static void Main(string[] args) { Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; Console.Clear(); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black; //inver color scheme Console.OutputEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8; //needed for euro symbol Console.Write("Please enter desired player balance: €"); Bank bank = new Bank(Console.ReadLine()); //give the player a bank balance to play with Console.WriteLine(); string menuInput; while (bank.Balance > 0) //we'll play until the player is broke or quits { Deck MyDeck = new Deck(); //deck of 52 cards using my class. Hand myHand = new Hand(); //players hand Hand dealerHand = new Hand(); //dealers hand int cardCount = 1; //tells my list what card is next int bet = 0; //reset my bet to 0 Console.WriteLine("*****NEW HAND*****"); Console.WriteLine("*****DEALER STANDS ON SOFT 17*****"); //means dealer sticks on 17 whether holding an ace or not. bank.DisplayBalance(); do { bet = Bet(); if (bet > bank.Balance) { Console.WriteLine("Can't bet more than balance"); } } while (bet > bank.Balance); //loop to get a bet amount less than bank Console.WriteLine(); Card.DealCard(MyDeck.ShuffledDeck[0]); myHand.AddCards(MyDeck.ShuffledDeck[0]); Card.DealCard(MyDeck.ShuffledDeck[1]); myHand.AddCards(MyDeck.ShuffledDeck[1]); myHand.DisplayValue(); //deal 2 cards to player, add them to hand value, then display value. while (myHand.HandValue < 21) //player can twist until he hits 21 or goes bust. { bool twist = StickOrTwist(ref cardCount); //bool stick or twist. cardcount increases with each twist to keep my place in the deck. if (twist == true) { Card.DealCard(MyDeck.ShuffledDeck[cardCount]); myHand.AddCards(MyDeck.ShuffledDeck[cardCount]); myHand.DisplayValue(); //deal 1 card to player, add them to hand value, then display value - takes into account if hand has ace. } else { break; //when twist == false - BREAK out of while loop. } } Console.WriteLine(); if (myHand.FinalScore() > 21) { Console.WriteLine("Player Busts - Dealer Wins"); //end the hand if player has bust. Console.WriteLine("Dealer wins - (Bank -€" + bet + ")"); bank.Balance = bank.Balance - bet; Console.WriteLine("New Bank Balance: €" + bank.Balance); //display new balance. } else //if the players hasn't plays { Console.WriteLine("Dealer's Hand"); cardCount++; Card.DealCard(MyDeck.ShuffledDeck[cardCount]); dealerHand.AddCards(MyDeck.ShuffledDeck[cardCount]); cardCount++; Card.DealCard(MyDeck.ShuffledDeck[cardCount]); dealerHand.AddCards(MyDeck.ShuffledDeck[cardCount]); dealerHand.DisplayValue(); //deal next two cards in the deck to dealer, add to his handvalue and display. while (dealerHand.FinalScore() < 17) //dealer keeps hitting until he's 17 or more, my method checks for ace. { cardCount++; Card.DealCard(MyDeck.ShuffledDeck[cardCount]); dealerHand.AddCards(MyDeck.ShuffledDeck[cardCount]); dealerHand.DisplayValue(); if (dealerHand.HandValue > 21) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Dealer Busts - Player Wins"); //if dealer busts player wins. Console.WriteLine("Player wins - (Bank +€" + bet + ")"); bank.Balance = bank.Balance + bet; Console.WriteLine("New Bank Balance: €" + bank.Balance); //dis[lay new balance } } } Console.WriteLine(); if (myHand.FinalScore() < 22 && dealerHand.FinalScore() < 22) { Hand.CalculateWinner(myHand.FinalScore(), dealerHand.FinalScore(), ref bank.Balance, bet); //displays who won if neither player busts. } Console.WriteLine(); menuInput = Menu(); //menu on finishing hand. checks what players wants to do. if (menuInput == "X") //quit { break; } if (menuInput == "D") //prints remainding cards in deck to the screen. { Console.WriteLine(); MyDeck.PrintRemainderOfShuffledDeck(cardCount); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Press Any key to play again"); Console.ReadKey(); Console.Clear(); } if (menuInput == "P") //play again { Console.Clear(); } } }