private void StartGame() { PacketID packetID; while (isConnected) { packetID = (PacketID)readByte (); this.commandCountReceived++; packetHistory.Add (packetID); double stance; int entityID = 0; //Console.WriteLine ( // "[{0}:{1}:{2}] [{3}]: {4}",this.commandCountReceived,this.packetCountReceived,this.packetSizeReceived,DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString(),Enum.GetName(typeof(PacketID),packetID)); switch (packetID) { case PacketID.LoginRequest: this.player = new Player (this.connectName, this); this.player.entityID = readInt (); entities [this.player.entityID] = this.player; readString (); this.levelType = readString (); this.serverMode = (ServerMode)readInt (); this.dimension = (Dimension)readInt (); this.difficulty = (Difficulty)readByte (); readByte (); this.maxPlayers = readByte (); Console.WriteLine ("Entity ID: {0}", this.player.entityID); Console.WriteLine ("Level Type: {0}", this.levelType); Console.WriteLine ("Server mode: {0}", Enum.GetName (typeof(ServerMode), this.serverMode)); Console.WriteLine ("Dimension: {0}", Enum.GetName (typeof(Dimension), this.dimension)); Console.WriteLine ("Difficulty: {0}", Enum.GetName (typeof(Difficulty), this.difficulty)); Console.WriteLine ("Max players: {0}", this.maxPlayers); break; case PacketID.DisconnectKick: string serverAnswer = readString (); Console.WriteLine ("Dissconnected: {0}", serverAnswer); isConnected = false; isLogged = false; break; case PacketID.KeepAlive: this.SendPacket (new object[]{(byte)PacketID.KeepAlive,readInt ()}); break; case PacketID.PluginMessage: string channel = readString (); byte[] data = readBytes (readShort ()); Console.WriteLine ("Plugins data for {0} size: {1}", channel, data.Length); break; case PacketID.SpawnPosition: this.spawnPosition = new XYZ<int> (readInt (), readInt (), readInt ()); //Console.WriteLine ("Spawn position: X: {0} Y: {1} Z: {2}", X, Y, Z); break; case PacketID.PlayerAbilities: this.player.invulnerability = readBool (); this.player.isFlying = readBool (); this.player.canFly = readBool (); this.player.instantDestroy = readBool (); Console.WriteLine (this.player.invulnerability ? "Player cannot take damage" : "Player can take damage"); Console.WriteLine (this.player.isFlying ? "Player is currently flying" : "Player is't currently flying"); Console.WriteLine (this.player.canFly ? "Player is able to fly" : "Player is't able to fly"); Console.WriteLine (this.player.instantDestroy ? "Player can destroy blocks instantly" : "Player can't destroy blocks instantly"); break; case PacketID.TimeUpdate: this.time = readLong (); //Console.WriteLine ("Time: {0}", time); break; case PacketID.ChatMessage: string msg = readString (); if (clearString (msg).Length > 0) { (clearString (msg)); Console.WriteLine ("--|{0}", clearString (msg)); } break; case PacketID.PlayerPositionLook: lock (this.player) { this.player.position.x = readDouble (); stance = readDouble (); this.player.position.y = readDouble (); this.player.position.z = readDouble (); (); this.player.endPosition = this.player.position; this.player.look.yaw = readFloat (); this.player.look.pitch = readFloat (); this.player.onGround = readBool (); this.player.height = stance - this.player.position.y; } Console.WriteLine ( "Absolute position: X:{0:0.####} Y:{1:0.####} Z:{2:0.####} Height:{3:0.###!#}", this.player.position.x, this.player.position.y, this.player.position.z, this.player.height); Console.WriteLine ("Absolute rotation: X:{0} Y:{1}", this.player.look.yaw, this.player.look.pitch); Console.WriteLine ("On ground: {0}", this.player.onGround ? "yes" : "no"); this.SendPacket (new object[] { (byte)PacketID.PlayerPositionLook, this.player.position.x, this.player.position.y, this.player.position.y + this.player.height, this.player.position.z,this.player.look.yaw,this.player.look.pitch,this.player.onGround} ); isLogged = true; break; case PacketID.Player: this.player.onGround = readBool (); Console.WriteLine ("On ground: {0}", this.player.onGround ? "yes" : "no"); break; case PacketID.PlayerPosition: lock (this.player) { this.player.position.x = readDouble (); this.player.position.y = readDouble (); stance = readDouble (); this.player.position.z = readDouble (); (); this.player.height = stance - this.player.position.y; this.player.endPosition = this.player.position; } Console.WriteLine ( "Absolute position: X:{0} Y:{1} Z:{2} Height:{3}", this.player.position.x, this.player.position.y, this.player.position.z, this.player.height ); break; case PacketID.SpawnPainting: Painting picture = new Painting (); picture.entityID = readInt (); picture.title = readString (); picture.centerPosition.x = readInt (); picture.centerPosition.y = readInt (); picture.centerPosition.z = readInt (); picture.direction = readInt (); this.entities [picture.entityID] = picture; //Console.WriteLine ("Spawn Painting: {4} X:{0} Y:{1} Z:{2} Direction:{3}", x2, y2, z2, direction, title); break; case PacketID.EntityHeadLook: entityID = readInt (); if (entities.ContainsKey (entityID)) entities [entityID].headYaw = readByte (); else readByte (); //Console.WriteLine ("Head yaw: {0} steps", headYew); break; case PacketID.SpawnMob: Mob mob = new Mob (); mob.entityID = readInt (); mob.type = readByte (); mob.position.x = readInt (); mob.position.y = readInt (); mob.position.z = readInt (); mob.look.yaw = readByte (); mob.look.pitch = readByte (); mob.headYaw = readByte (); mob.metadata = readMetadata (); entities [mob.entityID] = mob; /*Console.WriteLine ( "Spawn Mob: Type:{0} X:{1} Y:{2} Z:{3} Yaw:{4} Pitch:{5} Head Yaw:{6} Metadate size:{7}", type, x3, y3, z3, yaw2, pitch2, headYaw2, metadata );*/ break; case PacketID.EntityVelocity: entityID = readInt (); if (entities.ContainsKey (entityID)) { entities [entityID].velocity.x = readShort (); entities [entityID].velocity.y = readShort (); entities [entityID].velocity.z = readShort (); } else { readShort (); readShort (); readShort (); } //Console.WriteLine ("Velocity: X:{0} Y:{1} Z:{1}", vX / 28800.0, vY / 28800.0, vZ / 28800.0); break; case PacketID.SpawnNamedEntity: { OtherPlayer p = new OtherPlayer (); p.entityID = readInt (); = readString (); p.position.x = readInt (); p.position.y = readInt (); p.position.z = readInt (); p.look.yaw = readByte (); p.look.pitch = readByte (); p.currentItem = readShort (); entities [p.entityID] = p; Console.WriteLine ( "Player spawned: {3} X:{0} Y:{1} Z:{2} yaw:{4} pitch:{5} withItem:{6}", p.position.x, p.position.y, p.position.z,, p.look.yaw, p.look.pitch, p.currentItem ); } break; case PacketID.EntityEquipment: entityID = readInt (); if (entities.ContainsKey (entityID) && entities [entityID].GetType () == typeof(OtherPlayer)) { OtherPlayer p = (OtherPlayer)entities [entityID]; Armor armor = new Armor (); armor.slot = readShort (); armor.itemID = readShort (); armor.damage = readShort (); p.armor [armor.slot] = armor; Console.WriteLine ("Equipment: slot:{0} itemID:{1} damage:{2}", armor.slot, armor.itemID, armor.damage); } else { readShort (); readShort (); readShort (); } break; case PacketID.SpawnDroppedItem: DroppedItem item = new DroppedItem (); item.entityID = readInt (); //readInt (); item.item = readShort (); item.count = readByte (); = readShort (); item.position.x = readInt (); item.position.z = readInt (); item.position.y = readInt (); item.rotation = readByte (); item.pitch = readByte (); item.roll = readByte (); entities [item.entityID] = item; Console.WriteLine ( "Dropped item: item:{0}:{2} count:{1} x:{3} y:{4} z:{5} rotation:{6} pitch:{7} roll:{8}", item.item, item.count,, item.position.x, item.position.y, item.position.z, item.rotation, item.pitch, item.roll ); break; case PacketID.MapColumnAllocation: { int x = readInt (); int z = readInt (); bool mode = readBool (); if (mode) { (x, z); } else { (x, z); } /*Console.WriteLine ( "Need to {0} the chunk [{1};{2}]", mode ? "initialize" : "unload", x, z);*/ // (); } break; case PacketID.PlayerListItem: string name = clearString (readString ()); bool online = readBool (); short ping = readShort (); if (online) { playerList [name] = ping; } else { playerList.Remove (name); } Console.WriteLine ("Player:{0} ping:{1} {2} game", name, ping, online ? "enter" : "exit"); break; case PacketID.SetWindowItems: byte windowId = readByte (); short count2 = readShort (); //Console.Write ("Window items: count:{0}", count2); for (int i = 0; i<count2; i++) { short id = readShort (); if (id != -1) { byte itemCount = readByte (); short _data = readShort (); if (_data != -1) readBytes (_data); //Console.Write (" [{0}: id: {1} count:{2} dataSize:{3}]", i, id, itemCount, _data); }// else //Console.Write (" [{0};{1}]", i, "Empty"); } //Console.WriteLine (); break; case PacketID.SetSlot: byte winID = readByte (); short _slot = readShort (); short _id = readShort (); if (_id != -1) { byte itemCount = readByte (); short _data = readShort (); if (_data != -1) readBytes (_data); /*Console.WriteLine ( "Set slot: [window:{4} {0}: id: {1} count:{2} dataSize:{3}]", _slot, _id, itemCount, _data, winID );*/ } //else //Console.WriteLine ("Set slot: [window:{2} {0};{1}]", _slot, "Empty", winID); break; case PacketID.SpawnExperienceOrb: readInt (); int x7 = readInt (); int y7 = readInt (); int z7 = readInt (); int count3 = readShort (); Console.WriteLine ("Spawn expirience orb: x:{0} y:{1} z:{2} count:{3}", x7, y7, z7, count3); break; case PacketID.EntityRelativeMove: entityID = readInt (); sbyte dx = (sbyte)readByte (); sbyte dy = (sbyte)readByte (); sbyte dz = (sbyte)readByte (); if (entities.ContainsKey (entityID) && entities [entityID].GetType () == typeof(OtherPlayer)) { //Console.WriteLine ("Entity move: dx:{0:0.##} dy:{1:0.##} dz:{2:0.##}", dx/32.0, dy/32.0, dz/32.0); } break; case PacketID.EntityLook: readInt (); byte yaw4 = readByte (); byte pitch5 = readByte (); //Console.WriteLine ("Entity rotate: yaw:{0} pitch:{1}", yaw4, pitch5); break; case PacketID.DestroyEntity: entities.Remove (readInt ()); //Console.WriteLine ("Destroy entity"); break; case PacketID.EntityTeleport: readInt (); int x8 = readInt (); int y8 = readInt (); int z8 = readInt (); byte yaw8 = readByte (); byte pitch8 = readByte (); //Console.WriteLine ("Entity teleport: X:{0} Y:{1} Z:{2} yaw:{3} pitch:{4}", x8, y8, z8, yaw8, pitch8); break; case PacketID.BlockAction: int x9 = readInt (); short y9 = readShort (); int z9 = readInt (); byte byte1 = readByte (); byte byte2 = readByte (); //Console.WriteLine ("Block action: X:{0} Y:{1} Z:{2} bytes:[{3},{4}]",x9,y9,z9,byte1,byte2); break; case PacketID.EntityLookandRelativeMove: readInt (); int x10 = readByte (); int y10 = readByte (); int z10 = readByte (); byte yaw9 = readByte (); byte pitch9 = readByte (); //Console.WriteLine ("Entity relative look/move: dX:{0} dY:{1} dZ:{2} Yaw:{3} Pitch:{4}", x10, y10, z10, yaw9, pitch9); break; case PacketID.EntityMetadata: readInt (); int msize = readMetadata (); break; case PacketID.Animation: readInt (); readByte (); break; case PacketID.SpawnObjectVehicle: /*for (int i =0; i<50 && i<stream.Count; i++) { Console.Write ("{0} ",Convert.ToString (stream[i],16)); }*/ readInt (); readByte (); readInt (); readInt (); readInt (); int fireball = readInt (); if (fireball > 0) { readShort (); readShort (); readShort (); } break; case PacketID.EntityStatus: readInt (); readByte (); break; case PacketID.IncrementStatistic: int statisticID = readInt (); byte value = readByte (); Console.WriteLine ("Statistic {0} change to {1}", statisticID, value); break; case PacketID.UpdateHealth: = readShort (); = readShort (); this.player.saturation = readFloat (); Console.WriteLine ( "Update health:{0} food:{1} saturation:{2}",,, this.player.saturation); if ( < 1) { this.SendPacket (new object[] { (byte)PacketID.Respawn, (int)this.dimension, (byte)this.difficulty, (byte)this.serverMode, this.worldHeight, this.levelType } ); } break; case PacketID.UseBed: readInt (); readByte (); readInt (); readByte (); readInt (); Console.WriteLine ("use bad"); break; case PacketID.CollectItem: readInt (); readInt (); Console.WriteLine ("Someone pick up items"); break; case PacketID.Entity: entities [readInt ()] = new Entity (); break; case PacketID.AttachEntity: readInt (); readInt (); Console.WriteLine ("Attach player to vehicle"); break; case PacketID.EntityEffect: readInt (); readByte (); readByte (); readShort (); break; case PacketID.RemoveEntityEffect: readInt (); readByte (); break; case PacketID.SetExperience: readFloat (); readShort (); readShort (); break; case PacketID.MapChunks: { int x = readInt (); int z = readInt (); bool ground = readBool (); short primarymask = readShort (); short addmask = readShort (); int size = readInt (); readInt (); byte[] chunk = readBytes (size); (x, z, chunk); Console.WriteLine ( "Chunk uploaded[{4};{5}] size:{0} ground:{1} mask:{2} mask:{3}", size,ground,Convert.ToString(primarymask,2),Convert.ToString(addmask,2),x,z); } break; case PacketID.MultiBlockChange: readInt (); readInt (); readShort (); int _size = readInt (); readBytes (_size); Console.WriteLine ("Multi block changes size:{0}", _size); break; case PacketID.BlockChange: readInt (); readByte (); readInt (); readByte (); readByte (); break; case PacketID.Explosion: readDouble (); readDouble (); readDouble (); readFloat (); int size2 = readInt (); readBytes (size2 * 3); Console.WriteLine ("Explosion records:{0}", size2); break; case PacketID.SoundParticleEffect: readInt (); readInt (); readByte (); readInt (); readInt (); break; case PacketID.ChangeGameState: byte byte3 = readByte (); byte byte4 = readByte (); Console.WriteLine (@"Change game mod: reason: {0} game mod:{1}", byte3, byte4); break; case PacketID.Thunderbolt: readInt (); readBool (); readInt (); readInt (); readInt (); Console.WriteLine ("Thunderbolt!"); break; case PacketID.OpenWindow: readByte (); readByte (); string winTitle = readString (); int slotnum = readByte (); Console.WriteLine ("Open window {0} slots:{1}", winTitle, slotnum); break; case PacketID.CloseWindow: readByte (); Console.WriteLine ("Close window"); break; case PacketID.UpdateWindowProperty: readByte (); readShort (); readShort (); break; case PacketID.ItemData: readShort (); readShort (); int textLength = readByte (); byte[] text = readBytes (textLength); Console.WriteLine ("Item data: {0}", Encoding.ASCII.GetString (text)); break; case PacketID.UpdateTileEntity: readInt (); readShort (); readInt (); readByte (); readInt (); readInt (); readInt (); break; case PacketID.Respawn: this.dimension = (Dimension)readInt (); this.difficulty = (Difficulty)readByte (); this.serverMode = (ServerMode)readByte (); this.worldHeight = readShort (); this.levelType = readString (); Console.WriteLine ("Level Type: {0}", this.levelType); Console.WriteLine ("Server mode: {0}", Enum.GetName (typeof(ServerMode), this.serverMode)); Console.WriteLine ("Dimension: {0}", Enum.GetName (typeof(Dimension), this.dimension)); Console.WriteLine ("Difficulty: {0}", Enum.GetName (typeof(Difficulty), this.difficulty)); Console.WriteLine ("World height: {0}", this.worldHeight); break; case PacketID.ConfirmTransaction: readByte (); readShort (); readBool (); Console.WriteLine ("Confirm transaction"); break; case PacketID.CreativeInventoryAction: readShort (); short _id2 = readShort (); if (_id2 != -1) { byte itemCount = readByte (); short _data = readShort (); if (_data != -1) readBytes (_data); } break; case PacketID.UpdateSign: readInt (); readShort (); readInt (); string line1 = readString (); string line2 = readString (); string line3 = readString (); string line4 = readString (); //Console.WriteLine ("Update sign:{0} {1} {2} {3}", line1, line2, line3, line4); break; default: Console.WriteLine ("Unknown response: {0} ", Convert.ToString ((byte)packetID, 16)); isConnected = false; isLogged = false; client.Close (); throw new Exception ("Unknown response"); break; } } }
private void StartGame() { PacketID packetID; while (isConnected) { packetID = (PacketID)readByte(); this.commandCountReceived++; packetHistory.Add(packetID); double stance; int entityID = 0; //Console.WriteLine ( // "[{0}:{1}:{2}] [{3}]: {4}",this.commandCountReceived,this.packetCountReceived,this.packetSizeReceived,DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString(),Enum.GetName(typeof(PacketID),packetID)); switch (packetID) { case PacketID.LoginRequest: this.player = new Player(this.connectName, this); this.player.entityID = readInt(); entities [this.player.entityID] = this.player; readString(); this.levelType = readString(); this.serverMode = (ServerMode)readInt(); this.dimension = (Dimension)readInt(); this.difficulty = (Difficulty)readByte(); readByte(); this.maxPlayers = readByte(); Console.WriteLine("Entity ID: {0}", this.player.entityID); Console.WriteLine("Level Type: {0}", this.levelType); Console.WriteLine("Server mode: {0}", Enum.GetName(typeof(ServerMode), this.serverMode)); Console.WriteLine("Dimension: {0}", Enum.GetName(typeof(Dimension), this.dimension)); Console.WriteLine("Difficulty: {0}", Enum.GetName(typeof(Difficulty), this.difficulty)); Console.WriteLine("Max players: {0}", this.maxPlayers); break; case PacketID.DisconnectKick: string serverAnswer = readString(); Console.WriteLine("Dissconnected: {0}", serverAnswer); isConnected = false; isLogged = false; break; case PacketID.KeepAlive: this.SendPacket(new object[] { (byte)PacketID.KeepAlive, readInt() }); break; case PacketID.PluginMessage: string channel = readString(); byte[] data = readBytes(readShort()); Console.WriteLine("Plugins data for {0} size: {1}", channel, data.Length); break; case PacketID.SpawnPosition: this.spawnPosition = new XYZ <int> (readInt(), readInt(), readInt()); //Console.WriteLine ("Spawn position: X: {0} Y: {1} Z: {2}", X, Y, Z); break; case PacketID.PlayerAbilities: this.player.invulnerability = readBool(); this.player.isFlying = readBool(); this.player.canFly = readBool(); this.player.instantDestroy = readBool(); Console.WriteLine(this.player.invulnerability ? "Player cannot take damage" : "Player can take damage"); Console.WriteLine(this.player.isFlying ? "Player is currently flying" : "Player is't currently flying"); Console.WriteLine(this.player.canFly ? "Player is able to fly" : "Player is't able to fly"); Console.WriteLine(this.player.instantDestroy ? "Player can destroy blocks instantly" : "Player can't destroy blocks instantly"); break; case PacketID.TimeUpdate: this.time = readLong(); //Console.WriteLine ("Time: {0}", time); break; case PacketID.ChatMessage: string msg = readString(); if (clearString(msg).Length > 0) {; Console.WriteLine("--|{0}", clearString(msg)); } break; case PacketID.PlayerPositionLook: lock (this.player) { this.player.position.x = readDouble(); stance = readDouble(); this.player.position.y = readDouble(); this.player.position.z = readDouble();; this.player.endPosition = this.player.position; this.player.look.yaw = readFloat(); this.player.look.pitch = readFloat(); this.player.onGround = readBool(); this.player.height = stance - this.player.position.y; } Console.WriteLine( "Absolute position: X:{0:0.####} Y:{1:0.####} Z:{2:0.####} Height:{3:0.###!#}", this.player.position.x, this.player.position.y, this.player.position.z, this.player.height); Console.WriteLine("Absolute rotation: X:{0} Y:{1}", this.player.look.yaw, this.player.look.pitch); Console.WriteLine("On ground: {0}", this.player.onGround ? "yes" : "no"); this.SendPacket(new object[] { (byte)PacketID.PlayerPositionLook, this.player.position.x, this.player.position.y, this.player.position.y + this.player.height, this.player.position.z, this.player.look.yaw, this.player.look.pitch, this.player.onGround } ); isLogged = true; break; case PacketID.Player: this.player.onGround = readBool(); Console.WriteLine("On ground: {0}", this.player.onGround ? "yes" : "no"); break; case PacketID.PlayerPosition: lock (this.player) { this.player.position.x = readDouble(); this.player.position.y = readDouble(); stance = readDouble(); this.player.position.z = readDouble();; this.player.height = stance - this.player.position.y; this.player.endPosition = this.player.position; } Console.WriteLine( "Absolute position: X:{0} Y:{1} Z:{2} Height:{3}", this.player.position.x, this.player.position.y, this.player.position.z, this.player.height ); break; case PacketID.SpawnPainting: Painting picture = new Painting(); picture.entityID = readInt(); picture.title = readString(); picture.centerPosition.x = readInt(); picture.centerPosition.y = readInt(); picture.centerPosition.z = readInt(); picture.direction = readInt(); this.entities [picture.entityID] = picture; //Console.WriteLine ("Spawn Painting: {4} X:{0} Y:{1} Z:{2} Direction:{3}", x2, y2, z2, direction, title); break; case PacketID.EntityHeadLook: entityID = readInt(); if (entities.ContainsKey(entityID)) { entities [entityID].headYaw = readByte(); } else { readByte(); } //Console.WriteLine ("Head yaw: {0} steps", headYew); break; case PacketID.SpawnMob: Mob mob = new Mob(); mob.entityID = readInt(); mob.type = readByte(); mob.position.x = readInt(); mob.position.y = readInt(); mob.position.z = readInt(); mob.look.yaw = readByte(); mob.look.pitch = readByte(); mob.headYaw = readByte(); mob.metadata = readMetadata(); entities [mob.entityID] = mob; /*Console.WriteLine ( * "Spawn Mob: Type:{0} X:{1} Y:{2} Z:{3} Yaw:{4} Pitch:{5} Head Yaw:{6} Metadate size:{7}", * type, * x3, * y3, * z3, * yaw2, * pitch2, * headYaw2, * metadata * );*/ break; case PacketID.EntityVelocity: entityID = readInt(); if (entities.ContainsKey(entityID)) { entities [entityID].velocity.x = readShort(); entities [entityID].velocity.y = readShort(); entities [entityID].velocity.z = readShort(); } else { readShort(); readShort(); readShort(); } //Console.WriteLine ("Velocity: X:{0} Y:{1} Z:{1}", vX / 28800.0, vY / 28800.0, vZ / 28800.0); break; case PacketID.SpawnNamedEntity: { OtherPlayer p = new OtherPlayer(); p.entityID = readInt(); = readString(); p.position.x = readInt(); p.position.y = readInt(); p.position.z = readInt(); p.look.yaw = readByte(); p.look.pitch = readByte(); p.currentItem = readShort(); entities [p.entityID] = p; Console.WriteLine( "Player spawned: {3} X:{0} Y:{1} Z:{2} yaw:{4} pitch:{5} withItem:{6}", p.position.x, p.position.y, p.position.z,, p.look.yaw, p.look.pitch, p.currentItem ); } break; case PacketID.EntityEquipment: entityID = readInt(); if (entities.ContainsKey(entityID) && entities [entityID].GetType() == typeof(OtherPlayer)) { OtherPlayer p = (OtherPlayer)entities [entityID]; Armor armor = new Armor(); armor.slot = readShort(); armor.itemID = readShort(); armor.damage = readShort(); p.armor [armor.slot] = armor; Console.WriteLine("Equipment: slot:{0} itemID:{1} damage:{2}", armor.slot, armor.itemID, armor.damage); } else { readShort(); readShort(); readShort(); } break; case PacketID.SpawnDroppedItem: DroppedItem item = new DroppedItem(); item.entityID = readInt(); //readInt (); item.item = readShort(); item.count = readByte(); = readShort(); item.position.x = readInt(); item.position.z = readInt(); item.position.y = readInt(); item.rotation = readByte(); item.pitch = readByte(); item.roll = readByte(); entities [item.entityID] = item; Console.WriteLine( "Dropped item: item:{0}:{2} count:{1} x:{3} y:{4} z:{5} rotation:{6} pitch:{7} roll:{8}", item.item, item.count,, item.position.x, item.position.y, item.position.z, item.rotation, item.pitch, item.roll ); break; case PacketID.MapColumnAllocation: { int x = readInt(); int z = readInt(); bool mode = readBool(); if (mode) {, z); } else {, z); } /*Console.WriteLine ( * "Need to {0} the chunk [{1};{2}]", * mode ? "initialize" : "unload", * x, * z);*/ // (); } break; case PacketID.PlayerListItem: string name = clearString(readString()); bool online = readBool(); short ping = readShort(); if (online) { playerList [name] = ping; } else { playerList.Remove(name); } Console.WriteLine("Player:{0} ping:{1} {2} game", name, ping, online ? "enter" : "exit"); break; case PacketID.SetWindowItems: byte windowId = readByte(); short count2 = readShort(); //Console.Write ("Window items: count:{0}", count2); for (int i = 0; i < count2; i++) { short id = readShort(); if (id != -1) { byte itemCount = readByte(); short _data = readShort(); if (_data != -1) { readBytes(_data); } //Console.Write (" [{0}: id: {1} count:{2} dataSize:{3}]", i, id, itemCount, _data); } // else //Console.Write (" [{0};{1}]", i, "Empty"); } //Console.WriteLine (); break; case PacketID.SetSlot: byte winID = readByte(); short _slot = readShort(); short _id = readShort(); if (_id != -1) { byte itemCount = readByte(); short _data = readShort(); if (_data != -1) { readBytes(_data); } /*Console.WriteLine ( * "Set slot: [window:{4} {0}: id: {1} count:{2} dataSize:{3}]", * _slot, * _id, * itemCount, * _data, * winID * );*/ } //else //Console.WriteLine ("Set slot: [window:{2} {0};{1}]", _slot, "Empty", winID); break; case PacketID.SpawnExperienceOrb: readInt(); int x7 = readInt(); int y7 = readInt(); int z7 = readInt(); int count3 = readShort(); Console.WriteLine("Spawn expirience orb: x:{0} y:{1} z:{2} count:{3}", x7, y7, z7, count3); break; case PacketID.EntityRelativeMove: entityID = readInt(); sbyte dx = (sbyte)readByte(); sbyte dy = (sbyte)readByte(); sbyte dz = (sbyte)readByte(); if (entities.ContainsKey(entityID) && entities [entityID].GetType() == typeof(OtherPlayer)) { //Console.WriteLine ("Entity move: dx:{0:0.##} dy:{1:0.##} dz:{2:0.##}", dx/32.0, dy/32.0, dz/32.0); } break; case PacketID.EntityLook: readInt(); byte yaw4 = readByte(); byte pitch5 = readByte(); //Console.WriteLine ("Entity rotate: yaw:{0} pitch:{1}", yaw4, pitch5); break; case PacketID.DestroyEntity: entities.Remove(readInt()); //Console.WriteLine ("Destroy entity"); break; case PacketID.EntityTeleport: readInt(); int x8 = readInt(); int y8 = readInt(); int z8 = readInt(); byte yaw8 = readByte(); byte pitch8 = readByte(); //Console.WriteLine ("Entity teleport: X:{0} Y:{1} Z:{2} yaw:{3} pitch:{4}", x8, y8, z8, yaw8, pitch8); break; case PacketID.BlockAction: int x9 = readInt(); short y9 = readShort(); int z9 = readInt(); byte byte1 = readByte(); byte byte2 = readByte(); //Console.WriteLine ("Block action: X:{0} Y:{1} Z:{2} bytes:[{3},{4}]",x9,y9,z9,byte1,byte2); break; case PacketID.EntityLookandRelativeMove: readInt(); int x10 = readByte(); int y10 = readByte(); int z10 = readByte(); byte yaw9 = readByte(); byte pitch9 = readByte(); //Console.WriteLine ("Entity relative look/move: dX:{0} dY:{1} dZ:{2} Yaw:{3} Pitch:{4}", x10, y10, z10, yaw9, pitch9); break; case PacketID.EntityMetadata: readInt(); int msize = readMetadata(); break; case PacketID.Animation: readInt(); readByte(); break; case PacketID.SpawnObjectVehicle: /*for (int i =0; i<50 && i<stream.Count; i++) { * Console.Write ("{0} ",Convert.ToString (stream[i],16)); * }*/ readInt(); readByte(); readInt(); readInt(); readInt(); int fireball = readInt(); if (fireball > 0) { readShort(); readShort(); readShort(); } break; case PacketID.EntityStatus: readInt(); readByte(); break; case PacketID.IncrementStatistic: int statisticID = readInt(); byte value = readByte(); Console.WriteLine("Statistic {0} change to {1}", statisticID, value); break; case PacketID.UpdateHealth: = readShort(); = readShort(); this.player.saturation = readFloat(); Console.WriteLine( "Update health:{0} food:{1} saturation:{2}",,, this.player.saturation); if ( < 1) { this.SendPacket(new object[] { (byte)PacketID.Respawn, (int)this.dimension, (byte)this.difficulty, (byte)this.serverMode, this.worldHeight, this.levelType } ); } break; case PacketID.UseBed: readInt(); readByte(); readInt(); readByte(); readInt(); Console.WriteLine("use bad"); break; case PacketID.CollectItem: readInt(); readInt(); Console.WriteLine("Someone pick up items"); break; case PacketID.Entity: entities [readInt()] = new Entity(); break; case PacketID.AttachEntity: readInt(); readInt(); Console.WriteLine("Attach player to vehicle"); break; case PacketID.EntityEffect: readInt(); readByte(); readByte(); readShort(); break; case PacketID.RemoveEntityEffect: readInt(); readByte(); break; case PacketID.SetExperience: readFloat(); readShort(); readShort(); break; case PacketID.MapChunks: { int x = readInt(); int z = readInt(); bool ground = readBool(); short primarymask = readShort(); short addmask = readShort(); int size = readInt(); readInt(); byte[] chunk = readBytes(size);, z, chunk); Console.WriteLine( "Chunk uploaded[{4};{5}] size:{0} ground:{1} mask:{2} mask:{3}", size, ground, Convert.ToString(primarymask, 2), Convert.ToString(addmask, 2), x, z); } break; case PacketID.MultiBlockChange: readInt(); readInt(); readShort(); int _size = readInt(); readBytes(_size); Console.WriteLine("Multi block changes size:{0}", _size); break; case PacketID.BlockChange: readInt(); readByte(); readInt(); readByte(); readByte(); break; case PacketID.Explosion: readDouble(); readDouble(); readDouble(); readFloat(); int size2 = readInt(); readBytes(size2 * 3); Console.WriteLine("Explosion records:{0}", size2); break; case PacketID.SoundParticleEffect: readInt(); readInt(); readByte(); readInt(); readInt(); break; case PacketID.ChangeGameState: byte byte3 = readByte(); byte byte4 = readByte(); Console.WriteLine(@"Change game mod: reason: {0} game mod:{1}", byte3, byte4); break; case PacketID.Thunderbolt: readInt(); readBool(); readInt(); readInt(); readInt(); Console.WriteLine("Thunderbolt!"); break; case PacketID.OpenWindow: readByte(); readByte(); string winTitle = readString(); int slotnum = readByte(); Console.WriteLine("Open window {0} slots:{1}", winTitle, slotnum); break; case PacketID.CloseWindow: readByte(); Console.WriteLine("Close window"); break; case PacketID.UpdateWindowProperty: readByte(); readShort(); readShort(); break; case PacketID.ItemData: readShort(); readShort(); int textLength = readByte(); byte[] text = readBytes(textLength); Console.WriteLine("Item data: {0}", Encoding.ASCII.GetString(text)); break; case PacketID.UpdateTileEntity: readInt(); readShort(); readInt(); readByte(); readInt(); readInt(); readInt(); break; case PacketID.Respawn: this.dimension = (Dimension)readInt(); this.difficulty = (Difficulty)readByte(); this.serverMode = (ServerMode)readByte(); this.worldHeight = readShort(); this.levelType = readString(); Console.WriteLine("Level Type: {0}", this.levelType); Console.WriteLine("Server mode: {0}", Enum.GetName(typeof(ServerMode), this.serverMode)); Console.WriteLine("Dimension: {0}", Enum.GetName(typeof(Dimension), this.dimension)); Console.WriteLine("Difficulty: {0}", Enum.GetName(typeof(Difficulty), this.difficulty)); Console.WriteLine("World height: {0}", this.worldHeight); break; case PacketID.ConfirmTransaction: readByte(); readShort(); readBool(); Console.WriteLine("Confirm transaction"); break; case PacketID.CreativeInventoryAction: readShort(); short _id2 = readShort(); if (_id2 != -1) { byte itemCount = readByte(); short _data = readShort(); if (_data != -1) { readBytes(_data); } } break; case PacketID.UpdateSign: readInt(); readShort(); readInt(); string line1 = readString(); string line2 = readString(); string line3 = readString(); string line4 = readString(); //Console.WriteLine ("Update sign:{0} {1} {2} {3}", line1, line2, line3, line4); break; default: Console.WriteLine("Unknown response: {0} ", Convert.ToString((byte)packetID, 16)); isConnected = false; isLogged = false; client.Close(); throw new Exception("Unknown response"); break; } } }