private void CloneEmptyRepositoryWithCredentials(GitInstance git) { var result = RunGit(git, String.Format(String.Format("clone {0}", RepositoryUrlWithCredentials), RepositoryName), WorkingDirectory); Assert.AreEqual(git.Resources[MsysgitResources.Definition.CloneEmptyRepositoryOutput], result.StdOut); Assert.AreEqual(git.Resources[MsysgitResources.Definition.CloneEmptyRepositoryError], result.StdErr); }
private static bool AnyCredentialHelperExists(GitInstance git) { IEnumerable <string> urls = new List <string> { string.Format(RepositoryUrlTemplate, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty), string.Format(RepositoryUrlTemplate, Credentials, string.Empty, string.Empty), }; foreach (var url in urls) { var exists = RunGit(git, string.Format("config --get-urlmatch credential.helper {0}", url), WorkingDirectory); /* Credential.helper is a multi-valued configuration setting. This means it you cannot rely on the value returned by any of the calls * as it might return an empty value, which is a valid(! altough pointless) value where there is a second configured value * in the same config file. But you can rely on the exit code. 0 means it found this key. */ /* There seems to be a bug in git config --get-urlmatch where it will retun 0 eventhough there was no match. * So we need to check the value. The good part is that if it is not set anywhere we get an empty string. If * it is set somewhere the string contains at least "\r\n". * See the bug report here */ if (exists.ExitCode == 0 && exists.StdOut != "") { Console.Write(string.Format("Stdout: {0}", exists.StdOut)); Console.Write(string.Format("Stderr: {0}", exists.StdErr)); Debug.Write(string.Format("Stdout: {0}", exists.StdOut)); Debug.Write(string.Format("Stderr: {0}", exists.StdErr)); return(true); } } return(false); }
private void PushTag(GitInstance git) { RunGitOnRepo(git, "tag -a v1.4 -m \"my version 1.4\"").ExpectSuccess(); var result = RunGitOnRepo(git, "push --tags origin"); Assert.AreEqual(String.Format(git.Resources[MsysgitResources.Definition.PushTagError], RepositoryUrlWithCredentials), result.StdErr); }
private void PushBranch(GitInstance git) { RunGitOnRepo(git, "checkout -b \"TestBranch\"").ExpectSuccess(); var result = RunGitOnRepo(git, "push origin TestBranch"); Assert.AreEqual(String.Format(git.Resources[MsysgitResources.Definition.PushBranchError], RepositoryUrlWithCredentials), result.StdErr); }
private void PullBranch(GitInstance git) { var result = RunGitOnRepo(git, "pull origin TestBranch"); Assert.AreEqual("Already up-to-date.\r\n", result.StdOut); Assert.AreEqual(String.Format(git.Resources[MsysgitResources.Definition.PullBranchError], RepositoryUrlWithoutCredentials), result.StdErr); }
private void CreateAndPushFiles(GitInstance git) { CreateAndAddFiles(git); var result = RunGitOnRepo(git, "push origin master"); Assert.AreEqual(String.Format(git.Resources[MsysgitResources.Definition.PushFilesSuccessError], RepositoryUrlWithCredentials), result.StdErr); }
private void InitAndPushRepository(GitInstance git) { RunGitOnRepo(git, "init").ExpectSuccess(); RunGitOnRepo(git, String.Format("remote add origin {0}", RepositoryUrlWithCredentials)).ExpectSuccess(); var result = RunGitOnRepo(git, "push origin master"); Assert.AreEqual(String.Format(git.Resources[MsysgitResources.Definition.PullRepositoryError], RepositoryUrlWithoutCredentials), result.StdErr); }
private void CreateAndAddTestFiles(GitInstance git, int count) { foreach (var i in 0.To(count - 1)) { CreateRandomFile(Path.Combine(RepositoryDirectory, "file" + i), 0); } RunGitOnRepo(git, "add .").ExpectSuccess(); RunGitOnRepo(git, "commit -m \"Commit me! For linikfy tests: #1234\"").ExpectSuccess(); }
private void CreateAndAddFiles(GitInstance git) { CreateRandomFile(Path.Combine(RepositoryDirectory, "1.dat"), 10); CreateRandomFile(Path.Combine(RepositoryDirectory, "2.dat"), 1); Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(RepositoryDirectory, "SubDirectory")); CreateRandomFile(Path.Combine(RepositoryDirectory, "Subdirectory", "3.dat"), 20); CreateRandomFile(Path.Combine(RepositoryDirectory, "Subdirectory", "4.dat"), 15); RunGitOnRepo(git, "add .").ExpectSuccess(); RunGitOnRepo(git, "commit -m \"Test Files Added\"").ExpectSuccess(); }
private void SetGlobalAnonPush(GitInstance git, bool allowAnonymousPush) { app.NavigateTo <SettingsController>(c => c.Index()); var form = app.FindFormFor <GlobalSettingsModel>(); var field = form.Field(f => f.AllowAnonymousPush); ITH.SetCheckbox(field.Field, allowAnonymousPush); var languages = new SelectElement(form.Field(f => f.DefaultLanguage).Field); languages.SelectByValue("en-US"); form.Submit(); ITH.AssertThatNoValidationErrorOccurred(); }
private void PushFiles(GitInstance git, bool success) { var res = RunGitOnRepo(git, "push origin master"); if (success) { Assert.AreEqual(string.Format(git.Resources[MsysgitResources.Definition.PushFilesSuccessError], RepositoryUrlWithoutCredentials + ".git"), res.StdErr); } else { Assert.AreEqual(string.Format(git.Resources[MsysgitResources.Definition.PushFilesFailError], BareUrl), res.StdErr); } }
private void CloneRepoAnon(GitInstance git, bool success) { var result = RunGit(git, string.Format("clone {0}.git", RepositoryUrlWithoutCredentials), WorkingDirectory); if (success) { Assert.AreEqual(git.Resources[MsysgitResources.Definition.CloneEmptyRepositoryOutput], result.StdOut); Assert.AreEqual(git.Resources[MsysgitResources.Definition.CloneEmptyRepositoryError], result.StdErr); } else { Assert.AreEqual(git.Resources[MsysgitResources.Definition.CloneEmptyRepositoryOutput], result.StdOut); Assert.AreEqual(string.Format(git.Resources[MsysgitResources.Definition.CloneRepositoryFailRequiresAuthError], BareUrl), result.StdErr); } }
private void CloneRepository(GitInstance git) { var result = RunGit(git, String.Format(String.Format("clone {0}", RepositoryUrlWithCredentials), RepositoryName), WorkingDirectory); Assert.AreEqual(git.Resources[MsysgitResources.Definition.CloneRepositoryOutput], result.StdOut); Assert.AreEqual(git.Resources[MsysgitResources.Definition.CloneRepositoryError], result.StdErr); }
private static GitResult RunGit(GitInstance git, string arguments, string workingDirectory, int timeout = 30000 /* milliseconds */) { // When a git version supports overwriting multi-value config files values this should be uncommented to make // all tests runnable on systems that have a credential.helper configured. // arguments = "-c credential.helper=\"store --file=bonobo.randomstring.credentials.txt\" " + arguments; Console.WriteLine("About to run '{0}' with args '{1}' in '{2}'", git, arguments, workingDirectory); Debug.WriteLine("About to run '{0}' with args '{1}' in '{2}'", git, arguments, workingDirectory); // and using (AutoResetEvent outputWaitHandle = new AutoResetEvent(false)) using (AutoResetEvent errorWaitHandle = new AutoResetEvent(false)) { using (var process = new Process()) { process.StartInfo.FileName = git.GitExe; process.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = workingDirectory; process.StartInfo.Arguments = arguments; process.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true; StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder error = new StringBuilder(); process.OutputDataReceived += (sender, e) => { if (e.Data == null) { outputWaitHandle.Set(); } else { output.AppendLine(e.Data); } }; process.ErrorDataReceived += (sender, e) => { if (e.Data == null) { errorWaitHandle.Set(); } else { error.AppendLine(e.Data); } }; process.Start(); process.BeginOutputReadLine(); process.BeginErrorReadLine(); if (process.WaitForExit(timeout) && outputWaitHandle.WaitOne(timeout) && errorWaitHandle.WaitOne(timeout)) { var strout = output.ToString(); var strerr = error.ToString(); Console.WriteLine("Stdout: {0}", output); Console.WriteLine("Stderr: {0}", error); return new GitResult {StdErr = strerr, StdOut = strout, ExitCode = process.ExitCode, Resources = git.Resources}; } else { Assert.Fail(string.Format("Runing command '{0} {1}' timed out! Timeout {2} seconds.", git, arguments, timeout)); return new GitResult() { StdErr = null, StdOut = null, ExitCode = -1 }; } } } }
private GitResult RunGitOnRepo(GitInstance git, string arguments, int timeout = 30000 /* milliseconds */) { return RunGit(git, arguments, RepositoryDirectory, timeout); }
private void InitRepository(GitInstance git) { RunGitOnRepo(git, "init").ExpectSuccess(); RunGitOnRepo(git, String.Format("remote add origin {0}", RepositoryUrlWithCredentials)).ExpectSuccess(); }
private void CreateIdentity(GitInstance git) { RunGitOnRepo(git, "config \"McFlono McFloonyloo\"").ExpectSuccess(); RunGitOnRepo(git, "config \"[email protected]\"").ExpectSuccess(); }
private void PullTag(GitInstance git) { var result = RunGitOnRepo(git, "fetch"); Assert.AreEqual(String.Format(git.Resources[MsysgitResources.Definition.PullTagError], RepositoryUrlWithoutCredentials), result.StdErr); }
private GitResult RunGitOnRepo(GitInstance git, string arguments, int timeout = 30000 /* milliseconds */) { return(RunGit(git, arguments, RepositoryDirectory, timeout)); }
private static GitResult RunGit(GitInstance git, string arguments, string workingDirectory, int timeout = 30000 /* milliseconds */) { // When a git version supports overwriting multi-value config files values this should be uncommented to make // all tests runnable on systems that have a credential.helper configured. // arguments = "-c credential.helper=\"store --file=bonobo.randomstring.credentials.txt\" " + arguments; Console.WriteLine("About to run '{0}' with args '{1}' in '{2}'", git, arguments, workingDirectory); Debug.WriteLine("About to run '{0}' with args '{1}' in '{2}'", git, arguments, workingDirectory); // and using (AutoResetEvent outputWaitHandle = new AutoResetEvent(false)) using (AutoResetEvent errorWaitHandle = new AutoResetEvent(false)) { using (var process = new Process()) { process.StartInfo.FileName = git.GitExe; process.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = workingDirectory; process.StartInfo.Arguments = arguments; process.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true; StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder error = new StringBuilder(); process.OutputDataReceived += (sender, e) => { if (e.Data == null) { outputWaitHandle.Set(); } else { output.AppendLine(e.Data); } }; process.ErrorDataReceived += (sender, e) => { if (e.Data == null) { errorWaitHandle.Set(); } else { error.AppendLine(e.Data); } }; process.Start(); process.BeginOutputReadLine(); process.BeginErrorReadLine(); if (process.WaitForExit(timeout) && outputWaitHandle.WaitOne(timeout) && errorWaitHandle.WaitOne(timeout)) { var strout = output.ToString(); var strerr = error.ToString(); Console.WriteLine("Stdout: {0}", output); Console.WriteLine("Stderr: {0}", error); return(new GitResult { StdErr = strerr, StdOut = strout, ExitCode = process.ExitCode, Resources = git.Resources }); } else { Assert.Fail(string.Format("Runing command '{0} {1}' timed out! Timeout {2} seconds.", git, arguments, timeout)); return(new GitResult() { StdErr = null, StdOut = null, ExitCode = -1 }); } } } }
private void SetGlobalAnonPush(GitInstance git, bool allowAnonymousPush) { app.NavigateTo<SettingsController>(c => c.Index()); var form = app.FindFormFor<GlobalSettingsModel>(); var field = form.Field(f => f.AllowAnonymousPush); ITH.SetCheckbox(field.Field, allowAnonymousPush); var languages = new SelectElement(form.Field(f => f.DefaultLanguage).Field); languages.SelectByValue("en-US"); form.Submit(); ITH.AssertThatNoValidationErrorOccurred(); }
private static bool AnyCredentialHelperExists(GitInstance git) { IEnumerable<string> urls = new List<string> { string.Format(RepositoryUrlTemplate, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty), string.Format(RepositoryUrlTemplate, AdminCredentials, string.Empty, string.Empty), }; foreach (var url in urls) { var exists = RunGit(git, string.Format("config --get-urlmatch credential.helper {0}", url), WorkingDirectory); /* Credential.helper is a multi-valued configuration setting. This means it you cannot rely on the value returned by any of the calls * as it might return an empty value, which is a valid(! altough pointless) value where there is a second configured value * in the same config file. But you can rely on the exit code. 0 means it found this key. */ /* There seems to be a bug in git config --get-urlmatch where it will retun 0 eventhough there was no match. * So we need to check the value. The good part is that if it is not set anywhere we get an empty string. If * it is set somewhere the string contains at least "\r\n". * See the bug report here */ if (exists.ExitCode == 0 && exists.StdOut != "") { Console.Write(string.Format("Stdout: {0}", exists.StdOut)); Console.Write(string.Format("Stderr: {0}", exists.StdErr)); Debug.Write(string.Format("Stdout: {0}", exists.StdOut)); Debug.Write(string.Format("Stderr: {0}", exists.StdErr)); return true; } } return false; }