public static void Main(string[] args) { using (var nav = new Navigator ()) using (var ctx = new Context ()) using (var win = new Window (ctx)) { win.Usage = Usage.SCREEN_USAGE_NATIVE; win.AddBuffers (2); var bufs = win.Buffers; var pic = bufs[0]; var brush = bufs[1]; pic.Fill (0xffff0000); brush.Fill (0xff000000); win.Render (pic); //nav.OnSwipeDown = () => Dialog.Alert ("#MonoBerry", "Another Event Loop", new Button ("Ack")); ctx.OnFingerTouch = (x,y) => { pic.Blit (brush, 0, 0, 10, 10, Math.Max (x - 5, 0), Math.Max (y - 5, 0)); win.Render (pic); }; ctx.OnFingerMove = ctx.OnFingerTouch; ctx.OnFingerRelease = ctx.OnFingerTouch; PlatformServices.Run (); } }
public static void Main(string[] args) { using (var nav = new Navigator ()) using (var ctx = new Context ()) using (var win = new Window (ctx, WindowType.SCREEN_APPLICATION_WINDOW)) { win.AddBuffers (10); win.Identifier = "bla"; var r = new Random(); foreach (var b in win.Buffers) { b.Fill (r.Next ()); win.Render (b); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep (200); } //nav.AddUri ("", "Browser", "default", ""); //nav.AddUri ("", "Messages", "default", "messages://"); //return; var run = true; while (run) { Dialog.Alert ("CLOSE ME!", "jpo1jo1j1oj1oj1", //new Button ("Timer", Timer), //new Button ("Camera", Cam), //new Button ("Messages", () => nav.Invoke ("messages://")), new Button ("Badge", () => nav.HasBadge = true), new Button ("Browser", () => nav.Invoke ("")), new Button ("Close", () => run = false)); } } }
//public Window () : this (Context.GetInstance (ContextType.Application)) {} //public Window (WindowType type) : this (Context.GetInstance (ContextType.Application), type) {} public Window(Context ctx, WindowType type = WindowType.SCREEN_APPLICATION_WINDOW) { context = ctx; if (screen_create_window_type (out handle, ctx.Handle, type) != 0) { throw new Exception ("Unable to create window"); } if (type != WindowType.SCREEN_APPLICATION_WINDOW && type != WindowType.SCREEN_CHILD_WINDOW) { return; } if (screen_create_window_group (handle, handle.ToString ()) != 0) { throw new Exception ("Unable to create window group"); } context.RegisterWindow (this); }
public Buffer(Context ctx, IntPtr buf) { context = ctx; buffer = buf; }
public Buffer(Context ctx, Window win, IntPtr hndl) { context = ctx; window = win; handle = hndl; }
public Window(Context ctx, IntPtr hnd) { context = ctx; handle = hnd; }
public static Context GetInstance(ContextType type) { lock (typeof (Context)) { Context ctx; if (!instances.TryGetValue (type, out ctx)) { ctx = new Context (type); instances.Add (type, ctx); } return ctx; } }