TimeSpan timeElapsed = TimeSpan.Zero; // Amount of time the celebration has been active #endregion Fields #region Constructors public Celebration(Board board, string text, int row, int column) { this.board = board; this.text = text; position = new Rectangle(column * board.Blocks[0, 0].Renderer.Width, row * board.Blocks[0, 0].Renderer.Height, board.Blocks[0, 0].Renderer.Width, board.Blocks[0, 0].Renderer.Height); board.ParticleEmitters.Add(new ParticleEmitter(board.Screen, 50, new Rectangle(board.Blocks[row, column].Renderer.Rectangle.X + board.Blocks[0, 0].Renderer.Width / 2, board.Blocks[row, column].Renderer.Rectangle.Y + board.Blocks[0, 0].Renderer.Height / 2, 25, 25), new Vector2(-100f, -100f), new Vector2(100f, 100f), Vector2.Zero, Color.Black, Color.White, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3))); texture = board.Screen.ContentManager.Load<Texture2D>("Button"); }
public GameplayScreen(ScreenManager screenManager) : base(screenManager) { TransitionDuration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1); board = new Board(this); hud = new HUD(this, board); menuButton = new Button(this, "Menu", Color.White, new Rectangle(45, 45, 75, 75), Color.Red); menuButton.Selected += menuButton_Selected; }
public BoardRenderer(Board board) { this.board = board; Rectangle = new Rectangle(board.Screen.ScreenManager.Game.WorldViewport.Width / 2 - board.Columns * board.Blocks[0, 0].Renderer.Width / 2, board.Screen.ScreenManager.Game.WorldViewport.Height / 2 - board.Rows * board.Blocks[0, 0].Renderer.Height / 2, board.Columns * board.Blocks[0, 0].Renderer.Width, board.Rows * board.Blocks[0, 0].Renderer.Height); }
public BoardController(Board board) { this.board = board; }
// Construct the block public Block(Board board, Screen screen, int row, int column) { Board = board; Renderer = new BlockRenderer(this, row, column); PopulatingDelay = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(random.Next(0, (int)PopulatingMaxDelay.TotalMilliseconds)); }