예제 #1
파일: Builder.cs 프로젝트: mokujin/DN
 public static void CreateBitmapPerGlyph(FontGlyph[] sourceGlyphs, HelperBitmap[] sourceBitmaps, out FontGlyph[] destGlyphs, out HelperBitmap[] destBitmaps)
     destBitmaps = new HelperBitmap[sourceGlyphs.Length];
     destGlyphs = new FontGlyph[sourceGlyphs.Length];
     for (int i = 0; i < sourceGlyphs.Length; i++)
         var sg = sourceGlyphs[i];
         destGlyphs[i] = new FontGlyph(i, new Rectangle(0, 0, sg.rect.Width, sg.rect.Height), sg.yOffset, sg.character);
         destBitmaps[i] = new HelperBitmap(new Bitmap(sg.rect.Width, sg.rect.Height, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb));
         HelperBitmap.Blit(sourceBitmaps[sg.page].bitmapData, destBitmaps[i].bitmapData, sg.rect, 0, 0);
예제 #2
파일: TexturePage.cs 프로젝트: mokujin/DN
 public TexturePage(string filePath)
     var bitmap = new HelperBitmap(filePath);
예제 #3
파일: HelperBitmap.cs 프로젝트: mokujin/DN
        public void DownScale32(int newWidth, int newHeight)
            HelperBitmap newBitmap = new HelperBitmap(new Bitmap(newWidth, newHeight, bitmap.PixelFormat));

            if (bitmap.PixelFormat != PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb)
                throw new Exception("DownsScale32 only works on 32 bit images");

            float xscale = (float)bitmapData.Width / newWidth;
            float yscale = (float)bitmapData.Height / newHeight;

            byte r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 0;
            float summedR = 0f;
            float summedG = 0f;
            float summedB = 0f;
            float summedA = 0f;

            int left, right, top, bottom;  //the area of old pixels covered by the new bitmap

            float targetStartX, targetEndX;
            float targetStartY, targetEndY;

            float leftF, rightF, topF, bottomF; //edges of new pixel in old pixel coords
            float weight;
            float weightScale = xscale * yscale;
            float totalColourWeight = 0f;

            for (int m = 0; m < newHeight; m++)
                for (int n = 0; n < newWidth; n++)
                    leftF = n * xscale;
                    rightF = (n + 1) * xscale;

                    topF = m * yscale;
                    bottomF = (m + 1) * yscale;

                    left = (int)leftF;
                    right = (int)rightF;

                    top = (int)topF;
                    bottom = (int)bottomF;

                    if (left < 0) left = 0;
                    if (top < 0) top = 0;
                    if (right >= bitmapData.Width) right = bitmapData.Width - 1;
                    if (bottom >= bitmapData.Height) bottom = bitmapData.Height - 1;

                    summedR = 0f;
                    summedG = 0f;
                    summedB = 0f;
                    summedA = 0f;
                    totalColourWeight = 0f;

                    for (int j = top; j <= bottom; j++)
                        for (int i = left; i <= right; i++)
                            targetStartX = Math.Max(leftF, i);
                            targetEndX = Math.Min(rightF, i + 1);

                            targetStartY = Math.Max(topF, j);
                            targetEndY = Math.Min(bottomF, j + 1);

                            weight = (targetEndX - targetStartX) * (targetEndY - targetStartY);

                            GetPixel32(i, j, ref r, ref g, ref b, ref a);

                            summedA += weight * a;

                            if (a != 0)
                                summedR += weight * r;
                                summedG += weight * g;
                                summedB += weight * b;
                                totalColourWeight += weight;

                    summedR /= totalColourWeight;
                    summedG /= totalColourWeight;
                    summedB /= totalColourWeight;
                    summedA /= weightScale;

                    if (summedR < 0) summedR = 0f;
                    if (summedG < 0) summedG = 0f;
                    if (summedB < 0) summedB = 0f;
                    if (summedA < 0) summedA = 0f;

                    if (summedR >= 256) summedR = 255;
                    if (summedG >= 256) summedG = 255;
                    if (summedB >= 256) summedB = 255;
                    if (summedA >= 256) summedA = 255;

                    newBitmap.PutPixel32(n, m, (byte)summedR, (byte)summedG, (byte)summedB, (byte)summedA);


            this.bitmap = newBitmap.bitmap;
            this.bitmapData = newBitmap.bitmapData;
예제 #4
파일: Builder.cs 프로젝트: mokujin/DN
        private static List<HelperBitmap> GenerateBitmapSheetsAndRepack(FontGlyph[] sourceGlyphs, BitmapData[] sourceBitmaps, int destSheetWidth, int destSheetHeight, out FontGlyph[] destGlyphs, int destMargin, bool usePowerOfTwo)
            var pages = new List<HelperBitmap>();
            destGlyphs = new FontGlyph[sourceGlyphs.Length];

            HelperBitmap currentPage = null;

            int maxY = 0;
            foreach (var glph in sourceGlyphs)
                maxY = Math.Max(glph.rect.Height, maxY);

            int finalPageIndex = 0;
            int finalPageRequiredWidth = 0;
            int finalPageRequiredHeight = 0;

            for (int k = 0; k < 2; k++)
                bool pre = k == 0;  //first iteration is simply to determine the required size of the final page, so that we can crop it in advance

                int xPos = 0;
                int yPos = 0;
                int maxYInRow = 0;
                int totalTries = 0;

                for (int i = 0; i < sourceGlyphs.Length; i++)
                    if (!pre && currentPage == null)
                        if (finalPageIndex == pages.Count)
                            int width = Math.Min(destSheetWidth, usePowerOfTwo ? PowerOfTwo(finalPageRequiredWidth) : finalPageRequiredWidth);
                            int height = Math.Min(destSheetHeight, usePowerOfTwo ? PowerOfTwo(finalPageRequiredHeight) : finalPageRequiredHeight);

                            currentPage = new HelperBitmap(new Bitmap(width, height, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb));
                            currentPage.Clear32(255, 255, 255, 0); //clear to white, but totally transparent
                            currentPage = new HelperBitmap(new Bitmap(destSheetWidth, destSheetHeight, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb));
                            currentPage.Clear32(255, 255, 255, 0); //clear to white, but totally transparent


                    if (totalTries > 10 * sourceGlyphs.Length)
                        throw new Exception("Failed to fit font into texture pages");

                    var rect = sourceGlyphs[i].rect;

                    if (xPos + rect.Width + 2 * destMargin <= destSheetWidth && yPos + rect.Height + 2 * destMargin <= destSheetHeight)
                        if (!pre)
                            //add to page
                            if (sourceBitmaps[sourceGlyphs[i].page].PixelFormat == PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb)
                                HelperBitmap.Blit(sourceBitmaps[sourceGlyphs[i].page], currentPage.bitmapData, rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height, xPos + destMargin, yPos + destMargin);
                                HelperBitmap.BlitMask(sourceBitmaps[sourceGlyphs[i].page], currentPage.bitmapData, rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height, xPos + destMargin, yPos + destMargin);

                            destGlyphs[i] = new FontGlyph(pages.Count - 1, new Rectangle(xPos + destMargin, yPos + destMargin, rect.Width, rect.Height), sourceGlyphs[i].yOffset, sourceGlyphs[i].character);
                            finalPageRequiredWidth = Math.Max(finalPageRequiredWidth, xPos + rect.Width + 2 * destMargin);
                            finalPageRequiredHeight = Math.Max(finalPageRequiredHeight, yPos + rect.Height + 2 * destMargin);

                        xPos += rect.Width + 2 * destMargin;
                        maxYInRow = Math.Max(maxYInRow, rect.Height);


                    if (xPos + rect.Width + 2 * destMargin > destSheetWidth)

                        yPos += maxYInRow + 2 * destMargin;
                        xPos = 0;

                        if (yPos + maxY + 2 * destMargin > destSheetHeight)
                            yPos = 0;

                            if (!pre)
                                currentPage = null;
                                finalPageRequiredWidth = 0;
                                finalPageRequiredHeight = 0;

            return pages;
예제 #5
파일: HelperBitmap.cs 프로젝트: mokujin/DN

        public void Blur(int radius, int passes)
            QBitmap tmp = new QBitmap(new Bitmap(this.bitmap.Width, this.bitmap.Height, bitmap.PixelFormat));

            byte r=0,g=0,b=0,a=0;
            int summedR, summedG, summedB, summedA;
            int weight = 0;
            int xpos, ypos, x, y, kx, ky;

            for (int pass = 0; pass < passes; pass++)
                //horizontal pass
                for (y = 0; y < bitmap.Height; y++)
                    for (x = 0; x < bitmap.Width; x++)
                        summedR = summedG = summedB = summedA = weight = 0;
                        for (kx = -radius; kx <= radius; kx++)
                            xpos = x + kx;
                            if (xpos >= 0 && xpos < bitmap.Width)
                                GetPixel32(xpos, y, ref r, ref g, ref b, ref a);

                                summedR += r;
                                summedG += g;
                                summedB += b;
                                summedA += a;

                        summedR /= weight;
                        summedG /= weight;
                        summedB /= weight;
                        summedA /= weight;

                        tmp.PutPixel32(x, y, (byte)summedR, (byte)summedG, (byte)summedB, (byte)summedA);

                //vertical pass
                for (x = 0; x < bitmap.Width; ++x)
                    for (y = 0; y < bitmap.Height; ++y)
                        summedR = summedG = summedB = summedA = weight = 0;
                        for (ky = -radius; ky <= radius; ky++)
                            ypos = y + ky;
                            if (ypos >= 0 && ypos < bitmap.Height)
                                tmp.GetPixel32(x, ypos, ref r, ref g, ref b, ref a);

                                summedR += r;
                                summedG += g;
                                summedB += b;
                                summedA += a;

                        summedR /= weight;
                        summedG /= weight;
                        summedB /= weight;
                        summedA /= weight;

                        PutPixel32(x, y, (byte)summedR, (byte)summedG, (byte)summedB, (byte)summedA);

        public void BlurAlpha(int radius, int passes)
            HelperBitmap tmp = new HelperBitmap(new Bitmap(this.bitmap.Width, this.bitmap.Height, bitmap.PixelFormat));

            byte a = 0;
            int summedA;
            int weight = 0;
            int xpos, ypos, x, y, kx, ky;
            int width = bitmap.Width;
            int height = bitmap.Height;

            for (int pass = 0; pass < passes; pass++)
                //horizontal pass
                for (y = 0; y < height; y++)
                    for (x = 0; x < width; x++)
                        summedA = weight = 0;
                        for (kx = -radius; kx <= radius; kx++)
                            xpos = x + kx;
                            if (xpos >= 0 && xpos < width)
                                GetAlpha32(xpos, y, ref a);
                                summedA += a;

                        summedA /= weight;
                        tmp.PutAlpha32(x, y, (byte)summedA);

                //vertical pass
                for (x = 0; x < width; ++x)
                    for (y = 0; y < height; ++y)
                        summedA = weight = 0;
                        for (ky = -radius; ky <= radius; ky++)
                            ypos = y + ky;
                            if (ypos >= 0 && ypos < height)
                                tmp.GetAlpha32(x, ypos, ref a);
                                summedA += a;

                        summedA /= weight;

                        PutAlpha32(x, y, (byte)summedA);
