this class manages a the login process for Bloom, including signing up for new accounts. (This is a bit clumsy, but makes it easy to switch to login if the user enters a known address, or switch to signup if the user tries to log in with an unknown email. It also saves passing another object around.) Much of this logic unfortunately is or will be duplicated in the web site itself. We may at some point consider embedding a part of the web site itself in a Gecko window instead for login; but in the current state of my (JohnT's) knowledge, it was easier to do a plain C# version.
상속: System.Windows.Forms.Form
예제 #1
        private bool _publishWithoutAudio = false; // True if the user has said to go ahead without audio

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        //autofac uses this
        public PublishView(PublishModel model,
			SelectedTabChangedEvent selectedTabChangedEvent, LocalizationChangedEvent localizationChangedEvent, BookTransfer bookTransferrer, LoginDialog login, NavigationIsolator isolator)
            _bookTransferrer = bookTransferrer;
            _loginDialog = login;
            _isolator = isolator;


            if (this.DesignMode)

            _model = model;
            _model.View = this;

            _makePdfBackgroundWorker.RunWorkerCompleted += new System.ComponentModel.RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler(_makePdfBackgroundWorker_RunWorkerCompleted);
            _pdfViewer.PrintProgress += new System.EventHandler<PdfPrintProgressEventArgs>(OnPrintProgress);

            // BL-625: With mono, if a RadioButton group has its AutoCheck properties set to true, the default RadioButton.OnEnter
            //         event checks to make sure one of the RadioButtons is checked. If none are checked, the one the mouse pointer
            //         is over is checked, causing the CheckChanged event to fire.
            if (SIL.PlatformUtilities.Platform.IsMono)

            //NB: just triggering off "VisibilityChanged" was unreliable. So now we trigger
            //off the tab itself changing, either to us or away from us.
                                                    if (c.To == this)
                                                    else if (c.To!=this && IsMakingPdf)

            //TODO: find a way to call this just once, at the right time:

            //			DeskAnalytics.Track("Publish");

            //#if DEBUG
            //        	var linkLabel = new LinkLabel() {Text = "DEBUG"};
            //			linkLabel.Click+=new EventHandler((x,y)=>_model.DebugCurrentPDFLayout());
            //        	tableLayoutPanel1.Controls.Add(linkLabel);
            if (SIL.PlatformUtilities.Platform.IsMono)

            // Adding this renderer prevents a white line from showing up under the components.
            _menusToolStrip.Renderer = new EditingView.FixedToolStripRenderer();

            GeckoPreferences.Default["pdfjs.disabled"] = false;
            localizationChangedEvent.Subscribe(o =>

            // Make this extra box available to show when wanted.
            _previewBox = new PictureBox();
            _previewBox.Visible = false;
        public BloomLibraryPublishControl(PublishView parentView, BookTransfer bookTransferrer, LoginDialog login, Book.Book book)
            _parentView = parentView;
            _bookTransferrer = bookTransferrer;
            _loginDialog = login;
            _book = book;
            _originalLoginText = _loginLink.Text; // Before anything might modify it (but after InitializeComponent creates it).
            _titleLabel.Text = book.BookInfo.Title;

            _progressBox.ShowDetailsMenuItem = true;
            _progressBox.ShowCopyToClipboardMenuItem = true;
            _progressBox.LinkClicked += _progressBox_LinkClicked;

            var metadata = book.GetLicenseMetadata();
            // This is usually redundant, but might not be on old books where the license was set before the new
            // editing code was written.
            var license = metadata.License;
            if (license == null || (license is NullLicense && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(metadata.CopyrightNotice)))
                // A null license and no copyright indicates they never even opened the ClearShare dialog to choose a license.
                _usingCcControls = false;
                _usingNotesLabel = false;
                _licenseSuggestion.Text = _pleaseSetThis;
                _okToUpload = false;
            else if (license is CreativeCommonsLicense)
                _creativeCommonsLink.Text = license.Token.ToUpperInvariant();
                _usingNotesSuggestion = false;
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(license.RightsStatement))
                    _licenseNotesLabel.Text = LocalizationManager.GetString("PublishTab.Upload.AdditionalRequests", "Additional Requests: ") + license.RightsStatement;
            else if (license is NullLicense)
                _usingCcControls = false;
                _licenseNotesLabel.Text = LocalizationManager.GetString("PublishTab.Upload.AllReserved", "All rights reserved (Contact the Copyright holder for any permissions.)");
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(license.RightsStatement))
                    _licenseNotesLabel.Text += Environment.NewLine + license.RightsStatement;
                _licenseSuggestion.Text = LocalizationManager.GetString("PublishTab.Upload.SuggestAssignCC", "Suggestion: Assigning a Creative Commons License makes it easy for you to clearly grant certain permissions to everyone.");

                // So far, this means it must be custom license (with non-blank rights...actually, currently, the palaso dialog will not allow a custom license with no rights statement).
                _usingCcControls = false;
                _licenseNotesLabel.Text = license.RightsStatement;
                _licenseSuggestion.Text = LocalizationManager.GetString("PublishTab.Upload.SuggestChangeCC", "Suggestion: Creative Commons Licenses make it much easier for others to use your book, even if they aren't fluent in the language of your custom license.");

            _copyrightLabel.Text = book.BookInfo.Copyright;

            var allLanguages = book.AllLanguages;
            foreach (var lang in allLanguages.Keys)
                var checkBox = new CheckBox();
                checkBox.Text = _book.PrettyPrintLanguage(lang);
                if (allLanguages[lang])
                    checkBox.Checked = true;
                    checkBox.Text += @" " + LocalizationManager.GetString("PublishTab.Upload.Partial", "(partial)");
                checkBox.Size = new Size(TextRenderer.MeasureText(checkBox.Text, checkBox.Font).Width + 50, checkBox.Height);
                checkBox.Tag = lang;
                checkBox.CheckStateChanged += delegate(object sender, EventArgs args)
                    bool someLangChecked = _languagesFlow.Controls.Cast<CheckBox>().Any(b => b.Checked);
                    _langsLabel.ForeColor = someLangChecked ? Color.Black : Color.Red;
                    if (_okToUploadDependsOnLangsChecked)
                        _okToUpload = someLangChecked;

            _creditsLabel.Text = book.BookInfo.Credits;
            _summaryBox.Text = book.BookInfo.Summary;

                _loginDialog.LogIn(); // See if saved credentials work.
            catch (Exception e)
                        "Bloom could not log in to using your saved credentials. Please check your network connection."));
            _optional1.Left = _summaryBox.Right - _optional1.Width; // right-align these (even if localization changes their width)

            if (BookTransfer.UseSandbox)
                var oldTextWidth = TextRenderer.MeasureText(_uploadButton.Text, _uploadButton.Font).Width;
                _uploadButton.Text = LocalizationManager.GetString("PublishTab.Upload.UploadSandbox","Upload Book (to Sandbox)");
                var neededWidth = TextRenderer.MeasureText(_uploadButton.Text, _uploadButton.Font).Width;
                _uploadButton.Width += neededWidth - oldTextWidth;
            // After considering all the factors except whether any languages are selected,
            // if we can upload at this point, whether we can from here on depends on whether one is checked.
            // This test needs to come after evaluating everything else uploading depends on (except login)
            _okToUploadDependsOnLangsChecked = _okToUpload;
            if (!allLanguages.Keys.Any())
                _langsLabel.Text += " " + LocalizationManager.GetString("PublishTab.Upload.NoLangsFound", "(None found)");
                _langsLabel.ForeColor = Color.Red;
                _okToUpload = false;