public void InitTaskInfo(int taskId, int times, int mathches) { sTaskId = taskId; sTimes = times; sMathches = mathches; data = ConfigReader.GetGuideHelpInfo(sTaskId); switch (taskId) { case 20001: //cp enough to buy curCheckBase = new SecondaryTaskCpEnoughCheck(); break; case 20002: //hp less back to city curCheckBase = new SecondaryTaskHpLessCheck(); break; case 20003: curCheckBase = new SecondaryTaskFullFuryCheck(); break; case 20004: curCheckBase = new SecondaryTaskOpenShopCheck(); break; default: GameMethod.DebugError("Secondary task not define"); break; } if (curCheckBase != null) { curCheckBase.OnEnter(this); } }
public void Clean() { sTaskId = 0; sTimes = 0; sMathches = 0; data = null; isFinish = false; if (taskEffect != null) { taskEffect.OnEnd(); } taskEffect = null; if (curCheckBase != null) { curCheckBase.OnEnd(); } curCheckBase = null; }