예제 #1
        // the final result which we use when testing
        public ActionToTake GetActionForHand(Hand hand, Card dealerUpcard)
            if (hand.HandValue() >= 21)

            var upcardIndex = IndexFromRank(dealerUpcard.Rank);

            if (hand.IsPair())
                var pairIndex = IndexFromRank(hand.Cards[0].Rank);
                return(pairsStrategy[upcardIndex, pairIndex]);

            if (hand.HasSoftAce())
                // we want the total other than the high ace
                int howManyAces = hand.Cards.Count(c => c.Rank == Card.Ranks.Ace);
                int total       = hand.Cards
                                  .Where(c => c.Rank != Card.Ranks.Ace)
                                  .Sum(c => c.RankValueHigh) +
                                  (howManyAces - 1);

                return(softStrategy[upcardIndex, total]);

            return(hardStrategy[upcardIndex, hand.HandValue()]);
예제 #2
        // each candidate gets evaluated here
        private float EvaluateCandidate(CandidateSolution <bool, ProblemState> candidate)
            int playerChips = 0;

            for (int handNum = 0; handNum < TestConditions.NumHandsToPlay; handNum++)
                // for each hand, we generate a random deck.  Blackjack is often played with multiple decks to improve the house edge
                MultiDeck deck = new MultiDeck(TestConditions.NumDecks);
                // always use the designated dealer upcard (of hearts), so we need to remove from the deck so it doesn't get used twice
                deck.RemoveCard(dealerUpcardRank, "H");

                Hand dealerHand = new Hand();
                Hand playerHand = new Hand();
                dealerHand.AddCard(new Card(dealerUpcardRank, "H"));

                // save the cards in state, and reset the votes for this hand

                // do the intial wager
                int totalBetAmount = TestConditions.BetSize;
                playerChips -= TestConditions.BetSize;

                // outer loop is for each hand the player holds.  Obviously this only happens when they've split a hand
                for (int handIndex = 0; handIndex < candidate.StateData.PlayerHands.Count; handIndex++)
                    candidate.StateData.HandIndex = handIndex;
                    playerHand = candidate.StateData.PlayerHand; // gets the current hand, based on index

                    // loop until the hand is done
                    var currentHandState = TestConditions.GameState.PlayerDrawing;

                    // check for player having a blackjack, which is an instant win
                    if (playerHand.HandValue() == 21)
                        // if the dealer also has 21, then it's a tie
                        if (dealerHand.HandValue() != 21)
                            currentHandState = TestConditions.GameState.PlayerBlackjack;
                            playerChips     += TestConditions.BlackjackPayoffSize;
                            // a tie means we just ignore it and drop through
                            currentHandState = TestConditions.GameState.HandComparison;

                    // check for dealer having blackjack, which is either instant loss or tie
                    if (dealerHand.HandValue() == 21)
                        currentHandState = TestConditions.GameState.HandComparison;

                    // player draws
                    while (currentHandState == TestConditions.GameState.PlayerDrawing)
                        // get the decision
                        candidate.StateData.VotesForDoubleDown = 0;
                        candidate.StateData.VotesForHit        = 0;
                        candidate.StateData.VotesForStand      = 0;
                        candidate.StateData.VotesForSplit      = 0;
                        candidate.Evaluate();   // throw away the result, because it's meaningless

                        // look at the votes to see what to do
                        var action = GetAction(candidate.StateData);

                        // if there's an attempt to double-down with more than 2 cards, turn into a hit
                        if (action == ActionToTake.Double && playerHand.Cards.Count > 2)
                            action = ActionToTake.Hit;

                        // if we're trying to split, but don't have a pair, turn that into a stand?
                        if (action == ActionToTake.Split && !playerHand.IsPair())
                            Debug.Assert(false, "Vote for split without a pair");

                        switch (action)
                        case ActionToTake.Hit:
                            // hit me
                            // if we're at 21, we're done
                            if (playerHand.HandValue() == 21)
                                currentHandState = TestConditions.GameState.DealerDrawing;
                            // did we bust?
                            if (playerHand.HandValue() > 21)
                                currentHandState = TestConditions.GameState.PlayerBusted;

                        case ActionToTake.Stand:
                            // if player stands, it's the dealer's turn to draw
                            currentHandState = TestConditions.GameState.DealerDrawing;

                        case ActionToTake.Double:
                            // double down means bet another chip, and get one and only card card
                            playerChips    -= TestConditions.BetSize;
                            totalBetAmount += TestConditions.BetSize;
                            if (playerHand.HandValue() > 21)
                                currentHandState = TestConditions.GameState.PlayerBusted;
                                currentHandState = TestConditions.GameState.DealerDrawing;

                        case ActionToTake.Split:
                            // do the split and add the hand to our collection
                            var newHand = new Hand();
                            playerHand.Cards[1] = deck.DealCard();

                            //Debug.WriteLine("TID " + AppDomain.GetCurrentThreadId() + " " +
                            //    "is splitting and has " + candidate.StateData.PlayerHands.Count + " hands");
                            Debug.Assert(candidate.StateData.PlayerHands.Count < 5, "Too many hands for player");

                            // our extra bet
                            playerChips -= TestConditions.BetSize;
                            // we don't adjust totalBetAmount because each bet pays off individually, so the total is right
                            //totalBetAmount += TestConditions.BetSize;

                    // if the player busted, nothing to do, since chips have already been consumed.  Just go on to the next hand
                    // on the other hand, if the player hasn't busted, then we need to play the hand for the dealer
                    while (currentHandState == TestConditions.GameState.DealerDrawing)
                        // if player didn't bust or blackjack, dealer hits until they have 17+ (hits on soft 17)
                        if (dealerHand.HandValue() < 17)
                            if (dealerHand.HandValue() > 21)
                                currentHandState = TestConditions.GameState.DealerBusted;
                                playerChips     += totalBetAmount * 2; // the original bet and a matching amount
                            // dealer hand is 17+, so we're done
                            currentHandState = TestConditions.GameState.HandComparison;

                    if (currentHandState == TestConditions.GameState.HandComparison)
                        int playerHandValue = playerHand.HandValue();
                        int dealerHandValue = dealerHand.HandValue();

                        // if it's a tie, give the player his bet back
                        if (playerHandValue == dealerHandValue)
                            playerChips += totalBetAmount;
                            if (playerHandValue > dealerHandValue)
                                // player won
                                playerChips += totalBetAmount * 2;  // the original bet and a matching amount
                                // player lost, nothing to do since the chips have already been decremented
