예제 #1
        public ActionResult UNOfficialBook(ManageViewModel mine, int id = 0)
            BookstoreContext dba = new BookstoreContext();
            OfficialPosting tmp = (from ec in dba.OfficialPostings
                                    where ec.PostingID == id
                                    select ec).FirstOrDefault();

                if (tmp != null)
            catch (Exception e)

            //Add Audit
            var userIds = WebSecurity.GetUserId(User.Identity.Name);
            var postId = id;
            AuditController.AuditEntry(userIds, postId, AuditController.REMOVEOFFICIAL);
            return RedirectToAction("Index", "manage", mine);
예제 #2
        public ActionResult OfficialBook(ManageViewModel mine, int id = 0)
            BookstoreContext dba = new BookstoreContext();
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                    if (mine.isOfficial)
                        mine.Officialpostings.PostingID = id;


                catch (DbEntityValidationException e)
                    //display all the validation error on the postingview model
                    foreach (var eve in e.EntityValidationErrors)
                        Console.WriteLine("Entity of type \"{0}\" in state \"{1}\" has the following validation errors:",
                            eve.Entry.Entity.GetType().Name, eve.Entry.State);
                        foreach (var ve in eve.ValidationErrors)
                            Console.WriteLine("- Property: \"{0}\", Error: \"{1}\"",
                                ve.PropertyName, ve.ErrorMessage);

                //Add Audit
                var userIds = WebSecurity.GetUserId(User.Identity.Name);
                var postId = id;
                AuditController.AuditEntry(userIds, postId, AuditController.CREATEOFFICIAL);
                return RedirectToAction("Index", "manage", mine );
            return View(mine.postings.ToPostingViewModel());
예제 #3
        public ActionResult Manage(ManageViewModel mine)
            BookstoreContext dba = new BookstoreContext();
               //Get infor for posting adn set it
               var userId = WebSecurity.GetUserId(User.Identity.Name);
               mine.InstitutionID = GetInstituion(User.Identity.Name);

               if (mine == null)
               mine = new ManageViewModel();


               List<Posting> postings = null;
            postings = (from ec in dba.Postings
                        where ec.Institution_ID == mine.InstitutionID && ec.UserID == userId
            select ec).ToList<Posting>();

               if (postings == null)
               postings = new List<Posting>();

               //set the value foreach of the postings
               foreach (Posting ec in postings)
               ec.UserID = dba.Postings.Where(e => e.PostingID == ec.PostingID).FirstOrDefault().UserID;
               ec.PostTitle = dba.Postings.Where(e => e.PostingID == ec.PostingID).FirstOrDefault().PostTitle;
               ec.PostDescription = dba.Postings.Where(e => e.PostingID == ec.PostingID).FirstOrDefault().PostDescription;

               ec.price = dba.Postings.Where(e => e.PostingID == ec.PostingID).FirstOrDefault().price;

               ec.author = dba.Postings.Where(e => e.PostingID == ec.PostingID).FirstOrDefault().author;
               ec.BookTitle = dba.Postings.Where(e => e.PostingID == ec.PostingID).FirstOrDefault().BookTitle;

               ec.PostingID = dba.Postings.Where(e => e.PostingID == ec.PostingID).FirstOrDefault().PostingID;
               ec.Posting_Date = dba.Postings.Where(e => e.PostingID == ec.PostingID).FirstOrDefault().Posting_Date;

               ec.Institution_ID = dba.Postings.Where(e => e.PostingID == ec.PostingID).FirstOrDefault().Institution_ID;

               var postingViewModels = postings.Select(post => post.ToOfficialPostingViewModel()).ToList();
               mine.AllPostings = postingViewModels;
               return View(mine);
예제 #4
        public ActionResult OfficialBook(int id = 0)
            BookstoreContext dba = new BookstoreContext();
            Posting post = dba.Postings.Find(id);
            if (post == null)
                post = new Posting();

            var manageViewModel = new ManageViewModel();
            manageViewModel.postings = post;
            return View(manageViewModel);
예제 #5
        public ActionResult Index(string booktitle, string author, ManageViewModel mine)
            BookstoreContext dba = new BookstoreContext();
            //Get infor for posting adn set it
            var userId = WebSecurity.GetUserId(User.Identity.Name);
            //get institution from email.
            mine.InstitutionID = UserController.GetInstituion(User.Identity.Name);

            if (mine == null)
                mine = new ManageViewModel();


            List<Posting> postings = null;

            //get list of all posting from an instituiton for the admin
            if (User.IsInRole("admin"))

                if ((!String.IsNullOrEmpty(booktitle)) && (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(author)))
                    postings = (from ec in dba.Postings
                                where ec.BookTitle.Contains(booktitle) && ec.author.Contains(author) && ec.Institution_ID == mine.InstitutionID && DateTime.Compare((DateTime)ec.ExpiryDate, DateTime.Today) > 0
                                select ec).ToList<Posting>();
                else if ((String.IsNullOrEmpty(booktitle)) && (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(author)) )
                    postings = (from ec in dba.Postings

                                where ec.author.Contains(author) && ec.Institution_ID == mine.InstitutionID && DateTime.Compare((DateTime)ec.ExpiryDate, DateTime.Today) > 0
                                select ec).ToList<Posting>();
                else if ((!String.IsNullOrEmpty(booktitle)) && (String.IsNullOrEmpty(author)))
                    postings = (from ec in dba.Postings
                                where ec.BookTitle.Contains(booktitle) && ec.Institution_ID == mine.InstitutionID && DateTime.Compare((DateTime)ec.ExpiryDate, DateTime.Today) > 0
                                select ec).ToList<Posting>();
                else if ((String.IsNullOrEmpty(booktitle)) && (String.IsNullOrEmpty(author)))
                    postings = (from ec in dba.Postings

                                where ec.Institution_ID == mine.InstitutionID && DateTime.Compare((DateTime)ec.ExpiryDate, DateTime.Today) > 0
                                select ec).ToList<Posting>();

            if (postings == null)
                postings = new List<Posting>();

            //set the value foreach of the postings
            foreach (Posting ec in postings)
                ec.UserID = dba.Postings.Where(e => e.PostingID == ec.PostingID).FirstOrDefault().UserID;
                ec.PostTitle = dba.Postings.Where(e => e.PostingID == ec.PostingID).FirstOrDefault().PostTitle;
                ec.PostDescription = dba.Postings.Where(e => e.PostingID == ec.PostingID).FirstOrDefault().PostDescription;

                ec.price = dba.Postings.Where(e => e.PostingID == ec.PostingID).FirstOrDefault().price;

                ec.author = dba.Postings.Where(e => e.PostingID == ec.PostingID).FirstOrDefault().author;
                ec.BookTitle = dba.Postings.Where(e => e.PostingID == ec.PostingID).FirstOrDefault().BookTitle;

                ec.PostingID = dba.Postings.Where(e => e.PostingID == ec.PostingID).FirstOrDefault().PostingID;
                ec.Posting_Date = dba.Postings.Where(e => e.PostingID == ec.PostingID).FirstOrDefault().Posting_Date;

                ec.Institution_ID = dba.Postings.Where(e => e.PostingID == ec.PostingID).FirstOrDefault().Institution_ID;

            var postingViewModels = postings.Select(post => post.ToOfficialPostingViewModel()).ToList();
            mine.AllPostings = postingViewModels;

               // List<OfficialPosting> Opostings = null;

            return View(mine);