//ncrunch: no coverage end private void InitGame() { Show(); if (menu != null) menu.Hide(); if (restartCommand != null && restartCommand.IsActive) restartCommand.Dispose(); //ncrunch: no coverage if (backToMenuCommand != null && backToMenuCommand.IsActive) backToMenuCommand.Dispose(); //ncrunch: no coverage if (gameOverMessage != null) gameOverMessage.Dispose(); //ncrunch: no coverage score = new Score(); currentLevel = new Level(score); ball = new BallInLevel(new Paddle(), currentLevel); new UI(window, this); //ncrunch: no coverage start score.GameOver += () => { RemoveOldObjects(); gameOverMessage = new FontText(Font.Default, "That's it.\nGame Over!\n\nPress \"Q\" to " + "go back to the Main Menu.", Rectangle.One); restartCommand = new Command(InitGame).Add(new KeyTrigger(Key.Space)). Add(new MouseButtonTrigger()).Add(new TouchTapTrigger()); backToMenuCommand = new Command(BackToMainMenu).Add(new KeyTrigger(Key.Q)); }; //ncrunch: no coverage end Score = score; }
public Level(Content content, Renderer renderer, Score score) { brickImage = content.Load<Image>("Brick"); explosionImage = content.Load<Image>("Explosion"); explosionSound = content.Load<Sound>("BrickExplosion"); lostBallSound = content.Load<Sound>("LostBall"); this.renderer = renderer; this.score = score; Initialize(); }
public Level(Score score) { brickMaterial = new Material(ShaderFlags.Position2DColoredTextured, "Brick"); var explosionMaterial = new Material(ShaderFlags.Position2DColoredTextured, "Explosion"); explosionSound = ContentLoader.Load<Sound>("BrickExplosion"); lostBallSound = ContentLoader.Load<Sound>("LostBall"); explosionData = new ParticleEmitterData { Color = new RangeGraph<Color>(Color.White, Color.TransparentWhite), Size = new RangeGraph<Size>(ExplosionSize, ExplosionSize * 2), ParticleMaterial = explosionMaterial, MaximumNumberOfParticles = 1, LifeTime = 0.6f, SpawnInterval = -1 }; this.score = score; Initialize(); }