockwise) distance to * the given AHAddress * @param addr the AHAddress to compute the distance to * @return the distance */ public BigInteger LeftDistanceTo(AHAddress addr) { BigInteger n_x = ToBigInteger(); BigInteger n_y = addr.ToBigInteger(); BigInteger dist; if (n_y > n_x) { //The given address is larger than us, just subtract dist = n_y - n_x; } else { //We need to add AHAddress.Full to the result: dist = n_y - n_x + AHAddress.Full; } return(dist); }
/** * The Right (decreasing, counterclockwise) distance to * the given AHAddress * @param addr the AHAddress to compute the distance to * @return the distance */ public BigInteger RightDistanceTo(AHAddress addr) { BigInteger n_x = ToBigInteger(); BigInteger n_y = addr.ToBigInteger(); BigInteger dist; if (n_y < n_x) { //The given address is smaller than us, just subtract dist = n_x - n_y; } else { //We need to add AHAddress.Full to the result: dist = n_x - n_y + AHAddress.Full; } return(dist); }
/** * Sends a StatusMessage request (local node) to the nearest right and * left neighbors (in the local node's ConnectionTable) of the new Connection. */ protected void UpdateNeighborStatus(object contab, EventArgs args) { ConnectionEventArgs cea = (ConnectionEventArgs)args; if (cea.ConnectionType != ConnectionType.Structured) { //We don't do anything, return; } //This is the list we had when things changed ConnectionList structs = cea.CList; //structs is constant if (structs.Count == 0) { //There is no one to talk to return; } /* * Get the data we need about this connection: */ Connection con = cea.Connection; AHAddress new_address = (AHAddress)con.Address; /* * Update the left neighbor: */ Connection lc = structs.GetLeftNeighborOf(new_address); EnqueueAction(new UpdateNeighborAction(this, con.ConType, lc)); /* * Update the right neighbor: */ Connection rc = structs.GetRightNeighborOf(new_address); if (lc != rc) { EnqueueAction(new UpdateNeighborAction(this, con.ConType, rc)); } }
public void Test() { RandomNumberGenerator rng = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider(); AHAddress tmp_add = new AHAddress(rng); Node n = new StructuredNode(tmp_add, "unittest"); AHSender ah = new AHSender(n, AddressParser.Parse("brunet:node:JOJZG7VO6RFOEZJ6CJJ2WOIJWTXRVRP4")); ForwardingSender fs = new ForwardingSender(n, AddressParser.Parse("brunet:node:JOJZG7VO6RFOEZJ6CJJ2WOIJWTXRVRP4"), AddressParser.Parse("brunet:node:5FMQW3KKJWOOGVDO6QAQP65AWVZQ4VUQ")); string uri = "sender:ah?dest=JOJZG7VO6RFOEZJ6CJJ2WOIJWTXRVRP4&mode=exact"; ISender s = SenderFactory.CreateInstance(n, uri); Assert.IsTrue(s is AHSender); Assert.AreEqual(uri, s.ToUri()); uri = "sender:ah?dest=JOJZG7VO6RFOEZJ6CJJ2WOIJWTXRVRP4&mode=greedy"; //Create the above programatically IDictionary <string, string> param_args = new Dictionary <string, string>(); param_args["dest"] = "JOJZG7VO6RFOEZJ6CJJ2WOIJWTXRVRP4"; param_args["mode"] = "greedy"; string uri0 = SenderFactory.EncodeUri("ah", param_args); Assert.AreEqual(uri, uri0, "EncodeUri works"); //Check decode: string scheme; param_args = SenderFactory.DecodeUri(uri, out scheme); Assert.AreEqual(scheme, "ah", "Scheme decoded"); Assert.AreEqual(param_args.Count, 2, "2 parameters in uri"); Assert.AreEqual(param_args["dest"], "JOJZG7VO6RFOEZJ6CJJ2WOIJWTXRVRP4", "Extracted address"); Assert.AreEqual(param_args["mode"], "greedy", "got mode"); s = SenderFactory.CreateInstance(n, uri); Assert.IsTrue(s is AHSender); Assert.AreEqual(uri, s.ToUri()); string furi = "sender:fw?relay=JOJZG7VO6RFOEZJ6CJJ2WOIJWTXRVRP4&init_mode=greedy&dest=5FMQW3KKJWOOGVDO6QAQP65AWVZQ4VUQ&ttl=3&mode=path"; s = SenderFactory.CreateInstance(n, furi); Assert.IsTrue(s is ForwardingSender); Assert.AreEqual(furi, s.ToUri()); }
public void Test() { TransportAddress ta = TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance("brunet.tcp://"); FakeEdge fe = new FakeEdge(ta, ta); var rng = new System.Security.Cryptography.RNGCryptoServiceProvider(); var cons = new List <Connection>(); for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) { var addr = new AHAddress(rng); cons.Add(new Connection(fe, addr, "structured", null, null)); } var start_addr = new AHAddress(rng); IComparer <Connection> distance_comparer = new BroadcastSender.AbsoluteDistanceComparer(start_addr); cons.Sort(distance_comparer); BigInteger current_distance = new BigInteger(0); foreach (Connection con in cons) { AHAddress addr = con.Address as AHAddress; BigInteger next_distance = start_addr.DistanceTo(addr).abs(); Assert.IsTrue(current_distance < next_distance, "DistanceComparer"); current_distance = next_distance; } IComparer <Connection> address_comparer = new BroadcastSender.LeftDistanceComparer(start_addr); cons.Sort(address_comparer); current_distance = new BigInteger(0); foreach (Connection con in cons) { AHAddress addr = con.Address as AHAddress; BigInteger next_distance = start_addr.LeftDistanceTo(addr).abs(); Assert.IsTrue(current_distance < next_distance, "AddressComparer"); current_distance = next_distance; } }
public DirectionalRouting(AHAddress local, ConnectionList structs) { _NULL_TRUE = new Pair <Connection, bool>(null, true); _NULL_FALSE = new Pair <Connection, bool>(null, false); Connection left_c = null; Connection right_c = null; if (structs.Count > 0) { int local_idx = ~structs.IndexOf(local); int left_idx = local_idx; int right_idx = left_idx - 1; left_c = structs[left_idx]; right_c = structs[right_idx]; } _LEFT_FALSE = new Pair <Connection, bool>(left_c, false); _RIGHT_FALSE = new Pair <Connection, bool>(right_c, false); _LEFT_TRUE = new Pair <Connection, bool>(left_c, true); _RIGHT_TRUE = new Pair <Connection, bool>(right_c, true); }
/** Utility method to determine if this address is between start and end * from the right, i.e. its satisfies the following constraints: * 1. Is to the right of start, and * 2. Is to the left of end * @return 1 in case its within * @return -1 in case it is not */ public bool IsBetweenFromRight(AHAddress start, AHAddress end) { int se_comp = start.CompareTo(end); //simple case of no wrap around where "within" is lesser if (se_comp > 0) { return(start.CompareTo(this) > 0 && this.CompareTo(end) > 0); } else if (se_comp == 0) { //When start == end, nothing is between them return(false); } else { //in case there is a wrap around //"within" has become greater than "this" return(start.CompareTo(this) > 0 || this.CompareTo(end) > 0); } }
/// <summary>Creates a new BroadcastSender based upon a packet sent from /// one. This makes the recursion step easier.</summary> public static BroadcastSender Parse(StructuredNode node, MemBlock packet, out MemBlock data) { int pos = 0; AHAddress source = new AHAddress(packet.Slice(pos, Address.MemSize)); pos += Address.MemSize; AHAddress from = new AHAddress(packet.Slice(pos, Address.MemSize)); pos += Address.MemSize; AHAddress to = new AHAddress(packet.Slice(pos, Address.MemSize)); pos += Address.MemSize; int forwarders = NumberSerializer.ReadInt(packet, pos); pos += 4; int hops = NumberSerializer.ReadInt(packet, pos) + 1; pos += 4; data = packet.Slice(pos); return(new BroadcastSender(node, source, from, to, forwarders, hops)); }
/** <summary>Reassign range info(Start and End) based on recalculated range.</summary> <param name = "rg_size">Current range size(round distance between start address and end address of this Entry).</param> <remarks>new_start = mid - rg_size/2, new_end = mid + rg_size/2 </remarks> */ public Entry ReAssignRange(BigInteger rg_size) { // calculate middle address of range BigInteger start_int = Start.ToBigInteger(); BigInteger end_int = End.ToBigInteger(); BigInteger mid_int = (start_int + end_int) / 2; if (mid_int % 2 == 1) { mid_int = mid_int -1; } AHAddress mid_addr = new AHAddress(mid_int); /* * If we have a case where start -> end includes zero, * this is the wrap around. So, we can imagine that * we have end' = end + Address.Full. So, * mid' = (start + end')/2 = (start + end)/2 + Address.Full/2 = (start + end)/ 2 + Address.Half */ if (!mid_addr.IsBetweenFromLeft(Start, End)) { mid_int += Address.Half; } //addresses for new range BigInteger rg_half = rg_size / 2; if (rg_half % 2 == 1) { rg_half -= 1; } AHAddress n_a = new AHAddress(mid_int - rg_half); AHAddress n_b = new AHAddress(mid_int + rg_half); return new Entry(Content, Alpha, n_a, n_b); }
/** * Generates tree for bounded broadcast. Algorithm works as follows: * The goal is to broadcast to all nodes in range (start, end). * Given a range (a, b), determine all connections that belong to this range. * Let the left connections be l_1, l_2, ..... l_n. * Let the right connections be r_1, r_2, ... , r_n. * To left connection l_i assign the range [b_{i-1}, b_i). * To right connection r_i assign the range [r_i, r_{i-1}] * To the connection ln assign range [l_{n-1}, end) * To the connection rn assign range (start, r_{n-1}] */ public override void GenerateTree(Channel q, MapReduceArgs mr_args) { ArrayList gen_list = mr_args.GenArg as ArrayList; string start_range = gen_list[0] as string; AHAddress start_addr = (AHAddress) AddressParser.Parse(start_range); AHAddress end_addr; string end_range; /// If users do not specify an end range, this method understands /// that users intend to broadcasting the whole range. /// Thus, the address of end range is set to (start_address - 2), /// the farthest address from the start_addr. if (gen_list.Count < 2) { BigInteger start_int = start_addr.ToBigInteger(); BigInteger end_int = start_int -2; end_addr = new AHAddress(end_int); end_range = end_addr.ToString(); } else { end_range = gen_list[1] as string; end_addr = (AHAddress) AddressParser.Parse(end_range); } Log("generating child tree, range start: {0}, range end: {1}.", start_range, end_range); //we are at the start node, here we go: ConnectionTable tab = _node.ConnectionTable; ConnectionList structs = tab.GetConnections(ConnectionType.Structured); List<MapReduceInfo> retval = new List<MapReduceInfo>(); if (InRange(_this_addr, start_addr, end_addr)) { if (structs.Count > 0) { //make connection list in the range. //left connection list is a list of neighbors which are in the range (this node, end of range) //right connection list is a list of neighbors which are in the range (start of range, this node) Brunet.Collections.Pair<List<Connection>,List<Connection>> cons = GetConnectionInfo(_this_addr, start_addr, end_addr, structs); List<Connection> left_cons = cons.First as List<Connection>; List<Connection> right_cons = cons.Second as List<Connection>; //PrintConnectionList(left_cons); //PrintConnectionList(right_cons); retval = GenerateTreeInRange(start_addr, end_addr, left_cons, true, mr_args); List<MapReduceInfo> ret_right = GenerateTreeInRange(start_addr, end_addr, right_cons, false, mr_args); retval.AddRange(ret_right); } else { //this node is a leaf node. //MapReduceInfo mr_info = null; //retval.Add(mr_info); //Console.WriteLine("no connection in the range: return null info"); } } else { // _node is out of range. Just pass it to the closest to the middle of range. retval = GenerateTreeOutRange(start_addr, end_addr, mr_args); } q.Enqueue( retval.ToArray()); }
public MapReduceBoundedBroadcast(Node n):base(n) { _this_addr = _node.Address as AHAddress; }
public void Test() { RandomNumberGenerator rng = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider(); AHAddress tmp_add = new AHAddress(rng); Node n = new StructuredNode(tmp_add, "unittest"); AHSender ah = new AHSender(n, AddressParser.Parse("brunet:node:JOJZG7VO6RFOEZJ6CJJ2WOIJWTXRVRP4")); ForwardingSender fs = new ForwardingSender(n, AddressParser.Parse("brunet:node:JOJZG7VO6RFOEZJ6CJJ2WOIJWTXRVRP4"), AddressParser.Parse("brunet:node:5FMQW3KKJWOOGVDO6QAQP65AWVZQ4VUQ")); string uri = "sender:ah?dest=JOJZG7VO6RFOEZJ6CJJ2WOIJWTXRVRP4&mode=exact"; ISender s = SenderFactory.CreateInstance(n, uri); Assert.IsTrue(s is AHSender); Assert.AreEqual(uri, s.ToUri()); uri = "sender:ah?dest=JOJZG7VO6RFOEZJ6CJJ2WOIJWTXRVRP4&mode=greedy"; //Create the above programatically IDictionary<string, string> param_args = new Dictionary<string,string>(); param_args["dest"] = "JOJZG7VO6RFOEZJ6CJJ2WOIJWTXRVRP4"; param_args["mode"] = "greedy"; string uri0 = SenderFactory.EncodeUri("ah", param_args); Assert.AreEqual(uri, uri0, "EncodeUri works"); //Check decode: string scheme; param_args = SenderFactory.DecodeUri(uri, out scheme); Assert.AreEqual(scheme, "ah", "Scheme decoded"); Assert.AreEqual(param_args.Count, 2, "2 parameters in uri"); Assert.AreEqual(param_args["dest"], "JOJZG7VO6RFOEZJ6CJJ2WOIJWTXRVRP4", "Extracted address"); Assert.AreEqual(param_args["mode"], "greedy", "got mode"); s = SenderFactory.CreateInstance(n, uri); Assert.IsTrue(s is AHSender); Assert.AreEqual(uri, s.ToUri()); string furi = "sender:fw?relay=JOJZG7VO6RFOEZJ6CJJ2WOIJWTXRVRP4&init_mode=greedy&dest=5FMQW3KKJWOOGVDO6QAQP65AWVZQ4VUQ&ttl=3&mode=path"; s = SenderFactory.CreateInstance(n, furi); Assert.IsTrue(s is ForwardingSender); Assert.AreEqual(furi, s.ToUri()); }
//returns true if addr is in a given range including boundary. /** * This returns true if addr is between start and end in a ring. * IsBetweenFrom*() excludes both start and end, but InRange() includes both. * @param addr, this node's address * @param start, the beginning address of range * @param end, the ending address of range */ public bool InRange(AHAddress addr, AHAddress start, AHAddress end) { return addr.IsBetweenFromLeft(start, end) || addr.Equals(start) || addr.Equals(end); }
protected Connection NextGreedyClosest(AHAddress dest) { /* * First find the Connection pointing to the node closest * from local to dest, * if there is one closer than us */ ConnectionTable tab = _node.ConnectionTable; ConnectionList structs = tab.GetConnections(ConnectionType.Structured); AHAddress local = (AHAddress)_node.Address; Connection next_closest = structs.GetNearestTo(local, dest); return next_closest; }
public GreedyRouting(AHAddress local, ConnectionList structured_cons) { //Fake connection to ourselves: _local_con = new Connection(null, local, "structured.self", null, null); int local_idx; _structs = ConnectionList.InsertInto(structured_cons, _local_con, out local_idx); _NO_ONE = new Pair<Connection, bool>(null, false); _LOCAL = new Pair<Connection, bool>(null, true); }
/// <summary>Always returns the oldest non-tunnel address.</summary> public virtual Address EvaluatePotentialOverlap(IDictionary msg) { Address oldest_addr = null; int oldest_age = -1; foreach(DictionaryEntry de in msg) { MemBlock key = de.Key as MemBlock; if(key == null) { key = MemBlock.Reference((byte[]) de.Key); } Address addr = new AHAddress(key); Hashtable values = de.Value as Hashtable; TransportAddress.TAType tatype = TransportAddressFactory.StringToType(values["ta"] as string); if(tatype.Equals(TransportAddress.TAType.Relay)) { continue; } int age = (int) values["ct"]; if(age > oldest_age) { oldest_addr = addr; } } return oldest_addr; }
public void Test() { IRelayOverlap _ito = new SimpleRelayOverlap(); Address addr_x = new AHAddress(new RNGCryptoServiceProvider()); byte[] addrbuff = Address.ConvertToAddressBuffer(addr_x.ToBigInteger() + (Address.Full / 2)); Address.SetClass(addrbuff, AHAddress._class); Address addr_y = new AHAddress(addrbuff); ArrayList addresses = new ArrayList(); ConnectionTable ct_x = new ConnectionTable(); ConnectionTable ct_y = new ConnectionTable(); ConnectionTable ct_empty = new ConnectionTable(); for(int i = 1; i <= 10; i++) { addrbuff = Address.ConvertToAddressBuffer(addr_x.ToBigInteger() + (i * Address.Full / 16)); Address.SetClass(addrbuff, AHAddress._class); addresses.Add(new AHAddress(addrbuff)); TransportAddress ta = TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance("brunet.tcp://"); Edge fe = new FakeEdge(ta, ta, TransportAddress.TAType.Tcp); ct_x.Add(new Connection(fe, addresses[i - 1] as AHAddress, "structured", null, null)); if(i == 10) { ct_y.Add(new Connection(fe, addresses[i - 1] as AHAddress, "structured", null, null)); } } ConnectionType con_type = ConnectionType.Structured; IDictionary id = _ito.GetSyncMessage(null, addr_x, ct_x.GetConnections(con_type)); Assert.AreEqual(_ito.EvaluateOverlap(ct_y.GetConnections(con_type), id)[0].Address, addresses[9], "Have an overlap!"); Assert.AreEqual(_ito.EvaluateOverlap(ct_empty.GetConnections(con_type), id).Count, 0, "No overlap!"); Assert.AreEqual(addresses.Contains(_ito.EvaluatePotentialOverlap(id)), true, "EvaluatePotentialOverlap returns valid!"); }
public void Test() { Address addr_x = new AHAddress(new RNGCryptoServiceProvider()); byte[] addrbuff = Address.ConvertToAddressBuffer(addr_x.ToBigInteger() + (Address.Full / 2)); Address.SetClass(addrbuff, AHAddress._class); Address addr_y = new AHAddress(addrbuff); List<Connection> connections = new List<Connection>(); ConnectionTable ct_x = new ConnectionTable(); ConnectionTable ct_y = new ConnectionTable(); ConnectionTable ct_empty = new ConnectionTable(); NCService ncservice = new NCService(); Connection fast_con = null; for(int i = 1; i <= 11; i++) { addrbuff = Address.ConvertToAddressBuffer(addr_x.ToBigInteger() + (i * Address.Full / 16)); Address.SetClass(addrbuff, AHAddress._class); Address addr = new AHAddress(addrbuff); Connection con = null; TransportAddress ta = TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance("brunet.tcp://"); Edge fe = new FakeEdge(ta, ta, TransportAddress.TAType.Tcp); if(i <= 10) { con = new Connection(fe, addr, "structured", null, null); ct_x.Add(con); if(i % 2 == 0) { ncservice.ProcessSample(DateTime.UtcNow, String.Empty, addr, new Point(new double[] {0, 0}, 0), 0, i*10); } } else { fast_con = new Connection(fe, addr, "structured", null, null); ncservice.ProcessSample(DateTime.UtcNow, String.Empty, addr, new Point(new double[] {0, 0}, 0), 0, 5); } if(i == 10) { ct_y.Add(con); } connections.Add(con); } ITunnelOverlap sto = new SimpleTunnelOverlap(); ITunnelOverlap nto = new NCTunnelOverlap(ncservice); ConnectionType con_type = ConnectionType.Structured; List<Connection> pre_cons = new List<Connection>(); pre_cons.Add(connections[9]); IDictionary id = nto.GetSyncMessage(pre_cons, addr_x, ct_x.GetConnections(con_type)); // We do have some pre-existing overlap Assert.AreEqual(nto.EvaluateOverlap(ct_y.GetConnections(con_type), id)[0], connections[9], "NC: Have an overlap!"); Assert.AreEqual(sto.EvaluateOverlap(ct_y.GetConnections(con_type), id)[0], connections[9], "Simple: Have an overlap!"); // We have no overlap with an empty connection table Assert.AreEqual(nto.EvaluateOverlap(ct_empty.GetConnections(con_type), id).Count, 0, "No overlap!"); Assert.AreEqual(sto.EvaluateOverlap(ct_empty.GetConnections(con_type), id).Count, 0, "No overlap!"); // latency[0] == -1 Assert.AreEqual(connections[1].Address.Equals(nto.EvaluatePotentialOverlap(id)), true, "NC: EvaluatePotentialOverlap returns expected!"); Assert.AreEqual(ct_x.Contains(con_type, sto.EvaluatePotentialOverlap(id)), true, "Simple: EvaluatePotentialOverlap returns valid!"); ct_y.Add(fast_con); ct_x.Add(fast_con); id = nto.GetSyncMessage(pre_cons, addr_x, ct_x.GetConnections(con_type)); Assert.AreEqual(fast_con.Address.Equals(nto.EvaluatePotentialOverlap(id)), true, "NC: EvaluatePotentialOverlap returns expected!"); Assert.AreEqual(nto.EvaluateOverlap(ct_y.GetConnections(con_type), id)[0], fast_con, "NC: Have better overlap!"); }
/** * Generate tree within the range. * return list of MapReduceInfo */ private List<MapReduceInfo> GenerateTreeInRange(AHAddress start, AHAddress end, List<Connection> cons, bool left, MapReduceArgs mr_args) { //Divide the range and trigger bounded broadcasting again in divided range starting with neighbor. //Deivided ranges are (start, n_1), (n_1, n_2), ... , (n_m, end) AHAddress this_minus2 = new AHAddress(_this_addr.ToBigInteger()-2); AHAddress this_plus2 = new AHAddress(_this_addr.ToBigInteger()+2); List<MapReduceInfo> retval = new List<MapReduceInfo>(); if (cons.Count != 0) //make sure if connection list is not empty! { //con_list is sorted. AHAddress last; if (left) { last = end; } else { last = start; } string rg_start, rg_end; //the first element of cons is the nearest. //Let's start with the farthest neighbor first. for (int i = (cons.Count-1); i >= 0; i--) { ArrayList gen_arg = new ArrayList(); Connection next_c = cons[i]; AHAddress next_addr = (AHAddress)next_c.Address; ISender sender = next_c.State.Edge; if (i==0) { // The last bit if (left) { // the left nearest neighbor rg_start = this_plus2.ToString(); rg_end = last.ToString(); } else { // the right nearest neighbor rg_start = last.ToString(); rg_end = this_minus2.ToString(); } } else { if (left) { //left connections rg_start = next_addr.ToString(); rg_end = last.ToString(); } else { //right connections rg_start = last.ToString(); rg_end = next_addr.ToString(); } } gen_arg.Add(rg_start); gen_arg.Add(rg_end); MapReduceInfo mr_info = new MapReduceInfo( sender, new MapReduceArgs(this.TaskName, mr_args.MapArg, gen_arg, mr_args.ReduceArg)); Log("{0}: {1}, adding address: {2} to sender list, range start: {3}, range end: {4}", this.TaskName, _node.Address, next_c.Address, gen_arg[0], gen_arg[1]); if (left) { last = new AHAddress(next_addr.ToBigInteger()-2); } else { last = new AHAddress(next_addr.ToBigInteger()+2); } retval.Add(mr_info); } } return retval; }
public DirectionalRouting(AHAddress local, ConnectionList structs) { _NULL_TRUE = new Pair<Connection, bool>(null, true); _NULL_FALSE = new Pair<Connection, bool>(null, false); Connection left_c = null; Connection right_c = null; if( structs.Count > 0) { int local_idx = ~structs.IndexOf(local); int left_idx = local_idx; int right_idx = left_idx - 1; left_c = structs[left_idx]; right_c = structs[right_idx]; } _LEFT_FALSE = new Pair<Connection, bool>(left_c, false); _RIGHT_FALSE = new Pair<Connection, bool>(right_c, false); _LEFT_TRUE = new Pair<Connection, bool>(left_c, true); _RIGHT_TRUE = new Pair<Connection, bool>(right_c, true); }
/** * When a node is out of the range, this method is called. * This method tries to find the nearest node to the middle of range using greedty algorithm. * return list of MapReduceInfo */ private List<MapReduceInfo> GenerateTreeOutRange(AHAddress start, AHAddress end, MapReduceArgs mr_args) { List<MapReduceInfo> retval = new List<MapReduceInfo>(); BigInteger up = start.ToBigInteger(); BigInteger down = end.ToBigInteger(); BigInteger mid_range = (up + down) /2; if (mid_range % 2 == 1) {mid_range = mid_range -1; } AHAddress mid_addr = new AHAddress(mid_range); //if (!mid_addr.IsBetweenFromLeft(start, end) ) { if (!InRange(mid_addr, start, end) ) { mid_range += Address.Half; mid_addr = new AHAddress(mid_range); } ArrayList gen_arg = new ArrayList(); if (NextGreedyClosest(mid_addr) != null ) { AHGreedySender ags = new AHGreedySender(_node, mid_addr); string start_range = start.ToString(); string end_range = end.ToString(); gen_arg.Add(start_range); gen_arg.Add(end_range); MapReduceInfo mr_info = new MapReduceInfo( (ISender) ags, new MapReduceArgs(this.TaskName, mr_args.MapArg, gen_arg, mr_args.ReduceArg)); Log("{0}: {1}, out of range, moving to the closest node to mid_range: {2} to target node, range start: {3}, range end: {4}", this.TaskName, _node.Address, mid_addr, start, end); retval.Add(mr_info); } else { // cannot find a node in the range. } return retval; }
/** * Find neighbor connections within the range * return ArrayList of List<Connection> for left and right neighbors. */ private Brunet.Collections.Pair<List<Connection>,List<Connection>> GetConnectionInfo(AHAddress t_addr, AHAddress start, AHAddress end, ConnectionList cl) { //this node is within the given range (start_addr, end_addr) List<Connection> left_con_list = new List<Connection>(); List<Connection> right_con_list = new List<Connection>(); foreach(Connection c in cl) { AHAddress adr = (AHAddress)c.Address; //if(adr.IsBetweenFromLeft(t_addr, end) ) { if (InRange(adr, start, t_addr) ) { left_con_list.Add(c); } //else if (adr.IsBetweenFromLeft(start, t_addr) ) { else if (InRange(adr, start, t_addr) ) { right_con_list.Add(c); } else { //Out of Range. Do nothing! } } //Make a compare and add it to ConnectionTable to sort by Address ConnectionLeftComparer left_cmp = new ConnectionLeftComparer(t_addr); left_con_list.Sort(left_cmp); ConnectionRightComparer right_cmp = new ConnectionRightComparer(t_addr); right_con_list.Sort(right_cmp); Brunet.Collections.Pair<List<Connection>,List<Connection>> ret = new Brunet.Collections.Pair<List<Connection>,List<Connection>>(left_con_list, right_con_list); return ret; }
/// <summary>Generate a new unique address, there is potential for /// collissions when we make the address space small.</summary> protected AHAddress GenerateAddress() { byte[] addr = new byte[Address.MemSize]; _rand.NextBytes(addr); Address.SetClass(addr, AHAddress._class); AHAddress ah_addr = new AHAddress(MemBlock.Reference(addr)); if(Nodes.ContainsKey(ah_addr)) { ah_addr = GenerateAddress(); } return ah_addr; }
/** * If you want to create a node in a realm other * than the default "global" realm, use this * @param add AHAddress of this node * @param realm Realm this node is to be a member of */ public StructuredNode(AHAddress addr) : this(addr, "global") { }
/// <summary>Returns the four fastest in the overlap.</summary> public override List<Connection> EvaluateOverlap(ConnectionList cons, IDictionary msg) { List<Connection> overlap = new List<Connection>(); foreach(DictionaryEntry de in msg) { MemBlock key = de.Key as MemBlock; if(key == null) { key = MemBlock.Reference((byte[]) de.Key); } Address addr = new AHAddress(key); int index = cons.IndexOf(addr); if(index < 0) { continue; } Connection con = cons[index]; // Since there are no guarantees about routing over two tunnels, we do // not consider cases where we are connected to the overlapping tunnels // peers via tunnels if(con.Edge.TAType.Equals(TransportAddress.TAType.Tunnel)) { Hashtable values = de.Value as Hashtable; TransportAddress.TAType tatype = TransportAddressFactory.StringToType(values["ta"] as string); if(tatype.Equals(TransportAddress.TAType.Tunnel)) { continue; } } overlap.Add(con); } return GetClosest(overlap); }
protected virtual StructuredNode PrepareNode(int id, AHAddress address) { if(TakenIDs.ContainsKey(id)) { throw new Exception("ID already taken"); } StructuredNode node = new StructuredNode(address, BrunetNamespace); NodeMapping nm = new NodeMapping(); nm.ID = id; TakenIDs[id] = nm; nm.Node = node; Nodes.Add((Address) address, nm); EdgeListener el = CreateEdgeListener(nm.ID); if(_secure_edges || _secure_senders) { byte[] blob = _se_key.ExportCspBlob(true); RSACryptoServiceProvider rsa_copy = new RSACryptoServiceProvider(); rsa_copy.ImportCspBlob(blob); string username = address.ToString().Replace('=', '0'); CertificateMaker cm = new CertificateMaker("United States", "UFL", "ACIS", username, "*****@*****.**", rsa_copy, address.ToString()); Certificate cert = cm.Sign(_ca_cert, _se_key); CertificateHandler ch = null; if(_dtls) { ch = new OpenSslCertificateHandler(); } else { ch = new CertificateHandler(); } ch.AddCACertificate(_ca_cert.X509); ch.AddSignedCertificate(cert.X509); if(_dtls) { nm.SO = new DtlsOverlord(rsa_copy, ch, PeerSecOverlord.Security); } else { nm.Sso = new SymphonySecurityOverlord(node, rsa_copy, ch, node.Rrm); nm.SO = nm.Sso; } var brh = new BroadcastRevocationHandler(_ca_cert, nm.SO); node.GetTypeSource(BroadcastRevocationHandler.PType).Subscribe(brh, null); ch.AddCertificateVerification(brh); nm.SO.Subscribe(node, null); node.GetTypeSource(PeerSecOverlord.Security).Subscribe(nm.SO, null); } if(_pathing) { nm.PathEM = new PathELManager(el, nm.Node); nm.PathEM.Start(); el = nm.PathEM.CreatePath(); PType path_p = PType.Protocol.Pathing; nm.Node.DemuxHandler.GetTypeSource(path_p).Subscribe(nm.PathEM, path_p); } if(_secure_edges) { node.EdgeVerifyMethod = EdgeVerify.AddressInSubjectAltName; el = new SecureEdgeListener(el, nm.SO); } node.AddEdgeListener(el); if(!_start) { node.RemoteTAs = GetRemoteTAs(); } IRelayOverlap ito = null; if(NCEnable) { nm.NCService = new NCService(node, new Point()); // My evaluations show that when this is enabled the system sucks // (node as StructuredNode).Sco.TargetSelector = new VivaldiTargetSelector(node, ncservice); ito = new NCRelayOverlap(nm.NCService); } else { ito = new SimpleRelayOverlap(); } if(_broken != 0) { el = new Relay.RelayEdgeListener(node, ito); if(_secure_edges) { el = new SecureEdgeListener(el, nm.SO); } node.AddEdgeListener(el); } BroadcastHandler bhandler = new BroadcastHandler(node as StructuredNode); node.DemuxHandler.GetTypeSource(BroadcastSender.PType).Subscribe(bhandler, null); node.DemuxHandler.GetTypeSource(SimBroadcastPType).Subscribe(SimBroadcastHandler, null); // Enables Dht data store new TableServer(node); nm.Dht = new Dht(node, 3, 20); nm.DhtProxy = new RpcDhtProxy(nm.Dht, node); return node; }
/// <summary>Always returns the fastest non-tunnel, overlapping address.</summary> public override Address EvaluatePotentialOverlap(IDictionary msg) { Address best_addr = null; double best_latency = double.MaxValue; Address their_best_addr = null; double their_best_latency = double.MaxValue; foreach(DictionaryEntry de in msg) { MemBlock key = de.Key as MemBlock; if(key == null) { key = MemBlock.Reference((byte[]) de.Key); } Address addr = new AHAddress(key); IDictionary info = de.Value as IDictionary; TransportAddress.TAType tatype = TransportAddressFactory.StringToType(info["ta"] as string); if(tatype.Equals(TransportAddress.TAType.Tunnel)) { continue; } double latency = _ncservice.GetMeasuredLatency(addr); if(latency > 0 && latency < best_latency) { best_addr = addr; best_latency = latency; } if(!info.Contains("lat")) { continue; } latency = (double) info["lat"]; if(latency > 0 && latency < their_best_latency) { their_best_addr = addr; their_best_latency = latency; } } best_addr = their_best_latency < best_latency ? their_best_addr : best_addr; return best_addr == null ? base.EvaluatePotentialOverlap(msg) : best_addr; }
///<summary>Add a new specific node to the simulation.</summary> public virtual Node AddNode(int id, AHAddress address) { StructuredNode node = PrepareNode(id, address); if(!_start) { node.Connect(); } CurrentNetworkSize++; return node; }