예제 #1
  * Map method to add CachEntry to CacheList
  * @param map_arg [content,alpha,start,end]
 public override void Map(Channel q, object map_arg) {
   IList arg = map_arg as IList;	    
   object input = arg[0];
   double alpha = (double)arg[1]; //replication factor
   string st = arg[2] as string;  // start brunet address of range
   string ed = arg[3] as string;  // end brunet address of range 
   AHAddress a = (AHAddress)AddressParser.Parse(st);
   AHAddress b = (AHAddress)AddressParser.Parse(ed);
   Entry ce = new Entry(input, alpha, a, b);
   int result = 0;   // if caching is successful, result will set to 1.
   int previous_count = _cl.Count;
   try {
     if( _cl.Insert(ce) ) {
       result = 1;
     else {
       result = 0;
   catch {
     result = 0;
   if (_cl.Count > previous_count) { result = 1; }
   IDictionary my_entry = new ListDictionary();
예제 #2
 public override void Map(Channel q, object map_arg) {
   IList retval = new ArrayList();
   IDictionary my_entry = new ListDictionary();
   my_entry["node"] = _node.Address.ToString();
예제 #3
    public override void Reduce(Channel q, object reduce_arg, 
                                  object current_result, RpcResult child_rpc) {

      bool done = false;
      //ISender child_sender = child_rpc.ResultSender;
      //the following can throw an exception, will be handled by the framework
      object child_result = child_rpc.Result;
      //child result is a valid result
      if (current_result == null) {
        q.Enqueue(new Brunet.Collections.Pair<object, bool>(child_result, done));
      IDictionary my_entry = current_result as IDictionary;
      IDictionary value = child_result as IDictionary;
      int max_height = (int) my_entry["height"];
      int count = (int) my_entry["count"];

      int y = (int) value["count"];
      my_entry["count"] = count + y;
      int z = (int) value["height"] + 1;
      if (z > max_height) {
        my_entry["height"] = z; 
      q.Enqueue(new Brunet.Collections.Pair<object, bool>(my_entry, done));
예제 #4
    public override void Reduce(Channel q, object reduce_arg, 
                                  object current_result, RpcResult child_rpc) {

      bool done = false;
      ISender child_sender = child_rpc.ResultSender;
      //the following can throw an exception, will be handled by the framework
      object child_result = child_rpc.Result;

      //child result is a valid result
      if (current_result == null) {
        q.Enqueue(new Brunet.Collections.Pair<object, bool>(child_result, done));

      ArrayList retval = current_result as ArrayList;
      IDictionary my_entry = (IDictionary) retval[0];
      my_entry["next_con"] = child_sender.ToUri();
      retval.AddRange((IList) child_result);
      if (LogEnabled) {
                          String.Format("{0}: {1}, reduce list count: {2}.", this.TaskName, _node.Address, retval.Count));
      q.Enqueue(new Brunet.Collections.Pair<object, bool>(retval, done));
예제 #5
파일: AllToAll.cs 프로젝트: pstjuste/brunet
    override public void Start() {
      foreach(NodeMapping nm_from in Nodes.Values) {
        foreach(NodeMapping nm_to in Nodes.Values) {
          if(nm_from == nm_to) {

          ISender sender = null;
          if(Secure) {
            sender = nm_from.Sso.GetSecureSender(nm_to.Node.Address);
          } else {
            sender = new AHGreedySender(nm_from.Node, nm_to.Node.Address);

          Channel q = new Channel(1);
          q.CloseEvent += Callback;
          try {
            nm_from.Node.Rpc.Invoke(sender, q, "sys:link.Ping", 0);
          } catch {
예제 #6
파일: DhtGet.cs 프로젝트: pstjuste/brunet
    override public void Start()
      Channel returns = new Channel();
      returns.EnqueueEvent += delegate(object o, EventArgs ea) {
        while(returns.Count > 0) {
          Hashtable result = null;
          try {
            result = returns.Dequeue() as Hashtable;
          } catch {

          byte[] res = result["value"] as byte[];
          if(res != null) {
        if(_enqueue != null) {
          _enqueue(this, EventArgs.Empty);

      returns.CloseEvent += delegate(object o, EventArgs ea) {

      Dht dht = new Dht(Node, 3, 20);
      dht.AsyncGet(Key, returns);
예제 #7
         * @param e Edge to close
         * @param cm message to send to other node
         * This method is used if we want to use a particular CloseMessage
         * If not, we can use the method with the same name with one fewer
         * parameters
        public void GracefullyClose(Edge e, string message)
             * Close any connection on this edge, and
             * put the edge into the list of unconnected edges

            ListDictionary close_info = new ListDictionary();
            string         reason     = message;

            if (reason != String.Empty)
                close_info["reason"] = reason;
            ProtocolLog.WriteIf(ProtocolLog.EdgeClose, String.Format(
                                    "GracefulCLose - " + e + ": " + reason));

            var          results  = new BCon.Channel(1);
            EventHandler close_eh = delegate(object o, EventArgs args) {

            results.CloseEvent += close_eh;
            try {
                _rpc.Invoke(e, results, "sys:link.Close", close_info);
            catch { Close(e); }
예제 #8
 /// <summary>Seek TAs.</summary>
 protected override void SeekTAs(DateTime now)
   Channel queue = new Channel();
   queue.EnqueueEvent += HandleSeekTAs;
   try {
     ISender mcs = _iphandler.CreateMulticastSender();
     _rpc.Invoke(mcs, queue, RPC_CLASS + ".SeekTAs", _realm);
   } catch(SendException) {
      * On planetlab, it is not uncommon to have a node that does not allow
      * Multicast, and it will throw an exception here.  We just ignore this
      * information for now.  If we don't the heartbeatevent in the node
      * will not execute properly.
예제 #9
파일: DhtPut.cs 프로젝트: pstjuste/brunet
 override public void Start()
   Channel returns = new Channel();
   returns.CloseEvent += delegate(object o, EventArgs ea) {
     try {
       bool success = (bool) returns.Dequeue();
       _result = new DhtPutResult(success, null);
     } catch (Exception e) {
       _result = new DhtPutResult(false, e);
     } finally {
   Dht dht = new Dht(Node, 3, 20);
   dht.AsyncPut(Key, Value, Ttl, returns);
예제 #10
 /** Greedy routing.  gen_arg is the Address of the destination
 public override void GenerateTree(Channel q, MapReduceArgs mr_args) {
   object gen_arg = mr_args.GenArg;
   Log("{0}: {1}, greedy generator called, arg: {2}.", 
       this.TaskName, _node.Address, gen_arg);
   string address = gen_arg as string;
   AHAddress a =  (AHAddress) AddressParser.Parse(address);
   ArrayList retval = new ArrayList();
   ConnectionTable tab = _node.ConnectionTable;
   ConnectionList structs = tab.GetConnections(ConnectionType.Structured);
   Connection next_closest = structs.GetNearestTo((AHAddress) _node.Address, a);
   if (next_closest != null) {
     //arguments do not change at all
     MapReduceInfo mr_info = new MapReduceInfo(next_closest.State.Edge, mr_args);
   Log("{0}: {1}, greedy generator returning: {2} senders.", 
       this.TaskName, _node.Address, retval.Count);
   //Send the result:
예제 #11
  * Map method to add CachEntry to CacheList
  * @param map_arg [pattern, query_type]
 public override void Map(Channel q, object map_arg) {
   IList map_args = (IList)map_arg;
   string query_type = (string)(map_args[0]);
   Converter<object,QueryMatcher> qmf = null;
   if( _mut.State.QMFact.TryGetValue(query_type, out qmf) ) {
     QueryMatcher qm = qmf(map_args[1]); //I need to implement the code that map_args[1] includes x and y coordinate, map_args[1] will be Arraylist.
     var my_entry = new ListDictionary();
     var results = new ArrayList();
     foreach(Entry e in _cl.MState.State.Data) {
       object cont = e.Content;
       if(qm.Match(cont)) {
     my_entry["query_result"] = results;
     my_entry["count"] = 1;
     my_entry["height"] = 1;
   else {
     q.Enqueue(new AdrException(-32608, "No Deetoo match option with this name: " +  query_type) );
예제 #12
         * Check all the edges in the ConnectionTable and see if any of them
         * need to be pinged or closed.
         * This method is connected to the heartbeat event.
        virtual protected void CheckEdgesCallback(object node, EventArgs args)
            DateTime now = DateTime.UtcNow;

            //_connection_timeout = ComputeDynamicTimeout();
            _connection_timeout = MAX_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT;

             * If we haven't heard from any of these people in this time,
             * we ping them, and if we don't get a response, we close them
            foreach (Connection c in _connection_table)
                Edge     e             = c.Edge;
                TimeSpan since_last_in = now - e.LastInPacketDateTime;
                if ((1 == _send_pings) && (since_last_in > _connection_timeout))
                    object       ping_arg = String.Empty;
                    DateTime     start    = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    EventHandler on_close = delegate(object q, EventArgs cargs) {
                        BCon.Channel qu = (BCon.Channel)q;
                        if (qu.Count == 0)
                            /* we never got a response! */
                            if (!e.IsClosed)
                                //We are going to close it after waiting:
                                ProtocolLog.WriteIf(ProtocolLog.NodeLog, String.Format(
                                                        "On an edge timeout({1}), closing connection: {0}",
                                                        c, DateTime.UtcNow - start));
                                //Make sure it is indeed closed.
                                //The edge was closed somewhere else, so it
                                //didn't timeout.
                            //We got a response, let's make sure it's not an exception:
                            bool close = false;
                            try {
                                RpcResult r = (RpcResult)qu.Dequeue();
                                object    o = r.Result; //This will throw an exception if there was a problem
                                if (!o.Equals(ping_arg))
                                    //Something is wrong with the other node:
                                    ProtocolLog.WriteIf(ProtocolLog.NodeLog, String.Format(
                                                            "Ping({0}) != {1} on {2}", ping_arg, o, c));
                                    close = true;
                            catch (Exception x) {
                                ProtocolLog.WriteIf(ProtocolLog.Exceptions, String.Format(
                                                        "Ping on {0}: resulted in: {1}", c, x));
                                close = true;
                            if (close)
                    BCon.Channel tmp_queue = new BCon.Channel(1);
                    tmp_queue.CloseEvent += on_close;
                    //Do the ping
                    try {
                        _rpc.Invoke(e, tmp_queue, "sys:link.Ping", ping_arg);
                    catch (EdgeClosedException) {
                        //Just ignore closed edges, clearly we can't ping them
                    catch (EdgeException x) {
                        if (!x.IsTransient)
                            //Go ahead and close the Edge
            foreach (Edge e in _connection_table.GetUnconnectedEdges())
                if (now - e.LastInPacketDateTime > _unconnected_timeout)
                    if (ProtocolLog.Connections.Enabled)
                        ProtocolLog.Write(ProtocolLog.Connections, String.Format(
                                              "Closed an unconnected edge: {0}", e));
예제 #13
     * Generates tree for bounded broadcast. Algorithm works as follows:
     * The goal is to broadcast to all nodes in range (start, end).
     * Given a range (a, b), determine all connections that belong to this range.
     * Let the left connections be l_1, l_2, ..... l_n.
     * Let the right connections be r_1, r_2, ... , r_n.
     * To left connection l_i assign the range [b_{i-1}, b_i).
     * To right connection r_i assign the range [r_i, r_{i-1}]
     * To the connection ln assign range [l_{n-1}, end)
     * To the connection rn assign range (start, r_{n-1}]
    public override void GenerateTree(Channel q, MapReduceArgs mr_args)  
      ArrayList gen_list = mr_args.GenArg as ArrayList;
      string start_range = gen_list[0] as string;
      AHAddress start_addr = (AHAddress) AddressParser.Parse(start_range);
      AHAddress end_addr;
      string end_range;
      /// If users do not specify an end range, this method understands 
      /// that users intend to broadcasting the whole range.
      /// Thus, the address of end range is set to (start_address - 2), 
      /// the farthest address from the start_addr.
      if (gen_list.Count < 2)  {
        BigInteger start_int = start_addr.ToBigInteger();
        BigInteger end_int = start_int -2;
        end_addr = new AHAddress(end_int);
        end_range = end_addr.ToString();
      else {
        end_range = gen_list[1] as string;
        end_addr = (AHAddress) AddressParser.Parse(end_range);
      Log("generating child tree, range start: {0}, range end: {1}.", start_range, end_range);
      //we are at the start node, here we go:
      ConnectionTable tab = _node.ConnectionTable;
      ConnectionList structs = tab.GetConnections(ConnectionType.Structured);
      List<MapReduceInfo> retval = new List<MapReduceInfo>();

      if (InRange(_this_addr, start_addr, end_addr)) {
        if (structs.Count > 0) {
          //make connection list in the range.
          //left connection list is a list of neighbors which are in the range (this node, end of range)
          //right connection list is a list of neighbors which are in the range (start of range, this node)
          Brunet.Collections.Pair<List<Connection>,List<Connection>> cons = GetConnectionInfo(_this_addr, start_addr, end_addr, structs);
          List<Connection> left_cons =  cons.First as List<Connection>;
          List<Connection> right_cons = cons.Second as List<Connection>;
          retval = GenerateTreeInRange(start_addr, end_addr, left_cons, true, mr_args);
          List<MapReduceInfo> ret_right = GenerateTreeInRange(start_addr, end_addr, right_cons, false, mr_args);
        else {  //this node is a leaf node.
          //MapReduceInfo mr_info = null;
          //Console.WriteLine("no connection in the range: return null info");
      else { // _node is out of range. Just pass it to the closest to the middle of range.
        retval = GenerateTreeOutRange(start_addr, end_addr, mr_args);
      q.Enqueue( retval.ToArray());
예제 #14
  * Call the GetStatus method on the given connection
 protected void CallGetStatus(string type, Connection c) {
   ConnectionTable tab = this.ConnectionTable;
   if( c != null ) {
     StatusMessage req = GetStatus(type, c.Address);
     Channel stat_res = new Channel(1);
     EventHandler handle_result = delegate(object q, EventArgs eargs) {
       try {
         RpcResult r = (RpcResult)stat_res.Dequeue();
         StatusMessage sm = new StatusMessage( (IDictionary)r.Result );
         tab.UpdateStatus(c, sm);
       catch(Exception) {
         //Looks like lc disappeared before we could update it
     stat_res.CloseEvent += handle_result;
     _rpc.Invoke(c.Edge, stat_res, "sys:link.GetStatus", req.ToDictionary() );
예제 #15
      public void HandleEC(bool succ, Edge e, Exception x) {
        if(!succ) {
          ECB(false, null, x);
        } else if(_root) {
          Interlocked.Increment(ref _pel._count);
          e.CloseEvent += _pel.CloseHandler;
          ECB(succ, e, x);

         * Got the underlying Edge, now do the path protocol
        Channel results = new Channel(1);
        results.CloseEvent += delegate(object q, EventArgs args) {
          try {
            RpcResult res = (RpcResult)results.Dequeue();
            object o = res.Result;
            if(o is Exception) {
              throw (o as Exception);
          } catch(Exception cx) {
            ECB(false, null, cx);

          //If we get here, everything looks good:
          PathEdge pe = new PathEdge(_pel._pem, e, LocalPath, RemotePath);
          //Start sending e's packets into pe
          pe.CloseEvent += _pel.CloseHandler;
          Interlocked.Increment(ref _pel._count);
          ECB(true, pe, null);

        //Make sure we hear the packets on this edge:
        e.Subscribe(_pel._pem, null);
        //Now make the rpc call:
        _pel._pem.Rpc.Invoke(e, results, "sys:pathing.create", LocalPath, RemotePath ); 
예제 #16
   * This is a recursive function over the network
   * It helps to build an IList of IDictionary types that give the address
   * of each node in the path, and the connection to the next closest node if
   * there is one, otherwise no next.
  protected void DoTraceRouteTo(AHAddress a, object req_state) {
     * First find the Connection pointing to the node closest to dest, if
     * there is one closer than us

    ConnectionTable tab = _node.ConnectionTable;
    ConnectionList structs = tab.GetConnections(ConnectionType.Structured);
    Connection next_closest = structs.GetNearestTo((AHAddress) _node.Address, a);
    //Okay, we have the next closest:
    ListDictionary my_entry = new ListDictionary();
    my_entry["node"] = _node.Address.ToString();
    if( next_closest != null ) {
      my_entry["next_con"] = next_closest.ToString();
      Channel result = new Channel();
      //We only want one result, so close the queue after we get the first
      result.CloseEvent += delegate(object o, EventArgs args) {
        Channel q = (Channel)o;
        if( q.Count > 0 ) {
          try {
            RpcResult rres = (RpcResult)q.Dequeue();
            IList l = (IList) rres.Result;
            ArrayList results = new ArrayList( l.Count + 1);
            _rpc.SendResult(req_state, results);
          catch(Exception x) {
            string m = String.Format("<node>{0}</node> trying <connection>{1}</connection> got <exception>{2}</exception>", _node.Address, next_closest, x);
            Exception nx = new Exception(m);
            _rpc.SendResult(req_state, nx);
        else {
          //We got no results.
          IList l = new ArrayList(1);
          l.Add( my_entry );
          _rpc.SendResult(req_state, l);
      _rpc.Invoke(next_closest.State.Edge, result, "trace.GetRouteTo", a.ToString());
    else {
      //We are the end of the line, send the result:
      ArrayList l = new ArrayList();
      _rpc.SendResult(req_state, l);  
예제 #17
파일: Connection.cs 프로젝트: hseom/brunet
 /*** Gracefully close this connection, if it is not already disconnected.
  * Idempotent (calling it twice is the same as once).
  * @return the old state, new state pair.
 public Pair<ConnectionState,ConnectionState> Close(BM.RpcManager rpc, string reason) {
   var old_new = Abort();
   if( old_new.First.Disconnected != true ) {
     //Now try to tell the other node:
     var close_info = new ListDictionary(); 
     if( reason != String.Empty ) {
       close_info["reason"] = reason;
     Edge e = old_new.Second.Edge;
     var results = new Channel(1);
     //Either the RPC call times out, or we get a response.
     results.CloseEvent += delegate(object o, EventArgs args) {
     try { rpc.Invoke(e, results, "sys:link.Close", close_info); }
     catch { e.Close(); }
   return old_new;
예제 #18
파일: Simulator.cs 프로젝트: bakriy/brunet
      protected void CrawlNext(Address addr) {
        bool finished = false;
        if(_log && _crawled.Count < _count) {
          Console.WriteLine("Current address: " + addr);
        if(_crawled.ContainsKey(addr)) {
          finished = true;
        } else {
          _crawled.Add(addr, true);
          try {
            ISender sender = null;
            if(_bso != null) {
              sender = _bso.GetSecureSender(addr);
            } else {
              sender = new AHGreedySender(_node, addr);

            Channel q = new Channel(1);
            q.CloseEvent += CrawlHandler;
            _node.Rpc.Invoke(sender, q, "sys:link.GetNeighbors");
          } catch(Exception e) {
            if(_log) {
              Console.WriteLine("Crawl failed" + e);
            finished = true;

        if(finished) {
          Interlocked.Exchange(ref _done, 1);
          if(_log) {
            Console.WriteLine("Crawl stats: {0}/{1}", _crawled.Count, _count);
            Console.WriteLine("Consistency: {0}/{1}", _consistency, _crawled.Count);
            Console.WriteLine("Finished in: {0}", (DateTime.UtcNow - _start));
예제 #19
     * Generates tree for bounded broadcast. Algorithm works as follows:
     * The goal is to broadcast to all nodes in range [local_address, end).
     * Given a range [local_address, b), determine all connections that belong to this range.
     * Let the connections be b_1, b_2, ..... b_n.
     * To connection bi assign the range [b_i, b_{i+1}).
     * To the connection bn assign range [b_n, end).]
    public override void GenerateTree(Channel q, MapReduceArgs mr_args) 
      object gen_arg = mr_args.GenArg;
      string end_range = gen_arg as string;
      Log("generating child tree, range end: {0}.", end_range);
      AHAddress end_addr = (AHAddress) AddressParser.Parse(end_range);
      AHAddress start_addr = _node.Address as AHAddress;
      //we are at the start node, here we go:
      ConnectionTable tab = _node.ConnectionTable;
      ConnectionList structs = tab.GetConnections(ConnectionType.Structured);
      ArrayList retval = new ArrayList();

      if (structs.Count > 0) {
        Connection curr_con = structs.GetLeftNeighborOf(_node.Address);
        int curr_idx = structs.IndexOf(curr_con.Address);
        //keep going until we leave the range
        int count = 0;
        List<Connection> con_list = new List<Connection>();
        //ArrayList con_list = new ArrayList();
        while (count++ < structs.Count && ((AHAddress) curr_con.Address).IsBetweenFromLeft(start_addr, end_addr)) {
          //Log("adding connection: {0} to list.", curr_con.Address);
          curr_idx  = (curr_idx + 1)%structs.Count;
          curr_con = structs[curr_idx];
        Log("{0}: {1}, number of child connections: {2}", 
            this.TaskName, _node.Address, con_list.Count);
        for (int i = 0; i < con_list.Count; i++) {
          MapReduceInfo mr_info = null;
          ISender sender = null;
          Connection con = (Connection) con_list[i];
          sender = con.State.Edge;
          //check if last connection
          if (i == con_list.Count - 1) {
            mr_info = new MapReduceInfo( (ISender) sender, 
                                         new MapReduceArgs(this.TaskName, 
                                                           mr_args.MapArg, //map argument
                                                           end_range, //generate argument
                                                           mr_args.ReduceArg //reduce argument
            Log("{0}: {1}, adding address: {2} to sender list, range end: {3}", 
                this.TaskName, _node.Address, 
                con.Address, end_range);
          else {
            string child_end = ((Connection) con_list[i+1]).Address.ToString();
            mr_info = new MapReduceInfo( sender,
                                         new MapReduceArgs(this.TaskName,
            Log("{0}: {1}, adding address: {2} to sender list, range end: {3}", 
                this.TaskName, _node.Address, 
                con.Address, child_end);
      q.Enqueue( retval.ToArray(typeof(MapReduceInfo)));
예제 #20
    override public void Start() {
          String.Format("{0}: Starting Connector: {1}, {2}",
            _local_node.Address, _sender, State));
      AbortCheck ac = _abort.Value;
      if( ac != null ) {
        if( ac(this) ) {
          //We are no longer needed:
          QueueCloseHandler(null, null);
      RpcManager rpc = _local_node.Rpc;

      Channel results = new Channel();
      results.EnqueueEvent += this.EnqueueHandler;
      results.CloseEvent += this.QueueCloseHandler;
      rpc.Invoke(_sender, results, "sys:ctm.ConnectTo", _ctm.ToDictionary() );
예제 #21
  public void ChannelTests() {
    Channel c0 = new Channel();
    bool e_event_fired = false;
    c0.EnqueueEvent += delegate(object o, EventArgs arg) {
      e_event_fired = true;
    bool c_event_fired = false;
    c0.CloseEvent += delegate(object o, EventArgs arg) {
      c_event_fired = true;
    Assert.IsTrue(c_event_fired, "CloseEvent");

    c0 = new Channel();
    c_event_fired = false;
    c0.CloseEvent += delegate(object o, EventArgs arg) {
      c_event_fired = true;
    c0.Enqueue(1); //This should close the channel:
    Assert.IsTrue(c_event_fired, "CloseEvent on Enqueue");
    Assert.IsTrue(c0.Closed, "Closed");
    c0 = new Channel(1);
    c_event_fired = false;
    c0.CloseEvent += delegate(object o, EventArgs arg) {
      c_event_fired = true;
    c0.Enqueue(1); //This should close the channel:
    Assert.IsTrue(c_event_fired, "CloseEvent on Enqueue");
    Assert.IsTrue(c0.Closed, "Closed");
    //Try with different starting values:
    Random r = new Random();
    int en_count;
    for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
      int max_enqueues = r.Next(1, 1000);
      c0 = new Channel(max_enqueues);
      c_event_fired = false;
      en_count = 0;
      c0.CloseEvent += delegate(object o, EventArgs arg) {
        c_event_fired = true;
      c0.EnqueueEvent += delegate(object o, EventArgs arg) {
      for(int j = 0; j < max_enqueues; j++) {
      Assert.IsTrue(c_event_fired, "CloseEvent on Enqueue");
      Assert.AreEqual(en_count, max_enqueues, "EnqueueEvent count");
      Assert.IsTrue(c0.Closed, "Closed");
      try {
        Assert.IsTrue(false, "Enqueue after close didn't fail");
      catch {
        Assert.IsTrue(true, "Enqueue after close Got exception");

예제 #22
    public override void Start() {
      //Make sure the Node is listening to this node
      try {
        //This will throw an exception if _e is already closed:
        _e.CloseEvent += this.CloseHandler; 
        //_e must not be closed, let's start listening to it:
        _e.Subscribe(_node, _e);
        /* Make the call */
        Channel results = new Channel();
        results.CloseEvent += this.LinkCloseHandler;
        RpcManager rpc = _node.Rpc;
	if(ProtocolLog.LinkDebug.Enabled) {
			    String.Format("LPS target: {0} Invoking Start() over edge: {1}", _linker.Target, _e));
        rpc.Invoke(_e, results, "sys:link.Start", MakeLM().ToDictionary() );
      catch (Exception e) {
        //The Edge must have closed, move on to the next TA
	if(ProtocolLog.LinkDebug.Enabled) {
			    String.Format("LPS target: {0} Start() over edge: {1}, hit exception: {2}", 
					  _linker.Target, _e, e));
예제 #23
     * When we get a response to the sys:link method, this handled
     * is called
    protected void LinkCloseHandler(object q, EventArgs args) {
      try {
        Channel resq = (Channel)q;
        //If the Channel is empty this will throw an exception:
        RpcResult res = (RpcResult)resq.Dequeue();
        /* Here's the LinkMessage response */
        LinkMessage lm = new LinkMessage( (IDictionary)res.Result );
         * This will set our LinkMessageReply variable.  It can
         * only be set once, so all future sets will fail.  It
         * will also make sure we have the lock on the target.
         * If we don't, that will throw an exception
        //If we got here, we have our response and the Lock on _target_address
        StatusMessage sm = _node.GetStatus(_contype, lm.Local.Address);
        /* Make the call */
        Channel results = new Channel();
        results.CloseEvent += this.StatusCloseHandler;
        RpcManager rpc = _node.Rpc;
	if (ProtocolLog.LinkDebug.Enabled) {
                  "LPS target: {0} Invoking GetStatus() over edge: {1}",
                  _linker.Target, _e));
         * This could throw an exception if the Edge is closed
        rpc.Invoke(_e, results, "sys:link.GetStatus", sm.ToDictionary() );
      catch(AdrException x) {
         * This happens when the RPC call has some kind of issue,
         * first we check for common error conditions:
        _x.Value = x;
        Finish( GetResultForErrorCode(x.Code) );
      catch(ConnectionExistsException x) {
        /* We already have a connection */
        _x.Value = x;
        Finish( Result.ProtocolError );
      catch(CTLockException x) {
        //This is thrown when ConnectionTable cannot lock.  Lets try again:
        _x.Value = x;
        Finish( Result.RetryThisTA );
      catch(LinkException x) {
        _x.Value = x;
        if( x.IsCritical ) { Finish( Result.MoveToNextTA ); }
        else { Finish( Result.RetryThisTA ); }
      catch(InvalidOperationException) {
        //The queue never got anything
      catch(EdgeException) {
        //The Edge is goofy, let's move on:
      catch(Exception x) {
        //The protocol was not followed correctly by the other node, fail
        _x.Value = x;
        Finish( Result.RetryThisTA );
예제 #24
 public override void Map(Channel q, object map_arg) {
   IDictionary my_entry = new ListDictionary();
   my_entry["count"] = 1;
   my_entry["height"] = 1;
   q.Enqueue( my_entry );
예제 #25
 public override void Reduce(Channel q, object reduce_arg, object current_val, RpcResult child_r) {
   var rest = child_r.Result as IEnumerable;
   //If we get here, the child didn't throw an exception
   var result = new ArrayList();
   AddEnum(result, current_val as IEnumerable);
   AddEnum(result, rest);
   q.Enqueue(new Pair<object, bool>(result, false));
예제 #26
파일: Simulator.cs 프로젝트: bakriy/brunet
      public void Start() {
        foreach(NodeMapping nm_from in _nodes.Values) {
          foreach(NodeMapping nm_to in _nodes.Values) {
            if(nm_from == nm_to) {

            ISender sender = null;
            if(_secure) {
              sender = nm_from.Sso.GetSecureSender(nm_to.Node.Address);
            } else {
              sender = new AHGreedySender(nm_from.Node, nm_to.Node.Address);

            Channel q = new Channel(1);
            q.CloseEvent += Callback;
            try {
              nm_from.Node.Rpc.Invoke(sender, q, "sys:link.Ping", 0);
            } catch {
//            } catch(Exception e) {
//              Console.WriteLine(e);
예제 #27
 /// <summary>Starts a test on the specified node.</summary>
 protected void Invoke(Address addr)
   Channel q = new Channel(1);
   q.CloseEvent += delegate(object send, EventArgs ea) {
     RpcResult result = null;
     if(q.Count > 0) {
       result = q.Dequeue() as RpcResult;
     ProcessResults(addr, result);
   AHSender sender = new AHGreedySender(_node, addr);
   _node.Rpc.Invoke(sender, q, "sys:link.GetNeighbors");
예제 #28
파일: Simulator.cs 프로젝트: bakriy/brunet
      public void Start()
        Channel returns = new Channel();
        returns.CloseEvent += delegate(object o, EventArgs ea) {
          try {
            _successful = (bool) returns.Dequeue();
          } catch {

          _done = true;
          if(_callback != null) {
            _callback(this, EventArgs.Empty);
        Dht dht = new Dht(_node, 3, 20);
        dht.AsyncPut(_key, _value, _ttl, returns);
예제 #29
   * This is a recursive function over the network
   * It helps do a link-reliable procedure call on the
   * on the overlay network.
  protected void RecursiveCall(IList margs, object req_state) {
    //first argument is the target node.
    AHAddress a = (AHAddress) AddressParser.Parse( (string) margs[0]);
     * First find the Connection pointing to the node closest to dest, if
     * there is one closer than us

    ConnectionTable tab = _node.ConnectionTable;
    ConnectionList structs = tab.GetConnections(ConnectionType.Structured);
    Connection next_closest = structs.GetNearestTo((AHAddress) _node.Address, a);
    //Okay, we have the next closest:
    if( next_closest != null ) {
      Channel result = new Channel();
      //We only want one result, so close the queue after we get the first
      result.CloseEvent += delegate(object o, EventArgs args) {
        Channel q = (Channel)o;
        if( q.Count > 0 ) {
          try {
            RpcResult rres = (RpcResult)q.Dequeue();
            _rpc.SendResult(req_state, rres.Result);
          catch(Exception x) {
            string m = String.Format("<node>{0}</node> trying <connection>{1}</connection> got <exception>{2}</exception>", _node.Address, next_closest, x);
            Exception nx = new Exception(m);
            _rpc.SendResult(req_state, nx);
        else {
          //We got no results.
          _rpc.SendResult(req_state, null);
      object [] new_args = new object[margs.Count];
      margs.CopyTo(new_args, 0);
      _rpc.Invoke(next_closest.State.Edge, result, "trace.RecursiveCall", new_args);
    else {
      //We are the end of the line, send the result:
      //Console.Error.WriteLine("Doing a local invocation");
      Channel result = new Channel();
      result.CloseEvent += delegate(object o, EventArgs args) {
        Channel q = (Channel)o;
        if( q.Count > 0 ) {
          try {
            //Console.Error.WriteLine("Got result.");
            RpcResult rres = (RpcResult)q.Dequeue();
            _rpc.SendResult(req_state, rres.Result);
          catch(Exception x) {
            string m = String.Format("<node>{0}</node> local invocation got <exception>{1}</exception>", _node.Address, x);
            Exception nx = new Exception(m);
            _rpc.SendResult(req_state, nx);
        else {
          //We got no results.
          _rpc.SendResult(req_state, null);

      string method_name = (string) margs[1];
      object [] new_args = new object[margs.Count - 2];
      margs.RemoveAt(0);//extract destination address
      margs.RemoveAt(0); //extract method name
      margs.CopyTo(new_args, 0);
      //Console.Error.WriteLine("Calling method: {0}, args_count: {1}", method_name, new_args.Length);
      //for (int i = 0; i < new_args.Length; i++) {
      _rpc.Invoke(_node, result, method_name, new_args);
예제 #30
     * This informs all the ConnectionOverlord objects
     * to not respond to loss of edges, then to issue
     * close messages to all the edges
    protected void Leave()
      if(ProtocolLog.NodeLog.Enabled) {
        ProtocolLog.Write(ProtocolLog.NodeLog, String.Format(
          "In StructuredNode.Leave: {0}", this.Address));

      //Stop notifying neighbors of disconnection, we are the one leaving
      _connection_table.DisconnectionEvent -= this.UpdateNeighborStatus;

      //Gracefully close all the edges:
      _connection_table.Close(); //This makes sure we can't add any new connections.
      ArrayList edges_to_close = new ArrayList();
      foreach(Edge e in _connection_table.GetUnconnectedEdges() ) {
        edges_to_close.Add( e );
      //There is no way unconnected edges could have become Connections,
      //so we should put the connections in last.
      foreach(Connection c in _connection_table) {
        edges_to_close.Add( c.Edge );
      //edges_to_close has all the connections and unconnected edges.
      IList copy = edges_to_close.ToArray();

      //Make sure multiple readers and writers won't have problems:
      edges_to_close = ArrayList.Synchronized( edges_to_close );

      EventHandler ch = delegate(object o, EventArgs a) {
          ProtocolLog.Write(ProtocolLog.NodeLog, String.Format(
            "{1} Handling Close of: {0}", o, this.Address));
        if( edges_to_close.Count == 0 ) {
            ProtocolLog.Write(ProtocolLog.NodeLog, String.Format(
              "Node({0}) Stopping all EdgeListeners", Address));
        ProtocolLog.Write(ProtocolLog.NodeLog, String.Format(
          "{0} About to gracefully close all edges", this.Address));
      //Use just one of these for all the calls:
      IDictionary carg = new ListDictionary();
      carg["reason"] = "disconnecting";
      for(int i = 0; i < copy.Count; i++) {
        Edge e = (Edge)copy[i];
        if(ProtocolLog.NodeLog.Enabled) {
          ProtocolLog.Write(ProtocolLog.NodeLog, String.Format(
            "{0} Closing: [{1} of {2}]: {3}", this.Address, i, copy.Count, e));
        try {
          e.CloseEvent += ch;
          Channel res_q = new Channel(1);
          DateTime start_time = DateTime.UtcNow;
          res_q.CloseEvent += delegate(object o, EventArgs arg) {
              ProtocolLog.Write(ProtocolLog.NodeLog, String.Format(
                "Close on edge: {0} took: {1}", e, (DateTime.UtcNow - start_time))); 
          try {
            _rpc.Invoke(e, res_q, "sys:link.Close", carg);
          catch(EdgeException) {
             * It is not strange for the other side to have potentially
             * closed, or some other error be in progress which is why
             * we might have been shutting down in the first place
             * No need to print a message
          catch(Exception x) {
              ProtocolLog.Write(ProtocolLog.Exceptions, String.Format(
                "sys:link.Close({0}) threw: {1}", e, x));
        catch {
      if( copy.Count == 0 ) {
        //There were no edges, go ahead an Stop
          ProtocolLog.Write(ProtocolLog.NodeLog, String.Format(
            "Node({0}) Stopping all EdgeListeners", Address));
예제 #31
     * Reduce method
     * @param reduce_arg argument for reduce
     * @param current_result result of current map 
     * @param child_rpc results from children 
     * @param done if done is true, stop reducing and return result
     * return table of hop count, number of success, tree depth
    public override void Reduce(Channel q, object reduce_arg, 
                                  object current_result, RpcResult child_rpc) {

      bool done = false;
      //ISender child_sender = child_rpc.ResultSender;
      //the following can throw an exception, will be handled by the framework
      object child_result = UNSET;
      try {
        child_result = child_rpc.Result;
      catch(Exception x) {
        if (x.Equals("Child did not return") ) {
          //there might be at least one timeout from children.
	  //Start boundedcasting again
          IDictionary ht;
          string task_name = "Brunet.Services.Deetoo.MapReduceCache;
	  ht["task_name"] = task_name 
	  IDictionary map_arg;
	  IDictionary gen_arg;

	  = (IDictionary) args[0];
          MapReduceArgs mr_args = new MapReduceArgs(ht);
          //string task_name = mr_args.TaskName;
          MapReduceTask task;
          if (_name_to_task.TryGetValue(task_name, out task)) {
            MapReduceComputation mr = new MapReduceComputation(_node, req_state, task, mr_args);
      if( child_result == UNSET ) {
        //The child threw an exception
        q.Enqueue(new Brunet.Collections.Pair<object, bool> (current_result, done));
      //child result is a valid result
      if (current_result == null) {
        q.Enqueue(new Brunet.Collections.Pair<object, bool> (child_result, done));
      //else combine them: 
      IDictionary my_entry = (IDictionary)current_result;
      IDictionary value = (IDictionary)child_result;
      int max_height = (int) my_entry["height"];
      int count = (int) my_entry["count"];
      my_entry["success"] = (int) my_entry["success"] + (int) value["success"];
      int y = (int) value["count"];
      my_entry["count"] = count + y;
      int z = (int) value["height"] + 1;
      if (z > max_height) {
        my_entry["height"] = z; 
      q.Enqueue(new Brunet.Collections.Pair<object, bool>(my_entry,done));
예제 #32
   * This is how you invoke a method on a remote host.
   * Results are put into the Channel.
   * If you want to have an Event based approach, listen to the EnqueueEvent
   * on the Channel you pass for the results.  That will be fired
   * immediately from the thread that gets the result.
   * When a result comes back, we put and RpcResult into the Channel.
   * When you have enough responses, Close the queue (please).  The code
   * will stop sending requests after the queue is closed.  If you never close
   * the queue, this will be wasteful of resources.
   * @param target the sender to use when making the RPC call
   * @param q the Channel into which the RpcResult objects will be placed.
   *            q may be null if you don't care about the response.
   * @param method the Rpc method to call
   * @throw Exception if we cannot send the request for some reason.
  virtual public void Invoke(ISender target, Channel q, string method,
                              params object[] args)
    //build state for the RPC call
    RpcRequestState rs = new RpcRequestState();
    rs.Results = q;
    rs.RpcTarget = target;

    object[] rpc_call = new object[2];
    rpc_call[0] = method;
    if( args != null ) {
      rpc_call[1] = args;
    else {
      //There are no args, which we represent as a zero length list
      rpc_call[1] = new object[0];
    AdrCopyable req_copy = new AdrCopyable(rpc_call);
    Console.Error.WriteLine("[RpcClient: {0}] Invoking method: {1} on target: {2}",
                     _rrman.Info, method, target);
    ICopyable rrpayload = new CopyList( PType.Protocol.Rpc, req_copy ); 
    int reqid = _rrman.SendRequest(target, ReqrepManager.ReqrepType.Request,
                                   rrpayload, this, rs);
    //Make sure we stop this request when the queue is closed.
    if( q != null ) {
      try {
        q.CloseEvent += delegate(object qu, EventArgs eargs) {
          _rrman.StopRequest(reqid, this);
      catch {
        if(q.Closed) {
          _rrman.StopRequest(reqid, this);
        else {