public void Start() { Console.Title = "BlueMoon - Contacts Application"; Console.Clear(); AsciiClass ac = new AsciiClass(); ac.BlueMoon(3); int left = 37; int top = 14; Console.SetCursorPosition(left, top); Console.WriteLine("PERSONAL ASSISTANT APPLICATION"); top++; Console.SetCursorPosition(37, top); Console.WriteLine("Contact Details Page."); top += 3; int topA = top; Console.SetCursorPosition(39, top); String textA = "(A). Add contacts"; Console.WriteLine(textA); top += 2; int topE = top; Console.SetCursorPosition(39, top); string textE = "(E). Edit Contacts"; Console.WriteLine(textE); top += 2; int topV = top; Console.SetCursorPosition(39, top); string textV = "(V). View Contacts "; Console.WriteLine(textV); top += 2; int topS = top; Console.SetCursorPosition(39, top); string textS = "(S). Search Contacts "; Console.WriteLine(textS); top += 2; int topD = top; Console.SetCursorPosition(39, top); string textD = "(D). Delete Contacts "; Console.WriteLine(textD); top += 2; int topR = top; Console.SetCursorPosition(39, top); string textR = "(R). Return to Main Page "; Console.WriteLine(textR); Station.StartTimeThread(); Console.CursorVisible = false; ConsoleKeyInfo key; key = Console.ReadKey(true); if (key.Key == ConsoleKey.A) { Station.StopTimeThread(); Station.BeepClick(); Station.Highlight(39, topA, textA); AddContacts ad = new AddContacts(); ad.Start(); } else if (key.Key == ConsoleKey.E) { Station.StopTimeThread(); Station.BeepClick(); Station.Highlight(39, topE, textE); EditContacts ec = new EditContacts(); ec.Start(); } else if (key.Key == ConsoleKey.V) { Station.StopTimeThread(); Station.BeepClick(); Station.Highlight(39, topV, textV); ViewContacts vc = new ViewContacts(); vc.Start(); } else if (key.Key == ConsoleKey.S) { Station.StopTimeThread(); Station.BeepClick(); Station.Highlight(39, topS, textS); SearchContacts sc = new SearchContacts(); sc.Start(); } else if (key.Key == ConsoleKey.D) { Station.StopTimeThread(); Station.BeepClick(); Station.Highlight(39, topD, textD); DeleteContacts dc = new DeleteContacts(); dc.Start(); } else if (key.Key == ConsoleKey.R) { Station.StopTimeThread(); Station.BeepClick(); Station.Highlight(39, topR, textR); PersonalAssistant pa = new PersonalAssistant(); pa.Start(); } else { Station.StopTimeThread(); top += 4; Station.BeepError(); Console.SetCursorPosition(39, top); Console.WriteLine("Invalid Key."); Thread.Sleep(200); Console.Clear(); Start(); } }
public void Start() { Console.Title = "BlueMoon - Edit Contacts"; Console.Clear(); AsciiClass ac = new AsciiClass(); ac.BlueMoon(3); Console.SetCursorPosition(37, 13); Console.WriteLine("==========PERSONAL ASSISTANT APPLICATION=========="); Console.SetCursorPosition(37, 15); Console.WriteLine("Press any Key to Edit Contacts...."); Console.ReadKey(true); Console.SetCursorPosition(39, 17); Console.WriteLine(" ====== Contact Details ====== "); string curPath = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(); string path = curPath + "\\Contacts.ebase"; string tempPath = curPath + "\\temp.txt"; string[] EbRows = File.ReadAllLines(path); Console.SetCursorPosition(39, 19); Console.WriteLine("enter the name of the contact to Edit"); Console.SetCursorPosition(39, 20); string name = Station.MeteredInput(12, 39, 20); name = name.ToLower(); bool editer = true; bool found = false; string[] fieldName = { "Name", "Phone Number", "Email", "State", "City", "Address" }; List <string> newData = new List <string>(); while (editer) { found = false; newData = new List <string>(); for (int i = 0; i < EbRows.Length; i++) { string[] EbCol = EbRows[i].Split('~'); #region editer loop for (int j = 0; j < EbCol.Length; j++) { if (editer) { string EbColtemp = EbCol[0].ToLower(); if (name == EbColtemp || EbColtemp.Contains(name)) { found = true; Console.SetCursorPosition(39, 22); Console.WriteLine("=======Contact=============="); EditContactsClear(); Console.SetCursorPosition(39, 24); Console.WriteLine("{0,-12} : {1}", fieldName[0], EbCol[0]); Console.SetCursorPosition(39, 25); Console.WriteLine("{0,-12} : {1}", fieldName[1], EbCol[1]); Console.SetCursorPosition(39, 26); Console.WriteLine("{0,-12} : {1}", fieldName[2], EbCol[2]); Console.SetCursorPosition(39, 27); Console.WriteLine("{0,-12} : {1}", fieldName[3], EbCol[3]); Console.SetCursorPosition(39, 28); Console.WriteLine("{0,-12} : {1}", fieldName[4], EbCol[4]); Console.SetCursorPosition(39, 29); Console.WriteLine("{0,-12} : {1}", fieldName[5], EbCol[5]); Console.SetCursorPosition(15, 31); Console.WriteLine("(E). edit contact -- (Backspace) to return -- (N) to Next Search -- (any key) to start again"); Console.CursorVisible = false; ConsoleKeyInfo key; key = Console.ReadKey(true); if (key.Key == ConsoleKey.E) { Station.clearRow(15, 31, 105); Station.clearRow(39, 32, 30); Station.clearRow(39, 33, 30); Console.SetCursorPosition(39, 32); Console.WriteLine("Enter Name : "); Console.SetCursorPosition(39, 33); string newName = Console.ReadLine(); Station.clearRow(39, 32, 30); Station.clearRow(39, 33, 30); Console.SetCursorPosition(39, 32); Console.WriteLine("Enter Phone Number : "); Console.SetCursorPosition(39, 33); string phoneNumber = Station.MeteredInputNum(11, 39, 33); Station.clearRow(39, 32, 30); Station.clearRow(39, 33, 30); Console.SetCursorPosition(39, 32); Console.WriteLine("Enter Email : "); Console.SetCursorPosition(39, 33); string email = Console.ReadLine(); Station.clearRow(39, 32, 30); Station.clearRow(39, 33, 30); Console.SetCursorPosition(39, 32); Console.WriteLine("Enter State : "); Console.SetCursorPosition(39, 33); string state = Console.ReadLine(); Station.clearRow(39, 32, 30); Station.clearRow(39, 33, 30); Console.SetCursorPosition(39, 32); Console.WriteLine("Enter City : "); Console.SetCursorPosition(39, 33); string city = Console.ReadLine(); Station.clearRow(39, 32, 30); Station.clearRow(39, 33, 30); Console.SetCursorPosition(39, 32); Console.WriteLine("Enter Street Address : "); Console.SetCursorPosition(39, 33); string address = Console.ReadLine(); EbRows[i] = newName + "~" + phoneNumber + "~" + email + "~" + state + "~" + city + "~" + address; editer = false; } else if (key.Key == ConsoleKey.Backspace) { ContactDetails cd1 = new ContactDetails(); cd1.Start(); } else if (key.Key == ConsoleKey.N) { break; } else { EditContacts edc = new EditContacts(); edc.Start(); } } } } #endregion newData.Add(EbRows[i]); } if (!found) { Console.SetCursorPosition(48, 27); Console.Write("Contact Not Found"); Thread.Sleep(500); Start(); } } string[] newDataarr = newData.ToArray(); File.WriteAllLines(tempPath, newDataarr); File.Delete("Contacts.ebase"); Station.Blink("Editing Contact Information.............", 5000, 39, 35); File.Move("temp.txt", "Contacts.ebase"); ContactDetails cd = new ContactDetails(); cd.Start(); }