// Opens a new window with the proper content type as outlined by the switch statement private void TvContent_NodeMouseDoubleClick(object sender, TreeNodeMouseClickEventArgs e) { ContentInfo cinfo = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ContentInfo>(e.Node.Tag.ToString()); switch (cinfo.Type) { case "note": frmNote noteform = new frmNote(cinfo.ID, cinfo.Title, File.ReadAllText(ProjectInfo.ProjectPath + "/" + cinfo.ID + cinfo.Extension)); noteform.MdiParent = this; noteform.Show(); break; case "richtext": frmRichText richtextform = new frmRichText(cinfo.ID, cinfo.Title, true); richtextform.MdiParent = this; richtextform.Show(); break; case "image": frmImage imageform = new frmImage(cinfo.ID, cinfo.Title, ProjectInfo.ProjectPath + "/" + cinfo.ID + cinfo.Extension); imageform.MdiParent = this; imageform.Show(); break; case "character": frmPrompt promptform = new frmPrompt(cinfo.ID, cinfo.Title, "character", File.ReadAllText(ProjectInfo.ProjectPath + "/" + cinfo.ID + cinfo.Extension)); promptform.MdiParent = this; promptform.Show(); break; case "location": frmPrompt promptform2 = new frmPrompt(cinfo.ID, cinfo.Title, "location", File.ReadAllText(ProjectInfo.ProjectPath + "/" + cinfo.ID + cinfo.Extension)); promptform2.MdiParent = this; promptform2.Show(); break; case "customprompt": frmPrompt promptform3 = new frmPrompt(cinfo.ID, cinfo.Title, "customprompt", File.ReadAllText(ProjectInfo.ProjectPath + "/" + cinfo.ID + cinfo.Extension)); promptform3.MdiParent = this; promptform3.Show(); break; default: break; } }
// Add node properly to TreeView. Takes advantage of the "tag" property to help load relevant info into the // appropriate feature. private void AddContentToTree(string title, ContentInfo info) { tmrSnapshots.Enabled = true; TreeNode node = new TreeNode(title); switch (info.Type) { case "folder": node.ImageIndex = 0; node.Tag = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new ContentInfo(ProjectIO.GenerateUniqueID(), title, "folder", ""));; break; case "note": node.ImageIndex = 1; string nodeid = ProjectIO.GenerateUniqueID(); frmNote noteform = new frmNote(nodeid, title, ""); node.Tag = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new ContentInfo(nodeid, title, "note", ".txt")); noteform.MdiParent = this; noteform.Text = title; noteform.Show(); break; case "richtext": node.ImageIndex = 2; string nodeidRT = ProjectIO.GenerateUniqueID(); frmRichText richtextform = new frmRichText(nodeidRT, title, false); node.Tag = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new ContentInfo(nodeidRT, title, "richtext", ".rtf")); richtextform.MdiParent = this; richtextform.Text = title; richtextform.Show(); break; case "image": node.ImageIndex = 3; string nodeidimg = ProjectIO.GenerateUniqueID(); FileInfo imageinfo = null; using (OpenFileDialog open = new OpenFileDialog()) { open.Filter = "PNG Images (*.png)|*.png|JPEG Images (*.jpg)|*.jpg|Bitmap Images (*.bmp)|*.bmp|GIF Images (*.gif)|*.gif|All Files (*.*)|*.*"; if (open.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.Cancel) { return; } imageinfo = new FileInfo(open.FileName); File.Copy(open.FileName, ProjectInfo.ProjectPath + "/" + nodeidimg + imageinfo.Extension); } frmImage imageform = new frmImage(nodeidimg, title, ProjectInfo.ProjectPath + "/" + nodeidimg + imageinfo.Extension); node.Tag = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new ContentInfo(nodeidimg, title, "image", imageinfo.Extension)); imageform.MdiParent = this; imageform.Text = title; imageform.Show(); break; case "character": node.ImageIndex = 4; string nodeidchar = ProjectIO.GenerateUniqueID(); frmPrompt promptform = new frmPrompt(nodeidchar, title, "character"); node.Tag = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new ContentInfo(nodeidchar, title, "character", ".prompt")); promptform.MdiParent = this; promptform.Text = title; promptform.Show(); break; case "location": node.ImageIndex = 5; string nodeidloc = ProjectIO.GenerateUniqueID(); frmPrompt promptform2 = new frmPrompt(nodeidloc, title, "location"); node.Tag = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new ContentInfo(nodeidloc, title, "location", ".prompt")); promptform2.MdiParent = this; promptform2.Text = title; promptform2.Show(); break; case "customprompt": node.ImageIndex = 6; string nodeidprompt = ProjectIO.GenerateUniqueID(); frmPrompt promptform3 = new frmPrompt(nodeidprompt, title, "customprompt"); node.Tag = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new ContentInfo(nodeidprompt, title, "customprompt", ".prompt")); promptform3.MdiParent = this; promptform3.Text = title; promptform3.Show(); break; default: return; } node.SelectedImageIndex = node.ImageIndex; if (tvContent.SelectedNode == null) { tvContent.Nodes.Add(node); } else { tvContent.SelectedNode.Nodes.Add(node); tvContent.SelectedNode.Expand(); } ProjectInfo.Dirty = true; }