예제 #1
        private void applyButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var key = Microsoft.Win32.Registry.LocalMachine.CreateSubKey(@"Software\BrazosTweaker");

            key.SetValue("EnableCustomPStates", (makePermanentCheckBox.Checked ? 1 : 0));

            if (makePermanentCheckBox.Checked)
                for (int i = 0; i < (K10Manager.GetHighestPState() + 1); i++)                 //this is the part, where the CPU PStates are handled
                    string valueName = "P" + i;

                    if (_pStates[i] != null)
                        key.SetValue(valueName, _pStates[i].Encode(i));
                        key.DeleteValue(valueName, false);
                for (int i = 3; i < 5; i++) //this is the part for the NB PStates
                    string valueName = "P" + i;

                    if (_pStates[i] != null)
                        key.SetValue(valueName, _pStates[i].Encode(i));
                        key.DeleteValue(valueName, false);

            key.SetValue("EnableCustomCnQ", (enableCustomCnQCheckBox.Checked ? 1 : 0));

            if (enableCustomCnQCheckBox.Checked)

                var status = serviceController1.Status;
                if (status != ServiceControllerStatus.Stopped && status != ServiceControllerStatus.StopPending)

                Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;
                Cursor = Cursors.Default;

                Applied = true;
            catch (Exception exception)
                Cursor = Cursors.Default;

                MessageBox.Show("The service could not be (re)started:\n\n" + exception.Message,
                                "BrazosTweaker", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor.
        /// </summary>
        public PStateControl()

            // check if the CPU's maximum multi is limited (non Black Edition CPUs)
            if (_maxCOF < 0)
                // in DesignMode, Program.Ols is null
                if (Program.Ols == null)
                    _maxCOF    = 31.5;
                    _minVid    = 0.0125;
                    _maxVid    = 1.55;
                    _maxPstate = -1;
                    _maxCOF    = K10Manager.MaxCOF();
                    _maxPstate = K10Manager.GetHighestPState();

                    //double _curDiv = K10Manager.CurrCOF();
                    //uint MainDivEn = K10Manager.MainCofEn();
                    K10Manager.GetVidLimits(out _minVid, out _maxVid);

            VidNumericUpDown.Minimum = (decimal)_minVid;
            CLKNumericUpDown.Minimum = 0;
            VidNumericUpDown.Maximum = (decimal)_maxVid;
            CLKNumericUpDown.Maximum = 200;

            // add as many NumericUpDown controls as there are CPU cores for the multis
            for (int i = 0; i < _numCores; i++)
                var control = new NumericUpDown()
                    AutoSize      = true,
                    DecimalPlaces = 2,
                    Increment     = (decimal)0.25,
                    Maximum       = (decimal)_maxCOF,
                    Minimum       = 1,
                    TabIndex      = i,
                    TextAlign     = HorizontalAlignment.Center,
                    Value         = 4,
                toolTip1.SetToolTip(control, "Divider for core " + (i + 1) + ".\r\nReference clock (default: 100 MHz) times " + (_maxCOF + 16) + " divided by the chosen value yields the core speed.");

                control.ValueChanged += (s, e) => _modified = true;

                if (i == 0)
                    control.ValueChanged += (s, e) =>
                        for (int j = 1; j < _numCores; j++)
                            var otherControl = (NumericUpDown)flowLayoutPanel1.Controls[j];
                            otherControl.Value = control.Value;


            VidNumericUpDown.ValueChanged += (s, e) => _modified = true;
            CLKNumericUpDown.ValueChanged += (s, e) => _modified = true;

            // set the tab order
            VidNumericUpDown.TabIndex = 3 + _numCores;
            CLKNumericUpDown.TabIndex = VidNumericUpDown.TabIndex + 1;
            refreshButton.TabIndex    = CLKNumericUpDown.TabIndex + 1;

            // compute the optimal width, based on the number of cores
            _optimalWidth = Cofstate.Width + Cofstate.Margin.Horizontal + flowLayoutPanel1.Controls.Count *
                            (flowLayoutPanel1.Controls[0].Width + flowLayoutPanel1.Controls[0].Margin.Horizontal) + 70;

            refreshButton.Click += (s, e) => LoadFromHardware(_index);
예제 #3
        public static PStateMsr Decode(uint value, int pstate)
            //uint maxDiv = (uint)K10Manager.MaxCOF();
            uint maxDiv = (uint)K10Manager.CurrCOF();
            uint clk    = (uint)K10Manager.GetBIOSBusSpeed();
            bool turbo  = K10Manager.IsTurboSupported();

            if (pstate < 3)
                if (pstate <= K10Manager.GetHighestPState())
                    uint cpuDidLSD = (value >> 0) & 0x0F;
                    uint cpuDidMSD = (value >> 4) & 0x1F;
                    uint cpuVid    = (value >> 9) & 0x7F;

                    double Div    = cpuDidMSD + (cpuDidLSD * 0.25) + 1;
                    double DivPLL = cpuDidMSD + (cpuDidLSD * 0.25) + 1;
                    if (maxDiv == 16 && Div < 2) //E-350 seems to restrict PLL frequencies higher than 1.6GHz
                        DivPLL = 2;
                    else if (maxDiv == 24 && Div < 4 && !turbo) //C-50 seems to restrict PLL frequencies higher than 1.0GHz
                        DivPLL = 4;
                    else if (maxDiv == 24 && Div < 3 && turbo) //C-60 (with turbo seems to restrict PLL frequencies higher than 1.33GHz
                        DivPLL = 3;

                    var msr = new PStateMsr()
                        Divider = Div,
                        Vid     = 1.55 - 0.0125 * cpuVid,
                        CLK     = clk,
                        PLL     = (16 + maxDiv) / DivPLL * clk
                    var msr = new PStateMsr()
                        Divider = 10,
                        Vid     = 0.4,
                        CLK     = 100,
                        PLL     = 1000
            else if (pstate == 3)
                uint   nclk    = ((value >> 20) & 0x7F);
                uint   nbVid   = ((value >> 12) & 0x7F);
                double nclkdiv = 1;
                //NCLK Div 2-16 ind 0.25 steps / Div 16-32 in 0.5 steps / Div 32-63 in 1.0 steps
                if (nclk >= 8 && nclk <= 63)
                    nclkdiv = nclk * 0.25;
                else if (nclk >= 64 && nclk <= 95)
                    nclkdiv = (nclk - 64) * 0.5 - 16;
                else if (nclk >= 96 && nclk <= 127)
                    nclkdiv = nclk - 64;
                    nclkdiv = 1;
                var msr = new PStateMsr()
                    Divider = nclkdiv,
                    Vid     = 1.55 - 0.0125 * nbVid,
                    CLK     = clk,
                    PLL     = (16 + maxDiv) / nclkdiv * clk
            else if (pstate == 4)
                uint   nclk    = ((value >> 0) & 0x7F);
                uint   nbVid   = ((value >> 8) & 0x7F);
                double nclkdiv = 1;
                //NCLK Div 2-16 ind 0.25 steps / Div 16-32 in 0.5 steps / Div 32-63 in 1.0 steps
                if (nclk >= 8 && nclk <= 63)
                    nclkdiv = nclk * 0.25;
                else if (nclk >= 64 && nclk <= 95)
                    nclkdiv = (nclk - 64) * 0.5 - 16;
                else if (nclk >= 96 && nclk <= 127)
                    nclkdiv = nclk - 64;
                    nclkdiv = 1;
                var msr = new PStateMsr()
                    Divider = nclkdiv,
                    Vid     = 1.55 - 0.0125 * nbVid,
                    CLK     = clk,
                    PLL     = (16 + maxDiv) / nclkdiv * clk
                var msr = new PStateMsr()
                    Divider = 10,
                    Vid     = 0.4,
                    CLK     = 100,
                    PLL     = 1000