Show() 공개 정적인 메소드

public static Show ( IWin32Window owner, string text ) : DialogResult
owner IWin32Window
text string
리턴 DialogResult
        private void btnPublish_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var accountValue = cmbAccounts.SelectedItem;

            if (accountValue == null)
                var result = MessageBoxEx.Show(this, string.Format("Select an account to publish from"), "Block Studio", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);

            var account = (Account)accountValue;

            if (account.Balance < 10000000)
                var result = MessageBoxEx.Show(this, string.Format("You do not have enough Ether to publish the contract"), "Block Studio", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);

            var bin = BlockStudioProjectService.GetFile(SolcProjectFileType.Bin);

            if (bin == null)
                var result = MessageBoxEx.Show(this, string.Format("It appears there is no bytecode generated for this project"), "Block Studio", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);

            var transaction = new Transaction()
                From = account.Address,
                Data = bin.Value,
                Gas  = txtEstimateGas.Text

            BlockStudioProjectService.PublishedTxHash = BlockStudioProjectService.BlockStudioProject.Connection.EthereumService.SendTransaction(transaction);
            txtBuildOutput.WriteConsonsoleMessage("contract published with code: {0}", BlockStudioProjectService.GetFile(SolcProjectFileType.Bin).Value);