예제 #1
        ///   <summary>
        ///   Currently used by the image server
        ///   to get thumbnails that are used in the add page dialog. Since this dialog can show
        ///   an enlarged version of the page, we generate these at a higher resolution than usual.
        ///   Also, to make more realistic views of template pages we insert fake text wherever
        ///   there is an empty edit block.
        ///   The result is cached for possible future use so the caller should not dispose of it.
        ///   </summary>
        /// <param name="book"></param>
        /// <param name="page"></param>
        /// <param name="isLandscape"></param>
        /// <param name="mustRegenerate"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Image GetThumbnailForPage(Book.Book book, IPage page, bool isLandscape, bool mustRegenerate = false)
            var pageDom          = book.GetThumbnailXmlDocumentForPage(page);
            var thumbnailOptions = new HtmlThumbNailer.ThumbnailOptions()
                BackgroundColor = Color.White,                                        // matches the hand-made previews.
                BorderStyle     = HtmlThumbNailer.ThumbnailOptions.BorderStyles.None, // allows the HTML to add its preferred border in the larger preview
                CenterImageUsingTransparentPadding = true,
                MustRegenerate = mustRegenerate
            var pageDiv = pageDom.RawDom.SafeSelectNodes("descendant-or-self::div[contains(@class,'bloom-page')]").Cast <XmlElement>().FirstOrDefault();

            // The actual page size is rather arbitrary, but we want the right ratio for A4.
            // Using the actual A4 sizes in mm makes a big enough image to look good in the larger
            // preview box on the right as well as giving exactly the ratio we want.
            // We need to make the image the right shape to avoid some sort of shadow/box effects
            // that I can't otherwise find a way to get rid of.
            if (isLandscape)
                thumbnailOptions.Width  = 297;
                thumbnailOptions.Height = 210;
                pageDiv.SetAttribute("class", pageDiv.Attributes["class"].Value.Replace("Portrait", "Landscape"));
                thumbnailOptions.Width  = 210;
                thumbnailOptions.Height = 297;
                // On the offchance someone makes a template with by-default-landscape pages...
                pageDiv.SetAttribute("class", pageDiv.Attributes["class"].Value.Replace("Landscape", "Portrait"));
            // In different books (or even the same one) in the same session we may have portrait and landscape
            // versions of the same template page. So we must use different IDs.
            return(_thumbnailProvider.GetThumbnail(page.Id + (isLandscape ? "L" : ""), pageDom, thumbnailOptions));
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Will call either 'callback' or 'errorCallback' UNLESS the thumbnail is readonly, in which case it will do neither.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="book"></param>
        /// <param name="thumbnailOptions"></param>
        /// <param name="callback"></param>
        /// <param name="errorCallback"></param>
        private void RebuildThumbNail(Book.Book book, HtmlThumbNailer.ThumbnailOptions thumbnailOptions,
                                      Action <BookInfo, Image> callback, Action <BookInfo, Exception> errorCallback, bool async)
                if (!book.Storage.RemoveBookThumbnail(thumbnailOptions.FileName))
                    // thumbnail is marked readonly, so just use it
                    Image thumb;
                    book.Storage.TryGetPremadeThumbnail(thumbnailOptions.FileName, out thumb);
                    callback(book.BookInfo, thumb);


                thumbnailOptions.BorderStyle = GetThumbnailBorderStyle(book);
                GetThumbNailOfBookCover(book, thumbnailOptions, image => callback(book.BookInfo, image),
                                        error =>
                    //Enhance; this isn't a very satisfying time to find out, because it's only going to happen if we happen to be rebuilding the thumbnail.
                    //It does help in the case where things are bad, so no thumbnail was created, but by then probably the user has already had some big error.
                    //On the other hand, given that they have this bad book in their collection now, it's good to just remind them that it's broken and not
                    //keep showing green error boxes.
                    errorCallback(book.BookInfo, error);
                }, async);
            catch (Exception error)
                NonFatalProblem.Report(ModalIf.Alpha, PassiveIf.All, "Problem creating book thumbnail ", exception: error);
예제 #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Check if the cover image is valid
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>True if it's valid. It may be invalid if imageSrc is missing. In certain scenarios, if the imageSrc is "placeHolder.png", that's not valid either.</returns>
 internal static bool IsCoverImageSrcValid(string imageSrc, HtmlThumbNailer.ThumbnailOptions options)
     if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(imageSrc))
     else if (Path.GetFileName(imageSrc) == "placeHolder.png")
         // Valid examples:
         // thumbnail.png
         // thumbnail-256.png
         // thumbnail-300x300.png
         if (Regex.IsMatch(options.FileName, "thumbnail(-[0-9]+(x[0-9]+)?)?\\.png"))
예제 #4
 ///   <summary>
 ///   Currently used by the image server
 ///   to get thumbnails that are used in the add page dialog. Since this dialog can show
 ///   an enlarged version of the page, we generate these at a higher resolution than usual.
 ///   Also, to make more realistic views of template pages we insert fake text wherever
 ///   there is an empty edit block.
 ///   The result is cached for possible future use so the caller should not dispose of it.
 ///   </summary>
 /// <param name="book"></param>
 /// <param name="page"></param>
 ///  <param name="isLandscape"></param>
 ///  <returns></returns>
 public Image GetThumbnailForPage(Book.Book book, IPage page, bool isLandscape)
     var pageDom = book.GetThumbnailXmlDocumentForPage(page);
     var thumbnailOptions = new HtmlThumbNailer.ThumbnailOptions()
         BackgroundColor = Color.White,// matches the hand-made previews.
         BorderStyle = HtmlThumbNailer.ThumbnailOptions.BorderStyles.None, // allows the HTML to add its preferred border in the larger preview
         CenterImageUsingTransparentPadding = true
     var pageDiv = pageDom.RawDom.SafeSelectNodes("descendant-or-self::div[contains(@class,'bloom-page')]").Cast<XmlElement>().FirstOrDefault();
     // The actual page size is rather arbitrary, but we want the right ratio for A4.
     // Using the actual A4 sizes in mm makes a big enough image to look good in the larger
     // preview box on the right as well as giving exactly the ratio we want.
     // We need to make the image the right shape to avoid some sort of shadow/box effects
     // that I can't otherwise find a way to get rid of.
     if (isLandscape)
         thumbnailOptions.Width = 297;
         thumbnailOptions.Height = 210;
         pageDiv.SetAttribute("class", pageDiv.Attributes["class"].Value.Replace("Portrait", "Landscape"));
         thumbnailOptions.Width = 210;
         thumbnailOptions.Height = 297;
         // On the offchance someone makes a template with by-default-landscape pages...
         pageDiv.SetAttribute("class", pageDiv.Attributes["class"].Value.Replace("Landscape", "Portrait"));
     // In different books (or even the same one) in the same session we may have portrait and landscape
     // versions of the same template page. So we must use different IDs.
     return _thumbnailProvider.GetThumbnail(page.Id + (isLandscape ? "L" : ""), pageDom, thumbnailOptions);
예제 #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Will make a new thumbnail (or throw) UNLESS the thumbnail is readonly, in which case it will do nothing.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="book"></param>
 /// <param name="thumbnailOptions"></param>
 private void RebuildThumbNailNow(Book.Book book, HtmlThumbNailer.ThumbnailOptions thumbnailOptions)
     RebuildThumbNail(book, thumbnailOptions, (info, image) => { },
                      (info, ex) =>
         throw ex;
     }, false);
예제 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a thumbnail of just the cover image (no title, language name, etc.)
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Returns true if successful; false otherwise. </returns>
        internal static bool CreateThumbnailOfCoverImage(Book.Book book, HtmlThumbNailer.ThumbnailOptions options, Action <Image> callback = null)
            var imageSrc = book.GetCoverImagePath();

            if (!IsCoverImageSrcValid(imageSrc, options))
                Debug.WriteLine(book.StoragePageFolder + " does not have a cover image.");
            var size         = Math.Max(options.Width, options.Height);
            var destFilePath = Path.Combine(book.StoragePageFolder, options.FileName);
            // Writing a transparent image to a file, then reading it in again appears to be the only
            // way to get the thumbnail image to draw with the book's cover color background reliably.
            var transparentImageFile = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), "Bloom", "Transparent", Path.GetFileName(imageSrc));

                if (RuntimeImageProcessor.MakePngBackgroundTransparent(imageSrc, transparentImageFile))
                    imageSrc = transparentImageFile;
                using (var coverImage = PalasoImage.FromFile(imageSrc))
                    if (imageSrc == transparentImageFile)
                        coverImage.Image = MakeImageOpaque(coverImage.Image, book.GetCoverColor());
                    var shouldAddDashedBorder = options.BorderStyle == HtmlThumbNailer.ThumbnailOptions.BorderStyles.Dashed;
                    coverImage.Image = options.CenterImageUsingTransparentPadding ?
                                       ImageUtils.CenterImageIfNecessary(new Size(size, size), coverImage.Image, shouldAddDashedBorder) :
                                       ImageUtils.ResizeImageIfNecessary(new Size(size, size), coverImage.Image, shouldAddDashedBorder);
                    switch (Path.GetExtension(destFilePath).ToLowerInvariant())
                    case ".jpg":
                    case ".jpeg":
                        ImageUtils.SaveAsTopQualityJpeg(coverImage.Image, destFilePath);

                        PalasoImage.SaveImageRobustly(coverImage, destFilePath);
                    if (callback != null)
                        callback(coverImage.Image.Clone() as Image);                            // don't leave GC to chance
                if (File.Exists(transparentImageFile))
예제 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates the cover image for a book, e.g. the thumbnail used on Bloom Library
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="book"></param>
        /// <param name="requestedSize">The maximum size of either dimension</param>
        public static string GenerateCoverImageOfRequestedMaxSize(Book.Book book, int requestedSize)
            HtmlThumbNailer.ThumbnailOptions thumbnailOptions = BookThumbNailer.GetCoverThumbnailOptions(requestedSize, new Guid());
            BookThumbNailer.CreateThumbnailOfCoverImage(book, thumbnailOptions, null);

            string thumbnailDestination = Path.Combine(book.FolderPath, thumbnailOptions.FileName);

예제 #8
 /// <summary>
 /// Generates a web thumbnail image from the book's front cover image.
 /// The resulting image will fit into a 200px x 200px box with no loss of aspect ratio.
 /// This means that either the height or the width will be 200px.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="book"></param>
 public static void GenerateImageForWeb(Book.Book book)
     HtmlThumbNailer.ThumbnailOptions options = new HtmlThumbNailer.ThumbnailOptions
         Height = 200,
         Width  = 200,
         CenterImageUsingTransparentPadding = false,
         FileName = "coverImage200.jpg"
     CreateThumbnailOfCoverImage(book, options);
예제 #9
        private void GetThumbNailOfBookCover(Book.Book book, HtmlThumbNailer.ThumbnailOptions thumbnailOptions, Action <Image> callback, Action <Exception> errorCallback, bool async)
            if (book is ErrorBook)
                if (book.HasFatalError)                 //NB: we might not know yet... we don't fully load every book just to show its thumbnail

                Image thumb;
                if (book.Storage.TryGetPremadeThumbnail(thumbnailOptions.FileName, out thumb))

                var dom = book.GetPreviewXmlDocumentForFirstPage();
                if (dom == null)
                string folderForCachingThumbnail;

                folderForCachingThumbnail = book.StoragePageFolder;
                _thumbnailProvider.GetThumbnail(folderForCachingThumbnail, book.Storage.Key, dom, thumbnailOptions, callback, errorCallback, async);
                if (!CreateThumbnailOfCoverImage(book, thumbnailOptions, callback))
            catch (Exception err)
예제 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Make a thumbnail image of a book's front cover.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="book"></param>
        /// <param name="height">Optional parameter. If unspecified, use defaults</param>
        public void MakeThumbnailOfCover(Book.Book book, int height = -1)
            HtmlThumbNailer.ThumbnailOptions options = new HtmlThumbNailer.ThumbnailOptions
                //since this is destined for HTML, it's much easier to handle if there is no pre-padding
                CenterImageUsingTransparentPadding = false

            if (height != -1)
                options.Height   = height;
                options.Width    = -1;
                options.FileName = "thumbnail-" + height + ".png";
            // else use the defaults

            RebuildThumbNailNow(book, options);
예제 #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the default thumbnail options to use when creating a thumbnail of a book's cover
        /// </summary>
        public static HtmlThumbNailer.ThumbnailOptions GetCoverThumbnailOptions(int height, Guid requestId)
            var options = new HtmlThumbNailer.ThumbnailOptions
                //since this is destined for HTML, it's much easier to handle if there is no pre-padding
                CenterImageUsingTransparentPadding = false,
                RequestId = requestId

            if (height != -1)
                options.Height   = height;
                options.Width    = -1;
                options.FileName = "thumbnail-" + height + ".png";
            // else use the defaults

예제 #12
        public void GetThumbNailOfBookCover(Book.Book book, HtmlThumbNailer.ThumbnailOptions thumbnailOptions, Action <Image> callback, Action <Exception> errorCallback, bool async)
            if (book is ErrorBook)
                if (book.HasFatalError)                 //NB: we might not know yet... we don't fully load every book just to show its thumbnail
                Image thumb;
                if (book.Storage.TryGetPremadeThumbnail(thumbnailOptions.FileName, out thumb))

                var dom = book.GetPreviewXmlDocumentForFirstPage();
                if (dom == null)
                string folderForCachingThumbnail;

                folderForCachingThumbnail = book.Storage.FolderPath;
                _thumbnailProvider.GetThumbnail(folderForCachingThumbnail, book.Storage.Key, dom, thumbnailOptions, callback, errorCallback, async);
            catch (Exception err)
예제 #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates a thumbnail suitable for sharing on Facebook
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="book"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string GenerateSocialMediaSharingThumbnail(Book.Book book)
            // 300 x 300 is picked so that FB will consistently generate a thumbnail that is:
            // * to the left of the link
            // * a fixed aspect ratio (happens to be square)
            // * has enough pixels to work with high res screens with devicePixelRatio up to 4. (FB Mobile App was showing it as 75 CSS pixels)
            // See BL-8406
            int size    = 300;
            var options = new HtmlThumbNailer.ThumbnailOptions
                CenterImageUsingTransparentPadding = true,
                RequestId = new Guid(),
                Height    = size,
                Width     = size,

            options.FileName = $"thumbnail-{options.Width}x{options.Height}.png";

            CreateThumbnailOfCoverImage(book, options);

            var thumbnailDestination = Path.Combine(book.FolderPath, options.FileName);

예제 #14
 /// <summary>
 /// Will call either 'callback' or 'errorCallback' UNLESS the thumbnail is readonly, in which case it will do neither.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="book"></param>
 /// <param name="thumbnailOptions"></param>
 /// <param name="callback"></param>
 /// <param name="errorCallback"></param>
 public void RebuildThumbNailAsync(Book.Book book, HtmlThumbNailer.ThumbnailOptions thumbnailOptions,
                                   Action <BookInfo, Image> callback, Action <BookInfo, Exception> errorCallback)
     RebuildThumbNail(book, thumbnailOptions, callback, errorCallback, true);
예제 #15
 /// <summary>
 /// Make a thumbnail image of a book's front cover.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="book"></param>
 /// <param name="height">Optional parameter. If unspecified, use defaults</param>
 public void MakeThumbnailOfCover(Book.Book book, int height = -1, Guid requestId = new Guid())
     HtmlThumbNailer.ThumbnailOptions options = GetCoverThumbnailOptions(height, requestId);
     RebuildThumbNailNow(book, options);
예제 #16
        public void MakeThumbnailOfCover(Book.Book book, int height, Control invokeTarget)
            HtmlThumbNailer.ThumbnailOptions options = new HtmlThumbNailer.ThumbnailOptions
                //since this is destined for HTML, it's much easier to handle if there is no pre-padding
                CenterImageUsingTransparentPadding = false

            if (height != -1)
                options.Height = height;
                options.Width = -1;
                options.FileName = "thumbnail-" + height + ".png";
            // else use the defaults

            RebuildThumbNailNow(book, options);