public static Atom TableImportAll(Atom args, Context context) { Atom dict = (Atom)args?.value; Context dictionary = GetDictionary(dict); ContextUtils.ImportAllSymbols(dictionary, context); return(null); }
public static Atom Evaluate(Atom atom, Context context) { if (atom == null) { return(null); } if (atom.IsSymbol()) { string name = (string)atom.value; return(ContextUtils.Get(context, name)); } if (atom.IsPair()) { Atom head = Evaluate((Atom)atom.value, context); Atom args =; if (head == null || !head.IsProcedure()) { throw new BombardoException( $"List head '{head?.ToString() ?? "null"}' is not a function or lambda!"); } var proc = (Procedure)head.value; if (proc.EvalArgs) { args = EvaluateList(args, context); } Atom result = null; try { result = proc.Apply(args, context); } catch (BombardoException sexc) { sexc.AddSection(atom, 0); throw; } catch (Exception exc) { throw new BombardoException(exc); } if (proc.EvalResult) { result = Evaluate(result, context); } return(result); } return(atom); }
public static Atom TableImport(Atom args, Context context) { Atom dict = (Atom)args?.value; Atom names = (Atom)args?.next?.value; Context dictionary = GetDictionary(dict); string[] nameList = CommonUtils.ListToStringArray(names, "TABLE"); ContextUtils.ImportSymbols(dictionary, context, nameList); return(null); }
private static Atom Export(Atom args, Context context) { Atom symbol = args?.atom; if (symbol == null) { throw new ArgumentException("argument must be symbol!"); } string name = (string)symbol.value; Atom value = context.Get(name); ContextUtils.Define(context, value, string.Format("{0}.{1}", AllNames.MODULE, name)); return(null); }
public static Atom SetFirst(Atom args, Context context) { Atom sym = (Atom)args?.value; Atom val = (Atom)args?.next?.value; val = Evaluator.Evaluate(val, context); if (!sym.IsSymbol()) { throw new ArgumentException("Variable name must be symbol!"); } ContextUtils.Set(context, val, (string)sym.value); return(val); }
public static Atom Define(Atom args, Context context) { Atom sym = (Atom)args?.value; Atom val = (Atom)args?.next?.value; val = Evaluator.Evaluate(val, context); if (sym.type != AtomType.Symbol) { throw new ArgumentException("Definition name must be symbol!"); } ContextUtils.Define(context, val, (string)sym.value); return(val); }
private static Atom Require(Atom args, Context context) { BombardoModule currentModule = modulesStack_.Peek(); Atom path = args.atom; if (path.type != AtomType.String && path.type != AtomType.Symbol) { throw new ArgumentException("argument must be string or symbol!"); } string file = FSUtils.LookupModuleFile(programPath_, currentModule.currentPath, AllNames.MODULES_FOLDER, (string)path.value); if (file == null) { throw new ArgumentException("file not found!"); } // Lifting exception up to first file BombardoModule module = ExecuteFile(file, false); Atom result = module.GetModuleResult(); Atom rest =; if (rest != null && rest.IsPair()) { Atom command = rest.atom; if (!command.IsSymbol()) { throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Unexpected symbol '{0}'!", command)); } switch ((string)command.value) { case AllNames.MODULE_REQUIRE_AS: Atom name =; if (name == null || !name.IsSymbol()) { throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Unexpected symbol '{0}'!", name)); } context.Define((string)name.value, result); break; case AllNames.MODULE_REQUIRE_IMPORT: string[] nameList = CommonUtils.ListToStringArray(, "REQUIRE"); ContextUtils.ImportSymbols((Context)result.value, context, nameList); break; case AllNames.MODULE_REQUIRE_IMPORT_ALL: ContextUtils.ImportAllSymbols((Context)result.value, context); break; default: throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Unexpected symbol '{0}'!", command)); } } else { string name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension((string)path.value); context.Define(name, result); } return(result); }