public Ability() { abilityLine = Engine.Engine.GetTexture("UI/Abilities"); abilitySprites = new Sprite[30]; for (int i = 0; i < abilitySprites.Length; i++) { abilitySprites[i] = new Sprite(abilityLine, new IntVec(i, 0)); } }
public static void LoadContent(ContentManager content) { //mainMenuTheme = content.Load<Song>("Audio/Stoneworld Battle"); contentManager = content; notFound = new DynamicTexture(contentManager.Load<Texture2D>("error"), false); foreach (string path in subscribed) { try { textureDictionary[path].texture = contentManager.Load<Texture2D>(path); } catch (ContentLoadException e) { textureDictionary[path].texture = notFound.texture; Engine.Log("Texture '" + path + "' could not be found."); //Engine.Log(e.ToString()); } } ContentLoaded(content); }
public static void LoadContent(ContentManager content) { //mainMenuTheme = content.Load<Song>("Audio/Stoneworld Battle"); contentManager = content; notFound = new DynamicTexture(contentManager.Load <Texture2D>("error"), false); foreach (string path in subscribed) { try { textureDictionary[path].texture = contentManager.Load <Texture2D>(path); } catch (ContentLoadException e) { textureDictionary[path].texture = notFound.texture; Engine.Log("Texture '" + path + "' could not be found."); //Engine.Log(e.ToString()); } } ContentLoaded(content); }
public static DynamicTexture GetTexture(string path) { textureDictionary = textureDictionary ?? new Dictionary <string, DynamicTexture>(); subscribed = subscribed ?? new List <string>(); DynamicTexture result = null; if (!textureDictionary.TryGetValue(path, out result)) { if (contentManager == null) { result = new DynamicTexture(); textureDictionary.Add(path, result); subscribed.Add(path); } else { DynamicTexture newTex; try { newTex = new DynamicTexture(contentManager.Load <Texture2D>(path)); textureDictionary.Add(path, newTex); } catch (ContentLoadException e) { textureDictionary.Add(path, notFound); Engine.Log("Texture '" + path + "' could not be found."); //Engine.Log(e.ToString()); newTex = notFound; } result = newTex; } } return(result); }
public static DynamicTexture GetTexture(string path) { textureDictionary = textureDictionary ?? new Dictionary<string, DynamicTexture>(); subscribed = subscribed ?? new List<string>(); DynamicTexture result = null; if (!textureDictionary.TryGetValue(path, out result)) { if (contentManager == null) { result = new DynamicTexture(); textureDictionary.Add(path, result); subscribed.Add(path); } else { DynamicTexture newTex; try { newTex = new DynamicTexture(contentManager.Load<Texture2D>(path)); textureDictionary.Add(path, newTex); } catch (ContentLoadException e) { textureDictionary.Add(path, notFound); Engine.Log("Texture '" + path + "' could not be found."); //Engine.Log(e.ToString()); newTex = notFound; } result = newTex; } } return result; }
public void update() { if (currentBackTex != null) { IntVec mpos = MouseController.MouseScreenPosition(); bool isMouseOver = mpos.X > pos.X && mpos.X < pos.X + currentBackTex.texture.Width && mpos.Y > pos.Y && mpos.Y < pos.Y + currentBackTex.texture.Height; doToolTip = isMouseOver; if (ability.type == Enums.AbilityTypes.Toggle) { currentBackTex = ((Abilities.Togglable.ToggleAbility)ability).isActive || ability.getCooldown() > 0? highlighted : standard; } } }
public static void AddGridSelections(IntVec[] gridSpaces, DynamicTexture tex) { foreach (IntVec iv in gridSpaces){ gridSelection.Add(new GridSelection(iv, tex)); } }
public static void AddVisualAttack(GameCharacter origin, GameCharacter target, DynamicTexture attackSprite, float startScale = 1, float endScale = 1, float scaleAmount = 0.05f) { IntVec gamePositionOrigin = currentLevel.CharacterEntities.FindPosition(origin) * CELLWIDTH; Vector2 originVector = Vector2.Transform(new Vector2(gamePositionOrigin.X, gamePositionOrigin.Y), worldToView); IntVec gamePositionDest = currentLevel.CharacterEntities.FindPosition(target) * CELLWIDTH; Vector2 destVector = Vector2.Transform(new Vector2(gamePositionDest.X, gamePositionDest.Y), worldToView); if (attackSprite != null) { vattacks.Add(new VisualAttack(originVector, destVector, 5, attackSprite, startScale, endScale, scaleAmount)); } else { vattacks.Add(new VisualAttack(originVector, destVector, 5, "attackSprite")); } }
public VisualAttack(Vector2 screenPosition, Vector2 destination, float speed, string weaponDynTex, float startScale, float endScale, float scaleAmount) { this.screenPosition = screenPosition; this.speed = speed; this.scale = startScale; this.endScale = endScale; this.scaleRate = scaleAmount; tex = Engine.GetTexture(weaponDynTex); this.direction = new Vector2(destination.X, destination.Y) - screenPosition; distance = direction.Length(); angle = (float)Math.Atan2(direction.X, -direction.Y); this.direction.Normalize(); }
public VisualAttack(Vector2 screenPosition, string weaponDynTex, float startScale, float endScale, float scaleAmount) { this.screenPosition = screenPosition; this.scale = startScale; this.endScale = endScale; this.scaleRate = scaleAmount; tex = Engine.GetTexture(weaponDynTex); }
public VisualAttack(Vector2 screenPosition, Vector2 destination, float speed, string weaponSprite = "attackDefault") { this.screenPosition = screenPosition; this.speed = speed; this.scaleRate = 0; this.endScale = 1; tex = Engine.GetTexture(weaponSprite); this.direction = new Vector2(destination.X, destination.Y) - screenPosition; distance = direction.Length(); angle = (float)Math.Atan2(direction.X, -direction.Y); this.direction.Normalize(); }
public UIButton(Vector2 position, bool centered, string drawOverTexture, string caption) { pos = position; if (centered) { pos.X -= Engine.CELLWIDTH / 2;//standard.texture.Width / 2; pos.Y -= Engine.CELLWIDTH / 2;//standard.texture.Height / 2; } if (drawOverTexture != null) { drawOver = Engine.GetTexture(drawOverTexture); doDrawOver = true; } this.caption = caption; currentBackTex = standard.texture; }
public Splash(DynamicTexture t, Vector2 pos, float scaleMax, float scaleMod) { tex = t; scale = 0; this.scaleMax = scaleMax; this.scaleMod = scaleMod; position = pos; }
public GridSelection(IntVec iv, DynamicTexture t) { gridPos = iv; tex = t; }
public CharButton(Vector2 position, bool centered, string standardS, string highS) { standard = Engine.GetTexture(standardS); highlighted = Engine.GetTexture(highS); pos = position; if (centered) { pos.X -= standard.texture.Width / 2;//standard.texture.Width / 2; pos.Y -= standard.texture.Height / 2;//standard.texture.Height / 2; } currentBackTex = standard.texture; }