public void ReadFromFile() { string[] lines = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(path_to_project); foreach (string line in lines) { string[] loc = line.Split(';'); if (string.Equals(loc[0], "BOT")) { BotEvent bot = new BotEvent(); bot.setName(loc[1]); bot.setType(loc[2]); for (int i = 3; i < loc.Length;) { bot.addToDictionary(loc[i], loc[i + 1]); i += 2; } memory_event.addToList(bot); continue; } if (string.Equals(loc[0], "SCREENSHOT")) { memory_screenshot_path.addToList(loc[1]); continue; } if (string.Equals(loc[0], "VARIABLE")) { memory_variables.addToDictionary(loc[1], loc[2]); continue; } } }
private void Simulate() { for (int loop = 0; loop < int.Parse(ProjectSettings_TextField_Count.Text); loop++) { foreach (BotEvent bot in memory_event.getList()) { actual_botevent_running = bot; memory_variables.getDictionary()["$ActualX"] = Cursor.Position.X.ToString(); memory_variables.getDictionary()["$ActualY"] = Cursor.Position.Y.ToString(); TakeScreenshot_tmp(); if (bot.getType() == "change_variable_value") { if (memory_variables.getDictionary().ContainsKey(bot.getDictionary().First().Value)) { try { memory_variables.getDictionary()[bot.getDictionary().First().Value] = int.Parse(memory_variables.getDictionary()[bot.getDictionary().First().Value].ToString()) + int.Parse(GetValue(bot.getDictionary().ElementAt(1).Value)); } catch { MessageBox.Show("Trying to change string value to integer"); } } continue; } string procces_path = "lib\\" + bot.getType() + ".exe"; string procces_args = ""; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> item in bot.getDictionary()) { procces_args += GetValue(item.Value) + " "; } Console.WriteLine(procces_path + " " + procces_args); Process proc = new Process(); proc.StartInfo.FileName = procces_path; proc.StartInfo.Arguments = procces_args; proc.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; proc.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; proc.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true; proc.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; proc.EnableRaisingEvents = true; proc.OutputDataReceived += new DataReceivedEventHandler(OnDataReceived); proc.Start(); proc.BeginErrorReadLine(); proc.BeginOutputReadLine(); proc.WaitForExit(); } } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (comboBox1.SelectedIndex > -1) { BotEvent bot = new BotEvent(); bot.setType(comboBox1.SelectedItem.ToString()); bot.setName(textBox1.Text); foreach (UserControl_Label_TextField item in list) { string[] value = item.Name.Split(new char[] { '$' }); if (value.Count() > 1) { if (value[1].ToLower() == "x") { bot.addToDictionary(item.getLabelText(), x.ToString()); continue; } if (value[1].ToLower() == "y") { bot.addToDictionary(item.getLabelText(), y.ToString()); continue; } } bot.addToDictionary(item.getLabelText(), item.Name); } memory_event.addToList(bot); form_main.getVariableMemory().addToDictionary("$" + textBox1.Text, 0); this.Close(); } }
//work with list public void addToList(BotEvent bot) { list.Add(bot); }