예제 #1
        public Neuropixels1R0Device()
            // Reference to context
            this.oni_ref = ONIManager.ReserveDAQ();

            // Find the hardware clock rate
            var sample_clock_hz = (int)50e6; // TODO: oni_ref.DAQ.AcquisitionClockHz;

            // Find all RHD devices
            devices = oni_ref.DAQ.DeviceMap.Where(
                pair => pair.Value.id == (uint)oni.Device.DeviceID.NEUROPIX1R0
                ).ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value);

            // Stop here if there are no devices to use
            // TODO: this aliases into some XML error
            if (devices.Count == 0)
                throw new oni.ONIException((int)oni.lib.Error.DEVIDX);

            DeviceIndex         = new DeviceIndexSelection();
            DeviceIndex.Indices = devices.Keys.ToArray();

            source = Observable.Create <Neuropixels1R0DataFrame>(observer =>
                EventHandler <FrameReceivedEventArgs> inputReceived;
                var data_block = new Neuropixels1R0DataBlock(BlockSize);


                inputReceived = (sender, e) =>
                    var frame = e.Value;
                    //If this frame contaisn data from the selected device_index
                    if (frame.DeviceIndices.Contains(DeviceIndex.SelectedIndex))
                        // Pull the sample
                        if (data_block.FillFromFrame(frame, DeviceIndex.SelectedIndex))
                            observer.OnNext(new Neuropixels1R0DataFrame(data_block, sample_clock_hz)); //TODO: Does this deep copy??
                            data_block = new Neuropixels1R0DataBlock(BlockSize);

                oni_ref.Environment.FrameInputReceived += inputReceived;
                return(Disposable.Create(() =>
                    oni_ref.Environment.FrameInputReceived -= inputReceived;
예제 #2
        public Neuropixels1R0DataFrame(Neuropixels1R0DataBlock dataBlock, int hardware_clock_hz)
            LFPClock = GetClock(dataBlock.SpikeClock);
            LFPClock = GetClock(dataBlock.LFPClock);

            SpikeTime = GetTime(dataBlock.SpikeClock, hardware_clock_hz);
            LFPTime   = GetTime(dataBlock.LFPClock, hardware_clock_hz);

            SpikeData = GetEphysData(dataBlock.SpikeData);
            LFPData   = GetEphysData(dataBlock.LFPData);

            FrameCounter = GetCounter(dataBlock.CounterData);
            FrameType    = GetFrameType(dataBlock.FrameType);