예제 #1
        private void Save(Bridge.Translator.Translator translator)
            Dictionary <string, LuaFileInfo> luaFiles = translator.ParsedSourceFiles.ToDictionary(i => i.FileName, i => new LuaFileInfo(i.FileName));

            var usings = Bridge.Translator.Lua.EmitBlock.UsingNamespaces;

            foreach (var pair in usings)
                string fileName = GetFileName(pair.Key);

            var types = GetEnableTypeInfos(translator.Types);

            foreach (var type in types)
                string content  = translator.Outputs[type.Key];
                string fileName = GetFileName(type);
                luaFiles[fileName].AddType(type, content);

            foreach (LuaFileInfo luaFileInfo in luaFiles.Values)
                luaFileInfo.Save(folder_, output_);

            SaveManifests(luaFiles.Values.ToList(), types);
예제 #2
        public static void ExtractCore(Translator translatorInstance, string outputPath, bool nodebug = false)
            var clrPath = translatorInstance.BridgeLocation;
            var assembly = System.Reflection.Assembly.UnsafeLoadFrom(clrPath);

            // We can only have Beautified, Minified or Both, so this test has inverted logic:
            // output beautified if not minified only == (output beautified or output both)
            if (translatorInstance.AssemblyInfo.OutputFormatting != JavaScriptOutputType.Minified)
                ExtractResourceAndWriteToFile(outputPath, assembly, "Bridge.Resources.bridge.js", "bridge.js");

            if (translatorInstance.AssemblyInfo.GenerateTypeScript)
                ExtractResourceAndWriteToFile(outputPath, assembly, "Bridge.Resources.bridge.d.ts", "bridge.d.ts");

            // Like above test: output minified if not beautified only == (out minified or out both)
            if (translatorInstance.AssemblyInfo.OutputFormatting != JavaScriptOutputType.Formatted)
                if (!nodebug)
                    ExtractResourceAndWriteToFile(outputPath, assembly, "Bridge.Resources.bridge.js", "bridge.min.js", (reader) => { var minifier = new Minifier(); return minifier.MinifyJavaScript(reader.ReadToEnd(), new CodeSettings { TermSemicolons = true }); });
예제 #3
        public static void ExtractCore(Translator translatorInstance, string outputPath, bool nodebug = false)
            foreach (var reference in translatorInstance.References)
                var listRes = reference.MainModule.Resources.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Name == Translator.BridgeResourcesList);

                if (listRes != null)
                    string resourcesStr = null;
                    using (var resourcesStream = ((EmbeddedResource) listRes).GetResourceStream())
                        using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(resourcesStream))
                            resourcesStr = reader.ReadToEnd();

                    //var resourcesStr = enc.GetString(((EmbeddedResource) listRes).GetResourceData());
                    var resources = resourcesStr.Split('+');

                    foreach (var res in resources)
                        var parts = res.Split(':');
                        var fileName = parts[0].Trim();
                        var resName = parts[1].Trim();
                        bool isTs = resName.EndsWith(".d.ts");
                        bool isJs = resName.EndsWith(".js");

                        if (!isTs && translatorInstance.AssemblyInfo.OutputFormatting != JavaScriptOutputType.Minified)
                            ExtractResourceAndWriteToFile(outputPath, reference, resName, fileName);

                        if (isTs && translatorInstance.AssemblyInfo.GenerateTypeScript)
                            ExtractResourceAndWriteToFile(outputPath, reference, resName, fileName);

                        if (isJs && translatorInstance.AssemblyInfo.OutputFormatting != JavaScriptOutputType.Formatted)
                            if (!nodebug)
                                ExtractResourceAndWriteToFile(outputPath, reference, resName, fileName.ReplaceLastInstanceOf(".js", ".min.js"), (content) => { var minifier = new Minifier(); return minifier.MinifyJavaScript(content, MinifierCodeSettings); });
예제 #4
파일: LiveTranslator.cs 프로젝트: txdv/Live
        public LiveTranslator(string folder, string source, bool recursive, string lib, HttpContext context)
            this.sessionId = context.Session.SessionID;
            this.bridgeFolder = folder + @"\Bridge\Builder\";
            this.csFolder = folder + @"\UserCode\";


            lib = (this.RebuildStub(source)) ? this.BuildAssembly() : Path.Combine(folder, lib);

            this.translator = new Bridge.Translator.Translator(this.csFolder, this.Source, recursive, lib);

            this.Rebuild = false;
            this.ChangeCase = true;
            this.Config = null;
예제 #5
파일: LiveTranslator.cs 프로젝트: txdv/Live
        public LiveTranslator(string folder, string source, bool recursive, string lib, HttpContext context)
            this.sessionId    = context.Session.SessionID;
            this.bridgeFolder = folder + @"\Bridge\Builder\";
            this.csFolder     = folder + @"\UserCode\";


            lib = (this.RebuildStub(source)) ? this.BuildAssembly() : Path.Combine(folder, lib);

            this.translator = new Bridge.Translator.Translator(this.csFolder, this.Source, recursive, lib);

            this.Rebuild    = false;
            this.ChangeCase = true;
            this.Config     = null;
예제 #6
        public static void ExtractCore(Translator translatorInstance, string outputPath, bool nodebug = false)
            var clrPath = translatorInstance.BridgeLocation;
            var assembly = System.Reflection.Assembly.UnsafeLoadFrom(clrPath);

            string resourceName;

            // We can only have Beautified, Minified or Both, so this test has inverted logic:
            // output beautified if not minified only == (output beautified or output both)
            if (translatorInstance.AssemblyInfo.OutputFormatting != JavaScriptOutputType.Minified)
                resourceName = "Bridge.Resources.bridge.js";

                using (Stream stream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(resourceName))
                    using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream))
                        File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(outputPath, "bridge.js"), reader.ReadToEnd());

            // Like above test: output minified if not beautified only == (out minified or out both)
            if (translatorInstance.AssemblyInfo.OutputFormatting != JavaScriptOutputType.Formatted)
                if (!nodebug)
                    resourceName = "Bridge.Resources.bridge.js";

                    using (Stream stream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(resourceName))
                        using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream))
                            var code = reader.ReadToEnd();
                            var minifier = new Minifier();

                            File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(outputPath, "bridge.min.js"), minifier.MinifyJavaScript(code), System.Text.UTF8Encoding.UTF8);
예제 #7
        public void ExtractCore(string outputPath, bool nodebug = false)
            foreach (var reference in this.References)
                var listRes = reference.MainModule.Resources.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Name == Translator.BridgeResourcesList);

                if (listRes != null)
                    string resourcesStr = null;
                    using (var resourcesStream = ((EmbeddedResource)listRes).GetResourceStream())
                        using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(resourcesStream))
                            resourcesStr = reader.ReadToEnd();

                    var resources = resourcesStr.Split('+');

                    foreach (var res in resources)
                        var  parts    = res.Split(':');
                        var  fileName = parts[0].Trim();
                        var  resName  = parts[1].Trim();
                        bool isTs     = resName.EndsWith(".d.ts");
                        bool isJs     = resName.EndsWith(".js");

                        if (!isTs && this.AssemblyInfo.OutputFormatting != JavaScriptOutputType.Minified)
                            this.ExtractResourceAndWriteToFile(outputPath, reference, resName, fileName);

                        if (isTs && this.AssemblyInfo.GenerateTypeScript)
                            this.ExtractResourceAndWriteToFile(outputPath, reference, resName, fileName);

                        if (isJs && this.AssemblyInfo.OutputFormatting != JavaScriptOutputType.Formatted)
                            if (!nodebug)
                                this.ExtractResourceAndWriteToFile(outputPath, reference, resName, fileName.ReplaceLastInstanceOf(".js", ".min.js"), (content) =>
                                    var minifier = new Minifier();
                                    return(minifier.MinifyJavaScript(content, Translator.GetMinifierSettings(fileName)));

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.AssemblyInfo.Locales))
                StringBuilder bufferjs    = null;
                StringBuilder bufferjsmin = null;
                if (this.AssemblyInfo.CombineLocales && !this.AssemblyInfo.CombineScripts)
                    bufferjs    = new StringBuilder();
                    bufferjsmin = new StringBuilder();

                var bridgeAssembly = this.References.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Name.Name == "Bridge");
                var localesRes     = bridgeAssembly.MainModule.Resources.Where(r => r.Name.StartsWith(Translator.LocalesPrefix)).Cast <EmbeddedResource>();
                var locales        = this.AssemblyInfo.Locales.Split(';');
                foreach (var locale in locales)
                    if (locale == "all")
                        this.ExtractLocale(localesRes, outputPath, nodebug, bufferjs, bufferjsmin);
                    else if (locale.Contains("*"))
                        var name = Translator.LocalesPrefix + locale.SubstringUpToFirst('*');
                        this.ExtractLocale(localesRes.Where(r => r.Name.StartsWith(name)), outputPath, nodebug, bufferjs, bufferjsmin);
                        var name = Translator.LocalesPrefix + locale + ".js";
                        this.ExtractLocale(localesRes.First(r => r.Name == name), outputPath, nodebug, bufferjs, bufferjsmin);

                if ((bufferjs != null && bufferjs.Length > 0) || (bufferjsmin != null && bufferjsmin.Length > 0))
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.AssemblyInfo.LocalesOutput))
                        outputPath = Path.Combine(outputPath, this.AssemblyInfo.LocalesOutput);

                    var defaultFileName = this.AssemblyInfo.LocalesFileName ?? "Bridge.Locales.js";
                    var fileName        = defaultFileName.Replace(":", "_");
                    var oldFNlen        = fileName.Length;
                    while (Path.IsPathRooted(fileName))
                        fileName = fileName.TrimStart(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, '/', '\\');
                        if (fileName.Length == oldFNlen)
                        oldFNlen = fileName.Length;

                    var file = CreateFileDirectory(outputPath, fileName);

                    if (bufferjs != null && bufferjs.Length > 0)
                        File.WriteAllText(file.FullName, bufferjs.ToString(), OutputEncoding);

                    if (bufferjsmin != null && bufferjsmin.Length > 0)
                        File.WriteAllText(file.FullName.ReplaceLastInstanceOf(".js", ".min.js"), bufferjsmin.ToString(), OutputEncoding);
예제 #8
        public virtual void SaveTo(string path, string defaultFileName)
            var minifier = new Minifier();
            var files    = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            foreach (var item in this.Outputs)
                string fileName = item.Key;
                string code     = item.Value;

                if (fileName.Contains(Bridge.Translator.AssemblyInfo.DEFAULT_FILENAME))
                    fileName = fileName.Replace(Bridge.Translator.AssemblyInfo.DEFAULT_FILENAME, defaultFileName);

                // Ensure filename contains no ":". It could be used like "c:/absolute/path"
                fileName = fileName.Replace(":", "_");

                // Trim heading slash/backslash off file names until it does not start with slash.
                var oldFNlen = fileName.Length;
                while (Path.IsPathRooted(fileName))
                    fileName = fileName.TrimStart(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, '/', '\\');

                    // Trimming didn't change the path. This way, it will just loop indefinitely.
                    // Also, this means the absolute path specifies a fully-qualified DOS PathName with drive letter.
                    if (fileName.Length == oldFNlen)
                    oldFNlen = fileName.Length;

                // If 'fileName' is an absolute path, Path.Combine will ignore the 'path' prefix.
                string filePath  = Path.Combine(path, fileName);
                string extension = Path.GetExtension(fileName);
                bool   isJs      = extension == ('.' + Bridge.Translator.AssemblyInfo.JAVASCRIPT_EXTENSION);

                // We can only have Beautified, Minified or Both, so this test has inverted logic:
                // output beautified if not minified only == (output beautified or output both)
                // Check by @vladsch: Output anyway if the class is not a JavaScript file.
                if (this.AssemblyInfo.OutputFormatting != JavaScriptOutputType.Minified || !isJs)
                    string header = GetOutputHeader(isJs, isJs);
                    var    file   = CreateFileDirectory(filePath);
                    this.SaveToFile(file.FullName, string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(header) ? code : header + code);
                    files.Add(fileName, file.FullName);

                // Like above test: output minified if not beautified only == (out minified or out both)
                // Check by @vladsch: Output minified is allowed only and only if it is a JavaScript being output.
                if (this.AssemblyInfo.OutputFormatting != JavaScriptOutputType.Formatted && isJs)
                    var fileNameMin = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filePath) + ".min" + extension;

                    var file = CreateFileDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(filePath), fileNameMin);
                    this.SaveToFile(file.FullName, minifier.MinifyJavaScript(code, Translator.GetMinifierSettings(fileNameMin)));

            if (this.AssemblyInfo.InjectScriptToAssembly)

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.AssemblyInfo.AfterBuild))
                catch (Exception exc)
                    throw new Bridge.Translator.Exception("Error: Unable to run afterBuild event command: " +
                                                          exc.Message + "\nStack trace:\n" + exc.StackTrace);