private XmlElement GetStepAttributeNode(XmlDocument xd, XmlElement stepNode, StepAttribute sa, int number) { String[] names = sa.Name.Split('/'); int num = 1; XmlElement stepParentNode = stepNode; XmlElement stepChildNode; for (int i = 0; i <= names.Length - 2; i++) { if (i == names.Length - 2) { num = number; } if (stepParentNode.GetElementsByTagName(names[i]).Count < num) { stepChildNode = xd.CreateElement(names[i]); stepParentNode.AppendChild(stepChildNode); } else { stepChildNode = (XmlElement)stepParentNode.GetElementsByTagName(names[i])[num - 1]; } stepParentNode = stepChildNode; } return(stepParentNode); }
private void SetAttributeValue(XmlNode stepNode, StepAttribute sa) { sa.Val = ""; String[] names = sa.Name.Split('/'); XmlElement stepParentNode = (XmlElement)stepNode; for (int i = 0; i <= names.Length - 2; i++) { if (stepParentNode.GetElementsByTagName(names[i]).Count > 0) { stepParentNode = (XmlElement)stepParentNode.GetElementsByTagName(names[i])[0]; } } if (names[names.Length - 1].Contains("@")) { if (names.Length > 1) { XmlNodeList nl = ((XmlElement)stepParentNode.ParentNode).GetElementsByTagName(names[names.Length - 2]); foreach (XmlNode xn in nl) { sa.Val = sa.Val + ((XmlElement)xn).GetAttribute(names[names.Length - 1].Replace("@", "")) + ";;"; } sa.Val = sa.Val.Trim(';'); } else { sa.Val = "" + stepParentNode.GetAttribute(names[0].Replace("@", "")); } } else { XmlNodeList nl = stepParentNode.GetElementsByTagName(names[names.Length - 1]); foreach (XmlNode xn in nl) { if (((XmlElement)xn).HasAttribute("takeFromCtx")) { sa.Val = sa.Val + "takeFromCtx=" + ((XmlElement)xn).GetAttribute("takeFromCtx") + ";;"; } else { sa.Val = sa.Val + ((XmlElement)xn).InnerXml.Trim() + ";;"; } } sa.Val = sa.Val.Trim(';'); } }
private Step AddNonGUISteps() { Step s1 = new Step(); s1.Name = "*NonGUITestStep"; s1.Sample = ""; s1.Desc = "Use this test step to create your test step using xml by ignoring the GUI."; s1.Cat = StepCategory.TestStep; s1.StepAttributes = new Dictionary <string, StepAttribute>(); StepAttribute sa1 = new StepAttribute(); sa1.Name = "TestCaseXml"; sa1.Desc = "Test case xml including the testcase node and all context & validation steps"; sa1.Props = ""; sa1.Val = ""; s1.StepAttributes.Add(sa1.Name, sa1); return(s1); }
public static Step Copy(Step s) { Step s1 = new Step(); s1.Name = s.Name; s1.Desc = s.Desc; s1.Cat =; s1.Sample = s.Sample; s1.AssemblyName = s.AssemblyName; s1.StepAttributes = new Dictionary <string, StepAttribute>(); Dictionary <string, StepAttribute> .Enumerator enumerator = s.StepAttributes.GetEnumerator(); while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { StepAttribute sa = new StepAttribute(); sa.Desc = enumerator.Current.Value.Desc; sa.Name = enumerator.Current.Value.Name; sa.Props = enumerator.Current.Value.Props; sa.Val = enumerator.Current.Value.Val; s1.StepAttributes.Add(sa.Name, sa); } return(s1); }
public void Load() { steps = new Dictionary <string, Step>(); string[] strFiles = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(System.Windows.Forms.Application.StartupPath + "\\Metadata"); foreach (string xmlFile in strFiles) { try { processingState = "Loading the documentation file: " + xmlFile; XmlDocument xd = new XmlDocument(); xd.Load(xmlFile); String assemblyName = xd.GetElementsByTagName("assembly")[0].FirstChild.InnerText + ".dll"; processingState = "Checking for members element: " + xmlFile; XmlNodeList membersNode = xd.GetElementsByTagName("members")[0].ChildNodes; if (membersNode.Count < 1) { throw new Exception("No members node found"); } foreach (XmlNode memberNode in membersNode) { processingState = "Checking for proper member element: " + xmlFile; if (!(memberNode is XmlElement)) { continue; } Step s = new Step(); s.Name = ((XmlElement)memberNode).GetAttribute("name"); if (!s.Name.StartsWith("T:")) { continue; } if (s.Name.Contains("ContextLoader")) { s.Cat = StepCategory.ContextLoader; } else if (s.Name.Contains("ValidationStep")) { s.Cat = StepCategory.ValidationStep; } else { s.Cat = StepCategory.TestStep; } s.AssemblyName = assemblyName; s.Desc = ((XmlElement)memberNode).GetElementsByTagName("summary")[0].InnerText.Trim(); s.StepAttributes = new Dictionary <string, StepAttribute>(); StepAttribute sa; processingState = "Checking for items element inside remarks/list element in member: " + s.Name; XmlNodeList itemsNode = null; try { s.Sample = ((XmlElement)((XmlElement)memberNode).GetElementsByTagName("remarks")[0]).GetElementsByTagName("code")[0].InnerXml; XmlNode listNode = ((XmlElement)((XmlElement)memberNode).GetElementsByTagName("remarks")[0]).GetElementsByTagName("list")[0]; itemsNode = ((XmlElement)listNode).GetElementsByTagName("item"); } catch (Exception) { } if (itemsNode == null) { continue; } if (itemsNode.Count < 1) { throw new Exception("No items node found"); } foreach (XmlNode itemNode in itemsNode) { sa = new StepAttribute(); processingState = "Getting item details in member: " + s.Name; sa.Name = ((XmlElement)itemNode).GetElementsByTagName("term")[0].InnerText; sa.Desc = ((XmlElement)itemNode).GetElementsByTagName("description")[0].InnerText; sa.Props = ""; if (((XmlElement)itemNode).GetElementsByTagName("description")[0].InnerText.ToLower().Contains("(repeating)")) { sa.Props = sa.Props + "repeating,"; } if (((XmlElement)itemNode).GetElementsByTagName("description")[0].InnerText.ToLower().Contains("(one or more)")) { sa.Props = sa.Props + "one or more,"; } if (((XmlElement)itemNode).GetElementsByTagName("description")[0].InnerText.ToLower().Contains("(optional)")) { sa.Props = sa.Props + "optional"; } if (sa.Props == "") { sa.Props = "required"; } else { sa.Props = sa.Props.Trim(','); } try { s.StepAttributes.Add(sa.Name, sa); } catch (Exception) { } } sa = new StepAttribute(); sa.Name = "@runConcurrently"; sa.Desc = "If true, runs the next test step immediately without waiting for this step to complete. Default is false."; sa.Props = "optional"; s.StepAttributes.Add(sa.Name, sa); sa = new StepAttribute(); sa.Name = "@failOnError"; sa.Desc = "If true, causes the test case to fail if this test step fails. Default is true."; sa.Props = "optional"; s.StepAttributes.Add(sa.Name, sa); steps.Add(s.Name, s); } } catch (Exception e) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Error occured while:\r\n" + processingState + "\r\n\r\n" + "Actual error:\r\n" + e.Message, "Error", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } } Step s1 = AddNonGUISteps(); steps.Add(s1.Name, s1); }