public void setSpear(SpearClass spr) { spear = spr; if (spear != null) { spear.setOwner(this); } }
public void LoadContent(ContentManager Content) { Vector2 negPos = new Vector2(-100, -100); activePlayers = 0; if (playersInGame[0]) { players[0] = player1; activePlayers++; } else = false; if (playersInGame[1]) { players[1] = player2; activePlayers++; } else = false; if (playersInGame[2]) { players[2] = player3; activePlayers++; } else = false; if (playersInGame[3]) { players[3] = player4; activePlayers++; } else = false; Vector2 offset = new Vector2(-4, -4); Texture2D bar = Content.Load<Texture2D>("bar"); Texture2D dust = Content.Load<Texture2D>("Dust_Trail"); Texture2D dustPoof = Content.Load<Texture2D>("Dust_Poof"); control_diagram = Content.Load<Texture2D>("controller"); scores_bg = Content.Load<Texture2D>("scores"); Texture2D powerup = Content.Load<Texture2D>("powerups"); for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (players[i] != null && players[i].active) { players[i].Initialize(Content.Load<Texture2D>(playerTexts[i]), negPos, screenSize, null, players, playerOffsets[playerCharNums[i]], bar, charWidths[playerCharNums[i]]); players[i].moveFrames = charFrameData[playerCharNums[i],0]; players[i].idles = idleAnim[playerCharNums[i]]; players[i].frameLength = charFrameData[playerCharNums[i], 1]; players[i].armOffset = new Vector2(charFrameData[playerCharNums[i], 2], charFrameData[playerCharNums[i], 3]); players[i].shoulder = new Vector2(charFrameData[playerCharNums[i], 4], charFrameData[playerCharNums[i], 5]); players[i].throwWidth = charFrameData[playerCharNums[i], 6]; players[i].throwHeight = charFrameData[playerCharNums[i], 7]; players[i].flipOff = charFrameData[playerCharNums[i], 8]; players[i].flipOrigin = charFrameData[playerCharNums[i], 9]; } } //Setup for common player resources foreach (PlayerClass p in players) { if (p != null) { p.deadText = Content.Load<Texture2D>("spriteDead"); p.Death_Sound = Content.Load<SoundEffect>("audio/sfx/Player_Death").CreateInstance(); p.Jump_Sound = Content.Load<SoundEffect>("audio/sfx/Player_Jump").CreateInstance(); p.Blink_Sound = Content.Load<SoundEffect>("audio/sfx/Player_Blink").CreateInstance(); p.Unblink_Sound = Content.Load<SoundEffect>("audio/sfx/Player_Blink").CreateInstance(); p.dustEffect = dust; p.dustPoof = dustPoof; p.aniList = animations; } } Texture2D spearTex = Content.Load<Texture2D>("spearsprite"); Texture2D indicator = Content.Load<Texture2D>("spearIndicator"); spear1 = new SpearClass(player1, spearTex, indicator, screenSize, null, players); spear2 = new SpearClass(player2, spearTex, indicator, screenSize, null, players); spear3 = new SpearClass(player3, spearTex, indicator, screenSize, null, players); spear4 = new SpearClass(player4, spearTex, indicator, screenSize, null, players); //Setup for common spear resources Throw_Sound = Content.Load<SoundEffect>("audio/sfx/Spear_Throw"); Hit_Player_Sound = Content.Load<SoundEffect>("audio/sfx/Spear_Player_Hit"); Hit_Wall_Sound = Content.Load<SoundEffect>("audio/sfx/Spear_Wall_Hit"); Stab_Sound = Content.Load<SoundEffect>("audio/sfx/Spear_Attack"); foreach (SpearClass s in spears) { s.Throw_Sound = Throw_Sound.CreateInstance(); s.Hit_Player_Sound = Hit_Player_Sound.CreateInstance(); s.Hit_Wall_Sound = Hit_Wall_Sound.CreateInstance(); s.Stab_Sound = Stab_Sound.CreateInstance(); } StreamReader[] mapData = new StreamReader[5]; for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { mapData[i] = File.OpenText("Content/MapData/"+maps.Maps()[i]+".map"); mapObs[i] = new Map(); mapObs[i].Initialize(Content.Load<Texture2D>("MapData/"+maps.Maps()[i]+"Color"), mapData[i].ReadToEnd(), 32, 50, 30, players, powerup); } font = Content.Load<SpriteFont>("miramo30"); resetMap(); }
public void Update(KeyboardState input, GamePadState padState, GameTime gameTime) { //Update move animation, this will have to be separated into Roth and Bat as Bat doesn't stop moving her wings when still. if (idles) { next(); } if (!active) { return; } //debug stuff goes here if ((input.IsKeyDown(Keys.Q))) { this.bounce = !this.bounce; } if (blinkBlocked) { if ((float)gameTime.TotalGameTime.TotalSeconds - blockTime > DEATHTIMER) { blinkBlocked = false; } } if (blinked) { if (velocity.X != 0 && atRest) { dustTimer -= (float)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds; if (dustTimer < 0) { Animation poof = new Animation(dustEffect, new Vector2(playerRect.X - 30, playerRect.Y + playerRect.Height - 16), 20f, 6, aniList, directionFacing); dustTimer = TRAILTIMER; } } if (deathTimer < -1) { blinkJuice -= (float)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds; if (blinkJuice <= 0) { blinkJuice = 0; Boolean blocked = inPlayer(); if (!blocked) { blocked = inWall(); } if (!blocked) { blinked = false; curMultiplier = 1f; Unblink_Sound.Play(); blinkCoolDown = BLINKCOOL; stunTimer = STUNTIME; deathTimer = -2; } else { deathTimer = DEATHTIMER; } } } else { deathTimer -= (float)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds; if (deathTimer <= 0) { setDead(true, null, "EXPIRE"); blinked = false; Unblink_Sound.Play(); curMultiplier = 1f; } } } else { if (blinkJuice < MAXBLINKJUICE) { blinkJuice += (float)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds; if (blinkJuice > MAXBLINKJUICE) { blinkJuice = MAXBLINKJUICE; } } } if (blinkCoolDown > 0) { blinkCoolDown -= (float)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds; } if (stunTimer > 0) { stunTimer -= (float)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds; } //Blink if ((input.IsKeyDown(Keys.LeftAlt) || padState.IsButtonDown(Buttons.LeftShoulder)) && !blinkKeyDown && !blinkBlocked) { blink(); } else if (blinkKeyDown && (input.IsKeyUp(Keys.LeftAlt) && padState.IsButtonUp(Buttons.LeftShoulder))) { blinkKeyDown = false; } // Use Powerup if (inventory != PowerupEnum.none && (padState.IsButtonDown(Buttons.Y) || input.IsKeyDown(Keys.C)) && !dead) { //Use powerup here ! switch (inventory) { case PowerupEnum.spearCatch: spearCatch = true; break; case PowerupEnum.shield: shield = true; break; case PowerupEnum.bombSpear: //not fully bombSpear = true; break; case PowerupEnum.backupSpear: backupSpear = true; break; case PowerupEnum.unblinker: unblinkEveryone((float)gameTime.TotalGameTime.TotalSeconds); break; } inventory = PowerupEnum.none; } //Implicit Aim if (padState.ThumbSticks.Left.Length() > 0.85f) { spearVector = padState.ThumbSticks.Left; } bool moveEnd = moving; moving = false; //Are we aiming? if ((!(padState.IsButtonDown(Buttons.B)) && !(padState.IsButtonDown(Buttons.X))) || !hasSpear) { //Horizontal movement if ((input.IsKeyDown(Keys.Right) || padState.IsButtonDown(Buttons.LeftThumbstickRight)) && !dead && !victory && stunTimer <= 0) { next(); moving = true; if (velocity.X < ACC_CAP * curMultiplier) { velocity.X += SPEED * curMultiplier; if (velocity.X < -SPEED) { velocity.X += SPEED * curMultiplier / 2; } } } else if ((input.IsKeyDown(Keys.Left) || padState.IsButtonDown(Buttons.LeftThumbstickLeft)) && !dead && !victory && stunTimer <= 0) { next(); moving = true; if (velocity.X > -ACC_CAP * curMultiplier) { velocity.X -= SPEED * curMultiplier; if (velocity.X > SPEED) { velocity.X -= SPEED * curMultiplier / 2; } } } if (moveEnd && !moving) { curFrame = 0; nextFrame = frameLength; } //Initiating a melee attack! if (attackKeyDown && spear != null) { spear.isInUse = true; //animate attack attackFrameWait = attackAnimationFrames; attackType = 0; attackKeyDown = false; } //Initiating a thrown attack! else if (throwKeyDown && spear != null) { throwKeyDown = false; spear.setThrownBy(this); spear.throwSpear(); } } else { if (padState.IsButtonDown(Buttons.B)) { attackKeyDown = true; } if (padState.IsButtonDown(Buttons.X)) { throwKeyDown = true; } if (padState.ThumbSticks.Left.Length() > 0.85f) { directionFacing = VectorMath.rotationFromVector(spearVector) > Math.PI || VectorMath.rotationFromVector(spearVector) < 0 ? 0 : 1; } } //Friction if (velocity.X != 0 && !padState.IsButtonDown(Buttons.LeftThumbstickRight) && !padState.IsButtonDown(Buttons.LeftThumbstickLeft) && !input.IsKeyDown(Keys.Left) && !input.IsKeyDown(Keys.Right)) { float fric = curFriction; if (!atRest) { fric = airFriction; } if (velocity.X < 0) { if (velocity.X > -fric) { velocity.X = 0; } else { velocity.X += fric; } } else { if (velocity.X < fric) { velocity.X = 0; } else { velocity.X -= fric; } } } if (victory) { if (atRest && !dead) { velocity.Y -= (JUMP / 2); atRest = false; } } else { //Jump if ((input.IsKeyDown(Keys.LeftControl) || padState.IsButtonDown(Buttons.A) || bounce) && atRest && !dead && stunTimer <= 0) { velocity.Y -= JUMP * curMultiplier; atRest = false; Jump_Sound.Play(); } } //Velocity applications int footing = arena.checkFooting(new Vector2(playerRect.X, playerRect.Y)); if ((atRest && footing < 10) || (atRest && footing >= 20 && blinked)) { atRest = false; } if (footing == 11 || footing == 21) { curFriction = iceFriction; SPEED = ICESPEED; } else { curFriction = groundFriction; SPEED = GROUNDSPEED; } applyMove(velocity.X < 0, velocity.Y < 0); //Is there an attack animation in progress? if (attackFrameWait > 0) { //Melee? if (attackType == 0 && spear != null) { spear.meleeCheck(attackFrameWait); } attackFrameWait--; } else if (spear != null && spear.isInUse) { spear.isInUse = false; } blockDataUpdate(); // Look for power up if (inventory == PowerupEnum.none) { inventory = arena.checkPowerup(playerRect); } arena.updatePowerup(gameTime); //give spear if not holding one and player has backupspear effect if (backupSpear && !hasSpear) { backupSpear = false; SpearClass s = new SpearClass(this, StateGame.spearSprite, SCREENSIZE, arena, players); s.Throw_Sound = StateGame.Throw_Sound.CreateInstance(); s.Hit_Player_Sound = StateGame.Hit_Player_Sound.CreateInstance(); s.Hit_Wall_Sound = StateGame.Hit_Wall_Sound.CreateInstance(); s.Stab_Sound = StateGame.Stab_Sound.CreateInstance(); StateGame.spears.Add(s); } //Gravity if (!atRest && velocity.Y < TERMINAL_V) { velocity.Y += GRAVITY; } //Check whether player is moving left/right if (velocity.X > 0) { directionFacing = 1; } else if (velocity.X < 0) { directionFacing = 0; } }