private static CommentStub CreateCommentStub(Comment comment, ThreadUsr threadUsr, GroupUsr groupUsr) { CommentStub c = new CommentStub() { k = comment.K, html = comment.GetHtml(null), script = comment.Script, usrName = comment.Usr.Name, usrPicSrc = comment.Usr.AnyPicPath, usrRollover = comment.Usr.RolloverMouseOverTextNoPic, usrUrl = comment.Usr.Url(), usrK = comment.Usr.K, isNew = comment.GetIsNew(threadUsr), friendlyTimeNoCaps = comment.FriendlyTimeNoCaps, editLinkVisible = Usr.Current != null && (comment.UsrK == Usr.Current.K || Usr.Current.IsAdmin), editedHtml = comment.EditedHtml, deleteLinkVisible = Usr.Current != null && Usr.Current.CanDelete(comment), deleteLinkOnClickConfirmText = Usr.Current == null ? "" : (groupUsr != null && groupUsr.Moderator) ? "You are using your group moderator power to delete this comment.\n\nAre you sure?" : (comment.UsrK != Usr.Current.K) ? "You are using your moderator power to delete this comment.\n\nAre you sure?" : "Are you sure?", threadK = comment.ThreadK }; c.lolHtml = comment.LolUsrListHtml(out c.haveAlreadyLold, Usr.Current != null ? Usr.Current.K : -1); return c; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Ph.Controls.Clear(); Comment c = new Comment(21230296); Ph.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(c.Text)); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { FaqPh.Controls.Clear(); Comment c = new Comment(20717915); FaqPh.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(c.Text)); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //MixmagPh.Controls.Clear(); //MixmagPh.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(Common.Settings.MixmagPageHtml)); MixmagPh.Controls.Clear(); Comment c = new Comment(Vars.DevEnv ? 20690623 : 20717954); MixmagPh.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(c.Text)); }
public void DeleteNow(object o, System.EventArgs e) { if (ObjectTypeDropDown.SelectedValue.Equals("Photo")) { Photo c = new Photo(int.Parse(ObjectKTextBox.Text)); SendEmail(c); Delete.DeleteAll(c); } else if (ObjectTypeDropDown.SelectedValue.Equals("Gallery")) { Gallery c = new Gallery(int.Parse(ObjectKTextBox.Text)); SendEmail(c); Delete.DeleteAll(c); } else if (ObjectTypeDropDown.SelectedValue.Equals("Venue")) { Venue c = new Venue(int.Parse(ObjectKTextBox.Text)); SendEmail(c); Delete.DeleteAll(c); } else if (ObjectTypeDropDown.SelectedValue.Equals("Event")) { Event c = new Event(int.Parse(ObjectKTextBox.Text)); SendEmail(c); Delete.DeleteAll(c); } else if (ObjectTypeDropDown.SelectedValue.Equals("Comment")) { Comment c = new Comment(int.Parse(ObjectKTextBox.Text)); SendEmail(c); Delete.DeleteAll(c); } else if (ObjectTypeDropDown.SelectedValue.Equals("Thread")) { Thread c = new Thread(int.Parse(ObjectKTextBox.Text)); SendEmail(c); Delete.DeleteAll(c); } else if (ObjectTypeDropDown.SelectedValue.Equals("Usr")) { Usr c = new Usr(int.Parse(ObjectKTextBox.Text)); SendEmail(c); Delete.DeleteAll(c); } else if (ObjectTypeDropDown.SelectedValue.Equals("Article")) { Article c = new Article(int.Parse(ObjectKTextBox.Text)); SendEmail(c); Delete.DeleteAll(c); } DoneLabel.Visible = true; }
protected void CommentEditClick(object o, EventArgs e) { if (!Usr.Current.CanGroupNewsAdmin(CurrentGroupUsr)) { throw new Exception("Can't news admin!!!"); } CurrentComment = new Comment(CurrentComment.K); EditCell.Visible = true; TextCell.Visible = false; CommentEditTextBox.Text = CurrentComment.Text; if (CurrentComment.K == CurrentComment.Thread.FirstComment.K) { SubjectPanel.Visible = true; ThreadSubjectEditBox.Text = CurrentComment.Thread.Subject; } else { SubjectPanel.Visible = false; } ((Spotted.Master.DsiPage)Page).AnchorSkip("CommentK-" + CurrentComment.K.ToString()); }
public MakerReturn Post(Transaction transaction) { if (HttpContext.Current!=null) HttpContext.Current.Items["VisitComments"]=1; MakerReturn r = new MakerReturn(); #region Look for duplicates Query qDuplicate = new Query(); qDuplicate.QueryCondition=new Q(Comment.Columns.DuplicateGuid,(Guid)DuplicateGuid); qDuplicate.Columns=new ColumnSet(Comment.Columns.K, Comment.Columns.IndexInThread, Comment.Columns.ThreadK); CommentSet csDuplicate = new CommentSet(qDuplicate); if (csDuplicate.Count>0) { r.Success = false; r.Duplicate = true; r.Comment = csDuplicate[0]; return r; } #endregion #region Check permission if (!NewThread && !ParentThread.CheckPermissionPost(PostingUsr, CurrentThreadUsr, CurrentGroupUsr)) { r.Success=false; r.MessageHtml="You can't post in this topic."; return r; } #endregion #region Check for closed thread if (!NewThread && ParentThread.Closed) { r.Success=false; r.MessageHtml="This topic is closed - posting is disabled."; return r; } #endregion #region Create comment NewComment = new Comment(); NewComment.DateTime = DateTime.Now; if (HttpContext.Current!=null) NewComment.Ip = Utilities.TruncateIp(HttpContext.Current.Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_HOST"]); if (ChatItemGuid == null) NewComment.ChatItemGuid = Guid.NewGuid(); else NewComment.ChatItemGuid = ChatItemGuid; NewComment.Enabled = true; NewComment.Text = Body; NewComment.ThreadK = ParentThread.K; NewComment.UsrK = PostingUsr.K; if (!ParentThread.Private) { PostingUsr.CommentCount++; PostingUsr.Update(transaction); } NewComment.DuplicateGuid = (Guid)DuplicateGuid; NewComment.IndexInThread = ParentThread.TotalComments; NewComment.Update(transaction); #endregion #region Update thread ParentThread.LastPost=NewComment.DateTime; ParentThread.LastPostUsrK=NewComment.UsrK; ParentThread.Update(transaction); ParentThread.UpdateTotalComments(transaction); #endregion #region Update / create ThreadUsr CurrentThreadUsr.ChangeStatus(ThreadUsr.StatusEnum.Archived, NewComment.DateTime); CurrentThreadUsr.ViewDateTime = NewComment.DateTime; CurrentThreadUsr.ViewDateTimeLatest = NewComment.DateTime; CurrentThreadUsr.ViewComments = ParentThread.TotalComments; CurrentThreadUsr.ViewCommentsLatest = ParentThread.TotalComments; CurrentThreadUsr.Update(transaction); #endregion string chatMessageBody = ""; bool alreadySentChatMessage = false; bool commentIsPrivate = ParentThread.Private || ParentThread.GroupPrivate || ParentThread.PrivateGroup; if (!DisableLiveChatMessage) { chatMessageBody = Chat.GetMessageFromCommentBody(Body); //If the thread is subject to group privacy and we are inviting people, we should wait until after all the invites have been processed before sending the //message, or we might sent the chat message to people who don't have permission to see the thread bool commentIsSubjectToGroupPrivacy = ParentThread.GroupPrivate || ParentThread.PrivateGroup; bool canPostImmediatly = !commentIsSubjectToGroupPrivacy || InviteKs.Count == 0; if (!NewThread && canPostImmediatly) { //If we're NOT posting a new thread, we should post the chat message immediatly... //if we are posting a new thread, we should wait until after all the invites have been done, so we have a better list of participants. sendChatMessageToParticipantsNow(InviteKs, NewComment, ParentThread, PostingUsr, chatMessageBody); alreadySentChatMessage = true; } if (!commentIsPrivate) { //Since we don't invite anyone to this room, we can post immediatly to the random chat room. //CommentMessageStub ms = getChatMessage( // //new Chat.RoomSpec(RoomType.RandomChat).Guid, // new Chat.RoomSpec(RoomType.PublicStream).Guid, // ParentThread.GetRoomSpec().Guid, // NewComment, // ParentThread, // PostingUsr, // chatMessageBody); //Chat.SendJsonChatItem(ms); CommentMessageStub ms1 = getChatMessage( new Chat.RoomSpec(RoomType.PublicStream).Guid, ParentThread.GetRoomSpec().Guid, NewComment, ParentThread, PostingUsr, chatMessageBody); Chat.SendJsonChatItem(ms1); } } try { if (NewThread && !commentIsPrivate && PostingUsr.FacebookConnected) { bool sentToFacebook = false; if (NewComment.Thread.IsReview && PostingUsr.FacebookStoryEventReview) { FacebookPost.CreateEventReview(PostingUsr, NewComment.Thread, NewComment); sentToFacebook = true; } if (!sentToFacebook && NewComment.Thread.IsNews && PostingUsr.FacebookStoryPostNews) { FacebookPost.CreateEventReview(PostingUsr, NewComment.Thread, NewComment); sentToFacebook = true; } if (!sentToFacebook && PostingUsr.FacebookStoryNewTopic) { FacebookPost.CreateNewTopic(PostingUsr, NewComment.Thread, NewComment); } } } catch { } SendCommentAlertsJob job = new SendCommentAlertsJob( this.ParentThread, this.PostingUsr, this.NewComment, this.NewThread, this.AlertedUsrs, this.InviteKs, DisableLiveChatMessage, alreadySentChatMessage, chatMessageBody); if (Vars.DevEnv) { job.ExecuteSynchronously(); } else { if (this.RunAsync) job.ExecuteAsynchronously(); else job.ExecuteSynchronously(); } if (Usr.Current != null && PostingUsr.K != Usr.DsiUsrK) { Usr.IncrementSpamBotDefeaterCounter(Usr.SpamBotDefeaterCounter.Comments, Usr.Current.K); } r.Success = true; r.Comment = NewComment; return r; }
public bool DeleteComment(int commentK) { if (Usr.Current != null) { Comment comment = new Comment(commentK); if (Usr.Current.CanDelete(comment)) { comment.RegisterDelete(Usr.Current); comment.DeleteAll(null); return true; } } return false; }
public void AddQuestionsThread(Usr u, string promoterName) { #region Add a PM //string assemblyName = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Name; //string body = NVelocityEngineFactory.CreateNVelocityAssemblyEngine(assemblyName, true).Process(new Hashtable(), "Emails.NewPromoterEmail.vm"); Comment c = new Comment(Vars.DevEnv ? 21036749 : 21053069); string body = c.Text; List<Usr> salesUsrs = new List<Usr>(); if (this.SalesUsrK > 0) salesUsrs.Add(this.SalesUsr); else { foreach (Usr salesUsr in Usr.GetNewPromoterSalesUsrsNameAndK()) { salesUsrs.Add(salesUsr); } } if (salesUsrs.Count > 0) { Thread.Maker m = new Thread.Maker(); m.Subject = promoterName + " promoter questions"; m.Body = body; m.ParentType = Model.Entities.ObjectType.None; m.DuplicateGuid = Guid.NewGuid(); m.Private = true; m.PostingUsr = salesUsrs[0]; for(int i=1; i<salesUsrs.Count; i++) m.InviteKs.Add(salesUsrs[i].K); m.InviteKs.Add(u.K); Thread.MakerReturn r = m.Post(); this.QuestionsThreadK = r.Thread.K; Thread t = r.Thread; } #endregion }
protected string CommentUrl(Comment c) { object page = null; if (c.Page > 1) page = c.Page; return Bobs.UrlInfo.MakeUrl( "", "chat", "u", ThisUsr.NickName.ToLower(), "d", CurrentDate, "y", ThreadPage, "k", c.ThreadK.ToString(), "c", page) + "#CommentK-" + c.K; }
public string LolAtComment(int commentK) { if (Usr.Current != null) { Comment c = new Comment(commentK); Lol.CreateLol(c); bool me; return c.LolUsrListHtml(out me, Usr.Current.K); } // if nothing, don't change return ""; }
public static void CreateLaugh(Usr u, Comment c) { Query q = new Query(); q.QueryCondition = new And( new Q(FacebookPost.Columns.DateTime, QueryOperator.GreaterThan, System.DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1)), new Q(FacebookPost.Columns.FacebookUid, u.Facebook.Uid), new Q(FacebookPost.Columns.Type, TypeEnum.Laugh)); FacebookPostSet fps = new FacebookPostSet(q); if (fps.Count < 15) { Query q1 = new Query(); q1.QueryCondition = new And( new Q(FacebookPost.Columns.FacebookUid, u.Facebook.Uid), new Q(FacebookPost.Columns.DataInt, c.K), new Q(FacebookPost.Columns.Type, TypeEnum.Laugh)); FacebookPostSet fps1 = new FacebookPostSet(q1); if (fps1.Count == 0) { FacebookPost fp = new FacebookPost(); fp.Hits = 0; fp.FacebookUid = u.Facebook.Uid; fp.DateTime = System.DateTime.Now; fp.Type = TypeEnum.Laugh; fp.Content = "CommentK=" + c.K.ToString(); fp.DataInt = c.K; fp.UsrK = u.K; fp.Update(); //send facebook message // Dictionary<string, object> par = new Dictionary<string, object>(); if (c.Thread.PhotoK > 0 && c.Thread.Photo != null) { par["picture"] = c.Thread.Photo.IconPath; } par["link"] = "http://" + Vars.DomainName + c.Thread.Url() + "?fbpk=" + fp.K.ToString() + "#CommentK-" + c.K.ToString(); par["name"] = c.Thread.Subject; par["caption"] = "Don't Stay In"; par["description"] = c.Text.Strip().TruncateWithDots(990); u.Facebook.PutWallPost("This made me laugh...", par); } } }
protected string DateString(Comment c) { if (ContainerPage.Url.HasDayFilter) return c.DateTime.ToString("HH:mm:ss"); else return c.DateTime.ToString("HH:mm:ss (dd MMM yy)"); }
public void SendMatchNotification() { #region Init thread Thread t = new Thread(); t.DateTime = DateTime.Now; t.Enabled = true; t.ParentObjectK = 0; t.ParentObjectType = Model.Entities.ObjectType.None; t.Subject = "DSI Date introduction - " + this.Usr.NickName + " and " + this.DateUsr.NickName; t.UsrK = this.UsrK; t.Private = true; t.IsNews = false; t.IsSticky = false; t.Update(); t.UpdateAncestorLinks(null); ThreadUsr tu = new ThreadUsr(); tu.DateTime = DateTime.Now; tu.InvitingUsrK = this.UsrK; tu.UsrK = this.DateUsrK; tu.ThreadK = t.K; tu.ChangeStatus(ThreadUsr.StatusEnum.NewInvite); tu.StatusChangeObjectK = this.UsrK; tu.StatusChangeObjectType = Model.Entities.ObjectType.Usr; tu.PrivateChatType = ThreadUsr.PrivateChatTypes.Popup; tu.Update(); ThreadUsr tu1 = new ThreadUsr(); tu1.DateTime = DateTime.Now; tu1.InvitingUsrK = this.DateUsrK; tu1.UsrK = this.UsrK; tu1.ThreadK = t.K; tu1.ChangeStatus(ThreadUsr.StatusEnum.NewInvite); tu1.PrivateChatType = ThreadUsr.PrivateChatTypes.Popup; tu1.StatusChangeObjectK = this.UsrK; tu1.StatusChangeObjectType = Model.Entities.ObjectType.Usr; tu1.Update(); Comment c = new Comment(); c.DateTime = DateTime.Now; if (HttpContext.Current != null) c.Ip = Utilities.TruncateIp(HttpContext.Current.Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_HOST"]); c.Enabled = true; string rel = ""; if (this.Usr.Relationship1 && this.DateUsr.Relationship1) rel += " <b>just friends</b>"; if (this.Usr.Relationship2 && this.DateUsr.Relationship2) rel += (rel.Length > 0 ? " or " : "") + " <b>a bit of a fling</b>"; if (this.Usr.Relationship3 && this.DateUsr.Relationship3) rel += (rel.Length > 0 ? " or " : "") + " <b>love</b>"; c.Text = "<b>You've both been matched by DSI Date.</b>\n\nYou've selected Yes to each others profiles on the DSI Date page. You're both looking for: " + rel + ".\n\nGet to know each other better in this private conversation."; c.ThreadK = t.K; c.UsrK = 3526; c.DuplicateGuid = Guid.NewGuid(); c.Update(); c = new Comment(c.K); CommentAlert.Enable(this.Usr, t.K, Model.Entities.ObjectType.Thread); CommentAlert.Enable(this.DateUsr, t.K, Model.Entities.ObjectType.Thread); t.LastPost = c.DateTime; t.LastPostUsrK = c.UsrK; t.Update(); t.UpdateTotalComments(null); //t.UpdateTotalParticipants(); UpdateTotalParticipantsJob job = new UpdateTotalParticipantsJob(); job.ExecuteSynchronously(); #endregion this.MatchThreadK = t.K; this.Update(); UsrDate udRev = new UsrDate(this.DateUsrK, this.UsrK); udRev.MatchThreadK = t.K; udRev.Update(); //Email Mailer sm = new Mailer(); sm.RedirectUrl = t.Url(); sm.Subject = "DSI Date has matched you to " + this.DateUsr.NickName; sm.Body = "<p>DSI Date has matched you to " + this.DateUsr.NickNameSafe + ". We've invited you both to a private conversation, where you can get to know each other better.</p>"; sm.Body += "<p><a href=\"[LOGIN(" + t.Url() + ")]\">Click here to send " + this.DateUsr.NickNameSafe + " a message</a></p>"; sm.TemplateType = Mailer.TemplateTypes.AnotherSiteUser; sm.UsrRecipient = this.Usr; sm.To = this.Usr.Email; sm.Send(); Mailer sm1 = new Mailer(); sm1.RedirectUrl = t.Url(); sm1.Subject = "DSI Date has matched you to " + this.Usr.NickName; sm1.Body = "<p>DSI Date has matched you to " + this.Usr.NickNameSafe + ". We've invited you both to a private conversation, where you can get to know each other better.</p>"; sm1.Body += "<p><a href=\"[LOGIN(" + t.Url() + ")]\">Click here to send " + this.Usr.NickNameSafe + " a message</a></p>"; sm1.TemplateType = Mailer.TemplateTypes.AnotherSiteUser; sm1.UsrRecipient = this.DateUsr; sm1.To = this.DateUsr.Email; sm1.Send(); }
public static void CreateEventReview(Usr u, Thread t, Comment c) { Query q = new Query(); q.QueryCondition = new And( new Q(FacebookPost.Columns.DateTime, QueryOperator.GreaterThan, System.DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1)), new Q(FacebookPost.Columns.FacebookUid, u.Facebook.Uid), new Q(FacebookPost.Columns.Type, TypeEnum.NewTopicReview)); FacebookPostSet fps = new FacebookPostSet(q); if (fps.Count < 15) { Query q1 = new Query(); q1.QueryCondition = new And( new Q(FacebookPost.Columns.FacebookUid, u.Facebook.Uid), new Q(FacebookPost.Columns.DataInt, t.K), new Or(new Q(FacebookPost.Columns.Type, TypeEnum.NewTopic), new Q(FacebookPost.Columns.Type, TypeEnum.NewTopicNews), new Q(FacebookPost.Columns.Type, TypeEnum.NewTopicReview))); FacebookPostSet fps1 = new FacebookPostSet(q1); if (fps1.Count == 0) { FacebookPost fp = new FacebookPost(); fp.Hits = 0; fp.FacebookUid = u.Facebook.Uid; fp.DateTime = System.DateTime.Now; fp.Type = TypeEnum.NewTopicReview; fp.Content = "ThreadK=" + t.K.ToString(); fp.DataInt = t.K; fp.UsrK = u.K; fp.Update(); //send facebook message // Dictionary<string, object> par = new Dictionary<string, object>(); par["link"] = "http://" + Vars.DomainName + t.Url() + "?fbpk=" + fp.K.ToString(); par["name"] = t.Event.Name.TruncateWithDots(20) + " @ " + t.Event.Venue.Name.TruncateWithDots(20); par["caption"] = "Don't Stay In"; par["description"] = c.Text.Strip().TruncateWithDots(990); u.Facebook.PutWallPost(t.Subject, par); } } }
protected void CommentEditSaveClick(object o, EventArgs e) { if (!Usr.Current.CanGroupNewsAdmin(CurrentGroupUsr)) { throw new Exception("Can't news admin!!!"); } CurrentComment = new Comment(CurrentComment.K); if (CommentEditTextBox.Text.Trim().Length == 0) throw new DsiUserFriendlyException("No text in comment!"); CurrentComment.Text = Cambro.Web.Helpers.CleanHtml(CommentEditTextBox.Text); if (CurrentComment.K == CurrentComment.Thread.FirstComment.K) { if (Cambro.Web.Helpers.StripHtml(ThreadSubjectEditBox.Text).Trim().Length == 0) throw new DsiUserFriendlyException("No text in subject!"); CurrentComment.Thread.Subject = Cambro.Web.Helpers.StripHtml(ThreadSubjectEditBox.Text); CurrentComment.Thread.Update(); } CurrentComment.Update(); Response.Redirect(CurrentGroup.UrlApp("admin", "threadk", CurrentThread.K.ToString(), "mode", "news")); //((DsiPage)Page).AnchorSkip("CommentK-"+CurrentComment.K.ToString()); }
static LaughStub getLaughStub(ItemType itemType, Guid roomGuid, Comment fullComment) { return new LaughStub( Guid.NewGuid().Pack(), itemType, DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString(), roomGuid.Pack(), Usr.Current.NickName, Usr.Current.StmuParams, Usr.Current.K, Usr.Current.HasPic ? Usr.Current.Pic.ToString() : "0", Usr.Current.HasChatPic ? Usr.Current.ChatPic.Value.ToString() : "0", Chat.GetMessageFromCommentBody(fullComment.Text), fullComment.Thread.GetRoomSpec().Guid.Pack(), fullComment.UrlRefresher(), fullComment.Thread.Subject.TruncateWithDots(50)); }
public void SendChatMessage(bool disableChatMessage, bool alreadySentChatMessage, Comment newComment, Thread parentThread, Usr postingUsr, string chatMessageBody) { if (!disableChatMessage && !alreadySentChatMessage) { Comment.sendChatMessageToParticipantsNow(null, newComment, parentThread, postingUsr, chatMessageBody); } }
private static void SendInvites(Thread parentThread, Usr postingUsr, Comment newComment, bool isNewThread, List<int> alertedUsrKs, List<int> inviteKs) { #region Send invites try { if (inviteKs.Count > 0) { parentThread.Invite( inviteKs, postingUsr, newComment.DateTime, alertedUsrKs, isNewThread, newComment, false); } } catch (Exception ex) { Global.Log("8a0b951f-f1f2-4a08-9598-2093d7ccf938", ex); } #endregion }
private static void SendTopicNotificationEmail(Thread parentThread, Usr postingUsr, Comment newComment, ThreadUsr tuAlert) { Mailer usrMail = new Mailer(); Usr u = tuAlert.Usr; //Insert something in here to send chat items?... usrMail.Subject = postingUsr.NickName + " comments in: \"" + parentThread.SubjectSnip(40) + "\""; usrMail.Body += "<h1>" + postingUsr.NickName + " has posted a comment</h1>"; usrMail.Body += "<p>The subject of the topic is: \"" + parentThread.Subject + "\"</p>"; usrMail.Body += "<p>To read and reply, check out the <a href=\"[LOGIN]\">topic page</a>.</p>"; usrMail.Body += "<p>We won't send you any more alerts about this topic until you move it out of your inbox. To stop receiving these emails, click the <i>Ignore this topic</i> button on the topic page.</p>"; usrMail.TemplateType = Mailer.TemplateTypes.AnotherSiteUser; usrMail.RedirectUrl = newComment.UrlRefresher(parentThread); usrMail.UsrRecipient = u; usrMail.To = u.Email; usrMail.Bulk = parentThread.TotalParticipants > 5; usrMail.Inbox = true; usrMail.Send(); }
private static void MoveToInboxWhereArchived(Thread parentThread, Usr postingUsr, Comment newComment) { Update updateCommand = new Update(); updateCommand.Table = TablesEnum.ThreadUsr; updateCommand.Changes.Add(new Assign(ThreadUsr.Columns.Status, ThreadUsr.StatusEnum.NewComment)); updateCommand.Changes.Add(new Assign(ThreadUsr.Columns.StatusChangeDateTime, newComment.DateTime)); updateCommand.Where = new And( new Q(ThreadUsr.Columns.UsrK, QueryOperator.NotEqualTo, postingUsr.K), new Q(ThreadUsr.Columns.ThreadK, parentThread.K), new Q(ThreadUsr.Columns.Status, ThreadUsr.StatusEnum.Archived)); updateCommand.Run(); }
private static void SendAlertsToUsersWatchingThisThread(Thread parentThread, Usr postingUsr, Comment newComment, bool isNewThread, List<int> alertedUsrKs) { #region Move to inbox and send inbox emails try { if (!isNewThread) { ThreadUsrSet tus = GetAllArchivedThreadUsrs(parentThread, postingUsr); MoveToInboxWhereArchived(parentThread, postingUsr, newComment); foreach (ThreadUsr tuAlert in tus) { if (!alertedUsrKs.Contains(tuAlert.UsrK)) { SendTopicNotificationEmail(parentThread, postingUsr, newComment, tuAlert); alertedUsrKs.Add(tuAlert.UsrK); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Global.Log("80811792-ac79-4130-ac2c-9902e79101f0", ex); } #endregion }
public int Invite( List<int> inviteKs, Usr invitingUsr, DateTime inviteDateTime, List<int> alertedUsrs, bool isNewThread, Comment postedComment, bool joinChatRoom) { IDiscussable Parent = this.ParentForumObject; Query qInvites = new Query(); List<Q> qList = new List<Q>(); qList.Add(new Q(false)); if (inviteKs != null && inviteKs.Count > 0) qList.Add(new InListQ(Usr.Columns.K, inviteKs)); qInvites.QueryCondition = new Or(qList.ToArray()); qInvites.Columns = new ColumnSet( Usr.EmailColumns, Usr.LinkColumns, Usr.Columns.IsLoggedOn, Usr.Columns.DateTimeLastPageRequest, Usr.Columns.AddedByGroupK); UsrSet usInvites = new UsrSet(qInvites); int count = 0; GroupUsr guInvitingUsr = null; if (this.GroupK > 0) guInvitingUsr = this.Group.GetGroupUsr(invitingUsr); List<int> addedThreadUsrsUsrKs = new List<int>(); foreach (Usr u in usInvites) { if (!alertedUsrs.Contains(u.K)) { try { ThreadUsr tuInvite = new ThreadUsr(this.K, u.K); } catch (Bobs.BobNotFound) { bool sendInviteAlerts = true; bool addThreadUsr = true; if (this.GroupK > 0) { GroupUsr gu = this.Group.GetGroupUsr(u); if (this.GroupPrivate || this.PrivateGroup) { //if this thread is private to the group or in a private group, there's a danger that we're //inviting someone to a thread that they can't see. Also - if the group is made public, many //threads may appear in peoples inboxes. This bit stops us sending these dodgy invites out... if (gu == null) { //if they don't have a GroupUsr record, lets send a group invite, but hold off on the thread alert sendInviteAlerts = false; this.Group.Invite(u, gu, invitingUsr, guInvitingUsr, "", false); } else if (gu.IsMember) { //if they are a member, we can send the thread invite } else if (gu.Status.Equals(GroupUsr.StatusEnum.Recommend) || gu.Status.Equals(GroupUsr.StatusEnum.RecommendRejected) || gu.Status.Equals(GroupUsr.StatusEnum.Request) || gu.Status.Equals(GroupUsr.StatusEnum.RequestRejected)) { //if we might be able to invite or join them to the group, we give it a try (the outcome will depend on some rather complex code) this.Group.Invite(u, gu, invitingUsr, guInvitingUsr, "", false); if (!gu.IsMember) { //if we didn't join them straight up, they still won't be able to see the thread, so we hold off on the thread alert email sendInviteAlerts = false; if (!gu.Status.Equals(GroupUsr.StatusEnum.Invite)) { //if we didn't join them straight up AND we didn't invite them, lets not bother inviting them to the thread addThreadUsr = false; } } } else { //ok so they have a GroupUsr, but they're not a member, and we can't invite or join them, so we're not going to bother inviting them to the thread addThreadUsr = false; } } } //We still add this user to the alertedusers list (even if !addThreadUsr) - this just makes sure we don't attempt to send them an invite a second time. alertedUsrs.Add(u.K); if (addThreadUsr) { ThreadUsr tu = this.GetThreadUsr(u); tu.ChangeStatus(ThreadUsr.StatusEnum.NewInvite, DateTime.Now, false, false); try { addedThreadUsrsUsrKs.Add(u.K); } catch { } tu.InvitingUsrK = invitingUsr.K; tu.StatusChangeObjectK = invitingUsr.K; tu.StatusChangeObjectType = Model.Entities.ObjectType.Usr; tu.Update(); count++; #region sendInviteAlerts if (sendInviteAlerts) { try { Mailer usrMail = new Mailer(); if (isNewThread && this.Private && this.ParentObjectType.Equals(Model.Entities.ObjectType.Photo)) { usrMail.Subject = invitingUsr.NickName + " sent you a photo"; usrMail.Body += "<h1>" + invitingUsr.NickName + " sent you a photo</h1>"; usrMail.Body += "<p align=\"center\"><a href=\"[LOGIN]\"><img border=\"0\" src=\"" + this.ParentPhoto.WebPath + "\" width=\"" + this.ParentPhoto.WebWidth + "\" height=\"" + this.ParentPhoto.WebHeight + "\" class=\"BorderBlack All\" /></a></p>"; } else if (isNewThread) { usrMail.Subject = invitingUsr.NickName + " posts: \"" + this.SubjectSnip(40) + "\""; usrMail.Body += "<h1>" + invitingUsr.NickName + " has posted a new topic</h1>"; } else { usrMail.Subject = invitingUsr.NickName + " invites you to: \"" + this.SubjectSnip(40) + "\""; usrMail.Body += "<h1>" + invitingUsr.NickName + " invites you to a topic</h1>"; } usrMail.Body += "<p>The subject is: \"" + this.Subject + "\"</p>"; usrMail.Body += "<p>To read " + invitingUsr.HisString(false) + " message, check out the <a href=\"[LOGIN]\">topic page</a>.</p>"; usrMail.Body += "<p>If you want to stop " + invitingUsr.HimString(false) + " inviting you to topics, click the <i>Stop " + invitingUsr.NickName + " inviting me to chat topics</i> button on <a href=\"[LOGIN(" + invitingUsr.Url() + ")]\">" + invitingUsr.HisString(false) + " profile page</a>.</p>"; usrMail.TemplateType = Mailer.TemplateTypes.AnotherSiteUser; usrMail.RedirectUrl = this.UrlDiscussion(); usrMail.UsrRecipient = u; //usrMail.Bulk=usInvites.Count>5; usrMail.Bulk = false; // This is interesting... if people are invited by email, they should get the invite really... usrMail.Inbox = true; usrMail.Send(); } catch (Exception ex) { Global.Log("1d3726bf-0715-4404-9059-4e53ca9e3dc5", ex); } //try //{ // if (u.IsLoggedOn && u.DateTimeLastPageRequest > DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(-5)) // { // XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); // XmlNode n = xmlDoc.CreateElement("privateMessageAlert"); // n.AddAttribute("nickName", invitingUsr.NickNameSafe); // n.AddAttribute("stmu", invitingUsr.StmuParams); // n.AddAttribute("usrK", invitingUsr.K.ToString()); // if (invitingUsr.HasPic) // n.AddAttribute("pic", invitingUsr.Pic.ToString()); // else // n.AddAttribute("pic", "0"); // n.AddAttribute("k", this.K.ToString()); // if (postedComment == null) // { // n.InnerText = this.Url(); // } // else // { // n.InnerText = postedComment.Url(this); // } // Chat.SendChatItem(ItemType.Invite, n, DateTime.Now.Ticks, u.K, Guid.NewGuid()); // } //} //catch (Exception ex) { Global.Log("2902fd82-e8a4-49c2-9e33-ccfca01ca1f9", ex); } } #endregion } } } } if (joinChatRoom) { Guid room = this.GetRoomSpec().Guid; Chat.JoinRoom(room, addedThreadUsrsUsrKs.ToArray()); } return count; }
internal static void sendChatMessageToParticipantsNow(List<int> inviteKs, Comment newComment, Thread parentThread, Usr postingUsr, string chatMessageBody) { //Lets send a chat alert... CommentMessageStub ms = getChatMessage( parentThread.GetRoomSpec().Guid, Guid.Empty, newComment, parentThread, postingUsr, chatMessageBody); List<int> sendTo = new List<int>(); #region add logged inparticipants UsrSet usParticipants = Thread.GetAllLoggedInParticipants(parentThread); foreach (Usr u in usParticipants) { try { sendTo.Add(u.K); } catch { } } #endregion #region add all people that have been invited if (inviteKs != null) { bool checkGroupMembership = parentThread.GroupK > 0 && (parentThread.GroupPrivate || parentThread.PrivateGroup); foreach (int k in inviteKs) { try { if (checkGroupMembership) { GroupUsr gu = parentThread.Group.GetGroupUsr(k); if (parentThread.Group.IsMember(gu)) sendTo.Add(k); } else sendTo.Add(k); } catch { } } } #endregion #region add posting user try { sendTo.Add(postingUsr.K); } catch { } #endregion Chat.SendJsonChatItem(ms, sendTo.ToArray()); }
public static void CreateLol(Comment comment) { LolSet ls = new LolSet( new Query( new And( new Q(Lol.Columns.CommentK,comment.K), new Q(Lol.Columns.UsrK,Usr.Current.K) ) ) ); if (ls.Count==0) { Usr usr = new Usr(comment.UsrK); LolSet lolUniqueSet = new LolSet(new Query(new And( new Q(Lol.Columns.CommentUsrK,usr.K), new Q(Lol.Columns.UsrK,Usr.Current.K)))); if (lolUniqueSet.Count==0) usr.UniqueMadeLol++; usr.TotalMadeLol++; usr.Update(); comment.LolCount++; comment.Update(); Lol l = new Lol(); l.DateTime=DateTime.Now; l.CommentK=comment.K; l.UsrK=Usr.Current.K; l.CommentUsrK=comment.UsrK; l.Update(); l = new Lol(l.K); //DateTime lastLolDateTime = Usr.Current.LastLol; Usr.Current.TotalLol++; Usr.Current.LastLol = l.DateTime; Usr.Current.Update(); Comment fullComment = new Comment(comment.K); if (!fullComment.Thread.Private && !fullComment.Thread.GroupPrivate && !fullComment.Thread.PrivateGroup) { if (Usr.Current.FacebookConnected && Usr.Current.FacebookStoryLaugh) { FacebookPost.CreateLaugh(Usr.Current, comment); } ////LaughStub randomChatLaughStub = getLaughStub(ItemType.LaughAlert, new Chat.RoomSpec(RoomType.Laughs).Guid, fullComment); //LaughStub randomChatLaughStub = getLaughStub(ItemType.LaughAlert, new Chat.RoomSpec(RoomType.PublicStream).Guid, fullComment); //Chat.SendJsonChatItem(randomChatLaughStub); LaughStub randomChatLaughStub1 = getLaughStub(ItemType.LaughAlert, new Chat.RoomSpec(RoomType.PublicStream).Guid, fullComment); Chat.SendJsonChatItem(randomChatLaughStub1); } else { //LaughStub laughStub = getLaughStub(ItemType.LaughAlert, new Chat.RoomSpec(RoomType.Normal, Model.Entities.ObjectType.Thread, fullComment.ThreadK).Guid, fullComment); //UsrSet us = Thread.GetAllLoggedInParticipants(fullComment.Thread); //Chat.SendJsonChatItem(laughStub, us); } } }
static CommentMessageStub getChatMessage(Guid roomGuid, Guid pinRoomGuid, Comment newComment, Thread parentThread, Usr postingUsr, string chatMessageBody) { return new CommentMessageStub( newComment.ChatItemGuid.Value.Pack(), ItemType.CommentChatMessage, newComment.DateTime.Ticks.ToString(), roomGuid.Pack(), postingUsr.NickName, postingUsr.StmuParams, postingUsr.K, postingUsr.HasPic ? postingUsr.Pic.ToString() : "0", postingUsr.HasChatPic ? postingUsr.ChatPic.Value.ToString() : "0", chatMessageBody, pinRoomGuid.Pack(), newComment.UrlRefresher(), parentThread.Subject.TruncateWithDots(30) ); }
internal SendCommentAlertsJob(Thread parentThread, Usr postingUsr, Comment newComment, bool isNewThread, List<int> alertedUsrKs, List<int> inviteKs, bool disableChatMessage, bool alreadySentChatMessage, string chatMessageBody) : this() { ParentThreadK.Value = parentThread.K; PostingUsrK.Value = postingUsr.K; NewCommentK.Value = newComment.K; IsNewThread.Value = isNewThread; AlertedUsrKs.Value = alertedUsrKs; InviteKs.Value = inviteKs; DisableChatMessage.Value = disableChatMessage; AlreadySentChatMessage.Value = alreadySentChatMessage; ChatMessageBody.Value = chatMessageBody; }
protected override void Execute() { #region Comment newComment Comment newComment = null; try { newComment = new Comment(this.NewCommentK.Value); } catch (BobNotFound ex) { return; //sometimes the user deletes the comment before this is executed } #endregion #region Thread parentThread Thread parentThread = null; try { parentThread = new Thread(this.ParentThreadK.Value); } catch (BobNotFound ex) { return; //sometimes the user deletes the thread before this is executed } #endregion Usr postingUsr = new Usr(this.PostingUsrK.Value); List<int> alertedUsrKs = this.AlertedUsrKs.Value; bool isNewThread = this.IsNewThread.Value; List<int> inviteKs = this.InviteKs.Value; DateTime dt = DateTime.Today; Log.Increment(Log.Items.DoAlertsStart, 1, dt); SendAlertsToUsersWatchingThisThread(parentThread, postingUsr, newComment, isNewThread, alertedUsrKs); SendInvites(parentThread, postingUsr, newComment, isNewThread, alertedUsrKs, inviteKs); if (IsNewThread) { ThreadSendMessagesToCommentAlerts(parentThread, postingUsr, alertedUsrKs); //ThreadSendInvites(parentThread, alertedUsrKs, postingUsr, inviteKs); ThreadSendGroupNewsAdminsAReminderIfIsRecommendedNews(parentThread); ThreadSendNewsAlerts(parentThread); } SendChatMessage(DisableChatMessage, AlreadySentChatMessage, newComment, parentThread, postingUsr, ChatMessageBody); UpdateTotalParticipants(parentThread); Log.Increment(Log.Items.DoAlertsEnd, 1, dt); }
public void DeleteCommand(object o, CommandEventArgs e) { Usr.KickUserIfNotLoggedIn("Must be logged in to delete a post"); if (e.CommandName.Equals("Delete")) { Comment CommentToDelete = new Comment(int.Parse(e.CommandArgument.ToString())); if (CurrentComment.ThreadK == CommentToDelete.ThreadK) { if (Usr.Current.CanDelete(CommentToDelete, CurrentThread, CurrentGroupUsr)) { string redirect = CommentToDelete.Thread.UrlDiscussion(); if (CommentToDelete.Thread.TotalComments == 1) { redirect = "/chat"; } CommentToDelete.RegisterDelete(Usr.Current); CommentToDelete.DeleteAll(null); Response.Redirect(redirect); } else { throw new Exception("Can't delete"); } } } }
protected void CommentEditSaveClick(object o, EventArgs e) { if (!Usr.Current.CanNewsModerator()) { throw new Exception("Can't news admin!!!"); } CurrentComment = new Comment(CurrentComment.K); if (CommentEditTextBox.Text.Trim().Length == 0) throw new DsiUserFriendlyException("No text in comment!"); CurrentComment.Text = Cambro.Web.Helpers.CleanHtml(CommentEditTextBox.Text); if (CurrentComment.K == CurrentComment.Thread.FirstComment.K) { if (Cambro.Web.Helpers.StripHtml(ThreadSubjectEditBox.Text).Trim().Length == 0) throw new DsiUserFriendlyException("No text in subject!"); CurrentComment.Thread.Subject = Cambro.Web.Helpers.StripHtml(ThreadSubjectEditBox.Text); CurrentComment.Thread.Update(); } CurrentComment.Update(); ((Spotted.Master.DsiPage)Page).AnchorSkip("CommentK-" + CurrentComment.K.ToString()); }