public StandardEmailTemplate CreateForgottenPasswordEmailTemplate(string resetURL, string toEmailAddress, string passwordlink)

            StandardEmailTemplate email = new StandardEmailTemplate(toEmailAddress);

            email.theAsposeMessage.Subject = "Portugal Rental Cottages: Password Reset - Please read";
            email.theAsposeMessage.HtmlBody = "<h2>Thank you for using Portugal Rental Cottages. You have requested a password reset, please click the link below to resent your password</h2>";
            email.theAsposeMessage.HtmlBody = "<a href=\"" + resetURL + "?token=" + passwordlink + "\">Click here to reset your password</a>";

            return email;
        public int SendEmailToCustomer(Customer customer, int EmailTemplateID, Booking booking = null, BookingExtraSelection bes = null)
                StandardEmailTemplate template = new StandardEmailTemplate(customer.EmailAddress, EmailTemplateID, customer, booking, bes);

                return 0;
            catch (Exception ex)

                throw ex;

        public override EventCommandResult ExecuteCommand()
            var result = new EventCommandResult();

            var template = new StandardEmailTemplate(customer.EmailAddress, this.EmailTemplateId, customer, booking, bes);

            if (this.Event.Documents.Equals(null))
                this.Event.Documents = new Collection<Document>();
                this.Event.Documents.Add(new Document());

            if (this.Event.Documents.Count > 0)
                foreach (var doc in this.Event.Documents)
                    Stream docStream = new MemoryStream(doc.DocumentBLOB);
                    template.theAsposeMessage.AddAttachment(new Attachment(docStream, doc.DocumentName+".pdf"));

                    result.ResultCode = 200;
                    result.CommandExecutedInfo = "EmailOutCommand";
                    result.ResultMessage = "OK";
                    result.ResultCode = 800;
                    result.CommandExecutedInfo = "EmailOutCommand";
                    result.ResultMessage = "Fail";

            return result;