예제 #1
        private void _onMediaGroupMessage(object sender, TgMediaGroupSettler.MediaGroupEventArgs e)
            var oldMessage = e.Message;

            var message = new Message(oldMessage.OriginConversation, oldMessage.OriginSender, oldMessage.Body,
                                      oldMessage.ForwardedMessages, e.Attachments);

            OnMessageReceived(new MessageEventArgs(message));
예제 #2
        private async Task <Message> _extractMessage(Telegram.Bot.Types.Message tgMessage)
            Logger.LogTrace("Message received");
            var conversation = _extractConversation(tgMessage.Chat);
            var person       = _extractPerson(tgMessage.From);

            var attachments = new List <Attachment>();
            var at          = await _extractAttachment(tgMessage);

            if (at != null)

            if (tgMessage.Entities != null)
                attachments.AddRange(from entity in tgMessage.Entities
                                     where entity.Type == MessageEntityType.TextLink
                                     select new LinkAttachment(entity.Url));

            // Just forwarded message
            if (tgMessage.ForwardFrom != null)
                var fwdPerson  = _extractPerson(tgMessage.ForwardFrom);
                var fwdMessage = new Message(conversation, fwdPerson, tgMessage.Text, attachments: attachments);
                return(new Message(conversation, person, forwardedMessages: new[] { fwdMessage }));

            // Reply to
            Message[] forwarded = null;
            if (tgMessage.ReplyToMessage != null)
                forwarded = new[]
                    await _extractMessage(tgMessage.ReplyToMessage)

            var text = tgMessage.Text ?? tgMessage.Caption;

            // Remove bot name from command
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text) && text.StartsWith("/") && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(BotUserName))
                text = text.Split($"@{BotUserName}", 2)[0];

            return(new Message(conversation, person, text, forwarded, attachments));
예제 #3
        private InputOnlineFile _getInputFile(Message message, Attachment attachment)
            if (message.OriginSender != null && message.OriginSender.Provider.Equals(this))
                if (attachment.Meta is Audio audio)
                if (attachment.Meta is Document document)
                if (attachment.Meta is Animation animation)
                if (attachment.Meta is PhotoSize photo)
                if (attachment.Meta is Sticker sticker)
                if (attachment.Meta is Video video)
                if (attachment.Meta is Voice voice)
                if (attachment.Meta is VideoNote videoNote)

            return(new InputOnlineFile(attachment.Url));
예제 #4
        public override async Task SendMessage(Conversation conversation, Message message)
            Logger.LogTrace("Send message to conversation {0}", conversation.OriginId);
            var peerId = Convert.ToInt32(conversation.OriginId);

            #region Get forwarded and attachments

            var fwd         = FlattenForwardedMessages(message);
            var attachments = GetAllAttachments(message, fwd);


            #region Send message

            var sender = "";
            if (message.OriginSender != null)
                sender = FormatSender(message.OriginSender) + "\n";

            var body = FormatMessageBody(message, fwd);
            if (body.Length > 0)
                await ApiClient.Messages.SendAsync(new MessagesSendParams
                    GroupId  = _groupId,
                    PeerId   = peerId,
                    Message  = $"{sender}{body}",
                    RandomId = random.Next()


            if (attachments.Any())
                Logger.LogTrace("Sending message with attachments");
                    #region Get upload server urls

                    UploadServerInfo photoUploadServer = null;
                    UploadServerInfo docsUploadServer  = null;
                    UploadServerInfo voiceUploadServer = null;
                    await Task.WhenAll(Task.Run(async() =>
                        if (attachments.Any(at => (at is PhotoAttachment || at is StickerAttachment)))
                            photoUploadServer = await ApiClient.Photo.GetMessagesUploadServerAsync(peerId);
                    }), Task.Run(async() =>
                        if (attachments.Any(at => !(at is VoiceAttachment || at is PhotoAttachment)))
                            docsUploadServer =
                                await ApiClient.Docs.GetMessagesUploadServerAsync(peerId, DocMessageType.Doc);
                    }), Task.Run(async() =>
                        if (attachments.Any(at => at is VoiceAttachment))
                            voiceUploadServer =
                                await ApiClient.Docs.GetMessagesUploadServerAsync(peerId, DocMessageType.AudioMessage);


                    #region Get vk attachments

                    var groupableAttachments = attachments.Where(at => !(at is IVkSpecialAttachment));

                    Func <Attachment, Task <MediaAttachment> > GroupableAttachmentSelector()
                        return(async at =>
                            switch (at)
                            case AnimationAttachment animation:
                                return await _uploadDocument(animation, docsUploadServer);

                            case StickerAttachment sticker:
                                return await _uploadPhoto(sticker, photoUploadServer);

                            case PhotoAttachment albumPhoto:
                                return await _uploadPhoto(albumPhoto, photoUploadServer);

                            case VideoAttachment albumVideo:
                                return await _uploadDocument(albumVideo, docsUploadServer);

                            case VoiceAttachment voice:
                                return await _uploadDocument(voice, voiceUploadServer);

                            case AudioAttachment audio:
                                return await _uploadDocument(audio, docsUploadServer, $"{audio.ToString()}.mp3.txt",

                            case FileAttachment file:
                                return await _uploadDocument(file, docsUploadServer);

                                return null;


                    #region Send vk attachments by chunks

                    var chunks = groupableAttachments
                                 .Select((val, i) => (val, i))
                                 .GroupBy(tuple => tuple.i / 10);

                    foreach (var chunk in chunks)
                        var vkAttachments =
                            await Task.WhenAll(chunk.Select(x => x.val)

                        await ApiClient.Messages.SendAsync(new MessagesSendParams
                            GroupId     = _groupId,
                            PeerId      = peerId,
                            Attachments = vkAttachments.Where(a => a != null),
                            RandomId    = random.Next(),
                            Message     = $"{sender}{string.Join(" ", vkAttachments.Where(a => a == null).Select(a => "[Unsupported attachment]").ToArray())}"


                    #region Send special attachments (contacts/urls/places)

                    foreach (var at in attachments)
                        switch (at)
                        case ContactAttachment contact:
                            await ApiClient.Messages.SendAsync(new MessagesSendParams
                                GroupId     = _groupId,
                                PeerId      = peerId,
                                Attachments = new[] { await _uploadDocument(contact, docsUploadServer) },
                                Message     = $"{sender}{contact.ToString()}",
                                RandomId    = random.Next()


                        case LinkAttachment link:
                            await ApiClient.Messages.SendAsync(new MessagesSendParams
                                GroupId  = _groupId,
                                PeerId   = peerId,
                                Message  = $"{sender}{link.ToString()}",
                                RandomId = random.Next()


                        case PlaceAttachment place:
                            await ApiClient.Messages.SendAsync(new MessagesSendParams
                                GroupId   = _groupId,
                                PeerId    = peerId,
                                Lat       = place.Latitude,
                                Longitude = place.Longitude,     // typo in lib
                                Message   = $"{sender}{place.ToString()}",
                                RandomId  = random.Next()


                catch (Exception e)
                    Logger.LogError("Attachments upload failed {0}", e);
예제 #5
        public override async Task SendMessage(Conversation conversation, Message message)
            Logger.LogTrace("Send message to conversation {0}", conversation.OriginId);
            var chat = new ChatId(Convert.ToInt64(conversation.OriginId));

            #region Get forwarded and attachments

            var fwd         = FlattenForwardedMessages(message);
            var attachments = GetAllAttachments(message, fwd);


            #region Send message
            var sender = "";
            if (message.OriginSender != null)
                sender = FormatSender(message.OriginSender) + "\n";

            var body = FormatMessageBody(message, fwd);
            if (body.Length > 0)
                await BotClient.SendTextMessageAsync(new ChatId(conversation.OriginId), $"{sender}{body}", ParseMode.Html, true);


            #region Send attachments

            if (attachments.Any())
                Logger.LogTrace("Sending message with attachments");

                var groupableAttachments = attachments.OfType <ITgGroupableAttachment>();

                Func <ITgGroupableAttachment, IAlbumInputMedia> AlbumAttachmentSelector()
                    return(media =>
                        switch (media)
                        case PhotoAttachment albumPhoto:
                                if (albumPhoto.Meta is PhotoSize photo)
                                    return new InputMediaPhoto(new InputMedia(photo.FileId));
                                var tgPhoto = new InputMediaPhoto(new InputMedia(albumPhoto.Url))
                                    Caption = message?.OriginSender?.DisplayName != null
                                        ? $"[{message.OriginSender.DisplayName}] {albumPhoto.Caption ?? ""}"
                                        : albumPhoto.Caption

                                return tgPhoto;

                        case VideoAttachment albumVideo:
                                if (albumVideo.Meta is Video video)
                                    return new InputMediaPhoto(new InputMedia(video.FileId));
                                var tgVideo = new InputMediaVideo(albumVideo.Url)
                                    Caption = message?.OriginSender?.DisplayName != null
                                        ? $"[{message.OriginSender.DisplayName}] {albumVideo.Caption ?? ""}"
                                        : albumVideo.Caption,
                                    Duration = (int)(albumVideo.Duration ?? 0),
                                    Width = albumVideo.Width,
                                    Height = albumVideo.Height

                                return tgVideo;

                            return null;

                var chunks = groupableAttachments
                             .Select((val, i) => (val, i))
                             .GroupBy(tuple => tuple.i / 10);

                foreach (var chunk in chunks)
                    await BotClient.SendMediaGroupAsync(
                        chunk.Select(x => x.val).Select(AlbumAttachmentSelector()), chat);

                var restAttachments = attachments.Where(at => !(at is ITgGroupableAttachment));
                foreach (var at in restAttachments)
                    if (at is AnimationAttachment animation)
                        await BotClient.SendAnimationAsync(chat, _getInputFile(message, animation),
                                                           (int)(animation.Duration ?? 0),
                                                           animation.Height, caption : animation.Caption);
                    else if (at is VoiceAttachment voice)
                        var req = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(voice.Url);
                        req.Timeout = 15000;
                        var resp = (HttpWebResponse)req.GetResponse();
                        await BotClient.SendVoiceAsync(chat,
                                                       new InputOnlineFile(resp.GetResponseStream(), voice.FileName), voice.Caption);
                    else if (at is AudioAttachment audio)
                        await BotClient.SendAudioAsync(chat, _getInputFile(message, audio), audio.Caption,
                                                       duration : (int)(audio.Duration ?? 0),
                                                       performer : audio.Performer, title : audio.Title);
                    else if (at is ContactAttachment contact)
                        await BotClient.SendContactAsync(chat, contact.Phone, contact.FirstName, contact.LastName,
                                                         vCard : contact.VCard);
                    else if (at is LinkAttachment link)
                        await BotClient.SendTextMessageAsync(chat, $"{sender}{link.Url}", ParseMode.Html);
                    else if (at is StickerAttachment sticker)
                        var inputFile = _getInputFile(message, sticker);
                        if (sticker.MimeType == "image/webp")
                            await BotClient.SendStickerAsync(chat, inputFile);
                            Logger.LogTrace("Converting sticker to webp format");
                            var req = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(inputFile.Url);
                            req.Timeout = 15000;
                            var resp  = (HttpWebResponse)req.GetResponse();
                            var image = SKImage.FromBitmap(SKBitmap.Decode(resp.GetResponseStream()));
                            using (var p = image.Encode(SKEncodedImageFormat.Webp, 100))
                                await BotClient.SendStickerAsync(chat,
                                                                 new InputMedia(p.AsStream(), "sticker.webp"));
                    else if (at is PlaceAttachment place)
                        if (place.Name != null && place.Address != null)
                            await BotClient.SendVenueAsync(chat, (float)place.Latitude, (float)place.Longitude,
                            await BotClient.SendLocationAsync(chat, (float)place.Latitude, (float)place.Longitude);
                    else if (at is FileAttachment file)
                        if (file.MimeType == "image/gif" || file.MimeType == "application/pdf" ||
                            file.MimeType == "application/zip")
                            await BotClient.SendDocumentAsync(chat, _getInputFile(message, file), file.Caption);
                            var req = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(file.Url);
                            req.Timeout = 15000;
                            var resp = (HttpWebResponse)req.GetResponse();
                            await BotClient.SendDocumentAsync(chat,
                                                              new InputOnlineFile(resp.GetResponseStream(), file.FileName), file.Caption);
