예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads the moose option from the settings XML into an represenative object
        /// </summary>
        private MinerOption LoadMinerOption(XElement optionElement, out string name)
            MinerOption _option = new MinerOption()
                Path           = optionElement.Attribute("path").Value,
                ArgumentFormat = optionElement.Attribute("argumentformat").Value

            if (optionElement.Attribute("arguments") != null)
                _option.Arguments = optionElement.Attribute("arguments").Value;

            name = optionElement.Attribute("name").Value;
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads the settings from the XML file.
        /// </summary>
        public void Load(string p_config_file_name)
            string _localDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(p_config_file_name);

            if (Directory.Exists(_localDirectory))
                if (File.Exists(p_config_file_name))
                    Dictionary <string, MinerOption>  _options = new Dictionary <string, MinerOption>();
                    Dictionary <string, MinerSetting> _miners  = new Dictionary <string, MinerSetting>();

                    XDocument _xdoc = null;
                        _xdoc = XDocument.Load(p_config_file_name);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        throw new ApplicationException("Failed to load settings from XML file. " + ex.Message, ex);

                    //load the defaults
                    bool debugLog = false;
                    if (_xdoc.Root.Element("DebugLogging") != null)
                        debugLog = Convert.ToBoolean(_xdoc.Root.Element("DebugLogging").Value);

                    string defUserName = (from n in _xdoc.Root.Descendants("DefaultUserName")
                                          select n.Value).FirstOrDefault();
                    string defPassword = (from n in _xdoc.Root.Descendants("DefaultPassword")
                                          select n.Value).FirstOrDefault();
                    string defMinerOpt = (from n in _xdoc.Root.Descendants("DefaultMinerOption")
                                          select n.Value).FirstOrDefault();
                    string defPool = (from n in _xdoc.Root.Descendants("DefaultPool")
                                      select n.Value).FirstOrDefault();

                    //load the moose options
                    foreach (var element in _xdoc.Root.Element("MinerOptions").Descendants("MinerOption"))
                        string      name = null;
                        MinerOption opt  = LoadMinerOption(element, out name);
                        if (_options.ContainsKey(name))
                            throw new ApplicationException(String.Format("Duplicate moose option name '{0}' detected. moose names must be unique.", name));
                        _options.Add(name, opt);

                    //load the miners
                    int minerIndex = 1;
                    foreach (var element in _xdoc.Root.Element("Miners").Descendants("Miner"))
                        string       name = null;
                        MinerSetting m    = LoadMiner(element, out name);
                        name       = name ?? String.Format("Miner #{0}", minerIndex);
                        m.UserName = m.UserName ?? defUserName;
                        m.Password = m.Password ?? defPassword;
                        if (_miners.ContainsKey(name))
                            throw new ApplicationException(String.Format("Duplicate moose name '{0}' detected. moose names must be unique.", name));
                        _miners.Add(name, m);

                    //load the pools
                    List <MiningPool> pools = new List <MiningPool>();
                    foreach (var element in _xdoc.Root.Element("Pools").Descendants("Pool"))
                        MiningPool pool = new MiningPool()
                            Name = element.Attribute("name").Value,
                            Host = element.Attribute("host").Value,
                            Port = Convert.ToInt16(element.Attribute("port").Value)
                        if (element.Attribute("website") != null)
                            pool.Website = element.Attribute("website").Value;

                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(defMinerOpt))
                        throw new ApplicationException("The default moose option is not specified in the settings file. It must be named as the value for the 'DefaultMinerOption' element.");

                    foreach (var option in _options)
                        if (File.Exists(option.Value.Path) == false)
                            if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(_localDirectory, option.Value.Path)) == false)
                                throw new ApplicationException(String.Format("Invalid path for moose option '{0}'. The file was not found or is inaccessible.", option.Key));
                                option.Value.Path = Path.Combine(_localDirectory, option.Value.Path); //update path to use combined.
                        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(option.Key))
                            throw new ApplicationException("Invalid name on moose option. All moose options must have a name attribute specified with a unique value.");

                    foreach (var _miner in _miners)
                        if (_options.ContainsKey(_miner.Value.OptionKey) == false)
                            throw new ApplicationException(String.Format("Invalid option value '{1}' on moose '{0}'. The option value must be a name from the available moose options.", _miner.Key, _miner.Value.OptionKey));
                        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(_miner.Key))
                            throw new ApplicationException("Invalid name on moose. All miners must have a name attribute specified with a unique value.");

                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(defPool) == false && pools.Any(a => a.Name == defPool) == false)
                        throw new ApplicationException("The specified default pool does not exist.");

                    //set values
                    this.BitMoosePath       = _localDirectory;
                    this.DebugLogging       = debugLog;
                    this.DefaultUserName    = (defUserName ?? DefaultUserNameValue).Trim();
                    this.DefaultPassword    = (defPassword ?? DefaultPasswordValue).Trim();
                    this.DefaultMinerOption = defMinerOpt;
                    this.DefaultPool        = defPool;
                    this.MinerOptions       = _options;
                    this.Miners             = _miners;
                    this.Pools = pools.ToArray();
                    throw new FileNotFoundException(String.Format("The settings file '{0}' was not found or is inaccessible.", p_config_file_name), p_config_file_name);
                throw new DirectoryNotFoundException(String.Format("The directory path '{0}' was not found or is inaccessible.", _localDirectory));
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads the settings about cpu-miner quark.
        /// </summary>
        public void LoadQuark(string p_localDirectory, bool p_debugLog, int p_priority, string p_defUserName, string p_defPassword, string p_defMinerOpt, string p_defPool, string p_defHost, string p_defArgs, int p_defPort)
            //load the moose options
            Dictionary <string, MinerOption> _options = new Dictionary <string, MinerOption>();
                MinerOption _option = new MinerOption()
                    ArgumentFormat = " -a quark -q --url {host}:{port} -u {username} -p {password} {args}",
                    Arguments      = p_defArgs,
                    Path           = @"packages\qrk\quark.exe"
                _options.Add("quark", _option);

            //load the miners
            Dictionary <string, MinerSetting> _miners = new Dictionary <string, MinerSetting>();
                MinerSetting _miner = new MinerSetting()
                    Pool      = p_defPool,
                    OptionKey = p_defMinerOpt,
                    Arguments = p_defArgs,
                    Host      = p_defHost,
                    Port      = (short)p_defPort,
                    UserName  = p_defUserName,
                    Password  = p_defPassword,
                    Enabled   = true,

                    CrashRecovery = new MinerCrashRecoverySetting()
                        AlternateMiner = "",
                        Interval       = 60,
                        Retries        = 3

                    Logging = new MinerLogSetting()
                        Enabled     = false,
                        MaxFileSize = 1048576

                    Process = new MinerProcessSetting()
                        Priority        = (short)p_priority,
                        CPUAffinity     = "",
                        LoadUserProfile = false,
                        WinDomain       = "",
                        WinUserName     = "",
                        WinPassword     = ""

                    StatusUpdates = false

                _miners.Add("Default", _miner);

            //load the pools
            List <MiningPool> _pools = new List <MiningPool>();

                MiningPool _pool = new MiningPool()
                    Name    = "coinmine",
                    Host    = "qrk.coinmine.pl",
                    Port    = 6010,
                    Website = "http://www2.coinmine.pl/qrk/"

            //set values
            this.BitMoosePath       = p_localDirectory;
            this.DebugLogging       = p_debugLog;
            this.DefaultUserName    = (p_defUserName ?? DefaultUserNameValue).Trim();
            this.DefaultPassword    = (p_defPassword ?? DefaultPasswordValue).Trim();
            this.DefaultMinerOption = p_defMinerOpt;
            this.DefaultPool        = p_defPool;
            this.MinerOptions       = _options;
            this.Miners             = _miners;
            this.Pools = _pools.ToArray();